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Oct 29, 2017
If it was like a tribute in the credits then I can understand not reaching out to people who might have known him to ask permission.

But, like, if you're going to show a grave with freshly dug dirt around it and a name on it, then yeah maybe ask permission.
I can't believe you would defend this. Your posts went off the deep end here. You don't speak for his family. Don't use them for your misplaced outrage. It genuinely is offensive


Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm. Doubt.

Of all the things you could bat for, I dunno if this should be the one.

The think of his family argument -- really? Bruh, you don't even know how they feel and yet put words in their mouth like you know better.


Oct 25, 2017
If anything, I find the people trying to twist this into something much bigger than it actually is to be way more disrespectful. It was obviously done as a mark of respect for the man: it might be a little strange given its set in the 90's, but surely that means the developers felt honouring Iwata was more important than an in game plot hole?
Exactly. Now some game could actually do a mockery of someone's death, but there's nothing here like that. It's tasteless to start kind of "rating" memorials/tributes. Creator wants to remember and honor someone in their who had affected them, the response to that shouldn't be "it's not enough" or even lesss "it's out of context".


Oct 25, 2017
If it was like a tribute in the credits then I can understand not reaching out to people who might have known him to ask permission.

But, like, if you're going to show a grave with freshly dug dirt around it and a name on it, then yeah maybe ask permission.

sorry, but this is more on your own personal hangups of what graves are to you. that much is obvious because now you're falling back on other elements(family) to make your argument.


Nov 22, 2018
Sure they do, two examples below. I'd imagine Iwata's family being well-balanced inviduals, so yeah I assume they are okay with this. The pictures are from World of Warcraft and Guild Wars.
I'm just astonished by this logic. In what way does it matter whether his family are "well-balanced individuals" or not? And why would you be the one to judge this in this context? What does it even mean?


Oct 25, 2017
If it was like a tribute in the credits then I can understand not reaching out to people who might have known him to ask permission.

But, like, if you're going to show a grave with freshly dug dirt around it and a name on it, then yeah maybe ask permission.
Do you see the error in your own behaviour in this thread? If not, you're probably not the right person to tell what is and what is not disrespectful.
I'm just astonished by this logic. In what way does it matter whether his family are "well-balanced individuals" or not? And why would you be the one to judge this in this context? What does it even mean?
It doesn't matter if they are. But there's few people in this thread and in that Twitter feed who clearly aren't well-balanced. And I didn't bring up Iwata's family in the first place. I wasn't trying to speak for them. As I said in my earlier response, IF Iwata's family wanted this removed that would be absolutely fair. They have that right, but I would find it very odd.

Not only starting to review how well someone does their tribute is quite peculiar. But even trying to start some controversy over it seems bit insane. The devs here don't deserve any kind of vitriol over their way of paying respects to a person who ment something to them and who they admired.
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Oct 30, 2017
Some people really do their best to get offended huh?


Oct 25, 2017
The intention is likely not to be insulting. But the execution is awkward.

I definitely think it's in poor taste, intention aside. Like, it's just a grave. It's not a touching tribute, it's just "here's a famous dead guy in the ground." That's not how you do an homage.

Not poor taste, just weird. Yeah, that's exactly why I feel it's off, thanks


Oct 29, 2017
Well, I guess I can kind of relate, OP? After the title, I too was expecting something far worse. I would not go as far as call it insulting, but it is not very respectful and comes across as being in bad taste. If that is all there is written on that gravestone, it is not respectful or thankful or anything, it's literally just reminding the player: Iwata is dead. In a very blunt way. So it's certainly a bad tribute/homage, but it is not insulting. It can feel that way to us because the fact that Iwata is gone makes us sad and we wish he wasn't, so we feel like it is salt in our wounds. But it is not exactly an insult. Just a not very tasteful detail.


Aug 20, 2018
CAn this thread be closed as i don't see the point in further the cause and provocation of such unnecessary outrage based on shoddy logic.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe you would defend this. Your posts went off the deep end here. You don't speak for his family. Don't use them for your misplaced outrage. It genuinely is offensive
I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else then. It wasn't my intent but I'll try to be more respectful when making my argument. I do think this is a serious subject and I don't want to insult or offend anyone. Really I don't.

sorry, but this is more on your own personal hangups of what graves are to you. that much is obvious because now you're falling back on other elements(family) to make your argument.
I never really intended to make this about what his family might think. My issue is that it's a really misguided tribute. And when people bring up similar tributes in video games I pointed out that those were done by people close to the individual who did what they thought was an appropriate for them. The developers of this game did not know Iwata, they weren't friends with him or relatives of his. They don't know what Iwata would consider an appropriate tribute to him or that this is it. They presumably didn't ask actual people who knew him what that would be either.

That was my point. I either communicated my point very badly or people understood what I meant and still take issue with it. Perhaps rightly. I'm genuinely apologetic to anyone I might have insulted. That wasn't my intent.


Nov 22, 2018
It doesn't matter if they are. But there's few people in this thread and in that Twitter feed who clearly aren't well-balanced. And I didn't bring up Iwata's family in the first place. I wasn't trying to speak for them. As I said in my earlier response, IF Iwata's family wanted this removed that would be absolutely fair. They have that right, but I would find it very odd.
If it doesn't matter, why bring it up?

You tried to not speak on their behalf but then you assumed they wouldn't mind, because you assume they're well balanced individuals.


Oct 25, 2017
I never really intended to make this about what his family might think. My issue is that it's a really misguided tribute. And when people bring up similar tributes in video games I pointed out that those were done by people close to the individual who did what they thought was an appropriate for them. The developers of this game did not know Iwata, they weren't friends with him or relatives of his. They don't know what Iwata would consider an appropriate tribute to him or that this is it. They presumably didn't ask actual people who knew him what that would be either..

I think its a weak tribute and throws you back into reality - for a game with a lot of bizarre and fanastical visions its very strange to see a gravestone with a real persons name on it. It would have been better with some other ode to his legacy imo. But thats still a far cry from being insulting.
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