
Oct 26, 2017
AEW just captures moments so fun and naturally compared to the usual completely forced and sterile way American wrestling has been portrayed in the past couple of decades.

Common sense goes a long way.


Oct 25, 2017
I think we need to appreciate that this is the second time MJF has been on screen with DDP in AEW and the second time he's slyly done the "diamond upside down is a pussy" taunt from Ready to Rumble towards the camera.

Nelo Ice

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

Just saw someone filmed the brawl on their phone and there's some funny details we didn't see on TV like Santana begging one of the police officers to help him and DDP being pretty involved.

Again love how so invested the crowds are into these shows. Even though it's expected with the opening weeks it's still awesome to see the crowds into everything AEW has done. And this segment in particular had everyone losing their shit.


Oct 28, 2017
That was pretty hyped, enough to convince me to put it on my planner. Jericho is one fantastic heel.

Also, are they using WWE tactics and filling up one side of the arena?


Oct 25, 2017
That whole segment and episode felt like the very best of the attitude era, without all the assorted shit that went along with it. They captured that feeling of surprise and not knowing what exactly to expect next. In a wholy organic and fun way. The WWE would've had them rehearse that shit a billion times and Cole would say the stupidest lines on top of it.

And the best part is that most of the the in-ring action is excellent. Britt Baker being the exception lol. But they have an absolutely amazing product going right now.

So glad to have rid myself of the WWE garbage long ago. Truly no need for it now.


Oct 25, 2017
IMO the best thing that's happened in AEW yet. Was just incredibly well done and entertaining. Everything from the lead up (Jerico/Inner Circle storming through the crowd up to their suite to eat and throw popcorn) to the actual brawl itself.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
That was pretty hyped, enough to convince me to put it on my planner. Jericho is one fantastic heel.

Also, are they using WWE tactics and filling up one side of the arena?
Hell they sold out ppv arenas in minutes.
I'm amazed I got section 40 tickets for charleston at the tag tourney finals this Wednesday. Row J ringside. I gotta wheel and deal though to be off that day.


Oct 25, 2017
And they did do the end of show nwo beatdown a few weeks ago when Swagger debuted. Which was super fun too!


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
AEW is a perfect wrassle storm:

-The fans WANT to be hyped for literally everything and anything throughout the show
-So far, they've delivered in spades with 90% of the content being outstanding
-Everyone comes away from matches looking like a million bucks/a genuine threat
-They're seemingly genuinely listening to criticism and suggestions
-There are wrestlers I went from not knowing whatsoever to marking out at everything they do (see Private Party)
-Orange Cassidy


Oct 25, 2017
I legit laughed out loud at the airhorn reveal, I thought it was just some asshole in the crowd who picked the perfect moment to let it loose. Then they cut to the booth and it's Jericho and all his cronies LOL. Hysterical.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
AEW is a perfect wrassle storm:

-The fans WANT to be hyped for literally everything and anything throughout the show
-So far, they've delivered in spades with 90% of the content being outstanding
-Everyone comes away from matches looking like a million bucks/a genuine threat
-They're seemingly genuinely listening to criticism and suggestions
-There are wrestlers I went from not knowing whatsoever to marking out at everything they do (see Private Party)
-Orange Cassidy



Jun 10, 2018
Lots of great moments but I just love Jericho crying about having tickets and then throwing in "That's what happens when you mess with the inner circle" as security drags Cody and co. away after they'd kicked their asses.

Jericho is a fucking ace heel.

Also loved hearing Jim Ross on the mic again.


Oct 28, 2017
AEW is a perfect wrassle storm:

-The fans WANT to be hyped for literally everything and anything throughout the show
-So far, they've delivered in spades with 90% of the content being outstanding
-Everyone comes away from matches looking like a million bucks/a genuine threat
-They're seemingly genuinely listening to criticism and suggestions
-There are wrestlers I went from not knowing whatsoever to marking out at everything they do (see Private Party)
-Orange Cassidy
AEW is doing an excellent job of building new stars. I knew about MJF from their pre-Dynamite PPVs, but he's established himself as an upper midcard/main event player in just a few short weeks based just on character, promos, and storylines. Darby Allin, Riho, and Private Party have all gotten incredibly over as well. And Orange Cassidy has become the most over man in the company by literally doing very little.

Right now the company is smart enough to understand that while people may tune in for the previously established big names like Jericho, Moxley, and Omega, it's the newer faces that will keep audiences interested in the long term.


Oct 25, 2017
AEW is a perfect wrassle storm:

-The fans WANT to be hyped for literally everything and anything throughout the show
-So far, they've delivered in spades with 90% of the content being outstanding
-Everyone comes away from matches looking like a million bucks/a genuine threat
-They're seemingly genuinely listening to criticism and suggestions
-There are wrestlers I went from not knowing whatsoever to marking out at everything they do (see Private Party)
-Orange Cassidy
Best for last

Indiana Jones

Oct 27, 2017
Amazing segment. Can't wait for Full Gear. The arena is going to shake during the Cody/Jericho match.

A guy WWE didn't know how to use and a legend that WWE underappreciated feels like a Rock/Austin match from 1999.

Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
A guy WWE didn't know how to use ...
An entire FAMILY a company didnt know how to use. Dusty was a dancing fatboy in polka dots instead of a flamboyant showboating southern working class hero full of fight, Dusten was reduced to comedy and innuendo when he has proven he could've been having matches on par with any of the top card given his incredible match vs Cody, and Cody was just gonna be another carny sideshow freak his entire career too because that's how Vince saw his entire wild flamboyantly gifted entertainer sideshows.

I love that Cody is largely turning the tide on their family legacy and redeeming the Rhodes family In the eyes of fans. Folks now see him as an peoples champ, and Dustin as a dangerous veteran who is unpredictable and scary smart in the ring at tricking opponents...and scary tough.

Love what AEW has shown of what this family can and always could do out there.
Just look at this match of brother vs brother!
The first 5 star match of AEW and it was t the main event. It was their family proving their worth.


Oct 25, 2017
It was a great segment, was not expecting Cody to punch through the glass letting all hell break loose.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
They've been extremely consistent in the same way that takeovers have always been, from the very beginning AEW has been a better wrestling product then most.

Onward and upward!


Oct 25, 2017
Is Dark the only free content they put out? There isn't a way to watch the main show they put out on TNT, correct?

Normanski 2.0

Nov 21, 2017
The title doesn't spoil anything besides there being a brawl - on a wrestling show.

It gives away the end of the show less than 24 hours after it ended, long before many of us who live outside the US has been able to watch it ( I know it's screened on Fite but some of us can't stay up until 3am in midweek because of work) .

It'd be fine if it was mentioned in AEW thread, I think that's to be expected, but to make it a separate thread is bad form imo.


Oct 27, 2017
Segment was just GOLD start to finish, harkens back to when mainstream wrestling was fire. Feel like a kid again.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Jericho is one of the top 5 total package wrestlers of all time. Top 3 talkers. "Who wears a scarf?", "Millennial Bitch", "I'VE GOT TICKETS!!!". He's fucking hilarious while simultaneously making you 100 percent believe in his character. Some masterclass shit.

At the same time, Cody is becoming a fucking star in all of this. A baby face people actually want to get behind.

The whole segment was magic. Felt like the old days and in all the right ways.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
It gives away the end of the show less than 24 hours after it ended, long before many of us who live outside the US has been able to watch it ( I know it's screened on Fite but some of us can't stay up until 3am in midweek because of work) .

It'd be fine if it was mentioned in AEW thread, I think that's to be expected, but to make it a separate thread is bad form imo.'re seriously upset that a wrestling thread title mentions a brawl?

And it actually doesn't give away the end of the show since the OP got mixed up. But:

There's wrestling at the end of the show


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
Also, are they using WWE tactics and filling up one side of the arena?
Most wrestling promotions on TV do this for presentation. Not just a WWE thing, although they are the biggest offenders. My friend had an extra ticket to RAW a couple years ago in Brooklyn so I went with him. Even in NYC they crammed people into the hard camera side, and it was noticeably less filled everywhere else. That specific section were also going crazy at moments, while the rest of the arena were just sitting and watching as normal. Been to some TNA shows in the past and it was the same thing.

I went to AEW in Philly last week and they don't appear to be using that as a crutch to those levels. Hard camera side didn't seem anymore packed or filled with "super fans" than the rest of the arena. Although I'm sure you still get people getting their seats upgraded to fill in.

With that said, AEW have been aiming for more mid sized arenas and packing them, so they are avoiding the large chunks of empty seats like you see at WWE shows.


Oct 28, 2017
I wish I enjoyed Jericho as much as the rest of you. He makes it hard for me to watch AEW a lot of the time.