
Oct 26, 2017
Was I an asshole for asking for that?

No, you did the right thing. You pay for the service. It is never worth it if you risk getting sick.

It happened a few times to me in proper restaurants, usually with fish dishes. Imagine knowingly paying for a dish which could make you sick for a day.

The restaurant is lucky that you did not call the hygiene squad for a control. It is serious business: people have died due to bad hygiene in fast food restaurants.
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Oct 28, 2017
I was at a sub place recently and after toasting my sub when he went to get it out he dropped the whole thing on the floor and when hitting the floor it came apart and stuff went all over the place, they picked the sub and stuff up (with their gloves) threw it away and then turned around and started to make a new one and got bread out (with the same gloves they just picked up everything with off the floor). I said "Could you please change your gloves?" and he was like "oh yeah probably should." and then I asked if he could get new bread out (since he touched it with the gloves he had on before) at this moment he let out a noticeable "sigh" and I just said "forget it" and walked out and went to another one (just a few blocks away so not far).

Was I an asshole for asking for that? What would you have done in that situation?
Yeah OP, I mean you sound a bit compulsive so if it's a phobia than you could at least explain yourself. If not, then that was definitely assholish.


Oct 25, 2017
So you made the dude throw out bread just to leave?

You can ask for whatever you want, just don't leave after they do it for you.


Oct 28, 2017
Maybe he's glad you walked out so he could get on with his day hassle free? Look on the bright side OP


Oct 25, 2017
You were fine. Yes even the walk out. Honestly after the annoyed sigh I wouldn't have trusted any food he made for me so...

But yeah he should've already known to toss the bread because he cross contaminated it.


Feb 21, 2018
He didn't just pick bread up, the sub broke open and sent lettuce/meat/vegatables tumbling out of it and he picked it all up with his gloves then touched the new bread. If it was literally just picking up a piece of bread it wouldn't have really bothered me, it was the fact he was literally grabbing "tiny" pieces of shredded lettuce and things off the floor and using his finger tips to do so out of the cracks between the tile, etc that made me want him to use new ones.
I don't know how Subway works in your part of the world but i've never seen them toast a sub with veggies inside. It is usually just bread, meat and cheese which is put in the oven. So I'm surprised at your assertion that the "veggies came tumbling out".


May 17, 2018
OP behaved like a jerk by leaving like that and made the day of that person even worse than it probably already was. This kind of entitled bullshit gets to you in those jobs, and behavior like OP's make people feel worthless. That is assuming a manager in a bad mood wasn't around.

If you are that concerned, don't eat that fucking garbage, do you know under which sanitary conditions your meat was grown? THAT is disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
Everything up until the walkout was justified but as soon as you walked out like that was an assholish thing to do


Oct 26, 2017
Man I literally feel sorry for fast food workers, so when they fuck up and forget something, or i have to come back I just play it cool like its no big deal. They're making like $12 an hour to deal with the worst of humanity, and I know damn sure I would not give a single FUCK about anything at my job for shit pay. The way you worded it originally really depends on how i would've reacted ...... if he just like picked up the bread real quick and threw it out, lets say the loaf hit the floor and he grabbed it near the top ........ I really don't care; i doubt the germs magically ran up the bread into his fingers; if he legit SCOOPED like his hands definitely touched the floor with large surface area ..... yeah its OK to ask him to change his gloves.

The fact that you left though ????? Nah dog that's an asshole move. You keep forgetting its a human being on the other end, Maybe he sighed because he was having a bad day and knows he fucked up, maybe he was about to leave to go on a date with some girl and was in a hurry, thats why he dropped his food and was like "fuck", maybe you were the last customer of the day. Maybe he's gotta cram for finals; or worried about school, and some asshole comes in gives him a hard time and decides to leave all for shit pay.

You think his managers give a fuck about him, you think the customers do ? You think anyone in that place gives a shit when he does the right thing 90% of the time ? Maybe your the first fuckup he ever had, but had to be a douche about it, made him make a new sandwich and leave.

This is why I'm not in customer service; I would've called you an asshole on the way out, humanity isn't worth dealing with for minimum wage.


Alt account
Jan 30, 2019
Whewwww, a lot of you are people I thankfully will never meet in real life, clown show.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
You did nothing wrong.

Having worked at SubWay part-time while I was at uni, I can relate to his frustration because he probably has a long line of tasks he needs to get through.

However, sighing when a customer makes a reasonable request? If the attitude is that they want to cut corners then who knows about the hygiene standards in that place. It reminds me of my manager who dropped all the bacon on the floor, all of it, but she just picked it up and put it in the meat selection area.

Here is some anecdotal evidence from my time at the Police. In the Metropolitan Police, you can get fired for having stubble. Sounds ridiculous, right? But from the management perspective, if someone can't manage to look professional then how can they be entrusted with tasks that require greater responsibility. So think, if a customer sighs and begrudgingly does a simple request, who knows what goes on back in the kitchen.


Oct 25, 2017
The dramatic walk-out is a bit much.

Personally, i wouldn't have required them to change their gloves; because - personally - i think the whole glove thing is mostly "sanitary / hygiene theater". Like, they can still sneeze into their fucking gloves when i'm not looking...
I'd much rather have them wash their hands regularly.

But i can see why you'd ask them to replace their gloves and the bread.
Oct 27, 2017
Walking out was a bit much because you'd just wasted his time. You should have just apologised and waited while he prepared another bread. Yes he was a little bit pissed off, but walking out probably made him feel 3x worse.

Your hands were probably nastier than those gloves.

Also this, just from touching the door handle.


Oct 29, 2017
Man I literally feel sorry for fast food workers, so when they fuck up and forget something, or i have to come back I just play it cool like its no big deal. They're making like $12 an hour to deal with the worst of humanity, and I know damn sure I would not give a single FUCK about anything at my job for shit pay. The way you worded it originally really depends on how i would've reacted ...... if he just like picked up the bread real quick and threw it out, lets say the loaf hit the floor and he grabbed it near the top ........ I really don't care; i doubt the germs magically ran up the bread into his fingers; if he legit SCOOPED like his hands definitely touched the floor with large surface area ..... yeah its OK to ask him to change his gloves.

The fact that you left though ????? Nah dog that's an asshole move. You keep forgetting its a human being on the other end, Maybe he sighed because he was having a bad day and knows he fucked up, maybe he was about to leave to go on a date with some girl and was in a hurry, thats why he dropped his food and was like "fuck", maybe you were the last customer of the day. Maybe he's gotta cram for finals; or worried about school, and some asshole comes in gives him a hard time and decides to leave all for shit pay.

You think his managers give a fuck about him, you think the customers do ? You think anyone in that place gives a shit when he does the right thing 90% of the time ? Maybe your the first fuckup he ever had, but had to be a douche about it, made him make a new sandwich and leave.

This is why I'm not in customer service; I would've called you an asshole on the way out, humanity isn't worth dealing with for minimum wage.

This is exactly the kind of response I dread that the other person is thinking of in those situations. How do I get out of that kind of situation without pissing someone off even further. It makes my palms sweaty and my anxiety go through the roof.

I didn't want to eat a sandwich he had touched with his gloves after he literally picked shit up off the floor (yes he touched the floor, it wasn't just the bread it was the contents that spilled out when it hit the floor, he picked them up with one hand and dropped them into his other hand as he picked the stuff up, then threw it in the garbage, came back and picked up new bread (I didn't expect this, figured he was gonna change gloves or i would've said it sooner) then that's when I asked him to change gloves then get new bread.

I felt like I pissed him off doing that (since he sighed when I mentioned getting new bread) but I just didn't want to eat something that had touched his gloves after I literally seen him picking up random bits that were on the floor, and then when I knew he was pissed at me the only thing I could think of was just leaving so he wouldn't have to deal with me anymore and I wouldn't have to feel so nervous/anxious about pissing him off and making everything so tense in that situation.
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
Here is some anecdotal evidence from my time at the Police. In the Metropolitan Police, you can get fired for having stubble. Sounds ridiculous, right? But from the management perspective, if someone can't manage to look professional then how can they be entrusted with tasks that require greater responsibility. So think, if a customer sighs and begrudgingly does a simple request, who knows what goes on back in the kitchen.
What is unprofessional about stubble?


Nov 6, 2017
Eh I think the worker should appreciate how OP went about it.

There is plenty of people out there who would have gone the extra mile to get the employee sacked.


Oct 27, 2017
ERA, where people are afraid to take a shit in public due to poop particles in the air, but making a sandwich with gloves that touched the floor is a-ok.
Wtf am i reading here. Employee was totally in the wrong and the sigh was just the icing on the cake. I'd never eat there again. Don't give me a "woe is me" for the sandwich making employee. He's getting paid minimum wage because any goofball can do that job, which he can't even seem to do without complaining.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
This is exactly the kind of response I dread that the other person is thinking of in those situations. How do I get out of that kind of situation without pissing someone off even further. It makes my palms sweaty and my anxiety go through the roof.

I didn't want to eat a sandwich he had touched with his gloves after he literally picked shit up off the floor (yes he touched the floor, it wasn't just the bread it was the contents that spilled out when it hit the floor, he picked them up with one hand and dropped them into his other hand as he picked the stuff up, then threw it in the garbage, came back and picked up new bread (I didn't expect this, figured he was gonna change gloves or i would've said it sooner) then that's when I asked him to change gloves then get new bread.

I felt like I pissed him off doing that (since he sighed when I mentioned getting new bread) but I just didn't want to eat something that had touched his gloves after I literally seen him picking up random bits that were on the floor, and then when I knew he was pissed at me the only thing I could think of was just leaving so he wouldn't have to deal with me anymore and I wouldn't have to feel so nervous/anxious about pissing him off and making everything so tense in that situation.
I think you meant well, but walking out just wasted his time. Just apologize and wait for new bread. These people deal with all sorts of types every day so I could understand the sigh he must have had a rough day.


Dec 18, 2017
He should have done that without you asking so no. Actually his "sigh" is the rude part in this story.
His sigh could have been ay his own fuck up. It makes alot more sense that he was having a hard time and sighed. Like he already dropped the sandwich and then forgot to change his gloves and acknowledged it. It was probably a self sigh
Oct 27, 2017
Nottingham, UK
It just looks messy. You can have a beard, you can have a goatee but you are not allowed to have stubble. This doesn't apply to civilian staff though, so cooks at the cafeteria, receptionists etc are fine to have stubble.
That's seems like some bullshit rules, but I guess if people know that going in I can't really argue.

But, where's the line between stubble and beard? Are there pictures? Does someone get a ruler out and measure? Seems so arbitrary


Oct 25, 2017
That floor is probably cleaner than your floor at home. when I worked in food we would deep clean the floor everyday like we were cleaning up a crime scene.


Oct 25, 2017
OP said the sandwich broke apart and the guy picked up the pieces off of the floor. So it wasn't really a split second at all. In fact as OP describes it they had to pick it out the floor tiles with their fingertips

No you didn't get what I meant, he was right to get the gloves changed, even the worker agreed, I'm saying it was probably just the rush of the accident and time pressure that led to him keeping the gloves on, grotty makes it sound like he was working with obviously blackened gloves covered in floor gunk and hair etc and he just didn't care at all.


Oct 28, 2017
I have to admit getting sighed at would have prompted me to leave. I wanted a hygienically made sandwich not passive aggressive bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
It just looks messy. You can have a beard, you can have a goatee but you are not allowed to have stubble. This doesn't apply to civilian staff though, so cooks at the cafeteria, receptionists etc are fine to have stubble.

I guess the perception is that it's unkempt? I trim mine every other day to keep it short. My beard is too mixmatched color-wise to grow out (blonde, gray, brown), and I look really young clean shaven, so I just keep it at 3mm.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah you were. The worker should have changed his gloves, and sighing at customers is rude, but the worker is also most likely overworked and underpaid. A little patience and understanding from customers goes a long way. I used to work at a sub shop myself and it's a shit job.
Also that bread would have been fine even with him using the old gloves. A little germs ain't shit, you're breathing in worse stuff the moment you walk outside.


Oct 26, 2017
It just looks messy. You can have a beard, you can have a goatee but you are not allowed to have stubble. This doesn't apply to civilian staff though, so cooks at the cafeteria, receptionists etc are fine to have stubble.

So do you have to already have a beard when you join, if you want to have a beard?


Apr 26, 2019
The request was reasonable depending on how you actually asked but the walk out was very assholey

But also if you're that conscious of germs you probably shouldn't eat out anyway lol

Fright Zone

Dec 17, 2017
Subway staff are meant to put new gloves on when someone orders a vegetarian sandwich, if they've been touching meat with the gloves, but frequently they don't when I order one. I want to ask them to but I also don't want to look like a whiny princess so I never do :/

Gavin Stevens

Team Blur Games
Oct 27, 2017
Telford, Shropshire
My wife's a vegetarian so she's forever asking people to change gloves and what not. But yeah this seems like a bit of a dick move and likely just served to embarrass the guy further :(


Oct 25, 2017
Yes you are a huge ashole and if I was that guy behind the counter I would have vaulted over said counter ,punched you , shoved the bread along with the gloves down your throat , shoved the bill up your ass and kicked you out of the store .


Oct 27, 2017
Changing the gloves part was totally fine, but the walk out on the sigh part honestly you should have felt empathy for the person and realized you were putting them through the extra shit. Basically when I know I'm asking for a lot of shit, I just preface it with sorry and all of that because I know they don't make much but I really want em to do it. I know I'm being slightly extra and wasting more of their time than usual so I try to understand that and be polite about it because I understand the person on the other end is probably not enjoying that shit and I totally get it. I'm not about to hop back there and make sandwiches so I'm going to at least try to make their experience with me as decent as I can.

Plus, in reality with fast food you'd have to imagine the food itself and how its handled in the first place is going to not be perfectly sanitary. You can't get ultra wound up thinking about it or else you might as well not even eat at a fast food place to begin with. Also, who knows how you were saying all this stuff. You could have been aggressively pompous about the whole thing and rude lol. Maybe the sigh was at the tone you used over it. Maybe the sigh was from them thinking man this fucking job sucks but I need the money. Either way just understand these people don't make much and go through bullshit so when you're being extra try to cut em some slack but you do have the right to ask them to do stuff and I don't disagree with what you asked for. I also just wouldn't go back after that.


Oct 26, 2017
You're good OP. People here trying to make a monster out of you. They messed up and should have done all that without needing to ask.