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Oct 26, 2017
For those playing on Xbox One:
is the voice chat with randoms being done within the game or on the Xbox OS level?
I can see the other players having a speaker symbol next to them but I cannot hear anything - do they simply not speak or did I mess up my privacy settings at some point when setting up my Xbox?


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could share the enthusiasm that y'all have for this. The focus on squads and abilities already makes this a hard sell for me as a BR, as I've never been interested in duos or groups in the BRs I've played, only solo. It also lacks the amazing mobility and feel of TF2. I'm also not big on the characters in general, Lifeline is cool but the designs of the rest leave something to be desired. Caustic looks like some generic fodder enemy in a single player shooter, you're telling me I should be interested in a character lookin' like that? If I want to use a grappling hook I need to be some dinky looking robot that doesn't look nearly as interesting as the Simalacrums the series has had prior?

I'm just not feelin' it, and it hurts. Makes me wish the main menu had a "Hey, also pick up TF2 for $5" option on it so that that could get a shot in the arm instead.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Hope the forced trios approach is just initially to ensure the servers always populate fast. Would be great to get duos at least.

I think trios fits what they want to do with the classes and their abilities. Also, it's easy to play this game even with 1 random player due to the in-game non-verbal coms.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 31, 2017
Not a good combo for me:

1. Squad only, forcing me to queue with randos.
2. Revive mechanic pressures you to stay in the game if you die
3. Randos are really aggressive early and I die without a gun against 3 other squads.

oh and the essential 4th. randos pick up my revive thing and don't ever use it.


Oct 28, 2017
What's the res/fps on console? Being a Source engine game I imagine it's very smooth, 4K on Pro would be nice.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't mind playing with randos but does anyone know why I keep getting "party not ready" when I'm not even in one?


Oct 25, 2017
I wish I could share the enthusiasm that y'all have for this. The focus on squads and abilities already makes this a hard sell for me as a BR, as I've never been interested in duos or groups in the BRs I've played, only solo. It also lacks the amazing mobility and feel of TF2. I'm also not big on the characters in general, Lifeline is cool but the designs of the rest leave something to be desired. Caustic looks like some generic fodder enemy in a single player shooter, you're telling me I should be interested in a character lookin' like that? If I want to use a grappling hook I need to be some dinky looking robot that doesn't look nearly as interesting as the Simalacrums the series has had prior?

I'm just not feelin' it, and it hurts. Makes me wish the main menu had a "Hey, also pick up TF2 for $5" option on it so that that could get a shot in the arm instead.

I'm not sure what you were expecting, the game isn't and is not trying to be TF2. Although I don't think the characters are fantastic I don't think expecting them to be as great as the TF2 ones is reasonable as I think that (aside from debatably Overwatch) there isn't a single FPS on the market that comes close to the cast that TF2 has. Not saying you have to like it but it seems weird that your main complaints are that it isn't TF2 rather then anything else, as your complaints apply to almost all FPSs.
Feb 10, 2018
Wow, this looks genuinely good. I'm not sure I can convince anyone to play a yet another BR game with me, though, so the ping/quick chat system sounds perfect for me since I'll probably spend most of my time with random peeps. Definitely looking forward to checking this out after work.

I know you ping with rb, but how to you do quick chat?


Oct 31, 2017
Okay, I've got a preliminary Discord server setup for anyone interested in joining. Also, if you want to help run the Discord server, let me know too.

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Note: you have to reply to this post then refresh the page for the link to show up.
Note2: If you still can't get it to work, shoot me a PM, and I'll get you an invite.

pinging LukarWuff since you requested it

Will be all in for this game.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm interested to see if there's a sort of narrative going on in the background with this game, like with Blackout expanding on the Black Ops storyline.

Old Blisk definitely has some stories to tell.
I'm sorry but no wall running? Gtfo!
It's Apex Legends, not Titanfall: Apex Legends.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Game is stupid fun, I can definitely see myself putting some time into this one.

Mobility even without wall running is really fast, and it feels very fluid on PS4 Pro. The ping system works pretty well.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure what you were expecting, the game isn't and is not trying to be TF2. Although I don't think the characters are fantastic I don't think expecting them to be as great as the TF2 ones is reasonable as I think that (aside from debatably Overwatch) there isn't a single FPS on the market that comes close to the cast that TF2 has. Not saying you have to like it but it seems weird that your main complaints are that it isn't TF2 rather then anything else, as your complaints apply to almost all FPSs.
It's based on Titanfall, and I like Titanfall, so I was hoping there would be enough likable Titanfall elements in it but there aren't. I don't think that's an unreasonable expectation. My main complaint would be the forced group nature though, and the added mix of abilities feels at odds with the nature of the gametype.


Oct 30, 2017
Okay, I've got a preliminary Discord server setup for anyone interested in joining. Also, if you want to help run the Discord server, let me know too.

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Note: you have to reply to this post then refresh the page for the link to show up.
Note2: If you still can't get it to work, shoot me a PM, and I'll get you an invite.

pinging LukarWuff since you requested it

yep, are you guys also playing on pc?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So many good things about this game. It really is a greatest hits of all the best ideas put in battle royale modes over the past few years.


Oct 27, 2017
Kind of amazed at how much fun this game can still be getting grouped with two randoms. It's not _always_ a home run, but the ping system makes actually communicating with your team so easy and so fluid that you can still have a decent go of it, as long as you stay relatively grouped up.

Of course, it's better with friends, as the few rounds I did get to play with people I know were a blast, but man... even then, the ability to ping gear, or enemies or whatever so easily is STILL key. I think it's going to be one of the most game changing things we see copied in a BR and MP games going forward.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The 25Gb download that I could only start at 9pm last night meant I would not be able to play it, so I just went to bed earlier and woke up at 5.25am, so I could play until 7am or so before I get to work. As someone who's played plenty of BR games between The Culling, PUBG, Fortnite BR, Blackout and then some, let's begin with the fact that this is easily the best and most polished BR at its launch. Of course it starts of better than Fortnite BR and PUBG, and definitely better than Blackout where half the shots wouldn't connect in the first days and there were tons of glitches, too. I played multiple matches and the game is pretty damn smooth, on the X I wouldn't say it was stable 60fps but there wasn't annoying or particularly noticeable drops, not even in firefights, though there were a couple weird scenarios like a guy killing me and only after that his shot was shown on screen, or another time where I was already behind cover but I still got shot at as if I wasn't - but hey, this kind of stuff can happen in regular 10-16 people multiplayer matches in FPS games, I can live with them in a 60 players mayhem.

I wasn't a fan of the idea of the game being squad-based only and with classes, but it ultimately makes a whole lot of sense. Most abilities are squad focused and are very useful as a whole, so teamwork feels like the focus rather than an afterthough like in other BR games, where besides reviving, smoke screens, etc. you can't really do a whole lot that changes how the match evolves. For now I'm mainly using recon as I get the hang of the game, because having a general idea of where your enemies are and being able to lure campers out is a fantastic skill that makes the game far more frantic and exciting to me. Of course, it all goes down to the team you get. In my first 3 matches, both my teammates died immediately, so I was left trying to do something alone, and I didn't really get far in those matches. On the other hand, on other 2 matches where my team survived with me, we won one and ended second in a 2v2 shootout, so teamplay is key here, and if there's cooperation and skills, winning or getting good results feels slightly easier than in most BRs, probably because of the polish and the lower playercount too (60v100).

What satisfied me the most, however, is just how good the game feels overall. First of all, it's very smooth, and while it doesn't have Titanfall 2's advanced movement system, with the sliding, the climbing, the verticality of the maps, the speed, certain abilities like the portals and the baits make for a very fast and fun traversal. Absolutely adore that you can ping items, that picking stuff up is fast and quite intuitive, and the map is varied enough to offer different battle scenarios too. So far I haven't found any particularly unique place bar a nice cave with a long slide in the end and an underground passage, whereas games like PUBG, Fortnite or Blackout have far more iconic locations imho, but maybe I'll learn to love certain areas.

The attention to details and general polish is also lovely. Being able to see the quality of the loot of different areas, fast and comfortable menus, quite short loading times, great presentation, tons of unlocks to get from the get-go. The monetization scheme seems to be a jack of all trades, as they seem to be trying to get the Overwatch money, the Fortnite money and the Siege money as well. We'll see how it works out on the long term, especially since you have to unlock classes too which could hamper the game's balance on the long-term. I have nothing against the cosmetic unlocks being paid, although they are rather expensive (just like in other BR games, to be fair), they obviously have to make money off this project, and maintaining a triple-A BR game with years of support and such is no cheap feat and requires a rather large team.

So yeah, this game is quite awesome so far, definitely enjoyed my time with it for now, and I can't wait for my lunch break so that I can play a couple rounds more, and then some more in the evening. I still adore the concept of BR games but PUBG's horrible performance on Xbox pushed me away, Fortnite still has horrible shooting thanks to the bloom and such, Blackout is fun but I prefer COD for its multiplayer, Realm Royale is interesting but not quite my cup of tea, The Culling has been reverted to years ago so it's nothing new at this point... Apex Legends, despite having a generic as fuck name (I expect people to refer to it as Apex in the future), is a very polished, rather fresh and totally exciting BR game that has my attention as of now, and has more than enough going for it to be a hit - for me, anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
this game is actually great and well polished
im sad its not titanfall 3 but its probably the best of the battle royale genre so far from what ive played


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't be surprised if they added a hero who had the pilot abilities as his passive. Feel like they should give pathfinder wall run to better mix with the grapple. As it stands I think he's the weakest hero (haven't played caustic)


Oct 28, 2017
Can't wait to try this one out later today. I think the single best thing that they have implemented is that revive mechanic. It allows for some nice comebacks via clutches. Based on watching some streams, it makes for some nice moments and turnarounds from once hopeless situation.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't run Apex on my PS4. 😕 Get the same error whenever I try to start from the title screen: "Oops! Something went wrong, please try again later. [105]"
Same problem here. I had the problem last night and this morning again. I downloaded the game again and tried different servers. No idea what to do anymore...

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait to try this one out later today. I think the single best thing that they have implemented is that revive mechanic. It allows for some nice comebacks via clutches. Based on watching some streams, it makes for some nice moments and turnarounds from once hopeless situation.

Yeah, it's very peculiar, we'll see how it holds up on the long run and if it's exploitable, but it's interesting for sure. Going out there to a revive spot and staying still for various seconds is a huge risk but with a huge potential payoff. Unfortunately a lot of players are used to quitting as soon as they go down, but I can't necessarily fault them, having to stick around for several minutes not knowing whether your teammate cares or is able to revive you is not necessarily the most pleasant experience.
Oct 29, 2017
Just played 3 rounds with randoms. Won on my third.

Wow, coming from someone who is not a fan of battle royale...Respawn really has something special here. This is a lot of fun. Might even throw down for the founders pack. Are there any screenshots posted of the exclusives you get from it?


Jul 4, 2018
Wouldn't be surprised if they added a hero who had the pilot abilities as his passive. Feel like they should give pathfinder wall run to better mix with the grapple. As it stands I think he's the weakest hero (haven't played caustic)
He really feels like the most useless. Being able to see where the next zone is gonna be? A zip-line as his ultimate ability? Come on.
His grapple hook is damn fun but he really doesn't have anything to really help the team IMO. He feels like a good solo player.

One thing I wish players would quickly realize is that when you die you still aren't out. Had a few matches where I was the last one remaining but I end up killing the other team and had the ability to pick up teammate's banners and revive them but no, they disconnect.


Oct 27, 2017
He really feels like the most useless. Being able to see where the next zone is gonna be? A zip-line as his ultimate ability? Come on.
His grapple hook is damn fun but he really doesn't have anything to really help the team IMO. He feels like a good solo player.

One thing I wish players would quickly realize is that when you die you still aren't out. Had a few matches where I was the last one remaining but I end up killing the other team and had the ability to pick up teammate's banners and revive them but no, they disconnect.
I just wish Pathfinder's grapple didn't fail the second you bump into something, triggering its cooldown It needs... better pathfinding.

As is it's so slow and unreliable that, based on my limited play time at least, you can't really do what you want with it.
Okay, I've got a preliminary Discord server setup for anyone interested in joining. Also, if you want to help run the Discord server, let me know too.

[Hidden content]
Note: you have to reply to this post then refresh the page for the link to show up.
Note2: If you still can't get it to work, shoot me a PM, and I'll get you an invite.

pinging LukarWuff since you requested it
Nice, I'm gonna play the game after the download already finished. At least it will fill the gap before anthem released.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, it's very peculiar, we'll see how it holds up on the long run and if it's exploitable, but it's interesting for sure. Going out there to a revive spot and staying still for various seconds is a huge risk but with a huge potential payoff. Unfortunately a lot of players are used to quitting as soon as they go down, but I can't necessarily fault them, having to stick around for several minutes not knowing whether your teammate cares or is able to revive you is not necessarily the most pleasant experience.
Yeah I'd reckon it takes some time until people actually realize that such feature even exists in the first place. But once they adapt, I guess it's gonna be better then. I just like the idea of more focused 3vs3 fights instead of steamrolling the remaining members of groups, makes the encounters more interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
He really feels like the most useless. Being able to see where the next zone is gonna be? A zip-line as his ultimate ability? Come on.
His grapple hook is damn fun but he really doesn't have anything to really help the team IMO. He feels like a good solo player.

One thing I wish players would quickly realize is that when you die you still aren't out. Had a few matches where I was the last one remaining but I end up killing the other team and had the ability to pick up teammate's banners and revive them but no, they disconnect.
My first win I died twice in the same round. The respawn mechanic is incredible.


Oct 27, 2017
Nice to see people are coming around on this game after the pisspoor first thread the game got and are giving it a fair chance. Still got to play a bit more myself, not sure if it's my cup of tea yet. There are some great ideas in here though that I hope other BR games will shamelessly copy.
Apr 8, 2018
Played a handful of matches tonight. Overall, I enjoyed my time with what I played. Gunplay and the ping/callout system is pretty great. Movement felt good too, very similar to BO4's Blackout (which I don't mind). It does feel kinda weird not being able to wall run and/or double jump though.

Interested to play some more and see what my friends think of the game. That'll probably be the deciding factor for how much I'll play this. Also very excited to see the additions/improvements Respawn will make to the game. Hope they'll be as dedicated as Epic is with Fortnite.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
One thing I wish players would quickly realize is that when you die you still aren't out. Had a few matches where I was the last one remaining but I end up killing the other team and had the ability to pick up teammate's banners and revive them but no, they disconnect.
I hate this. It just happened and was my "fuck it, I'm callign it a night moment"

The respawn mechanic is great though, and I love that you don't need to be the one that picked up the banner to revive someone.

Deleted member 51266

User requested account closure
Dec 26, 2018
Keep getting paired with so many bad teammates, I just played played a match where I got down and my teammate was just looking at the enemy that shot me until he got killed by them, then he yelled into his mic "I THOUGHT IT WAS A FRIENDLY!" /facepalm.
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