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Oct 28, 2017
remind me again how the rural US is somehow extricable from the "construction of whiteness" and its negative consequences when it's LITERALLY THE WHITEST PART

you need to actually reply to people if you want them to respond to your posts. and yeah, placing quotation marks around the construction of whiteness like it's not a real thing and then quoting bar graphs back at me
like i didn't already acknowledge that the diverse rural communities i'm talking about are minority communities (as in, you know, not in the majority). what's your point?


Dec 26, 2018
If she wasn't getting any love from the wealthy donor types anyway, what's she got to lose? Might as well spin it into a positive fundraising rallying cry.

But overall yeah, I think this is a bad sign for her campaign. There's too many candidates and not enough money to go around, especially since dems aren't going around being kept afloat by a couple multi-millionaires the way Republicans were in 2016.

Big donors would be a weakness for her. Hmmm. Wonder how long she can survive at this rate, if she gets to Cali that alone right be the death knell for her campaign.

Warren's problem is that all the small donors she might get are already solidly in the Bernie camp, leaving her with...........nothing at all on the fundraising front.

Agreed. She's got xtra competition with candidates like Williams, too.


Oct 27, 2017
This is broad but rural location = further spread out, less contact with other types of people, more self reliant by necessity since they don't need the infrastructure that a city needs, therefore they don't want the government to take their "hard earned money" and "give it away" to the "different" people living in cities.

By nature of having less exposure to other ways of life, traditionalism generally prevails in rural areas.

I see, thanks.


Oct 25, 2017
This is broad but rural location = further spread out, less contact with other types of people, more self reliant by necessity since they don't need the infrastructure that a city needs, therefore they don't want the government to take their "hard earned money" and "give it away" to the "different" people living in cities.

By nature of having less exposure to other ways of life, traditionalism generally prevails in rural areas.

There's actually another reason the rural American south tends to be a bit more racist
Jan 15, 2019
Warren's problem is that all the small donors she might get are already solidly in the Bernie camp, leaving her with...........nothing at all on the fundraising front.

Yeah, she's in a tough spot.
Yeah I was also thinking about this, people dont have the money to fund more than a couple non-corporate democrats. Im surprised that Gabbard has survived more than a month tbh.

I think we'll see the dem field expand and contract in a much quicker fashion than the GOP field did in 2016 for exactly this reason.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
how will i live without your useful bar graphs explaining things everyone already knew and accepted
cut the fucking shit, dude

i'm "quoting bar graphs" in part to demonstrate that rural areas are both less diverse than the rest of the country and also diversifying at slower rates, directly tying into the isolationism problem (on top of the other pre-existing issues with American rural communities as currently constructed).

most of my family grew up in rural areas. many of my friends did. that the overwhelming majority of the marginalized among them now live in cities and suburbs, pretty much completely regardless of their income levels, isn't a fucking accident or something you can just arbitrarily separate from the rest of this country's garbage social constructions.

maybe kirblar's out of line saying the rural areas deserve to die, but your flying off the fucking handle in response and frankly acting like a shitbaby is doing you absolutely no favors.


Oct 28, 2017
cut the fucking shit, dude
i thought you were done responding
i'm "quoting bar graphs" in part to demonstrate that rural areas are both less diverse than the rest of the country and also diversifying at slower rates, directly tying into the isolationism problem (on top of the pre-existing issues with American rural communities as currently constructed)
yeah, like i said explaining things people already understood and accepted. no one is saying that rural areas are more diverse they are saying that you can't throw the diverse rural communities that do exist and enjoy the communities we have and don't necessarily want to turn into big cities under the bus and paint a broad brush to say "screw rural people" and rural communities need to all wither away
maybe kirblar's out of line saying the rural areas deserve to die, but your flying off the fucking handle in response and frankly acting like a shitbaby is doing you absolutely no favors
i'm not going to have my perfectly justified and sensible reaction to someone saying screw rural people tone-policed by people with no sympathy or understanding of rural communities. so typical of era's detached elitist nonsense that i get dogpiled rather than someone lecturing a rural person who is trans and gay about how they should loathe rurality too because they're being oppressed as if i don't understand my own damn oppression and want lectures on it from people talking about erasing my communities. i want to show solidarity with rural communities and stay and fight to make them better if it's at all possible, not adopt this condescending nonsense that actually does no one any favors


Oct 26, 2017
Our rural south is especially fucked up because of the area's historical and cultural links with slavery, but sphagnum's analysis is universal-ish.

I think the exception would be Brazil where far right wing elements co-opted the urbanized youth for once rather than the cynical countryside.


Oct 25, 2017
Our rural south is especially fucked up because of the area's historical and cultural links with slavery, but sphagnum's analysis is universal-ish.

I think the exception would be Brazil where far right wing elements co-opted the urbanized youth for once rather than the cynical countryside.

Does Brazil have any sort of rural-landlord problem? That's when rural areas go leftist, at least economically.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
yeah, like i said explaining things people already understood and accepted. no one is saying that rural areas are more diverse they are saying that you can't throw the diverse rural communities that do exist and enjoy the communities we have and don't necessarily want to turn into big cities under the bus and paint a broad brush to say "screw rural people" and rural communities need to all wither away

i'm not going to have my perfectly justified and sensible reaction to someone saying screw rural people tone-policed by people with no sympathy or understanding of rural communities. so typical of era's detached elitist nonsense that i get dogpiled rather than someone lecturing a rural person who is trans and gay about how they should loathe rurality too because they're being oppressed as if i don't understand my own damn oppression and want lectures on it from people talking about erasing my communities. i want to show solidarity with rural communities and stay and fight to make them better if it's at all possible, not adopt this condescending nonsense that actually does no one any favors
...okay, actually, kinda fucked that it took this many posts (really more than just reading your initial response to kirblar) to finally break through to me that this wasn't some weird attempt to defend the white rural majority.

(my brain's running on fumes between getting only 3 hours of sleep last night and lingering energy drain recovering from a gout flareup right now so, frankly, if you're gonna call me out for being a dumb condescending idiot you're totally justified in doing so.)

coming from someone who's all that except rural, everything in your post is fair. while my opinion of american rural areas does tend low due to the aforementioned things people already understand and accept (though personally, as a disabled person with CKD the biggest "thing" is avg distance to health care facilities), i'm not gonna co-sign the idea that they need to "wither away". if there are fights i can join to help unfuck rural america particularly for its marginalized communities as some youthful idiot from suburban ohio, then i'd be glad to join them.

and it wasn't my intent to lecture, but i apologize for doing so anyway.
Oct 27, 2017
Official Staff Communication
Second reminder today...this thread is for 2020 primary news. If you want to deep-dive and hash out a particular issue with rural voting, racism, access to food or clean water, etc., then make another thread about that issue. Stop the back and forth in here.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie is pretty lucky that Wolf asked him a follow up in that clip because otherwise it just looked like he didn't want to talk about sexual harassment

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Wonder if there is video or even audio of this interaction.....

If that is just in reference to his televised answer that is so disingenuous it doesn't merit serious consideration. And I say that as someone who considers Bernie to be his 4th or 5th choice.
I had to look for it... Is this the same incident? I can't even tell....

and realize it's all smoke and mirrors. He dissed her and screamed at her? Jesus christ
Strange description given anyone can review the footage for themselves... Maybe some people just perceive everything Bernie says as "screaming"?
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Oct 26, 2017
Conservatives try to murder AOC in the same way that some liberals are trying to murder Bernie Sanders.

It's truly fascinating and honestly destroying my brain cells trying to wrap my head around all the egregious ignorance.


Nov 18, 2017
I had to look for it... Is this the same incident? I can't even tell....

Yes, so essentially he had no structure in place where he would even know about these incidents so he had no way to respond to them. Literally impossible for him to find out and thus take care of the incident at the time it happened. The fault was the structure. He fixed that structure.

So it wasn't something he could fix on the spot, like it was brought up to him and he dismissed it because he was busy. That's what the quote sounds like he was doing, which I believe is why he said it was out of context.


Feb 28, 2018
Bernie is getting slammed by the Left for his perfect reasonable stance on Venezuela and for not defending Maduro and it's kind of insane.


Oct 25, 2017
Conservatives try to murder AOC in the same way that some liberals are trying to murder Bernie Sanders.

It's truly fascinating and honestly destroying my brain cells trying to wrap my head around all the egregious ignorance.
Notice how it comes from former Clinton staffers and democratic insiders. The vast majority of which are white and probably majority male.


Oct 26, 2017
He responded on the day, hours later, when that shit came out, reaching out to help and listen to those making any sort of accusations of the work conditions...

People need to try harder to burn this guy.

Notice how it comes from former Clinton staffers and democratic insiders

Hah. Right? The most self destructive Democrat clique tries to torpedo anyone else around them? No way! And even risked their own success? Sigh...Mild shock...


Feb 28, 2018
Let's be real, that particular section of the left comprises a few thousand people. They're electorally meaningless.
They're the fringe group that thinks the Russia investigation is all made-up, that Tulsi is a pacifist and their ideal candidate on foreign policy, and who coincidentally happen to be on the same page with the Far Right/Steve Bannon on a number of issues.

Thank god they're irrelevant.
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