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Oct 25, 2017
Yes, it would be completely logical to think that she would be willing to vote for Obama and now, in 2020, want Trump to get re-elected and install a Federalist Society Supreme Court that guarantees *everything would be the exact opposite of what Obama would want for the next half century or so.

No, wait.

That would not be logical. That would be batshit fucking insane.

This version of Reade is not somebody that could be ideologically consistent ever, because human suffering. Your premise is basically on crazy pills.

where to even begin with this one

1) last I checked, Reade's ask is for Biden not to be the Democratic nominee, which is a universe from wanting Trump to be reelected

2) survivors of rape are perfectly capable of being logical, my guy, and the inverse -- that people who have never had to go through something like that are often dumb, illogical pieces of shit -- is also true

3) conflating ideological consistency and logic is silly, particularly when you are, for some reason, asking for total symmetry across totally asymmetrical situations


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Funny thing about this is that she did turn to times up for counseling but They didn't move forward with it?
It probably not connected with Biden's connection with said organization.

I'm not sure what you want me to say to this. I know Reade's in a difficult position. But going on Megyn Kelly was a bad move. She absolutely should not have done that. It shouldn't be treated as controversial to say that people should not boost right wing hacks like Kelly.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
Source on her wanting Trump to get re-elected and a federal society supreme court justice? Oh it's your ass? Nevermind then

2) EC

You either vote for the Democratic Party nominee or you support the GOP nominee to win and everything that they do after. Full stop. Not saying I like it but that is what it is. You want to vote third party or something? In the spirit of Era I say GOOD FOR YOU but that doesn't mean it can be anything but an ineffective protest work because EC, because FPTP.

where to even begin with this one

1) last I checked, Reade's ask is for Biden not to be the Democratic nominee, which is a universe from wanting Trump to be reelected

Biden not being the nominee is a ship that is sailed, there is literally no scenario where that does not happen so it's not relevant. If anything, as poor of a candidate Bernie or whoever *would* have been they would be even worse after getting their asses beat down yet somehow getting the nomination. Imagine being so ineffective you couldn't even beat Hillary smh.

It. Is. Over.
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Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
2) EC

You either vote for the Democratic Party nominee or you support the GOP nominee to win and everything that they do after. Full stop. Not saying I like it but that is what it is.
She isn't voting for either rapist, a non vote is a non vote not a vote for Trump, stop trying to paint her as a trump supporter just because you don't like the fact she won't vote for her own rapist and actually wants some form of justice


Oct 25, 2017
Biden not being the nominee is a ship that is sailed, there is literally no scenario where that does not happen so it's not relevant. If anything, as poor of a candidate Bernie or whoever *would* have been they would be even worse after getting their asses beat down yet somehow getting the nomination. Imagine being so ineffective you couldn't even beat Hillary smh.

It. Is. Over.

it's actually deeply relevant

you may think it very unlikely for Biden to step down/be pushed aside, but Reade wanting that to happen is not the equivalent to her wanting Trump to be reelected, which was your original ridiculous claim

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure what you want me to say to this. I know Reade's in a difficult position. But going on Megyn Kelly was a bad move. She absolutely should not have done that. It shouldn't be treated as controversial to say that people should not boost right wing hacks like Kelly.

A move indeed.
But I'm not in the business telling survivors how to conduct them and who to and not speak to.
But one could wonder if the she would be sitting there if the Biden affiliated person at times up had taken her case in January.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
A move indeed.
But I'm not in the business telling survivors how to conduct them and who to and not speak to.
But one could wonder if the she would be sitting there if the Biden affiliated person at times up had taken her case in January.

just a clarification, Times Up offered legal help. Times Up declined running PR for her and media.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Does times up have any affiliation with with Biden?

Nope. Their primary PR firm does in Anita Dunn. Times Up is a 501 (c3) and must maintain political neutrality. They can't engage PR and media without losing their non-profit status and substantially weakening their capability. They can however fund legal action.


Oct 25, 2017
Nope. Their primary PR firm does in Anita Dunn. Times Up is a 501 (c3) and must maintain political neutrality. They can't engage PR and media without losing their non-profit status and substantially weakening their capability. They can however fund legal action.

So why would she turn down their assistance then?

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
Nope. Their primary PR firm does in Anita Dunn. Times Up is a 501 (c3) and must maintain political neutrality. They can't engage PR and media without losing their non-profit status and substantially weakening their capability. They can however fund legal action.

Well isn't that practical considering that Anita is a Biden senior adviser.

And one could argue that not doing it is also political.

Kinda stupid to have an organization that is supposed to helpsurvivors against the powerful and not wanna go after politicians?

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
One law firm is on the record that she wanted representation to deal with the allegations about being a russian pawn.
I hadn't seen this piece of news-- can you link a source?

If that's so, it's an odd choice to work with a lawyer who used to be a writer and editor for a Russian propaganda outlet.

Over the weekend, another attorney, William Moran, told the AP he was working with Reade.

Moran, who works at a law firm in Columbia, Maryland, previously wrote and edited for Sputnik, a news agency founded and supported by the Russian state-owned media company Rossiya Segodnya. A January 2017 report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence on Russia's interference in the 2016 campaign said Sputnik was part of "Russia's state-run propaganda machine," which "contributed to the influence campaign by serving as a platform for Kremlin messaging to Russian and international audiences."

Prominent lawyer, Trump donor representing Biden accuser

WASHINGTON (AP) — Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who alleged Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, is being represented by a prominent lawyer and political donor to President Donald Trump’s 2016 Republican campaign.


Nov 26, 2017
I hadn't seen this piece of news-- can you link a source?

If that's so, it's an odd choice to work with a lawyer who used to be a writer and editor for a Russian propaganda outlet.

Prominent lawyer, Trump donor representing Biden accuser

WASHINGTON (AP) — Tara Reade, a former Senate staffer who alleged Joe Biden sexually assaulted her 27 years ago, is being represented by a prominent lawyer and political donor to President Donald Trump’s 2016 Republican campaign.
It's from this Salon article:

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
Her husband said "it was obvious that this event had a very traumatic effect on (Reade), and that she is still sensitive and effected (sic) by it today".

Not sure how anyone can spinn that is something good for Biden in good faith.
Oct 25, 2017
What do we do with all the inconsistencies with Reade's story and the inconsistencies overall? What if the media has done research and they cannot move forward with the allegation, not because of a conspiracy to suppress it to help the Biden campaign, not because Biden is a democrat, but because after investigating the media does not feel comfortable with moving forward?

I believe in the idea of trust, but verify. I have believed many of the allegations in the past, both against republicans and democrats. But I'm sorry era, i can't get fully behind this allegation at this time. The reporting that has come out has pointed to myriad inconsistencies in Reade's allegation and with Reade and her corroborators. I genuinely hate feeling this way, i feel like a total asshole, but until more reporting comes forward in addition to the reporting we have now I cannot blanket call Biden a rapist or fully believe in this allegation.

No matter how this turns out, I do want to say that I feel for victims of sexual assault and I understand if this is painful for you. I dont mean to diminish your pain with how i feel about this allegation.

Hey i just wanted to say the two month ban for this seemed unwarranted.


Oct 26, 2017
Hey i just wanted to say the two month ban for this seemed unwarranted.
You got banned for saying that? Wtf, mods?!

There was NOTHING offensive about that post at all, especially considering the shakiness of her story. You can say you have doubts and at the same time still be pro women and believe women. Is the intent to really ban people who say, what amounts to "I dunno, I really need to see more because what is out there now seems questionable"?

The reason I ask is over the last few months I've seen this forum tear itself up with saying shit like Biden is the same as Trump and people being gleeful that they could call Biden a rapist because of Reade's story. Reade's story was brandished like a cudgel against people who weren't pro Biden but weren't anti-Biden either. I didn't see those people corrected at all but banning for this completely sensible response from this poster is wrong. Banning people who had questions about her story is fucked up, especially considering what we know now.
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Oct 25, 2017
Mods were out here collecting names back then

I can only hope that with recent relegations they can be less trigger happy


Nov 26, 2017
I feel you man. Mods don't do the best job of fully explaining their reasoning behind a ban. I've been there and it sucks.

Hope you get the clarification you're looking for.

Not sure if this some forbidden tabu, but the other board from years past seemed far and away better modded than what they have at reset era.
Oct 25, 2017
I'd say one of the biggest problem with moderation here is that they really don't take a second look at most mod actions. They claim you can email to ask for explanations, but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who's heard back.

You pretty much have to hope you don't run into a mod who's having a bad day.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not going to talk about my ban, but a warning first would have been nice before getting a month long time out.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Hey i just wanted to say the two month ban for this seemed unwarranted.

Did you appeal the ban?

I ask because the ban message mentioning conspiracy theories makes me wonder if someone misread the part of your post mentioning them, and made it a more severe punishment as a result. Which appealing could have cleared up.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if this some forbidden tabu, but the other board from years past seemed far and away better modded than what they have at reset era.

Lmao we aren't even supposed to be talking about gaf here but I wasn't there long enough to really confirm if this is true or not

But somethings gotta be done about the ban hammer use. I straight up dodged these threads because it wasn't too hard to see a certain bias happening

I'd say one of the biggest problem with moderation here is that they really don't take a second look at most mod actions. They claim you can email to ask for explanations, but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who's heard back.

You pretty much have to hope you don't run into a mod who's having a bad day.



Nov 5, 2017
I've been banned for merely questioning sensitive topics that don't have clear cut answers. My solution? Just don't engage in those topics. I don't think the moderation on this board is interested in certain discussions.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you appeal the ban?

I ask because the ban message mentioning conspiracy theories makes me wonder if someone misread the part of your post mentioning them, and made it a more severe punishment as a result. Which appealing could have cleared up.

Is there a way to even appeal?

I felt hard done by previously (although it was a shitty take), but all I could find was a general email address that nobody responded to during the 4 weeks and repeated chases.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hey i just wanted to say the two month ban for this seemed unwarranted.
You know, I expected some petty relitigating, like people often do, but this is a legitimate question.

And I understand there's a hard balancing act between having a place that's welcoming to survivors, and doesn't give air to bad faith actors, while not having a chilling effect on reasonable dissenting opinions or legitimate questions.

FWIW, people complaining and lamenting how moderation was better at the old place have some seriously rose-tinted glasses. The post that got you a ban wasn't publicly marked, the reason for the ban and its duration weren't public either, and you had no recourse. So any asshole mod having a bad day could dish out a ban with zero accountability, and even having this discussion would have led to a ban.

I'd say one of the biggest problem with moderation here is that they really don't take a second look at most mod actions. They claim you can email to ask for explanations, but I don't think I've ever heard of anyone who's heard back.

You pretty much have to hope you don't run into a mod who's having a bad day.
I have. I actually cleared up a ban once with a mod and got it lifted.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Week): Mod whining
You deserve a clear cut answer from the mods on this as well as we need clear mod rules on subjects like this going forward vs rule by the mob.

They will never get a clear cut answer. Moderation on Era is thin-skinned and will just ban again for reasonable questioning of their glaring inconsistencies.


Oct 27, 2017
Halifax, NS
Hey i just wanted to say the two month ban for this seemed unwarranted.

Understand that likely you were banned for the series of posts preceding this one and it was just the one that tipped it over the edge.

Also note that this was before the "secret degree" and the cascade of lies came to the forefront, and that the article in particular you were focused on was incorporating the typical arguments used to dismiss people reporting abuse by comparing it to other "model" victims of abuse and questioning why they can't be as helpful or consistent as them.

Arguing that she should've mentioned it a year ago, why couldn't she when other abuse victims were willing to speak up about their abusers, etc. Arguing that it's weird that she would respond positively (and publicly) to things Biden is doing, shouldn't she just hate everything he ever does ever because she was abused by him? Why is she giving inconsistent testimony to what happens, shouldn't abuse victims have a perfect and infallible memory of the events that they clearly do not want to have to remember all the time?

People process and handle abuse and trauma in their own, unique ways. Trying to judge them all by the same metric and then concluding she might be lying because she's not fitting your perfect definition of how a victim should act is very much downplaying sexual assault victims. It's used time and time again to dismiss allegations because they "can't get their story straight" without wanting to understand why it can be difficult for victims to recall events exactly as they happened, or the reasons behind why they happened.

This was explained to you literally right after you posted that initial article. People laid it out for you there on why an abuse victim may be inconsistent in their recollections of events and how those do not inherently represent dishonestly from the abused, but you kept harping that they must mean something.

In short, there's a solid chance Tara lied about these allegations because of information discovered later, but you came to that conclusion beforehand specifically from the angle and arguments that are typically used to dismiss abuse victims, and you were (likely) banned for it.
Oct 25, 2017
I've been banned for merely questioning sensitive topics that don't have clear cut answers. My solution? Just don't engage in those topics. I don't think the moderation on this board is interested in certain discussions.
To be fair, many people aren't interested in certain discussions and instead just want to vent with one another. I get it but don't wanna get caught up in it so try to avoid the topics as well.
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