
Jul 25, 2018
Hey y'all, fairly newish to this!

Went through a big physical transformation and wanted to share, I was around 115kgs in fall 2022, went down to around 76kgs in ~1 year and started going to the gym in the middle of september 2023.

This is around 3.5 - 4 months of progress (2nd pic is from a month ago) Going 4x a week.
I'm at around 82kgs now and feeling way happier with my body!

That's outstanding. When was the first pic?

Are you seeking to maintain for a while to get used to the new weight after so much weight loss? Six months would be good. Then a very lean bulk from there, like +100 per day.

Dlanor A. Knox

▲ Legend ▲
Apr 6, 2018
good for you, dude! looking great

Thank you very much!! I'm addicted to the gym now. Currently sick and feeling so bad for not going this week. Going back tomorrow though as i'm feeling better now.

That's outstanding. When was the first pic?

Are you seeking to maintain for a while to get used to the new weight after so much weight loss? Six months would be good. Then a very lean bulk from there, like +100 per day.

Thanks!! First pic was around 2 weeks after I started so towards the end of september 2023, 2nd pic is from jan 23rd.

I'm honestly not entirely sure what to do as i'm quite new to this lol, would love some tips.
I've been thinking of losing some fat (I think it's called cutting in english?? I'm not a native english speaker i'm not sure lol) before summer but I don't know if it's too early for that.
Been going to the gym for 5 months so far and gained ~5.5 kgs since I started


Jul 25, 2018
I'm honestly not entirely sure what to do as i'm quite new to this lol, would love some tips.
I've been thinking of losing some fat (I think it's called cutting in english?? I'm not a native english speaker i'm not sure lol) before summer but I don't know if it's too early for that.
Been going to the gym for 5 months so far and gained ~5.5 kgs since I started
Obviously you're in a calorie surplus now. Some of the initial weight gain after the big loss will have been a few pounds of water weight and glycogen stores. It's best to maintain for a while after a big change, to let the body get used to it. You'll see estimates vary for how long that maintenance should be. Some will say a few months, others six months, others two thirds of how long you were dieting, etc. The main point is, give it time. You don't want your weight to creep back up to where it was before. Let it get used to where you're at.

Yeah you could cut a few more % body fat, but since you're obviously loving the gym my suggestion would be maintain, keep going hard at the gym. That effectively means losing your current calorie surplus, dropping about 200 calories per day. Keep your weight stable. Do that for at least three months, then re-evaluate. You could do a few months cut then if you felt, ahead of winter season where you start a lean bulk.

Dlanor A. Knox

▲ Legend ▲
Apr 6, 2018
Obviously you're in a calorie surplus now. Some of the initial weight gain after the big loss will have been a few pounds of water weight and glycogen stores. It's best to maintain for a while after a big change, to let the body get used to it. You'll see estimates vary for how long that maintenance should be. Some will say a few months, others six months, others two thirds of how long you were dieting, etc. The main point is, give it time. You don't want your weight to creep back up to where it was before. Let it get used to where you're at.

Yeah you could cut a few more % body fat, but since you're obviously loving the gym my suggestion would be maintain, keep going hard at the gym. That effectively means losing your current calorie surplus, dropping about 200 calories per day. Keep your weight stable. Do that for at least three months, then re-evaluate. You could do a few months cut then if you felt, ahead of winter season where you start a lean bulk.

Sounds good, thanks buddy, I'll trying doing exactly that!! 💪

(Though i'm muslim and Ramadan starts next month, that's gonna be interesting lol. Still not sure what i'll do then, could be a good opportunity to try and lose some fat but i'm afraid of not having enough proteins / day since the window to eat is p short, might have to rely on shakers and protein bars to meet the quota)


Nov 27, 2017
Well, went back in today, my foot is still a bit tweaked so no treadmill. Focusing just on cardio for now. Went on the rowing machine at about medium(5/10) tension, lasted about 10 minutes till my target areas started burning too much and my lungs were getting tickled a touch. Not sure if any of the display details are super relevant, but here we are: 1698m, 26spm. Seems short but gotta start somewhere(if I didn't mess up my foot I'd probably do a hour on the treadmill at the 5.5% incline and 3mph again. Or setup adjusting incline segments). So no big tracking page. Still aiming for the 3 days, but with the holiday and working on it I may go in Sunday instead of Monday. Tho my aim is mwf. Don't really know what's a good progression on the cardio but I know I'm trying to match my old days of 45minute walks without screwing myself up.

Also got in some skiing this morning but not sure my downhill style contributes a ton, I tend to go in and do some before my shift on nice days away from snowfall(can't ski powder well). Usually get 5-6 runs in over, about a hour. Pretty quick ones tho. Can't do the upper half due to my feet and the increased length causing soreness despite inserts. The tweaked bottom of my foot is improving tho.


Jul 25, 2018
Don't really know what's a good progression on the cardio but I know I'm trying to match my old days of 45minute walks without screwing myself up.
It depends on your goals. Weight loss, more time in zone 2 is ideal. If your goal is increasing VO2 max, mix in sprints and progress the frequency and duration of those sprints.

With rowing, you can progress with increasing distance, and increasing speed over that distance. For you for now, probably the former.

Skiing is a solid calorie burner, probably at least as much as walking.


Nov 27, 2017
It depends on your goals. Weight loss, more time in zone 2 is ideal. If your goal is increasing VO2 max, mix in sprints and progress the frequency and duration of those sprints.

With rowing, you can progress with increasing distance, and increasing speed over that distance. For you for now, probably the former.

Skiing is a solid calorie burner, probably at least as much as walking.
I keep having bad luck this season so not as much as I want and I can't do powder. But I'll probably be skiing around an hour 3-4 days a week weather allowing before my work shift(and a decent amount of my shift is being on my feet, and sometimes even a touch of skiing).
As for goals, yeah it's weight loss but not quite? The fact is if I put on muscle I'd stay this weight because of my build. It's more that I'm trying to restabilize my cardio balance to slim back up? I've got a build where if I keep my cardio up, my butt goes flat and my slides and gut will slim back up. Which helps my joints and overall health balance. I'm just trying to get back to a healthier balance, tho with my build my bmi balance is always extremely overweight even when I hit a loss threshold. Figured I'd try to clean up my arms while I'm at it. Although, a big issue I have that makes stuff a challenge is that I'm delicate for my build so I heal really slowly if I take things too far by accident. It's why the foot I messed up monday overdoing my cardio still hasn't healed up fully (on my right foot, right behind the small toe base joint going across the right side. It's just starting to ease up). Always had to go with my natural rhythm for cardio/hiking/etc because if I try to intensify I tend to set off my heart or lungs. It also takes me a really long time to build muscle.

So yeah length is the focus on the rowing machine right now. Tho when my foots healed up I'd like to balance it with the treadmill probably since I can do longer stretches on that. Tho my skiing might be more effective at this point


Oct 25, 2017
I started taking creatine again. I used to take it in my 20's but stopped when thought it could be accelerating male pattern baldness (it probably wasn't). In my 30's now and wanted to try it again. Took it for about 2 weeks (3g a day) and experienced bloating right off the bat. The bloating subsided but then I was left with mild discomfort in my gut, a bit gurgly, sometimes mild bloating but always aware of the feeling that something wasn't right, no change in poop habits though. I've now stopped taking it completely and it's still causing a bit of discomfort 4 days on. My younger self never had these problems :(
Oct 25, 2017
I started taking creatine again. I used to take it in my 20's but stopped when thought it could be accelerating male pattern baldness (it probably wasn't). In my 30's now and wanted to try it again. Took it for about 2 weeks (3g a day) and experienced bloating right off the bat. The bloating subsided but then I was left with mild discomfort in my gut, a bit gurgly, sometimes mild bloating but always aware of the feeling that something wasn't right, no change in poop habits though. I've now stopped taking it completely and it's still causing a bit of discomfort 4 days on. My younger self never had these problems :(

Check the label, does it have any fake sugar or sugar alcohols in it?

I got back into fitness (like, hard-core) again this year and all the sweeteners in powders, drinks and bars gave me insane gut issues that I'm only just starting to get over after a few weeks of identifying the trigger.

For me it's mostly the sugar alcohols, but it got so bad even Stevia started hurting me.


Nov 27, 2017
Well this is a tricky one. First my foot is still touchy from Monday so I'm trying to decide if I should push my third workout this week back a day since I have the next 3 days off and could let it rest tomorrow. While the rowing machine seems to be a good fit I still want to keep up the treadmill too. We'll see how I feel in the morning.

The real challenge is next week is ski week so I'm getting called in for 6 days straight, we've got both mid mountain lifts running(I'm a ski lift operator this winter. Just lunches due to my health stuff) so I'll be skiing quite a bit during my shifts. The fitness center is also likely to be busy due to the holiday. So I'm not sure if I should even be pushing myself to do extra as I can't afford to do anything that could mess me up for work, but I'll probably be making more than the cardio difference skiing.


Jun 13, 2022
Well this is a tricky one. First my foot is still touchy from Monday so I'm trying to decide if I should push my third workout this week back a day since I have the next 3 days off and could let it rest tomorrow. While the rowing machine seems to be a good fit I still want to keep up the treadmill too. We'll see how I feel in the morning.
No shame in getting another day of rest, better than forcing it and provoking injury.

I've been going to the gym consistently for two months now and it's gotten to the point where I'm annoyed or disappointed if I'm not able to make it on a scheduled day. It's fun to see there numbers go up each week on the amount of weight I'm pushing but I kind of wish I could see a bigger physical change to my body. Consistency and time will get it done, I'm sure, and I can see SOME changes, I just want them to be more dramatic hahah Still working with a trainer, virtually, and I'm really enjoying the program he's set up for me. And for the first time ever, I've been able to make time for working out on the road and have gone to 3 different gyms in the last two weeks, something I never tried doing in the past.

That being said, my job is fairly physical and while I never had any real issues performing, it's absolutely been easier.

Oct 25, 2017
Hey FitEra!

Hope this is the place to ask this; anyone have any advice on purchasing a Spin Bike? Peloton is a tad bit pricey, I was only looking to spend maybe $600-700.


Oct 27, 2017
So after 2 years of saying I want to go to the gym, I might actually do so very soon xD

I work as a teacher at a vocational school and although there's a few gyms in my area, I'd like to avoid running into my students. I'd rather not have my pictures taking etc. or anything like that by students who might spot me. I know the chances of such a thing actually happening would be incredibly slim, it's one of the main reasons I'd been delaying it. Also, I'm just lazy with commiting to something like this.

What I ended up doing back then though, was start mealprepping meals and do workouts using Ring Fit and Fitness Boxing 2 on my Switch, which ended up helping me reduce my weight from 114kg to about 100kg in the span of 3 months. Since then i've basically been roughly maintaining my weight anywhere between 100 - 104kg, which is kind of what I was expecting to regain after stopping my fitness games.

Fast forward to September last year and I had a colleague of mine who goes to a gym that's run by our school. Now ironically, though you'd expect our students to be there as well, they don't tend to go there because many of our students associate it with school and as we all know, school for kids is like garlic to vampires. Best part of it, it's free. He's been telling me to join him for some time now, and I feel like I'm willing to take my chances with it now.

Now I've also been looking around my area for other gyms, and actually found out there's a gym like 2 minutes away from me xD Having said that, it asks a premium price though. If I want to go there as many times a week I want, it would be 72 euro's a month. 2 days a week would cost me 60 euro's, so i'd already be looking at the highest price option anyway.

What makes this second gym so interesting is that it offers a whole bunch of group activities to partake in, with each group existing of a maximum of 12 people. So it's a lot more personal.

I know for a fact I'm probably not the person who can just walk into a gym and start doing my own thing, as I definitely feel like I need some sort of 'support' buddy to keep me going, at least at the start. Which is why both options with either my colleague or these group sessions would seem pretty ideal to me. Now if I go through my work, there's also a chance I'd be able to get one of the students that studies there to probably set up a simple training schedule for me to get me started. Any form of personal training at the second gym would cost me hundreds of euro's a month, so that's a big no for me.

I should be geting my gym pants tomorrow and my shoes on Monday, so the clothes are already on their way. Now I just need to decide on which gym I'm planning to go to. Basically it comes down to this:

Work gym:
+ Free
+ colleague as a buddy
+ chances of getting a simple training schedule made
- probably no further assistance from people there
- its through a school, so it's closed during holidays, which would mean no gym for 7 weeks during summer.
- could potentionally run into students

Closeby gym:
+ offers both group sessions and open gym
+ small groups of max. 12 ppl, so feels more personal
+ available every day of the week, so even during holidays
- Premium price, but probably pricey enough that students won't visit
- most of the extra's like a training schedule is pretty much locked behind the personal training sessions for $$$
- Wouldn't know anyone at the start, so for me to get going would be more difficult

So that's still something I got to figure out. I also got to think of how often I plan on going. Was considering doing 3 times a week and see if I could maintain that or not. My main focus would also be on increasing my stamina and get rid of my belly fat haha.


Nov 27, 2017
So after 2 years of saying I want to go to the gym, I might actually do so very soon xD

I work as a teacher at a vocational school and although there's a few gyms in my area, I'd like to avoid running into my students. I'd rather not have my pictures taking etc. or anything like that by students who might spot me. I know the chances of such a thing actually happening would be incredibly slim, it's one of the main reasons I'd been delaying it. Also, I'm just lazy with commiting to something like this.

What I ended up doing back then though, was start mealprepping meals and do workouts using Ring Fit and Fitness Boxing 2 on my Switch, which ended up helping me reduce my weight from 114kg to about 100kg in the span of 3 months. Since then i've basically been roughly maintaining my weight anywhere between 100 - 104kg, which is kind of what I was expecting to regain after stopping my fitness games.

Fast forward to September last year and I had a colleague of mine who goes to a gym that's run by our school. Now ironically, though you'd expect our students to be there as well, they don't tend to go there because many of our students associate it with school and as we all know, school for kids is like garlic to vampires. Best part of it, it's free. He's been telling me to join him for some time now, and I feel like I'm willing to take my chances with it now.

Now I've also been looking around my area for other gyms, and actually found out there's a gym like 2 minutes away from me xD Having said that, it asks a premium price though. If I want to go there as many times a week I want, it would be 72 euro's a month. 2 days a week would cost me 60 euro's, so i'd already be looking at the highest price option anyway.

What makes this second gym so interesting is that it offers a whole bunch of group activities to partake in, with each group existing of a maximum of 12 people. So it's a lot more personal.

I know for a fact I'm probably not the person who can just walk into a gym and start doing my own thing, as I definitely feel like I need some sort of 'support' buddy to keep me going, at least at the start. Which is why both options with either my colleague or these group sessions would seem pretty ideal to me. Now if I go through my work, there's also a chance I'd be able to get one of the students that studies there to probably set up a simple training schedule for me to get me started. Any form of personal training at the second gym would cost me hundreds of euro's a month, so that's a big no for me.

I should be geting my gym pants tomorrow and my shoes on Monday, so the clothes are already on their way. Now I just need to decide on which gym I'm planning to go to. Basically it comes down to this:

Work gym:
+ Free
+ colleague as a buddy
+ chances of getting a simple training schedule made
- probably no further assistance from people there
- its through a school, so it's closed during holidays, which would mean no gym for 7 weeks during summer.
- could potentionally run into students

Closeby gym:
+ offers both group sessions and open gym
+ small groups of max. 12 ppl, so feels more personal
+ available every day of the week, so even during holidays
- Premium price, but probably pricey enough that students won't visit
- most of the extra's like a training schedule is pretty much locked behind the personal training sessions for $$$
- Wouldn't know anyone at the start, so for me to get going would be more difficult

So that's still something I got to figure out. I also got to think of how often I plan on going. Was considering doing 3 times a week and see if I could maintain that or not. My main focus would also be on increasing my stamina and get rid of my belly fat haha.
Could always start with the free one and get your routine going, then if you're successful and want to keep it up do the paid one when summer hits


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So last year I lost 50 pounds (320 -> 270) just dieting and exercising on my own. This year I want to go even further, I have a gym membership (paid for by my work) and have paid to work with a personal trainer twice a week for the next few months. What is a good app just for logging my exercises? A lot of the ones I'm looking at are trying to get me to sign up for plans or trying to create a personalized workout routine, I just want/need something simple to track my progress and what I did each day.


Oct 25, 2017
I just use Google Sheets to log my workouts. Completely customizable, cloud based, on every device, and free!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I guess I'll try sheets for now. A lot of the apps I was messing around with wanted me to set up routines and timers which wasn't what I wanted. All I wanted is to put activity: swimming time: 25 minutes or activity: bench weight: 100 set x reps: 3x10

I guess sheets/excel can do that as well as anything. The smart watch I bought came with an app called Da Fit which will automatically track my cardio stuff, though I like keeping all my records in one spot.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So I know it's very important to give your body some appropriate rest periods, but since working out is kinda my therapy at the moment I'm kinda dreading the day that should be rest day. So I just kinda do a light cardio day now on that day, about 50 minutes on the treadmill at 12% incline at 5-6 km/h. Makes me sweat like a motherfucker, but other than some slight calve/leg discomfort because of the incline, it doesn't feel like it's real taxing on the body. Good idea, or terrible idea?


Jul 25, 2018
So I know it's very important to give your body some appropriate rest periods, but since working out is kinda my therapy at the moment I'm kinda dreading the day that should be rest day. So I just kinda do a light cardio day now on that day, about 50 minutes on the treadmill at 12% incline at 5-6 km/h. Makes me sweat like a motherfucker, but other than some slight calve/leg discomfort because of the incline, it doesn't feel like it's real taxing on the body. Good idea, or terrible idea?
Think of it as "recovery time" not "rest day". Give your muscles, tendons and ligaments time to heal, and get a break from rising systemic fatigue too. Had you just said "light cardio", that ticks all the boxes for recovery, carry on. But the way you describe it, sounds a bit more intense than that. Maybe that doesn't matter this coming week, but over time it might.
Oct 30, 2017
So I think oatmeal is making me very tired when I eat it before my workouts. I read oatmeal can make you sleepy. I eat it even on my non-workout days. Usually around 4. Then at 5 I leave for the gym. I figured it's a good preworkout meal that's a mix between carbs and protein (i use two scoops). I add flax seed, a banana, and blueberries.

Maybe i can cut back on the serving size of the oatmeal. I just don't know what to replace it with, especially with my two serving scoops of protein. I usually eat eggs and spinach for breakfast, lunch is chicken, baby potatoes and a vegetable, then oatmeal with protein powder before workout, and home for dinner.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't want to live in a world without oatmeal in the morning. I bought 7 different protein powder flavors so I can have a different kind for every day of the week.


Jul 25, 2018
I'm a huge fan of oatmeal. I have it most days, usually for breakfast. Made in milk, ofc, not like those savages who only use water. Add a few blueberries, delicious. Separately, some protein powder in water to top up the total protein to a bit over 30g.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm a huge fan of oatmeal. I have it most days, usually for breakfast. Made in milk, ofc, not like those savages who only use water. Add a few blueberries, delicious. Separately, some protein powder in water to top up the total protein to a bit over 30g.
Same I use the Kodiak protein oatmeal and add a scoop of protein powder as well. So good.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Think of it as "recovery time" not "rest day". Give your muscles, tendons and ligaments time to heal, and get a break from rising systemic fatigue too. Had you just said "light cardio", that ticks all the boxes for recovery, carry on. But the way you describe it, sounds a bit more intense than that. Maybe that doesn't matter this coming week, but over time it might.
So what would a real light cardio that wouldn't get in the way of recovery look like? Because what I'm doing is just merely walking at an incline for 50 minutes. I guess I could do it without the incline, but it needs to be at least a little challenging, right?


Nov 27, 2017
Glad I'm taking a break this weak, yesterday at work was brutal enough, got 5 more days to go(skiing with a backpack full of your work boots is no joke in messy conditions. Not to mention managing the lift chair solo). Even if I am just a luncher.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So what would a real light cardio that wouldn't get in the way of recovery look like? Because what I'm doing is just merely walking at an incline for 50 minutes. I guess I could do it without the incline, but it needs to be at least a little challenging, right?
Do you have access to a pool? I know a lot of runners use swimming as their recovery day exercise.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Do you have access to a pool? I know a lot of runners use swimming as their recovery day exercise.
Oh, that's actually a fun idea! Although, would that actually give proper recovery? I'm pretty much lifting weights every day, so I assume giving the muscles some recovery is a must. But swimming requires something from pretty much every muscle group, I think?


Jul 25, 2018
I guess I could do it without the incline, but it needs to be at least a little challenging, right?

But swimming requires something from pretty much every muscle group, I think?
First question, no, think zone 2. One example is walking. Won't tax you, still burns a good amount of calories.

Second question, I don't know, but here's Eddie Hall's latest vid from this weekend where he is extolling the virtues of swimming for lifters:

FIGHT UPDATE!!! - What's Next? / Physique Update

WHO WILL I BE FIGHTING NEXT?! Updates on the Fight and My LifeCheck out Beast Pharm, my own premium supplements range: ...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Just got back from my first session with a personal trainer. Got my money's worth, but man am I wiped. It's been a long time since I worked out like this and I needed it. Losing 50 pounds last year was great, but I wanted to be stronger/faster/etc as well.


Oct 30, 2017
First question, no, think zone 2. One example is walking. Won't tax you, still burns a good amount of calories.

Second question, I don't know, but here's Eddie Hall's latest vid from this weekend where he is extolling the virtues of swimming for lifters:

FIGHT UPDATE!!! - What's Next? / Physique Update

WHO WILL I BE FIGHTING NEXT?! Updates on the Fight and My LifeCheck out Beast Pharm, my own premium supplements range: ...

Those Brian budgie smugglers are hilarious.

Always gets me how quick and smooth Eddie is in the water still even after all this time


May 31, 2022
I've been doing sit up 3-4 times per week for a few months now. I'm up to 3x30, and in an effort to increase resistance I've started doing them weighted - specifically holding a 35lb kettlebell in front of my chest. I've been doing 3x15 like this, but I'm approaching failure in my arms faster than my abs which doesn't seem ideal. I tried lower weight, but the same thing happened just after more reps. Is there a better way to go about this? Or other core exercises I should look at instead?


Jan 19, 2018
I've been doing sit up 3-4 times per week for a few months now. I'm up to 3x30, and in an effort to increase resistance I've started doing them weighted - specifically holding a 35lb kettlebell in front of my chest. I've been doing 3x15 like this, but I'm approaching failure in my arms faster than my abs which doesn't seem ideal. I tried lower weight, but the same thing happened just after more reps. Is there a better way to go about this? Or other core exercises I should look at instead?
Modified Candlestick


Oct 30, 2017
Is there a better way to go about this? Or other core exercises I should look at instead?
Try it with extended arms and pushing the weight overhead, basically keeping the weight straight up through the whole motion (I'm imagining you holding it close to the chest, arms bent). So it'll sort of be a Turkish Get up.

Another good abdominal exercise is the hollow body and compressions, for the lower portion of your abs (and hip flexors). Hollow body will give you the technique to transition to hanging leg raises and all the gymnastic stuff (if you desire).


Nov 27, 2017
Well, I think I'm going to do a ~24 hr ~++| fast tomorrow. Want to reset my snacking and sweets habits. Might just be an under 100 cal rather than pure one tho. So pickles and sugar free jello are fine tho if I'm doing it right I don't feel that much hunger to begin with. Usually the problem is for some reason my head gets set off, my actual hunger is more routine than cravings for the most part so a clean break usually does the trick. If it wasn't for the head issues I can usually go a full day without feeling hungry, just is how my metabolism is, but for some reason my head tends to always get the worst headaches if I push it too long and then I get too sharp(tho I fight migraines a lot outside of that). Want to get back to just doing a clean and tight breakfast and afternoon meal with maybe a protein bar inbetween at work(or something else rationed if I don't have time to run to Costco this week to restock). Was also just gonna grab some veggies and a protein(some meat but maybe some tofu too for a change of pace… even if I suck at cooking it XD) for this week and keep things simple for a change. Honestly half the time it's what I prefer. Maybe a fruit to go with breakfast if anything looks good(right now I have the Oikos 000 yogurt cups and I usually do a serving of oatmeal from scratch with some walnuts or raisins and a touch of honey and cinnamon. Or alternatively a serving of protein pancakes with a bit of butter and like a tablespoon of actual maple syrup).

Planning to get back into the gym this week, tho I may wait till after the days I can ski at work(on the quiet days I can get in 5-6 runs before I start. How many days depends on when the storm comes in later this week). Probably still sticking to the rowing machine as the focus, still having feet issues. Might be worth me considering some laps at the pool but the stress from work last week has my lungs a bit stressed(well and my legs are pretty sore. Skiing with a loaded backpack is no fun especially in rough conditions).

Edit: oh and while I did post the good stuff in here I'm not super seeking advice on that, I mean if anyone has suggestions on what could be causing the head aggravation while fasting(tho to be fair I fight migraines a ton so it may not be the cause), before anyone throws cleaner breakfast suggestions let me explain one thing real quick. Used to love doing hard boiled eggs, egg burritos, egg sandwiches etc. they're a great low impact protein option, however… I've had to cut eggs out of my diet completely as of 2 years ago. Turns out my allergy to them has gotten even worse. Used to be able to use Mayo without problems but having hard boiled eggs would cause my throat to swell all day, didn't make the connection for years as I thought the black pepper(which I am a bit sensitive too and can numb my sense of taste bad) was causing it. 2 years ago I realized it was the eggs. It's a throat contact allergy where whites or yolks, unless they've been thoroughly integrated and cooked in something(so noodles, pastries and bread are fine. Quiche is not) will numb my throat and cause it to swell up the entire day. Even some egg based sauce like aoili or something with a decent amount of egg yolk(just had an unlucky buy of garlic Parmesan sauce with the latter the other week), just a lick is enough to cause the back of my mouth to go numb and start swelling a little, let alone a hardboiled egg or an egg sandwich. It's sucks since I used to love deviled eggs especially. But I'm not risking it trigging anaphylactic shock or completely blocking my windpipe. I really miss mayo. So yeah it sucks but eggs off my menu.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
So I finally went to the swimming pool for my rest day today. I understand now why it's a good recovery day activity. Felt like I had some proper exercise without actually really straining my body. Might go swimming ~2 a month. It was nice.

Gotta check if there is something like a kneebrace that can go in the pool. Always feel some minor discomfort in one of my knees after swimming.


Jan 19, 2018
If you feel you need to fast for 24hrs to "reset your snacking habits," then do it for you. I don't see the purpose, truthfully. I feel like it would just make you hungrier immediately afterwards. Personally, I would work on slowly cutting calories out of my day. Fasting into an instant change (eliminating or drastically reducsing snacking) is just two extreme changes for your body in 24-48hrs and seems harder to maintain than a gradual decrease in calorie intake. You might not even necessarily need to eliminate snacking – just change what you're snacking on. Regardless, good luck on your efforts and let us know how it goes!


Nov 27, 2017
If you feel you need to fast for 24hrs to "reset your snacking habits," then do it for you. I don't see the purpose, truthfully. I feel like it would just make you hungrier immediately afterwards. Personally, I would work on slowly cutting calories out of my day. Fasting into an instant change (eliminating or drastically reducsing snacking) is just two extreme changes for your body in 24-48hrs and seems harder to maintain than a gradual decrease in calorie intake. You might not even necessarily need to eliminate snacking – just change what you're snacking on. Regardless, good luck on your efforts and let us know how it goes!
Oh ran into my classic issue, unless I've been on a super lean diet(like the time I did keto. Which I'm never doing again) I get a migraine when fasting half way through the day. Hunger isn't the issue, takes me up to 3 days to actual feel a strong hunger. Bigger issue is I'm super sensitive to getting out of balance due to my other health issues. And yeah like I said eating is routine so I just cut things. Only made it part way through today, eating but not in excess, can't afford to be off balance tomorrow.

Oh also I'm not that excessive an eater even if I could be eating some better stuff, I'm decent at portioning

yeah I have plenty of healthy snacks I can portion easy. Some flavored rice cakes(only need one), pistachios, some sunflower seeds. Cheese. Just have been letting my sweet tooth get the better of me(love chocolate. Did manage to cut ice cream completely out this winter tho I'd already cut back to smaller sized anyways. Haven't done soda in years). Gonna try and get back to using fruit and sugar free jello to cut some of it out and save the proper sweets for the weekend for lesser impact. Managed to do that for a while and trying to get back to it

Also yeah, planning to get back to a protein and veggies this week for my second meal. I cut down to 2 meals a day nearly 2 years back. Got an interesting plant protein thing to try too(actually like Tofu, just suck at prepping and cooking it)
Oct 30, 2017
Anyone's thought on running Bald Omniman's Raider program beyond a novice/intermediate? I like the exercise selection and fatigue management ratio.


Oct 28, 2017
Anyone watching/following the Arnold Strongman Classic today/tomorrow?
Currently on the Women's elephant bar deadlift, some very impressive lifts so far.

Day 1 | 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic | Full Live Stream

Rogue’s complete live stream of Day 1 (Friday, March 1) from the 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic in Columbus, Ohio. In this 22nd edition of the annual competit...


Oct 30, 2017
Anyone watching/following the Arnold Strongman Classic today/tomorrow?
Currently on the Women's elephant bar deadlift, some very impressive lifts so far.

Day 1 | 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic | Full Live Stream

Rogue’s complete live stream of Day 1 (Friday, March 1) from the 2024 Arnold Strongman Classic in Columbus, Ohio. In this 22nd edition of the annual competit...

Yeah, was some great lifts plus another Deadlift World Record for Lucy Underdown


Jul 25, 2018