
Oct 28, 2017
This is why I dropped Fortnite at the end of season 9 and never looked back. I was stressing over a game and the completion OCD inside of me forced me to grind on my days off work to finish the weekly challenges ASAP incase somehow I missed them
Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I'm glad Destiny 2's Battlepass is purely based on XP and not a checklist of things to do (it already has all of that as it is), it also seems like at least for Season Pass owners it's front-loaded with the important stuff.

It's definitely the sort of thing that just turns me off a game unless it's a game I already love and play every day (and there's really only room for one of those games and for me it's Destiny 2). Crash Team Racing took the approach for its post game support and it completely turned me away.


Apr 14, 2018
I dont play games with lootboxes or battle passes and my life so far has been pretty good, but keep doing you playa!

Deleted member 29249

User requested account closure
Nov 1, 2017
What worries me about it in destiny it's it locks some cool stuff away (exotics, armor skins, etc..) and you get exp for it from doing anything. You know what that means on PC, invasion of the bots! Fuck trying to solo que into anything. It's already bad enough as is.


Oct 25, 2017
I rotate between MP games quite frequently so I can't say I care too much for the battle pass system.

Earning stuff by playing is fine but many of these challenges are quite a time sink and it starts to feel like too much of a grind.


Oct 25, 2017
The only Battle Pass I've bought is the RDR2 Outlaw Pass and that hasn't been my experience at all. It simply offered another set rewards for doing what I'd be doing anyway -- and you earn back the 35 Gold it cost by reaching max level, which took less than a week and never felt grindy.


Oct 25, 2017
Both minds on this. I love Fortnites in that you get a lot of value for $10 and it gives you something to do and such. Also, it's great that everything in it is cosmetic. None of it changes the core game at all.

On the other hand, I hate that they are way too grindy if you plan on playing other games as well. Also many of the challenges in Fortnite which unlock the tiers of the Battle Pass are terrible. You're forced to play the game constantly in ways you don't want, just to progress.

On to Destiny...I obviously haven't seen exactly how it works and all yet since it doesn't release until later today, but I do know that you unlock at least one exotic weapon through it immediately. This is not like Fortnite where everything is purely cosmetic. So at first glance that rubs me the wrong way. However, non paying players can still unlock it, but later than paying players (at Tier 35 I believe as opposed to right off the bat for paying players).

Also I believe they've said it takes about 8 hours to gain 10 tiers, so 80 hours of play to get to Tier 100 I guess. Will have to play to see how I feel about that.


Oct 26, 2017
Red dead has the best battle pass. Used the gold I easily earned in game to get it and hit all 70 levels within a week since all you need is 1k xp every level and everything you do gives you that.

I didn't even buy the pass (with the gold I earned in-game in like 1 or 2 days) till I realized I was already at rank 40 or 50.
It took me a grand total of 3 or 4 days of casual play (2-4 hours played every day) to finish the battle pass. I love it so much!


Oct 27, 2017
If a game has had any battle passes and seasons with exclusive content it pretty much means I will not give it a proper chance. If I did end up getting hooked, however unlikely, I would hate that I missed out on content. There's so many interesting and good games out there without passes and such that I never really have to worry about this (frankly very stupid) issue I have.

Actually it extends further than that. If it's an online experience, I will probably skip it or give up quickly after starting unless I was there from day 1. Destiny 2 launches today on Steam but since I haven't played it in couple of years, I'm not going to bother now either. Had I kept playing through the seasons and expansions, I would be very excited for the launch today.

Basically hook me from day 1 or forget about it.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I still love Apex - it's our go-to jam during free time. But must admit even coming towards the end of S2 it started to feel like work. Having a few weeks off after hitting 110 felt like a pleasant break to have more time to play other things. I'm hoping S3 has more interesting ways to level up but I imagine it'll be similar.


Oct 27, 2017
yeah of course - this is the point of GAAS games.

To get you hooked in repetative grinds - like work

The only GAAS i enjoy is Sea of thieves and it also has these kind of grinds (commendations)
However the game is just so varied with so many ways to play so I have yet to actually just grind stuff in it

False Witness

Oct 25, 2017
I love battle passes. You're not supposed to buy every single one out there. It's just a way to add to a game that you're already spending your time on. Hell, I mainly play Fortnite because the game itself is constantly evolving and adding new ingame areas and new items that are accessible to everyone, whether they've paid or not. The cosmetics are just a bonus. I also put a ton of time into Save the World as well, which is like a whole other level of Fortnite. I don't know, I think having kids is what made me like games that are easy to pick up and play and do simple mission like stuff. I've loved "grindy" games where it's about actually playing the game for the gameplay instead of the story. Small goals that can easily be accomplished before or after changing a diaper or making a meal. It's also why I've been loving stuff like Nioh and AC: Odyssey.
Oct 25, 2017
I stopped playing Warframe because of their implementation of a battlepass. To their credit it's free but it also locks some stuff previously obtainable other ways behind it and is the only way now to get some things worth having. I don't like attempts to lock me into a game so I pretty much stopped playing despite my affection for the game. When a game becomes work (Especially timed work like a battlepass) I lose interest very quickly.

I'm in two minds on warframe's take on this. As you say, it locks away stuff that was previously obtainable another way, and that stuff is pretty important to a newer player, but newer players will also probably be gaining levels passively as they do stuff they'd be doing anyway and they no longer have to hope they're playing at the same time as a relevent alert pops up. It's definitely a grind for veterans though, and it being the only way to get umbra forma means you can't just ignore it.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
I really can't understand how people think this is an ok way of making money.

Multiplayer games should create systems that engage players. Well, that system is now SELL to you. They SELL you a reason to keep playing, they don't GIVE you reasons to play so you can give them money in other ways.

I found out this system in Clash Royale. It's shit, and I honestly can't believe how people don't realize they are making you pay for something the game should do on it's own.

Forget about satisfying gameplay loops and systems that rewards you for playing often. You can buy them though. You don't actually buy stuff, you buy a reason to stay playing and playing a lot. Again, something the game should make you want to do it without you spending an aditional dollar, instead offering THINGS to buy as you are already engage in said game.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in two minds on warframe's take on this. As you say, it locks away stuff that was previously obtainable another way, and that stuff is pretty important to a newer player, but newer players will also probably be gaining levels passively as they do stuff they'd be doing anyway and they no longer have to hope they're playing at the same time as a relevent alert pops up. It's definitely a grind for veterans though, and it being the only way to get umbra forma means you can't just ignore it.

Yup. Agree totally. I like that it's free. I love the presentation (The voice actress for Nora does a hell of a job) and to be fair to DE they've been improving the type of tasks you need to do. However it's been inserted into the game essentially as a replacement for the old alerts system and that's where I feel it falls down. As a battlepass I find it one of the better ones. As a replacement for alerts? Nope. Big nope.


Oct 17, 2018
This is why I dropped Fortnite at the end of season 9 and never looked back. I was stressing over a game and the completion OCD inside of me forced me to grind on my days off work to finish the weekly challenges ASAP incase somehow I missed them

This is me too. I do have a bit of an OCD / completionist streak, and these games are designed to exploit people like me.

I used to play WoW and HS a lot, just stopped because the fun ended. I've played Gears 5 because I like the campaigns and Horde mode, but it's BP system is putting me right off.

I was initially interested in Destiny 2 F2P but if it has a BP I won't go near it. I really hope DoomEternal and the next Halo won't add this BP nonsense....


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why devs can't design a battle pass with people who only could grind on weekends, I would feel more motivated to engage on those games if I didn't feel like I have to work for days to reach milestone, leading me to drop their games.

If someone designed these battle pass with that in mind, I would probably play them more, since I wouldn't feel left out


Oct 27, 2017
I always like to say I give things a fair chance and at this point I just hate the concept.

Some are super aggressive and feel like they want to own you soul. Committing time and money to a product just isn't good enough for these companies anymore.


Nov 18, 2017
When the first World of Warcraft expansion came out in 2007 they introduced daily quests. It's been all down hill from there for the rest of the industry in regards to this.


Oct 27, 2017
Same way, and I appreciate how Namco respects my time unlike Capcom and NRS. I'm ok with $30 of DLC a year as long as I can unlock everything by playing normally.

Capcom was worse because it was bait and switch with SFV. If SFVI goes in the same direction, I'm ready and willing to walk away from the series even if the gameplay is good.

Come to think of it, the model Namco uses with their season passes is more like the old-school expansion packs from pre-GaaS days.
Agreed. MK 11 has 50 filler skins per character, and you're forced to play their online tournament, rank up, playing minimum 5 matches per a day to get your rewards, then hopefully rank higher and higher to unlock the better skins in the game..., or buy the skins when they appear on the in game store (which manipulates you to act fast, or miss the opportunity to do so).

Having 5 matches in the tournament per day is nowhere near leveling up the rank (even if you win most fights) to rank up fast enough within the tournament time to earn the cool costumes also.
Further more.. 5 matches take about an hours worth of time, between searching for a game, fighting 3 games (it's tournament rules, 3 round and three matches) and you're doing that 5 times minimum.

If you were seriously trying to get all rewards, you're going to have like 15 matches per day.

That's like 3 hours of every day just to unlock stuff thats already in the game. Life is too short.
Namco knows what's up!


Jan 22, 2019
Yeah I basically stopped playing all battlepass games (Fortnite, Apex) because it started to feel like a job getting all these pointless challenges, I'm still addicted to R6S and I think it's because I actually enjoy the gameplay and the minimal progression system they have, I'm worried the same will happen to it after it's battlepass drops though :/

Deleted member 1726

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure it's cool if all you do is play that one game, but as someone who bounces around games a lot, nothing will turn me off harder.

i agree here!

my time is limited now and I bounce between a lot of games and I find myself being turned off if a game has a battle pass because I know it will be difficult to get my monies worth.

Ive bough the last two Fortnite battle passes but will not buy 11 because I've had enough of the grind and need a break and want to play other games now without fearing I'm going to miss things in fortnite.

Fortnite did improve it in fairness though where awards weren't tied to seasons anymore and just let you unlock them still as long as you reached the required level which was a step in the right direction.
Oct 25, 2017
It's fun and cool if that is the only game you care about, it's the main reason I will ignore any game with that style of mechanic, I am not putting all of my time into one game, hate GaaS.
Dec 4, 2017
It's getting to the point that games are now demanding you to complete your chores rather than let you have fun at your own pace. Can you even play two games like this simultaneously? There is absolutely no way I could fit in a third game like this with yet another Battle Pass with possible time limited challenges. Is this fun any more?
Yep. Forza Horizon 4 is annoying too because while you can do most of the season events in a single day it is not always that I have time to play since I'm almost 30. So one week I may have done everything too fast or I don't have enough time because work and I lose the chance to play on winter.


Oct 25, 2017
I've heard countless people say they would rather have lootboxes back after looking at the Battle Pass in Gears 5.

I honestly unlocked far more cosmetics that I wanted in CoD WWII with loot boxes then I ever did in BO4 with the Battle Pass (which I've completed all but the first and last one).

I don't like loot boxes but damn, when some BP passes are that bad...

Like as crazy as it is to say. Fuck, I'd almost rather Modern Warfare just have loot boxes then a battle pass system.


Oct 27, 2017
Welcome to GaaS. It sucks and yes it feels like work. You have to login regularly to not miss out on stuff/rewards.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i HATE it, i don't like being manipulated into feeling like i have to play your game every day or every week. fuck off with that shit.


Oct 26, 2017
Even pre-battle passes the thing that sucked the most about GAAS games to me was FOMO and not being able to keep up with them when you weren't actively playing them. Battle passes just exacerbate that and on top of that cost the player money usually. That said, if it's a game I'm already playing I like the idea of having a set of micro-objectives to focus on, so I'm for them, as long as there's some kind of free option.

I dunno how they get away with it, but Warframe's take on the BP is kinda nuts. You only have to complete like 60-70% of the stuff in it to get maximum rewards out of it, and it's completely free. There's no paid option whatsoever. It's yet another thing that big publishers are using to nickel and dime players to oblivion and that DE takes and adapts into a super player friendly way to just get free stuff for playing their game.


Prophet of Truth
Mar 6, 2018
If it feels like work, you are doing it wrong. I play Apex because I enjoy playing Apex. The battle pass adds a little extra in that I can gain rewards for playing certain ways. This makes it interesting. But, it's still a game I play for fun. If I am unable or unwilling to grind every week to get max level what's the big deal? I am not going to stress in season 3 when I take a few weeks off to play The Outer Worlds. The battle pass gives me enjoyment and I have paid the developers and publishers of the game a small fee for that enjoyment. That's the way I see it.


Jun 3, 2019
Battle Pass value is insane, even if you're just playing casually. I bought the Apex BP 3 weeks ago, made it to level 40 in a few days and then stopped playing the game. Of course I did not reached the max level on the BP, but it was definitely worth the price I paid.


Oct 25, 2017
i HATE it, i don't like being manipulated into feeling like i have to play your game every day or every week. fuck off with that shit.
I have difficulty understanding why people feel this way. You don't have to play anything if you don't want to. I think many stress out a little too much when it comes to in-game cosmetics. If battle passes are offering something completely different that give you tangible advantages in multiplayer games, then that's a little different. I will never stress myself over a costume.
Nov 1, 2017
FL, United States
I can't even relate to current MP games anymore since I stopped playing them years ago. Single player, story-driven games have always been my chief interest but the more intense multiplayer leveling gimmicks become the less I feel the need to play them. Also, I can play games uninterrupted for hours, but the moment I start anything online something immediately requires my attention. It's like clockwork. Check my record and I'll look like the worst rage-quitter around. Who knows what kind of pathetic servers I've been relegated to in Gears 5.


Oct 25, 2017
I certainly feel and tell myself that I need to gain an XP level every day in Rocket League this season to get to where I want to. It 100% feels like an obligation now and I am having less fun with the game because of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure it's cool if all you do is play that one game, but as someone who bounces around games a lot, nothing will turn me off harder.
Well it is basically them trying to get you to focus your attention on that one game. But yeah not my thing either since I like to play a variety of stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, SC
I don't know why devs can't design a battle pass with people who only could grind on weekends, I would feel more motivated to engage on those games if I didn't feel like I have to work for days to reach milestone, leading me to drop their games.

If someone designed these battle pass with that in mind, I would probably play them more, since I wouldn't feel left out

Because then you might have time to play other game and potentially spend money there instead of in this game. Ultimately, service games are not fighting for your money directly, they're fighting for your time and focus.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Yup. When Fortnite introduced me to the Battle Pass system I enjoyed it. Play the game, get rewarded with cosmetics, sounds great. But the fact that Battle Passes are only available for a limited time combined with the fact that more and more games are introducing them just makes it worse and worse. Black Ops 4 also has a Battle Pass like system called the Contraband Stream, and for the past few months I played the game at least once a day even if I didn't feel like it just so I could get my daily progression bonus so I could make it all the way to the end. At this stage it just feels like games are punishing me by completely locking content away if I don't play regularly. If you're gonna do a Battle Pass that's fine by me, but at least once the new season starts give me a way to unlock the content I missed out on earlier.


Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy having structure and tasks in games. If you don't like having to complete the battle pass, why not just ignore it and play the game however and whenever you like? I'm having trouble seeing the downside.
Feb 24, 2018
Agreed, one of the reasons I just stopped with games like those but so worried that single player games will try, Hitman 2016 and 2 are already flirting with the idea with their "Elusive Contacts) (was so gutted when I realized Sean Bean was long gone when I played the game) and I'm really worried Pokemon will do it for the main series... The series that helped popularize "event exclusives".

And Capcom... Given the state their fighting games are in, them trying a Battle Pass.... Or how they'd likely call it a "Fighting Pass" wouldn't surprise me. Fighting games are me go to stess release games, them all added crap like this would help ruin it.


Oct 27, 2017
Worst part about Battle Passes, or at least some of them, is that they put expiration date on game's content. Trying to FOMO-bait me to play their garbage game (any game using such loathsome manipulative tactics is garbage). Latest trend in this area are the special events lasting week-two. Absolute garbage. I'm avoiding any gaas game like plague for many reasons, but this is one of the worst.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, this was the final nail on the coffin of Destiny for me, unfortunately. I got the free battle pass fortnite gave out a few seasons ago and have "earned" enough currency for each pass since. This most recent one was when I realized I kind of hated the system. Even when it's just cosmetics, there's a level of FOMO there. Epic has been pretty good about placing the most desirable skin at level 100, and I've never made it there.

With Destiny, it's a result of fatigue from being a hardcore player and frustration with the system. I bought the most recent season pass and wasn't incredibly impressed by it. Apart from an exotic mission here or there my playtime plummeted. While I have faith in the team at Bungie, I just can't justify the new season pass. If the offerings are as sparse as what we just went through combined with a battle pass system, it'll just lead me to frustration.

I think it's a great concept if you have one game you play all the time, but I just have no idea how sustainable that is. Clearly it works for the games that have implemented it, but I just don't want to play one game and that's it.
Feb 24, 2018
I enjoy having structure and tasks in games. If you don't like having to complete the battle pass, why not just ignore it and play the game however and whenever you like? I'm having trouble seeing the downside.
Using Fortnite as the example, it's large combination of FOMO, peer pressure, especially with younger players, people wanting those cosmetics but not wanting to play in such a limited time, turning games from fun to work and making it harder to take breaks and company manipulation.


Oct 27, 2017
In destiny, you get xp toward the pass by doing anything so I'm cool with it. Requirements dont seem ridiculous either to get to rank 100


Oct 25, 2017
The worst is BP that require you play as you wouldn't normally to get challenges done. The best BP are ones you just level as you naturally play. Hell, for all of the bad parts of BO4. I appreciate that you level the BP by just playing. The closest thing it has to a BP challenge is the Zombie mode skip and even that is just, "Get to Round 20 on X Map" so it doesn't make you play in any specific way (although it used to).

The Irony is that I spent way more time playing WWII, that had loot boxes then I ever did playing BO4. Cause BO4 just felt like a horrible grind still. Whereas with WWII for all it's faults I felt was fairly player friendly.


Oct 31, 2017
MAU... Engagement etc...

You don't have to enjoy it, you just have play the game and spend the money...

Enjoyment is a secondary concern if the money rolls in..

This is why I don't touch GaaS


Oct 25, 2017
Using Fortnite as the example, it's large combination of FOMO, peer pressure, especially with younger players, people wanting those cosmetics but not wanting to play in such a limited time, turning games from fun to work and making it harder to take breaks and company manipulation.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but this is silly. If you don't want to do the battle pass, just don't do it.

Would it help if they added an option to hide the battlepass? Or would knowing the option to turn it on exists drive you crazy too? Why punish everyone for something you don't want to do?


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny, I stopped playing sfv soon after they added the daily challenges. I think it started feeling like I was doing something wrong by not engaging with them.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but this is silly. If you don't want to do the battle pass, just don't do it.

Would it help if they added an option to hide the battlepass? Or would knowing the option to turn it on exists drive you crazy too? Why punish everyone for something you don't want to do?

You can't play Fortnite: Battle Royale without engaging in the Battle Pass. Like almost every Battle Pass there is a free tranche and a paid tranche.


Oct 25, 2017
Omaha, NE
I feel the same way. I just dismiss them as being there for the hardcore players of that game. I prefer to hop around so I'm ok not worrying about the pass in games like Fortnite, Rocket League, Gears 5, Destiny, Apex, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely the feeling I had in Magic Arena the last season. Haven't bought the new season pass, and don't plan to