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Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017

Too bad all guns aren't classified as assault weapons, as if any gun served any other purpose.


Oct 29, 2017
Its a shame that Trump is the only public figure willing to criticize McCain because there's a clear case to be made for McCain's warmongering record being extremely harmful and detrimental to America over the past 30 years, but no one else is making it. One of the few times I ever thought Trump was right was when he blasted George W. Bush over 9/11 and Iraq, so if he had criticized McCain over that as well he woulda had a point. But nah, he attacked McCain for all the wrong reasons instead (being a POW and voting to preserve Obamacare) so yeah piss off Donald.

One of the only times I've agreed with Trump audibly is when he said on a debate stage is that Bush didn't keep them safe because 9/11 happened on his watch.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
I'm so tired of "Can you define assault weapon? Define it for me *smug face*" arguments from the gun nuts

Also this is worth checking out if you're wondering why people are wary of Beto's past and comments about the grace he receives in comparison to other candidates like Gillibrand:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
One of the only times I've agreed with Trump audibly is when he said on a debate stage is that Bush didn't keep them safe because 9/11 happened on his watch.
Eeeeehhhhhhhhhh, you can criticize him for what happened afterward pretty easily, but not preventing 9/11? Like, I know you're probably referring to the info he had, but that wasn't as obvious as hindsight makes you believe.


Oct 29, 2017
Eeeeehhhhhhhhhh, you can criticize him for what happened afterward pretty easily, but not preventing 9/11? Like, I know you're probably referring to the info he had, but that wasn't as obvious as hindsight makes you believe.

Whether it was impossible to prevent or not is a different discussion. Simply put, Bush did not keep America safe and it was an absolutely asinine claim for Jeb and Rubio to have made.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
You can't that's the point. It bothers me how His campaign is boldly claiming that he has the biggest grassroots movement when he clearly cannot know. But worse still is that It cannot be true, he is already claiming that his movement is already bigger than Bernie's entire 2016 grassroots movement which is not possible.
So, best case scenario they're claiming victory too soon, worst-case scenario they're lying.
What's he's saying is on the same level as many of the things on the continually updated "Trump's told 10,000 lies or mistruths since taking office" list. Sure, politicians spin stuff and are hyperbolic (lie) all the time, but people in here going "well you can't not prove that it isn't untrue" or whatever are a bit odd.
good thing about Beto is that he potentially draws a lot of "moderate" voters from Biden whose main concern is electability. Though if he really wanted to be selfless he could've run for TX senate again and built up the state party.
Or endorsed his fellow democrat rather than his republican friend in a congressional race
I made it 54 seconds in and already never want to hear his voice again.
Oct 27, 2017
How do people feel about Jay Inslee? I know he is running on a Climate Change platform, but he lost pretty badly with a couple of initiatives that impacted Climate Change here in 2018.


Oct 29, 2017
Or endorsed his fellow democrat rather than his republican friend in a congressional race


I'm fine with hearing out arguments, but the segment started off in a very annoying context, and you're repeating something that is verifiably untrue above. Both of those lead me to believe it's not worth paying attention to.


Dec 26, 2018
What's he's saying is on the same level as many of the things on the continually updated "Trump's told 10,000 lies or mistruths since taking office" list. Sure, politicians spin stuff and are hyperbolic (lie) all the time, but people in here going "well you can't not prove that it isn't untrue" or whatever are a bit odd.

It's not odd, just that not everyone thinks you like do in the party and this is hardly what lies Trump's making. Beto was making a concrete claim which was unprovable, because it was something movements don't record. He might be lying, but where's the proof? That's the grey space he's operating in which allows him to get away with statements like that.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone from colorado Hickenlooper is the worst. Please dont vote for him.
I'm from colorado too, and I would at least say he's the only centerist I regularly somewhat enjoy his interviews and debates. Not saying he never says super aggravating and weird stuff, just that he generally seems pretty human and nice, unlike someone like Cuomo whose disingenuousness and condescension makes my tv ooze Ted Cruz slime every second he's on screen.

That said, he's still a centrist whos actual use of power causes so much harm in the intrest of big money and cooperation with republicans.


Oct 25, 2017
He might be lying, but where's the proof? That's the grey space he's operating in which allows him to get away with statements like that.
That sums up my feeling toward Beto well. Personally I can't stand a liar and just as bad is someone who is imo clearly a fraud but there's no proof. He's "grey space" for sure.

Maybe it'll turn out that's a smart move, but for me it automatically takes him out of the running.


Oct 27, 2017
What's being defended is the dignity of POW/MIA Americans. To say you disagree with McCain's views on foreign policy is fine. However, I think the President attacking the service record of a man who came back with less of himself than he left with is immoral. He willfully refused release from daily torture, starvation, and humiliation out of loyalty and respect to his comrades. The President can't be betraying our MIA/POWs like that. It's shameful. Kudos to Bernie for having the courage to stand up to his own mob.
Disagreeing on his views?
I'm sorry, but that Republican has genuine blood on his hands. He's a blood-thirsty warhawk who pushed against Civil Rights, supported Brett Kavanaugh and helped in essentially the creation of a Trump president thanks to Sarah Palin. He's a rotten Republican at his core.

Why is a cis man like John McCain allowed to be liked and called a hero while a Transwoman
who AOC is cool with like Chelsea Manning, whose sins are being associated with WikiLeaks, Assange and being caught in an alt-right party, not only is hated very much, but is being called a coward, despite being subjugated to torture to expose US surveillance?
Oct 31, 2017

Sam Bee breaks down the 2020 dem candidates

"I would trade three of you for a bottle of water" oooh snowburn


Bitch for God got a cheer
and Sam prompted something subconscious in me to look into the etymology of Evangelical
From εὐάγγελος (euángelos, "bringing good news"), from εὐ- (eu-, "good") +‎ ἄγγελος (ángelos, "messenger")


and it recontextualized Williamson's angel voices.
Maybe she's right.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I will say that a big bummer for me about Biden announcing with Abrams as a VP would be that I think it'd essentially render some of the lesser known candidates like Pete and Marianne obsolete before we've even had a single debate and they can get more exposure. if Biden announces with a running mate all of a sudden people will start focusing on the bigger names in the primary and who they'd be likely to pick as a running mate. there'd probably be pressure to pair up early to get a full picture of what ticket we'd be voting for. I feel like all that would make the chances of a lesser known candidate gaining momentum nearly impossible.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
good thing about Beto is that he potentially draws a lot of "moderate" voters from Biden whose main concern is electability. Though if he really wanted to be selfless he could've run for TX senate again and built up the state party.
Beto for president with Joaquin for Senate can turn Texas blue in a presidential turnout year. Beto did more for TX than anyone else when he gave multiple millions to the TX democratic party. I think he gave almost 2 million then another 4.5 million. That's huge and should helped greatly in 2020.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
I just dont see this being as big a factor in the primary as some, or biden, think it will be. She's an amazing woman and would be a good pick but i don't see it making him any more or less likely to get the nom than if he hadn't announced it prior.
Biden likely sees Kamala as his biggest obstacle from, not just winning southern states but running up big margins in them against the other white dudes

This is a play to basically cancel Kamala by running with someone who is way more popular than her there. Also, running with her and being Barack's BFFs are going to be nearly impenetrable flame shields should any more questionable past comments of his come out.. which they totally will

Deleted member 10224

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Welp, no matter how much you're hiring POC to help your campaign and talking about all the Issues that are important to the African American community, you're not beating Biden/Abrams. You can bring up Anita HIll & Crime bill and It won't do much damage to him. I wonder what will Bernie and Beto do. Bernie could go to AOC and pray she's willing to endorse him early and start campaigning for him all over the map. They would be a powerful dynamic duo that would help Bernie stay 24/7 in the media spotlight and also be a big attraction in every state. Other than that, they better pray BLM organizes a protest against Biden and he says something extremely tone deaf. And even then, he'll just apologize, take a week off and let Abrams be the face of the campaign until everyone eventually moves on.


Oct 25, 2017
Has this thread title had a single positive headline about Bernie since he announced? Or is that only reserved for PoliEra Approved™ candidates?


Oct 25, 2017
Has this thread title had a single positive headline about Bernie since he announced? Or is that only reserved for PoliEra Approved™ candidates?
Nope not happening I imagine. Mods are biased just like everyone else. And as far as I've seen they certainly aren't for Sanders. The current one is pretty nonsensical now but it hasnt been changed yet. Maybe if Biden announces/Abrams is confirmed it'll get updated.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Butti will be on the view tomorrow. Alot more people are about to know who he is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Butti will be on the view tomorrow. Alot more people are about to know who he is.
The more exposure Pete gets, the better.
I've been doing my part.
we all know what it is
Was there not one when Bernie announced? I haven't been paying too much attention to them, as the last one I remember was about Klobuchar. Come to think of it, I'd imagine most of the titles this thread have had probably weren't positive.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Was there not one when Bernie announced? I haven't been paying too much attention to them, as the last one I remember was about Klobuchar. Come to think of it, I'd imagine most of the titles this thread have had probably weren't positive.

There was, and I can't think of positive titles either, really.

Most often it adds up to: someone posts primary news as a thread, thread gets locked, title gets changed.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
samoyed we talked earlier in the thread about whether Hillary would have done worse against Jeb. Out of curiousity I googled the pre-election numbers of jeb vs Hillary.

Jeb actually beat her in the popular vote in some polls(believe it or not, fox news polls aren't biased, half of their polls come from an A rated pollster with a dem bias, other half a B with a slight pub bias) and outperformed Trump in head to heads vs Hillary.


Trump only had Hillary beat in the popular vote RCP average for one day.

It's interesting to look back. Trump really was Hillary's best shot at the Presidency.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I just dont see this being as big a factor in the primary as some, or biden, think it will be. She's an amazing woman and would be a good pick but i don't see it making him any more or less likely to get the nom than if he hadn't announced it prior.

I imagine it's more about Day 1 fundraising.
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