
Nov 1, 2017
I feel like I'm on crazy pills because I found WW boring. It started out ok but by the end I just didn't give a damn. The ending fight was so damn cliche too

You have to realize what we're comparing it to as well.

Personally, I really enjoyed everything on the island. The fish-out-of-water bits were also entertaining, though I've seen complaints from people saying they were too political/leftist. Which made me like them all the more. :) When she actually suits up and starts smashing through enemies and buildings, I was fully on board and saying "holy shit" on more than one occasion.

The final fight was pretty bland, but after enjoying so much of the movie, I was able to forgive it.


Nov 1, 2017
90 percent of superhero movies have really mediocre third acts, so that sounds like an improvement to me imo

I can get behind this.

I think we're still acting too much like MOST super hero movies have ever been anything other than fun escapes with characters we like spending time with, and bad guys we want to punch in the face. Not to be too reductionist about it, but...that's how I feel at this point.

P.S. Daredevil is the best comic book media property out there, on big screen or small screen. :D Deadpool is probably my fave big screen character.


Oct 26, 2017
Sounds like the same 1st reaction for Suicide Squad.

Hope this will be DCEU's first good movie.


Oct 25, 2017
This is why you give your universe to talented directors to do what they want with the material instead of, well.

Zach Snyder.

Too late to save it now, but glad the movie seems like it's good.


Oct 27, 2017
Glad that it seems to be good. DC could have had this type of success all along if they had placed faith in talented directors whose vision goes beyond po-faced visuals.


Oct 26, 2017
DC has let me down one time too many. Gonna wait this one out.
This is why you give your universe to talented directors to do what they want with the material instead of, well.

Zach Snyder.

Too late to save it now, but glad the movie seems like it's good.

Sometimes it comes off like y'all don't enjoy movies so much as being concerned about the state of a franchise. A good movie is a good movie. It's not that complicated.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing I love about this Momoa casting is that it feels like they literally threw your average metalhead into a sci fi epic as the lead hero

Kinda like that Brutal Legend game in a way.

Plus the trailers underwater scenes remind me of the over the top cg designs of Lucas' Star Wars prequels for better or for worse


Oct 25, 2017
Glad it seems to be doing well but I won't be subjecting myself to anymore DC films in theaters. Fool me 4 times shame on someone for serving me alcohol in the theater.


Oct 25, 2017
Movie Bob is such a cornball. One of the worst things about these superhero movies is that it gave nerd video essay ppl like this a greater voice in film critique


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
If Aquaman is critically acclaimed (as much as a fairly standard comic book movie normally is) and does huge numbers WW it presents DC with an interesting problem. Superman and Batman have to be recast, and the Superman movies (as well as the portrayal) hasn't been well received. The easy approach is just trudge in with new actors in those roles and hope the DCEU can be salavaged - and that may be the best choice - but I wonder if DC could use an event to semi-reset their universe the way they would in the comics.

For instance, there was a mediocre event in DC comics where a bunch of characters from different multi verses were forced to fight. During this time the classic Superman that has been discarded from DC comics was apart of the event and was de-powered. This allowed him to have a son with Louis. And Super Dad is exactly the Superman story we need, honestly. It gives an interesting take on Superman, can parallel his origins, has an emotional heart that makes Superman, especially that version, such a great character. There's opportunity for levity and suspense.

I don't know how DC can make a really good movie that achieves the goal of keeping the current aquaman, Wonder Woman and whatever characters they want to save from the current DCEU, but it's at least an option.

I just want a DCEU that gives me the same level of confidence that MCU does. I know I'm most likely going to enjoy any MCU movie now, with a good chance of really liking it, and because it was created with such care there's a lot of excitement and hype built up for stuff like Infinity War and End Game. I want that same feeling from DC and I wonder if they can get there with how they are going now.

I certainly hope so.


Oct 28, 2017
Lovecraftian lol. Aquaman summoning a monster that looks like Cthulhu does not make it Lovecraftian.


Nov 15, 2017
The comment about Momoa, who in fairness ain't a great actor, is really weird considering that's been Arthur's path lately in the post-New 52... maybe seven years ago doesn't quality as lately anymore.
Even now that's Arthur's path. He's not even ruler of Atlantis right now; Mera is.

I chock it up to yet another case of Bob forming an opinion and doubling down on it in needlessly snarky ways even when no one is challenging him.


Oct 26, 2017
If Aquaman is critically acclaimed (as much as a fairly standard comic book movie normally is) and does huge numbers WW it presents DC with an interesting problem. Superman and Batman have to be recast, and the Superman movies (as well as the portrayal) hasn't been well received. The easy approach is just trudge in with new actors in those roles and hope the DCEU can be salavaged - and that may be the best choice - but I wonder if DC could use an event to semi-reset their universe the way they would in the comics.

For instance, there was a mediocre event in DC comics where a bunch of characters from different multi verses were forced to fight. During this time the classic Superman that has been discarded from DC comics was apart of the event and was de-powered. This allowed him to have a son with Louis. And Super Dad is exactly the Superman story we need, honestly. It gives an interesting take on Superman, can parallel his origins, has an emotional heart that makes Superman, especially that version, such a great character. There's opportunity for levity and suspense.

I don't know how DC can make a really good movie that achieves the goal of keeping the current aquaman, Wonder Woman and whatever characters they want to save from the current DCEU, but it's at least an option.

I just want a DCEU that gives me the same level of confidence that MCU does. I know I'm most likely going to enjoy any MCU movie now, with a good chance of really liking it, and because it was created with such care there's a lot of excitement and hype built up for stuff like Infinity War and End Game. I want that same feeling from DC and I wonder if they can get there with how they are going now.

I certainly hope so.

I think that's way overthinking it. Here's what'll happen: they'll make the Batman movie with a different, younger actor. You'll have blogs write about it for a couple days. Fast forward to some images and footage of the new Batman, and except for the pedantic folks, people will be cool with it. Last thing I want is for them to saddle Matt Reeves with having to deal with continuity baggage when he's out to make his Batman movie. It's not a big deal in the scheme of things.

As it is, it'll be a while before there's crossover among these franchises, as in, the Wonder Woman franchise, Aquaman franchise, Batman franchise, etc. They exist within a shared universe but will be their own things.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm betting the third act takes place in space.

Nailed it.

Anyway... I saw one of the trailers and I saw the film, I don't remember any big twist that needed to be hidden in the marketing. I definitely didn't fall asleep so I've got no idea what that tweet is even referencing. I don't think the hid anything cuz there was nothing to hide. The story is as basic as it gets. Not saying it's bad, it's cheesy fun. Like I said before, best dc movie in my opinion. It isn't good but it's entertaining mostly.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm baffle of the amount of praise Wan getting in here. I think he's pretty average, just my 2 cent


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Really looking forward to a zany, awesome action romp with this one. I just want great set pieces with corny quips and lots of biceps. I think that's a good direction for the DCEU to go right now.

If they can salvage something between Wonder Woman (legit good action movie) and Aquaman (looks really fun,) so be it. That's a solid (re)start.

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I'm trying to keep my expectations in check but I'm really pumped by this last batch of impressions. Even the Rocha tweets, I like that guy but his taste in films is pretty much the opposite of mine from what I can tell so this is a good sign.
This is why you give your universe to talented directors to do what they want with the material instead of, well.

Zach Snyder.

Too late to save it now, but glad the movie seems like it's good.
This seems a bit random. Why is it too late?
WW was commercially and critically successful, everything seems to indicate that Aquaman will be too, Shazam's marketing has generated some decent buzz, I don't really see the problem. Sure, we're not gonna get Justice League 2 or a Superman solo film any time soon and that's a shame but hey, if an Aquaman film can do well at the box-office, the DCEU is hardly in need of saving.


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Surprised people are praising the CGI. From the trailers a lot of the underwater effects involving fast movement look ugly as sin.



Oct 26, 2017
So much crow about to be served with this one.

I always felt the trailers were visually stunning.

Feeling good about my 85% or above rt prediction.

Aquaman will make a billi