
Oct 25, 2017
Goddamn what a season of television. My absolute favorite show of 2022, top 10 shows of all time maybe, in the conversation for top 3 Star Wars and a good second/final season would easily cement it as #1


Final post credits shot is insane, it took the Empire 4 more years to go from this to fully armed and operational battle station



Oct 27, 2017
I do have to say that I am sad certain threads were never really resolved, making me wonder why include them all. The series does great setup and call back in a singular scene or episode, but longer connective tissue isn't always so neat. For example:

- What was that Seperatist ship doing on Kenari? It seems they were carrying some secret cargo. And why did the Republic seemingly kill a bunch of children living on the planet. Again, this is during the Clone Wars so Republic soldiers and troopers shouldn't be murdering children indiscriminately.

- Cassian's sister also goes with this, and don't tell me it's done cause Marva says she's dead. Stories usually don't work that way.

These are season 2 hooks, if anything.

--Did Cinta kill those prisoners? Seems like it. But we get zero follow-up.

- Luthen's Kyber crystal necklace, why drum up its importance only for it to never come up again after ep.6. We never even see Vel return it to him or him looking at it after seemingly getting it back.

- Saw just not even appearing in the finale.

I can go on with other examples. Now some might be picked up in S2. But given the time jump, many threads would seem less relevant and poignant when revealed a year later. Whether Cinta executed that kid is relevant now, not later.

Cinta did not execute those prisoners. The episode itself uses this as a bit of dramatic tension, but it resolves within the ep itself.


After making the call to the team that the radio tower overhears, she picks up her hat and gun and we get this shot with a dramatic stinger.

However! It's revealed that all she did was leave to turn off the power.



You can see them watching the Eye through the window after she leaves, no Cinta in sight. She next shows up leaving the base in a quick shot almost directly after this, iirc. I guess there's an outside chance that she returned to finish the job in between those two moments, but I sort of doubt it. I think she was respecting Vel's plan ("Because that's what you'd do, right?"). Maybe she wanted to kill them but didn't, and that's part of what's putting a wedge in their relationship and how it relates to the struggle.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Having heard all my life my maternal grandmother and my dad telling stories of how it was day to day living under the oppression of two different occupations and wars, this was unexpectedly emotional to me.

What a beautiful show.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Amazing finale, the sheer tension in watching all the pieces congregate in that square was palpable. The riot was very uncomfortable to watch given how much it mirrored events happening around the world today, and there were moments where I was really wondering how to feel about that. But I think that's a merit to the show where it actually captures facism on display much better than the sanitized cartoony stuff in most other Star wars properties.

The wait for season 2 is going to be most painful


#1 Celtics fan / #7 Serbia fan
Oct 25, 2017
Man the pitch for S2 sounds really good. From the EW article linked above me.

Gilroy said:
….He's all in, so we're gonna juggle four years in the second half. And the food we will be consuming on that he has to become a leader. And what does that mean?

He has to negotiate his way through the Luthen Rael (Stellan Skarsgård) experience and the benefits and disasters that that means and that relationship. And what's happening on a large scale is that canonically we're gonna end up in Yavin. Our show's gonna end up in Yavin and he'll walk out and he'll be there to be the guy who gives his life. But that alliance in Yavin – are those the hardcore revolutionaries who really built everything? Or it's sort of the coalition government there that's already contentious. Well, what happens and what has happened to all the original gangsters and outliers and all the people who built this thing along the way, now and how do you operate when your business is paranoia?

How do you collaborate when paranoia and secrecy are your product? How do you scale up? How do you join forces? And how does the empire exploit those differences? What are the effects of time on these people? And then obviously within that, we're gonna try to tell a really, a ripping yarn, a really good adventure story. And we're gonna try to have all the relationships and all the love and all the betrayal and all the other stuff. But yeah, he's in, he's committed. So now it's what do you do with it?

Luthens reaction to Maarva's speech

Luthen is there on the ground when he sees Ferrix and Maarva's great call to rebellion. What is he thinking when he's starting to see that? He's there just to kill Cassian, but then there's a whole entire rebellion that starts taking place. What is he thinking specifically in that scene?
I think he's proud. I mean, my God, he's just so proud. Oh my God. Her speech? You just see him warm up as her speech goes on and that's everything to him. I mean, he's trying to spread that seed everywhere he possibly can and look at what happened here. No, I think it's his dream.


Mar 13, 2018
Is this a joke?

Am I being trolled?

My autistic brain is screaming "That's Death Star II", but my socialised brain is saying my chain is being pulled.

That is not the death star from Rogue One

that's death star 2 electric boogaloo photoshoped onto a stock photo of earth.
Oh, haha! I incorrectly remembered it looking like this, but must have mixed it up with the second one.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017

He totally got me with showing Maarva here, it was definitely in the back of my head that it was disappointing that she died offscreen, so knowing her speech was the reason for that was so damn cathartic


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
Just finished. What I like most about Andor is it shows that taking the bold approach of doing something Star Wars that is darker in tone and not its atypical "family friendly, let's make it fun!" approach can absolutely work and I'm glad Disney let them do it. This is probably my favorite piece of Star Wars content. So, so, so brilliantly well done.

Also has me thinking how much better Obi-Wan could have been had they kept this similar tone before deciding it was "too dark". Need more 'dark' Star Wars, please.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I do have to say that I am sad certain threads were never really resolved, making me wonder why include them all. The series does great setup and call back in a singular scene or episode, but longer connective tissue isn't always so neat. For example:

- What was that Seperatist ship doing on Kenari? It seems they were carrying some secret cargo. And why did the Republic seemingly kill a bunch of children living on the planet. Again, this is during the Clone Wars so Republic soldiers and troopers shouldn't be murdering children indiscriminately.

- Cassian's sister also goes with this, and don't tell me it's done cause Marva says she's dead. Stories usually don't work that way.

--Did Cinta kill those prisoners? Seems like it. But we get zero follow-up.

- Luthen's Kyber crystal necklace, why drum up its importance only for it to never come up again after ep.6. We never even see Vel return it to him or him looking at it after seemingly getting it back.

- Saw just not even appearing in the finale.

I can go on with other examples. Now some might be picked up in S2. But given the time jump, many threads would seem less relevant and poignant when revealed a year later. Whether Cinta executed that kid is relevant now, not later.

More Kenari details and his sister will almost definitely be season 2 stuff. Especially when Luthen knew so much about Cassian already, which'll probably tie into those. Same with getting more Saw. Knowing they were definitely going to have a second season probably just gave them the confidence to set-up more strands that can payoff later.


Oct 28, 2017
I confess that I expected a bit more of this finale. Nothing about what was shown but what was not shown, imo

I wish Gilroy showed a bit more of the consequences of the insurrection in Ferrix, at least a montage of the spark of the rebellion or something like that across the galaxy. Also some more lengthy dialogue between Cassian and Luther at the end. Gilroy will probably in season 2, but then this will take IDK 3 years?

Anyway, best SW show and material. The only thing I like as much as this is TLJ and maybe RO. The photography and analogies were spetacular as were the dialogue.
Oct 25, 2017
TBH I enjoyed this more than HoTD and LoTR, which is something I never expected a few months ago.

I also do enjoy they showed the biggest fear of fascists, which is being at the will of the mob, The look in Deadra/the Prefect was pure terror being stripped of all the protection/fear they were used to.


Oct 26, 2017
The scene before and during Marvaa's speech was Severence levels of suspense and buildup, holy shit.

Question, did Luthen seem almost miffed about the uprising? as in, he looked almost upset about "not being part of it" or the one who instigated it.

Great season, I wouldn't have thought after watching just the first two episodes (I still think they did themselves a disservice to split the three episodes, and not just make a pilot movie out of it).

And Mon Mothma, man I just want to give her a hug, she needs it. with all things so far, and she basically has to put even more pressure on her marriage by lying and provoking her husband. Fav char of the show hands down for me.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
My only real complaint is the ferix citizens had 1 bomb that did essentially nothing and their plan was to kick and push? No weapons at all when They are in a courtyard with balcony's all around just getting dominated like the Alcatraz shower scene from The Rock. Oh and 5 people carrying dedra and then they just let Ben Shapiro take her away on his own.

Lead up to the funeral was super tense. Death Star reveal super obvious :)


Oct 25, 2017
Movie or TV, this was the best live action Star Wars ever put to screen. Just holy shit good, and an absolutely monumental step above the rest of the franchise in terms of storytelling.


Oct 25, 2017
My only real complaint is the ferix citizens had 1 bomb that did essentially nothing and their plan was to kick and push? No weapons at all when They are in a courtyard with balcony's all around just getting dominated like the Alcatraz shower scene from The Rock. Oh and 5 people carrying dedra and then they just let Ben Shapiro take her away on his own.

Lead up to the funeral was super tense. Death Star reveal super obvious :)
He was a radicalized kid who was not part of any real conspiracy.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My only real complaint is the ferix citizens had 1 bomb that did essentially nothing and their plan was to kick and push? No weapons at all when They are in a courtyard with balcony's all around just getting dominated like the Alcatraz shower scene from The Rock. Oh and 5 people carrying dedra and then they just let Ben Shapiro take her away on his own.

I mean, it was more a spur of the moment kind of thing with them suddenly finding themselves rallied by Maarva and that one dude instigating by kicking B2EMO

The kid was the only one going into that funeral ready to fuck shit up


Oct 27, 2017
My only real complaint is the ferix citizens had 1 bomb that did essentially nothing and their plan was to kick and push? No weapons at all when They are in a courtyard with balcony's all around just getting dominated like the Alcatraz shower scene from The Rock. Oh and 5 people carrying dedra and then they just let Ben Shapiro take her away on his own.

Lead up to the funeral was super tense. Death Star reveal super obvious :)

There was no overarching plan. That's a core theme of the episode, Nemik and Maarva's speeches, and the whole show, really. Eventually things just reached a boiling point, and Maarva's speech (or the Empire's panicked reaction to it) made everything spill over.


Oct 27, 2017
My only real complaint is the ferix citizens had 1 bomb that did essentially nothing and their plan was to kick and push? No weapons at all when They are in a courtyard with balcony's all around just getting dominated like the Alcatraz shower scene from The Rock. Oh and 5 people carrying dedra and then they just let Ben Shapiro take her away on his own.

Lead up to the funeral was super tense. Death Star reveal super obvious :)

I didn't get the impression that the bomb was communally planned. It was something the kid threw together to avenge his dad. The funeral was absolutely a provocation and Maarvas speech served to incite the crowd, but it didn't seem like people were gathering with the specific intent of starting a riot. They were making a point with the marching bands and having more people attending than allowed, daring the empire to push their authority.


Oct 28, 2017
My only real complaint is the ferix citizens had 1 bomb that did essentially nothing and their plan was to kick and push? No weapons at all when They are in a courtyard with balcony's all around just getting dominated like the Alcatraz shower scene from The Rock. Oh and 5 people carrying dedra and then they just let Ben Shapiro take her away on his own.

Lead up to the funeral was super tense. Death Star reveal super obvious :)
You kinda miss the point of Nemik's journal.


Oct 29, 2017
The whole last ep sent chills, not only down my spine, but my whole body... I can take or leave SW but this was simply great TV regardless of the universe it's set in. So sad the wait for S2 is so long.

spam flakes

Oct 27, 2017
Ugh, Andor is so good. And now the wait for season 2.

My top 2 favorite SW content is ESB then TLJ. Andor makes it in the top 3 easily. Maybe even top, idk.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely incredible finale. I was write that Maarva had to show up again, she need to do something more after that last speech to andor, I thought she would still be alive, but a death recording accomplished the same thing. But she had to get another word or her character arc would have been incomplete.

It just makes everything else look silly by comparison.

KOTOR 2 still exists, after you pull off Nihilus mask. "A man, nothing more." That game has writing as good as Andor.

I do have to say that I am sad certain threads were never really resolved, making me wonder why include them all. The series does great setup and call back in a singular scene or episode, but longer connective tissue isn't always so neat. For example:

- What was that Seperatist ship doing on Kenari? It seems they were carrying some secret cargo. And why did the Republic seemingly kill a bunch of children living on the planet. Again, this is during the Clone Wars so Republic soldiers and troopers shouldn't be murdering children indiscriminately.

- Cassian's sister also goes with this, and don't tell me it's done cause Marva says she's dead. Stories usually don't work that way.

--Did Cinta kill those prisoners? Seems like it. But we get zero follow-up.

- Luthen's Kyber crystal necklace, why drum up its importance only for it to never come up again after ep.6. We never even see Vel return it to him or him looking at it after seemingly getting it back.

- Saw just not even appearing in the finale.

I can go on with other examples. Now some might be picked up in S2. But given the time jump, many threads would seem less relevant and poignant when revealed a year later. Whether Cinta executed that kid is relevant now, not later.

Most of this is stuff we can deal with in a season 2 especially the first two points. Cinta didnt kill them we saw them briefly when the eye passes over.

Gilroy is on record as saying we will learn luthens background which whill surely explain the crystal. Most likely Luthen's Kyber crystal is his lightsaber crystal. There is zero chance he isn't a former jedi after episode 11 and his i turned to the dark side to fight the empire speech in episode 10. That specific call out of his staff in episode 11, its the old hilt of his lightsaber.

Saw is about helping learn how the rebellion develops and is more to show Luthen's character development. He is still around in Rogue One so no doubt he will show up again. I would fully expect an arc that shows how extreme he is to establish why people didn't like him in Rogue one.
Last edited:


Alt Account
Jul 7, 2020
Great episode and season but the post credit scene was so dumb that it left a bad taste. Wish I'd just skipped it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yea there wasn't anything awful about it, made sense to give context regarding what they were building

But I understand that the show's reputation meant some people would inevitably be allergic to any sort of blatant reference lol


Oct 31, 2022
Andor and Karn continuing to be a mirror of each other in this finale makes me grin from ear to ear. It's been happening all season, but never have they engaged in the same behavior this closely. It's brilliant.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks but I'm not a moron. I understood that. It was still awful.

Okay can you explain how it's awful?

It's a 10 second clip that connects back to the Prison Arc, shows something that has sorely needed to be shown for a long time now (pretty much all TV/Movie media has just said the Empire built the Death Star but not really how, showing it utilized slave labor is a meaningful display of fascist rhetoric and functionality), and y'know, connects back to the series finale of this show, Rogue One.

I'm not show it's awful other than "oh my god I hate stuff connected to Star Wars" and for some reason you didn't mind the droids, the stormtroopers, the kyber crystal, the TIE fighters....


Yes and it was terrible and chipped away a bit at the good feeling I had at the end of the episode.

Good feeling is not at all what I would describe the end of this show prior to that post credits scene as having.

This is effectively a 3 season show and we've seen the finale already, just missing the middle. Sure, it's cool what Ferrix did, but uh, this revolution has quite a lot of death and despair ahead of it on the way to Rogue One and by the end of Rogue One. >.>


Oct 27, 2017
Andor and Karn continuing to be a mirror of each other in this finale makes me grin from ear to ear. It's been happening all season, but never have they engaged in the same behavior this closely. It's brilliant.
It's interesting, this season, Andor has gone from disaffected scoundrel to all-in rebel fighter and talented spy.
Has Karn really changed that much?

[the episode has plenty of mirroring, I just.. I guess a bristle at it / confused at the theming]


Oct 25, 2017
The post credits scene was unnecessary and kind of stupid, the kind of "wink wink, nudge nudge" nonsense the show had smartly mostly avoided. The prisoners being cogs in the Imperial war machine was all we needed to know about what they were doing there, let alone tying it directly to the Death Star. It's not a big deal, but it was a misstep.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the show and am looking forward to season 2.

Scrooge McDuck

Oct 25, 2017
It's like 10 seconds long. Just a little fan service thing they did.
Yes and it was terrible and chipped away a bit at the good feeling I had at the end of the episode.
I don't think it's meant to be "a little fan service thing." Andor is positioned as the direct foundation to Rogue One, which is meant to underline the effort and sacrifices the rebels made to effect the very first major Rebel victory against the Empire: the destruction of the Death Star.

It's appropriate to show it here because it's the ultimate symbol of one of the show's theme, the tightening grip of an oppressor that fears its dissidents.