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Oct 25, 2017
I knew someone would mention her, but I think Sasha was the worse actress even with her next-to-no lines.
She did a jetpack powered tornado DDT. Pretty sure that's better than anything Carano did.

Also I realize I always think of the Bunny first when I think of undercard heels in the AEW Women's Division. Don't know why that is. I think she's my unironic favorite wrestler there that has been given total trash storylines and has disappeared for so long. But I appreciate how she has no problem fitting into tag teams really well and puts over the new faces.
She's also funny as hell on AEW games channel.
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Oct 27, 2017
She's also funny as hell on AEW games channel.
That's kind of why I loved the Nightmare Sisters storyline (Minus the gross QT Marshall aspect of it). Her and Brandi together were hilarious. When she would piss Brandi off and they'd throw jabs at each other. Then the way they actually worked their matches where Bunny would do most of the heavy lifting then Brandi would come in there do a couple a things and act like she's the reason they won. Even the one time Brandi got a little too amped up and Bunny had to calm her down and hold her back.

They were amazing together and part of why I thought a real tag team division was about to be formed. Then it just went nowhere and they got broken up for a QT Marshall feud nobody cared about. I think if they get behind Bunny she could get super over whether it's part of a tag team or on her own.


Oct 27, 2017
She could absolutely take the CM Punk approach to a title shot and go through a bunch of people she'd like to work with on her way to the champion. All with somewhat meaningful feuds that are going on at the same time as the Champions are getting time to do their own things. Britt Baker should absolutely be one the people she doesn't encounter at all until they've teased and built up to it for a long time. Make the people beg for it.

Let her cut promos on the fucking Bunny! Let the Bunny talk back. Then after they have their match there's the rest of the heels some of which aren't even in the top 5 of the rankings. Deeb, Conti, Nyla Rose, Penelope Ford, Hayter, Red Velvet, Kiera Hogan, Emi Sakura. There's so many possibilities. Although I'd like to see them hold off on matching her up against people that are even associated with Team DMD and The Baddies since those are going to be the biggest money matches that she can have.

I mean it's obvious that she SHOULD be a face if she joins because people are going to cheer her like crazy. But she's such a great heel too that she could go against any of the faces and elevate them as well. She could be such a game changer for this promotion.

This. I think you could go with her being a face first, then turn her heel against a fan favorite like Riho or Shida (or Ruby for that matter.) Aside from Britt & Jade, the one matchup I'd save for later is Toni Storm.


Nov 1, 2017

If ever I was going to buy a Young Bucks shirt, it would probably be this one.

And very much looking forward to Rampage tomorrow.


Oct 25, 2017
Been doing TV tapings for a new Puerto Rican company

Rumors have been swirling that Santana is done with tag teaming, since he sees himself as a singles star. If true, can't blame him. He does have the potential to be a singles star and it doesn't look like they are pushing PnP as the next in line for the tag titles. A damn shame too.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Sasha is absolutely a 'back up the dump truck full of money' signing in my eyes. And yeah, you book her like Punk. Work up to the title match and have her work with some people she wants to work with.

Also, you do an iron man match with her and whoever else is up for that as the last hour of Dynamite.


Oct 25, 2017
You know thinking about it for a bit...What I really like about AEW is just how damn personable just about everyone is behind the scenes. The various Vlogs, AEW Games shows, and BTE stuff takes the people outside of their character and it just seems like a bunch of folks having a good time, which as a viewer makes me want to see them succeed. It's also why it sucks when people you genuinely like (Bunny, Sonny Kiss, hell most of the Dark Order) aren't getting showcased in favor or ostensibly bigger names. Business wise I understand why, AEW's in business to make money and put on shows the majority of their audience want to watch. I'd still like to see more of the "AEW Originals" get more screen time but if they're happy doing their thing then I'm good with that too.

I don't have nearly the distain for Adam Cole most folks here seem to (I enjoy his matches and segments, sue me) but I've been following him on twitch forever and know, at least on camera, he's a really good dude so I'm pretty happy for him and his success.

I guess my point is by making the people be more than their characters it's easier for me to buy into whatever they're doing on TV which is a big difference maker for me in what I enjoy and maybe why I'm nowhere near as critical of the in ring stuff.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Looks like taking out the Hardyz ended up being a blessing in disguise.

Right on with Joey's tweet on Sonny.

Also... O.o on the Sasha Banks release.


Mar 10, 2019
I'm really glad Ortiz got to FINALLY show his silly personality again. Falling dead onto Jericho for a pin was great! Repurposing "the best! The best! The best!" to a chilling and intimidating "blood and guts! Blood and guts!" was genius.
Oct 27, 2017
Oooo Willow Nightingale is always welcome.

Santana can absolutely be a singles star in AEW and he's also something they dont have a lot of in AEW so they should learn to appreciate more. He's a great promo that is in his prime athletically. He's the full package. He has that fire and drive. The top of the AEW card has been pretty white but it's getting better the more they elevate people to the next level. Santana and Ortiz absolutely should've gotten a first reign before ANYONE got a 2nd so I can understand why he'd be done with it.


Nov 14, 2017
Sending Shooter to RevPro was the right decision purely because it taught him how to spell "honour" correctly.



Nov 1, 2017
I'm ready for dickhead Christian.

"Last week, you lost on your birthday in front of your family on national television like the loser you are, Jack. And that's okay. I didn't expect anything less. Because you ARE a loser, and your family got to see it firsthand, though I'm sure your mom already knew she had raised a disappointing piece of shit. Bravo, Jungle mom! Mission accomplished!"
Oct 27, 2017
Dude Sonny Kiss is the worst one because that fucker came in wrestling like the worst of the worst of the WWE's shitty divas from before the Women's Revolution. Then bit by bit. Little by little he got better. Working with Dustin Rhodes he learned alot about how to make his offense look more impactful. Changed up his moveset a bit. Improved in every way possible. Had a pretty great match with Cody Rhodes for the TNT title and then disappeared off the face of the earth.

Was the Cody TNT Title match before or after the 5 second squash match to Kenny Omega? Just disgraceful.


Nov 1, 2017
I wonder how much of us not knowing the card right now is because there are multiple "wait and see" things going on backstage, likely related to travel, personal issues, booking issues, and/or injury.

I'm starting a prayer circle for Bryan Danielson to heal up in time to have that match against ZSJ, but only if he's legit good to go. If that match gets added to the card, Forbidden Door suddenly looks really good to me. I've already bought it and am interested in the stuff that's been announced, but it feels they need at least one more special attraction match to put it over the top.

And we've gotta get either Okada or Kenny on the show in some capacity, provided Kenny is doing well enough, right?
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Oct 27, 2017
even if Kenny was ready to go, putting him out there for his first NJPW-related match in years without announcing it would be dumb.

have him appear just to run his mouth and start planting the seeds for Wrestle Kingdom or next years Forbidden Door. the same with the Young Bucks. milk that shit for all its worth, get those buyrates up.

Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
My most hopeful armchair booking of Sasha in AEW is that she literally tells TK to his face "I want to join, but *only* if there's an overhaul on how the women's division is treated on TV." Tony would be an absolute idiot if he declined. He'd get bar none the biggest female star in wrestling excluding Becky Lynch, and also maybe we'll get 2 or 3 women's matches a week! GASP!

Sigh, a girl can dream.


Nov 13, 2017
It's funny cause I actually have a Wardlow connection in that my coworker+friend is a Wardlow family friend. He's billed as being from Cleveland but he's actually from Middlefield, Ohio which is Amish country and where my friend is from. And he now literally lives 30 minutes away from me (I'm okay with saying I live in the Northeast Ohio area).

When he had his cage match I met up with my friend at a local bar because that's where Wardlow's dad and friends gathered to watch his first TV match so I got to meet his dad (who was very nice) while we watched him and Cody. Our main takeaway was 90% of the match happened in PiP which is true and they were all disappointed by that. lol. They were also bothered by him being announced from Cleveland. I believe his parents are divorced and his mom goes to many shows he's on, like I think she was front row for his match at DON. For multiple years now I've had to resist the urge to ask my friend if I could meet him. It's a stupid thought to have as there's no guarantee they could even set that up anyway between him being on the road constantly and I get the sense that while she's a family friend she's not necessarily in regular contact with him.

Since she knows I'm a fan she'll just sometimes send me a pic of him out of the blue like she once sent one from his indie days. She's never been a big wrestling fan but out of support of him she'd go to some of his shows so it was a pic of the two of them posing together with him in his gear. It's cool but also kind of weird as I'm certain she is just sending me these pics without checking with anyone about if it's cool or not. Lol. Early in the pandemic she sent me a couple that were clearly pics taken by his family of him wrestling or rough housing with a kid in their living room as they were watching him on a taped Dynamite during the early pandemic. It was cute but also I thought "should she be sending me these?" lol

Oh and he's become known enough now that he's been interviewed by a bunch of different people that that he has a bunch of wiki pages out there about him but I remember when my friend was first telling me about him the only way I could find information on him was by googling his full name, Michael Wardlow. Even then he would be way down the search result but now he's the first thing that comes up when you just search for Wardlow and google auto completes.

I remember right around when Wardlow debuted for AEW someone on hear asked about him because he was a family friend. Was that you, or do we have two posters connected to Wardlow?


Nov 13, 2017
Did you have space? Still same name and time. Either way it should be on demand by now at least.

Yeah that's the weird thing. It's "cloud dvr" so it shouldn't be constrained by space or other things recording, and at least right now the on demand skips over it. I see my recording scheduled for next week though (episode 25). Oh well, I guess it's a good sign for AEW that I'm up in arms that I can't watch the show.


Don't dream it, be it
May 2, 2018
Cable glitched out RIGHT when Christian made his heel turn. NOOOO. Caught the highlights on twitter at least.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah that's the weird thing. It's "cloud dvr" so it shouldn't be constrained by space or other things recording, and at least right now the on demand skips over it. I see my recording scheduled for next week though (episode 25). Oh well, I guess it's a good sign for AEW that I'm up in arms that I can't watch the show.

On demand should be up shortly I'd imagine. Everytime I've missed dynamite and have forgotten to record it it's always up around this time the next day on demand.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Cable glitched out RIGHT when Christian made his heel turn. NOOOO. Caught the highlights on twitter at least.

Ha! something similar happened to me too. I watch it with a bit of a delay, so the replay cut at exactly 10PM but since the show when a bit over that I had to go on to the following show's replay, and rewind it to the beggining to catch the end of the match and the turn lmao


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah that's the weird thing. It's "cloud dvr" so it shouldn't be constrained by space or other things recording, and at least right now the on demand skips over it. I see my recording scheduled for next week though (episode 25). Oh well, I guess it's a good sign for AEW that I'm up in arms that I can't watch the show.

I generally assume it was a mistake when Spectrum's shit works properly, so it's hard to say for sure what happened but both Rampage and Dynamite were removed from my On Demand watchlist for no apparent reason between Monday and this morning.


Oct 28, 2017
I remember right around when Wardlow debuted for AEW someone on hear asked about him because he was a family friend. Was that you, or do we have two posters connected to Wardlow?
Probably me as I have brought it up before. I always feel weird talking about it as there's a very "my uncle works for Nintendo" energy to it but I don't know, it's weird.


Nov 13, 2017
Probably me as I have brought it up before. I always feel weird talking about it as there's a very "my uncle works for Nintendo" energy to it but I don't know, it's weird.

Oh yeah it was you, cool!:

AEW Dynamite |OT| Wednesday Nitro - Live on TNT, Wed. @ 8 ET

Ahh! That’s what I want to know too.

I hope AEW comes to Cleveland soon. Would love it see it live.

I'm totally blanking on the guy's name but a friend of mine is friends since high school with a dude who just signed with AEW. They had a (almost certainly) unintentionally hilarious promo at All Out of them fighting a bunch of dudes on a rooftop in Cleveland and it ends with him making the most Derek Zoolander-ass face. It was so bad and yet perfect at the same time.

Anyway I believe he's supposed to debut on the 2nd? I could be wrong about that...


Oct 28, 2017
Oh yeah it was you, cool!:

AEW Dynamite |OT| Wednesday Nitro - Live on TNT, Wed. @ 8 ET

Ahh! That’s what I want to know too.
Damn dude, you've got good memory. I remember seeing the video package for him that was on All Out 2019 which is SO fucking ridiculous (watch it if you haven't seen it) but then me and my cousin immediately noticed "Hey, that's the Cleveland skyline". Then I remember it somehow came up with my friend who isn't a wrestling fan and she was like "Hey, you know that friend of mine I've told you about who's tried out for WWE a bunch of times? The guy in that video was him". Lol. It was a very weird thing. Ever since then me and my cousins have been big fans of his. Same with Kilynn King as she lives less than 30 minutes away from me though I don't have any friend connections to her.


The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
I really hope the crowd just fuckin goes with the Jungle Boy/Christian feud and not try to be clever and cheer for the heel and boo the face. They both deserve that much.


Nov 4, 2021
South Eastern PA
You know thinking about it for a bit...What I really like about AEW is just how damn personable just about everyone is behind the scenes. The various Vlogs, AEW Games shows, and BTE stuff takes the people outside of their character and it just seems like a bunch of folks having a good time, which as a viewer makes me want to see them succeed. It's also why it sucks when people you genuinely like (Bunny, Sonny Kiss, hell most of the Dark Order) aren't getting showcased in favor or ostensibly bigger names. Business wise I understand why, AEW's in business to make money and put on shows the majority of their audience want to watch. I'd still like to see more of the "AEW Originals" get more screen time but if they're happy doing their thing then I'm good with that too.

I don't have nearly the distain for Adam Cole most folks here seem to (I enjoy his matches and segments, sue me) but I've been following him on twitch forever and know, at least on camera, he's a really good dude so I'm pretty happy for him and his success.

I guess my point is by making the people be more than their characters it's easier for me to buy into whatever they're doing on TV which is a big difference maker for me in what I enjoy and maybe why I'm nowhere near as critical of the in ring stuff.

Being able to see a lot of wrestlers outside the ring in various blogs and whatnot, is one of AEW's biggest strengths imo. It really connects me with them in a way I never experienced before. Discovering that Allie/Blade are big horror fans just made me like them a lot more (Also them being open about their mental health too). Uno, Cole, Kenny, Nyla, Aubrey and many others being into gaming made me connect with them more than just being a fan of their ring work.

I'm in the exact same boat with you regarding Adam Cole too. While I don't watch his streams, He was hilarious during newLEGACYinc's charity stream last year. All the non stop Stone Cold impersonations had me laughing and forgetting my problems during a very debilitating part of my life. Cole seems like the sweetest, most humble wrestler I've seen and I will always root for him regardless of him being a heel or face.


Oct 28, 2017
I follow both AEW and NJPW. I follow the subreddits for both and man, NJPW fans seem miserable all the time. They hate this PPV, they're upset that El Desperado wasn't given a better entrance or talked up more last night, they don't like the wrestlers involved or the card. It's like sweet Jesus, this is basically a bonus PPV with minimal time to build it up because of travel issues and have little time to build up feuds for the show. Why get so worked up about this stuff and the little details like how someone debuted in AEW? But I get the vibe that a lot of fans there don't like AEW in the first place so I guess it's not surprising they're all so upset.

Keyser S

The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Seems a bit weird that some of the Dynamite video are not gaining as much traction on YouTube as usual. Even the worst Dynamite uploads shoot up to 100K fast. Maybe there is an error or something. The 15k for Mox/Tanahashi jumped out to me most of all



The Fallen
Jan 22, 2018
Seems a bit weird that some of the Dynamite video are not gaining as much traction on YouTube as usual. Even the worst Dynamite uploads shoot up to 100K fast. Maybe there is an error or something. The 15k for Mox/Tanahashi jumped out to me most of all

AEW Could probably stand to change up their youtube strategy. It's really not all that good.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
Re:Sasha, if she's available AE-Dub should clearly be making the effort to bring her in. I don't even know if I've seen one of her matches, but with the way the internet discusses her she'll bring in viewership. So that's good!

I do think the "she's better than the whole division" takes are weird though. Again, I don't recall if I've seen any of her matches, but the women's division is STACKED already. It's not their fault TK isn't using them. Like, is Sasha really better than Stat or Hayter? Is she a technician like Deeb? There's been hype for potential mens division signings sure, but never to the point where it has some saying they should bury the whole roster for them.


Oct 27, 2017
I do think the "she's better than the whole division" takes are weird though. Again, I don't recall if I've seen any of her matches, but the women's division is STACKED already. It's not their fault TK isn't using them. Like, is Sasha really better than Stat or Hayter? Is she a technician like Deeb? There's been hype for potential mens division signings sure, but never to the point where it has some saying they should bury the whole roster for them.

She's a top tier worker who is also very charismatic and already an established mainstream star. Sure Deeb is probably a better wrestler, but she's got the whole thing figured out to the extent that she'd automatically be at (the very least near) the top upon coming in.


Mar 10, 2019
Yeah, she's an incredibly accomplished wrestler and a complete package. She's a star.


Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Oct 25, 2017
"Where We're Going We Don't Need Doors"
"Try To Be the King, But the Ace is Back" - Dr Dre.
"I Think This Is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship"


Apr 2, 2020
Seems a bit weird that some of the Dynamite video are not gaining as much traction on YouTube as usual. Even the worst Dynamite uploads shoot up to 100K fast. Maybe there is an error or something. The 15k for Mox/Tanahashi jumped out to me most of all


I noticed that the videos weren't suggested to me when I looked at YouTube this morning. They usually are.
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