Deleted member 2099

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Oct 25, 2017
I think this whenever someone criticizes Fates' story. I love the entire series for its gameplay and characters, but the story has never done much for me.

I also agree about child units and romance. I would prefer if child units were introduced in a second act / generation in future games though, rather than via time shenanigans.
I feel that out of the three routes, that Revelations has the best story to it. It was considered the meat and heart of the game for me. Birthrights just makes you feel righteous while Conquest was there to miserably ruin your conscious... but Revelations was where you act more independently and well, mature in a way.


Oct 27, 2017
Death stranding is going to be a convoluted nonsensical disappointment. Of course that's just conjecture.

Assassins creed games are terrible.


Oct 27, 2017
Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are incredible games, and I still enjoy playing them to this day.

Deleted member 2099

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 are incredible games, and I still enjoy playing them to this day.
While I liked SA2, I really loved SA1 the most for the 3D Sonic games. But after SA2, I retired the series(with the exception of Generations) for a long time now, however it seems to me Sonic series has redeemed itself via Mania and Forces now.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't got that many but:
I think every Mass Effect is a game with bad story and obviously, terrible gameplay. I've also given the first, 2nd and Andromeda all a few hours each and none have won me over.
Bioware is an overrated studio, and can't be in that much of an decline if they were never that good in the first place.

Woah! Wait, what? How can you say that every Mass Effect game has a bad story when you haven't finished a single one?

Deleted member 2099

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
H-how do you know it's overrated if you apparently haven't played it???
I've seen the series in full after the rest were not released on PC. But like I have said, if only it comes out for the PC mayhaps then I can play it. I refuse to get a MS for one game series, let alone even touch their controllers. I don't really think it is all that overrated since it does have my favorite genres. Which is Sci-Fi, Aliens and Space.
Oct 27, 2017
Here's another, I don't think FF7 should be touched in terms of altering the combat to such absolute extremes. The game was a sheer classic, everything about it. It's one of those sacred type games up there with FFVI which again, you just don't alter imho.. Replaying that game with modern day graphics alone would be a treat..

Not every game needs real time combat, especially the classics.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
I don't like BOTW at all. I don't think the combat design, exploring or really anything about it is engaging. Please know I realize that with the universal Acclaim I'm the issue. I wish I could enjoy it but I just was bored the whole time
Oct 27, 2017
I don't like BOTW at all. I don't think the combat design, exploring or really anything about it is engaging. Please know I realize that with the universal Acclaim I'm the issue. I wish I could enjoy it but I just was bored the whole time

It's not just you, I enjoyed the first 20 hours I'd say... But the repition, weak and very simple so called dungeons which they weren't even that were just bad, the traveling around was annoying after awhile, the weapon system and whoever designed that aspect needed fired, the game just lacked any true character imho.

It just doesn't even compare to me, to the classic zelda games like alttp, tp, mm, oot...


Oct 27, 2017
Horizon Zero Dawn was overrated. The battle mechanics, systems and story never clicked with me and I stopped playing halfway through.

I also stopped playing Bloodborne after a few bosses, because I didn't like replaying long stretches of the game. I realized I wasn't having fun with it and I never had the drive to get good.

Donkey Kong Country 1 is my favorite, although it's mostly for nostalgia reasons. Also, DKC 3 is vastly underrated.

The more complicated Pokemon becomes, the worse it gets. I always stop after beating the Elite 4 (except for Gold/Silver).


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
It's not just you, I enjoyed the first 20 hours I'd say... But the repition, weak and very simple so called dungeons which they weren't even that were just bad, the traveling around was annoying after awhile, the weapon system and whoever designed that aspect needed fired, the game just lacked any true character imho.

It just doesn't even compare to me, to the classic zelda games like alttp, tp, mm, oot...

Thanks for the support. You described all my issues perfectly. The game just felt empty


Oct 27, 2017
Dark Cloud was more fun than Dark Cloud 2. Shortcomings and all, I will never forget the feeling of the first dungeon and the satisfaction at getting the village put back together in the right way.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
The Uncharted games are just mediocre Hollywood action adventure films with perfunctory shooting mechanics and a Fisher Price my first video game traversal system.

The World Ends With You is a dull game with horrid character designs and an awful wailing incoherent soundtrack.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is a snore-fest.
Kid Icarus Uprising's control scheme is the best way to realize Sakurai's vision for the game while adapting to the 3DS's limited set of controls.


Oct 25, 2017
Have played all mainline Halo games and thought all of them we're merely competent.

Mass Effect Andromeda is a great game.


Oct 27, 2017
The Uncharted games are just mediocre Hollywood action adventure films with perfunctory shooting mechanics and a Fisher Price my first video game traversal system.

The World Ends With You is a dull game with horrid character designs and an awful wailing incoherent soundtrack.

Those games put me to sleep. Might as well cut the gameplay out and make it a movie.
Oct 27, 2017
Ocarina of Time might be a cornerstone for modern game design but is impossible to go back to and enjoy without nostalgia. It was one of the most unenjoyable games to play that I can remember offhand, although it didn't sour me enough on 3D Zelda to crush my interest in playing Wind Waker someday.


Oct 27, 2017
Quantic Dream games are full of racist and sexist shit and the fact that SONY allows that boggles my mind a lot.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Nothing feels inventive/revolutionary to warrant the near perfect scores of BOTW. The music, story, lack of memorable bosses and dungeon design or lack of makes it a weak Zelda entry.

Didn't enjoy my time with Horizon. It felt like a polished open world Ubisoft game with no soul.

I'm so sorry please don't kill me...


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if this is considered controversial, but despite enjoying online games like Overwatch, I really couldn't care less about E-sports and the "pro" side of said games. I never found watching them to be enjoyable.

Yet again, I don't enjoy watching regular sports either.
Oct 27, 2017
Nothing feels inventive/revolutionary to warrant the near perfect scores of BOTW. The music, story, lack of memorable bosses and dungeon design or lack of makes it a weak Zelda entry.

Didn't enjoy my time with Horizon. It felt like a polished open world Ubisoft game with no soul.

I'm so sorry please don't kill me...

Oh you're dead buddy!

No Im with you, both games had dead worlds to me. Horizon there was all this gorgeous scenery and real estate in front of you but very little reason to explore it. Game just fell flat for me after awhile


Oct 25, 2017
Persona 5 is lame as hell and easily has the weakest plot, villains, and characters in any purse owner. Including Q.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh, I got a bunch!

Bioshock 2 is the best Bioshock.
GTAV is an absolute disgrace and only shows just how little Rockstar have evolved as game makers since 3 came out.
50 Cent Blood on The Sand is much better than it has any right to be, which is to say: extremely good indeed.
Other M while it has a terrible plot and writing, is really only about 2 well considered design decisions away from being an amazing game.
Spirit Tracks might well be a perfectly good game but the flute is one of the worst crimes ever committed by a video game.
Final Fantasy XIII is fine.

Nintendo really dropped the ball by not doing more with DS/Wii or 3DS/Wii U connectivity.
The GameCube controller is a weight around the neck of the Smash community and Nintendo would do well to just do away with it for any further entries.
I don't play RPGs for the story. I'll give them a chance, but I will start skipping cutscenes at the earliest opportunity if they're fucking around too much.


Oct 27, 2017
I believe that Uplay is buggy, that SLI is a gimmick, and that the human eye can't detect anything above 27 frames per second.

Actually, I don't believe any of those things, but a lot of people do, and I'm so bored with it that I simply back out of those discussions.

Something controversial in which I do believe? Okay, so there's this guy who owns this forum, see, and what he did was...

Blade Wolf

Oct 27, 2017
Games have to be fun to be good.

There are many different kinds of fun though, killing enemies and fighting bosses is fun, exploring the world or even just talking to NPCs can also be fun.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is: Games have to be enjoyable to be good.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
All walking simulators are terrible games. This includes things like ABZU, Dear Esther, Gone Home, Firewatch.

Deleted member 11262

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Halo games are vastly overrrated and the plots are nonsense.
I've tried Halo 1 just one year after launch or so and was asking myself why the hell this game is so fucking overhyped. Like, what exactly is good here? Level and Enemy Design are abysmal and the colors are just ugly, really really ugly.
The mechanics were good I guess for that time, but the package around it is just so bad. Played it for three hours, touched it never again.

Jade Empire was by far the best game I played for OG XBox.


Oct 27, 2017
If any other game had the boring, nothing-to-do-or-see open world that Zelda: BoTW had, it'd get torn to shreds, but because it was Zelda, it received seemingly endless praise.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing feels inventive/revolutionary to warrant the near perfect scores of BOTW. The music, story, lack of memorable bosses and dungeon design or lack of makes it a weak Zelda entry.

I'm so sorry please don't kill me...

Same with Mario. Rare inspired platformers get around 6-7, often standing defenseless with their issues magnified to the extreme, while Odyssey gets a perfect 10. Not undeservingly, but the other games arent unpolished either

John Marston

Oct 27, 2017
Looking at MGS 5: The Phantom Pain as an overall package, it's just not very good, and definitely not as good as its predecessors.