
Oct 27, 2017
The only bit I don't agree with is Dedra going out in the open like that as part of the active engagement. Wouldn't realistically she be shuffled away safely?


Jun 24, 2018
Chicago, IL
Apart from the laser, it looked way more complete than in Rogue One:


that's death star 2 electric boogaloo photoshoped onto a stock photo of earth.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
If you aren't a patron of the A More Civilized Age podcast, their watchalong episode is well worth your $5.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep it's obvious when they don't find Andor in that one building she clearly kind of panics and just starts wandering around with the death troopers hoping to spot any sign of him


Jul 27, 2018
This episode showed a parallel btwn deedra & karn: they're both good at office work & administrative duties but the moment shots start flying they're useless and their subordinates take command.

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
That's how you do a Star Wars series and maybe even MCU

These Stormtroopers leveled up in accuracy.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, Ohio
Yeah it as kind of weird to see her just go down like that, but it looked like she wandered into a situation that was more out of control that she thought.

That's a constant in the show though, right? That the Empire considers its subjects weak, thoroughly crushed under their grasp. Rebellion against them is possible only through a central figure - Axis - pulling strings around the galaxy, because that's the kind of exceptional person it would take for there to be a credible threat to them. What Nemick reminds us though (literally, "remember", because you already know this) is that everyone is able to fight and will when their elemental rights are infringed too heavily upon.

Dedra has a better read on this earlier in the show - she's the one who is worried about the increased measures in response to Aldhani and the effect it will have on rebel sentiment in the galaxy - before her increasingly single-minded search for Axis consumes her.


Prophet of Truth
Apr 22, 2020
Just relistened to Nemik's speech - my god, that is an all timer in the Star Wars franchise. Just beautiful, and so applicable to our world and experiences


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I'd still like an X-Wing saga with the same tone as Andor...
You mean a show with strong character writing AND glorious X-Wing space battles?

Because I'd watch that. A lot. Put it between Episodes 4 and 5 and you can have a Rebellion growth spurt combined with the near total loss of Red and Gold squadrons, and you have a setup for plenty of character conflict as the post Death Star newbies join up. And of course, the Empire in full on evil tantrum mode coming after them.


Oct 31, 2017
This episode wasn't the closure I was looking for but it was definetly amazing. The only issue is that we will have to wait years for the rest.

The comparation to the ending of the first season of Better call Saul is great.


Oct 25, 2017
The sparks of a rebellion are often not particularly dramatic, and they involve small localised acts of resistance and unrest that can seem not quite noteworthy on first glance, except to those who lose their lives in such moments of sudden violence. But these events have great impact on small populations and individuals. Such events radicalise people to push harder and risk more.

As a season finale, that didn't feel epic or uplifting or "awesome" in any traditional way. It felt raw, dirty, and unfortunate. It felt real in way Star Wars rarely does. And Stormtroopers don't actually miss. Just like Tony Gilroy.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah. With the way they were talking about the change in format for Season 2, having to cover four years in separate 3-episode arcs, I had in my mind a harder divide between this season and that one. It's why expected more "closure" (deaths) and a definitive cut away from Ferrix going into a season 2. This definitely was a season finale and not a series finale which isn't bad, just for some odd reason I had my brain all done up to expect a harsher conclusion to the storylines we have seen this season.

It means we get to see more of them in season 2, however, and I'm very interested to see how everything will be handled come then.


Oct 27, 2017
I am drawing a blank on the covert ops getting stabbef by the rebel. They knew each other?

No. It was an ISB officer undercover, who had been staking out the area for Andor. Cinta realized he was an Imp and once he cornered her, gave him the knife.

They did know each other. Cinta worked at the local bar to keep an eye on the hotel and Cassian's place, the ISB dude frequently sat at the bar for the same reason. The ISB dude even asked her in a prior episode if Cinta knew Maarva. He understood too late that she was a spy like him.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
The sheer visceral anger I felt when that motherfucker pushed over Bee. Right before they just outright started firing on protestors.

The sparks of a rebellion are often not particularly dramatic, and they involve small localised acts of resistance and unrest that can seem not quite noteworthy on first glance, except to those who lose their lives in such moments of sudden violence. But these events have great impact on small populations and individuals. Such events radicalise people to push harder and risk more.

As a season finale, that didn't feel epic or uplifting or "awesome" in any traditional way. It felt raw, dirty, and unfortunate. It felt real in way Star Wars rarely does. And Stormtroopers don't actually miss. Just like Tony Gilroy.
A+ post.


Oct 25, 2017
The sparks of a rebellion are often not particularly dramatic, and they involve small localised acts of resistance and unrest that can seem not quite noteworthy on first glance, except to those who lose their lives in such moments of sudden violence. But these events have great impact on small populations and individuals. Such events radicalise people to push harder and risk more.

As a season finale, that didn't feel epic or uplifting or "awesome" in any traditional way. It felt raw, dirty, and unfortunate. It felt real in way Star Wars rarely does. And Stormtroopers don't actually miss. Just like Tony Gilroy.
Just to be fair... Maybe I never gave it a chance, but The Bourne Legacy is trash. lol

Also, we seem to be past the era of the "Muslim terrorist" era, but there was a time when writers would basically use these beats to explain how Americans have radicalized young men in the Middle East to join ISIS or Al-Qeada. Human history is a never ending cycle of trash.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
The sparks of a rebellion are often not particularly dramatic, and they involve small localised acts of resistance and unrest that can seem not quite noteworthy on first glance, except to those who lose their lives in such moments of sudden violence. But these events have great impact on small populations and individuals. Such events radicalise people to push harder and risk more.

That u, Nemik?


#1 Celtics fan / #7 Serbia fan
Oct 25, 2017
The sparks of a rebellion are often not particularly dramatic, and they involve small localised acts of resistance and unrest that can seem not quite noteworthy on first glance, except to those who lose their lives in such moments of sudden violence. But these events have great impact on small populations and individuals. Such events radicalise people to push harder and risk more.

As a season finale, that didn't feel epic or uplifting or "awesome" in any traditional way. It felt raw, dirty, and unfortunate. It felt real in way Star Wars rarely does. And Stormtroopers don't actually miss. Just like Tony Gilroy.



Oct 27, 2017
Andor is the the Casablanca of starwars but with no/ little romance and an uprising
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017
A few months ago, I thought Disney dropped the ball by not having a flagship show that could compete with House of the Dragons and Rings of Power for the fall season.

I was wrong.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
A few months ago, I thought Disney dropped the ball by not having a flagship show that could compete with House of the Dragons and Rings of Power for the fall season.

I was wrong.
Best show on "TV." Show of the year. Etc. etc. etc. Only thing I worry about is visibility. Hopefully those linear airings help prop up the numbers.


Oct 29, 2017
What a tv show! Wishful thinking here that this isn't lightning in a bottle and that future SW projects take note.

Nemik's and Marva's speech hits all the right spots

The wait to s2 will be long and hard ....

Dat after credits scene was also dope


Dec 3, 2018
When Brasso decks the prefect with the MAARVA BRICK 🔥🔥

Karn Heads and Dedra Subs will be feasting off of that one scene all the way to 2024

Finale hit all the right notes for me. Andor's radicalization is complete, and now it's time to go to work. Diving right into a rewatch this weekend, something I haven't felt compelled to do for a TV show in ages

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
IIRC the first thing Andor says in Rogue One is that he was held up by something. They're totally gonna have S2 end with whatever was holding him up aren't there.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved it. The all out riot after Maarvas speech felt like yet another rubber band that snapped after having been stretched too far. Just like the first unrest on Ferrix, the escape from the heist and the prison break. The tension and release cycle of this show is addictive as all hell. I don't know how I'll be able to wait until 2024 for the next season.

Is it absurd that I actually teared up a little when B2EMO called out Cassians name at the ship? Of all the things to react to.


Feb 21, 2018
Chicago, IL
Rotten Tomatoes' average rating for the show is finally up now that the season is over. With 560 reviews, this show holds a 9.0/10 at 93%.

That's insane for a Disney show -- or even just television this year.


Oct 30, 2017
Rotten Tomatoes' average rating for the show is finally up now that the season is over. With 560 reviews, this show holds a 9.0/10 at 93%.

That's insane for a Disney show -- or even just television this year.

It's also up to 8.4 on IMBD, up there with some of the best TV shows of the year and ever. The final episode is 9.4. Could climb higher.


Oct 27, 2017
I do have to say that I am sad certain threads were never really resolved, making me wonder why include them all. The series does great setup and call back in a singular scene or episode, but longer connective tissue isn't always so neat. For example:

- What was that Seperatist ship doing on Kenari? It seems they were carrying some secret cargo. And why did the Republic seemingly kill a bunch of children living on the planet. Again, this is during the Clone Wars so Republic soldiers and troopers shouldn't be murdering children indiscriminately.

- Cassian's sister also goes with this, and don't tell me it's done cause Marva says she's dead. Stories usually don't work that way.

--Did Cinta kill those prisoners? Seems like it. But we get zero follow-up.

- Luthen's Kyber crystal necklace, why drum up its importance only for it to never come up again after ep.6. We never even see Vel return it to him or him looking at it after seemingly getting it back.

- Saw just not even appearing in the finale.

I can go on with other examples. Now some might be picked up in S2. But given the time jump, many threads would seem less relevant and poignant when revealed a year later. Whether Cinta executed that kid is relevant now, not later.


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Top show along with HotD this year. What an amazing finale.

It's honestly sad we won't get something of this caliber in SW until season 2. I hope the Acolyte is even just half as good as Andor.
Oct 25, 2017
So speculation, did Mon throw her husband under the bus? Were there actually gambling debts or was it brainfood for the driver? I'm leaning to Mon set up her husband to be a plausible reason for her banking.