
Nov 27, 2017
What's an easy way of testing gyro controls? I've got a Switch (but I own almost no games on it), and I've got a DS4 controller I can use on PC. Any free Switch game I could try it with, or is there a super quick way to test it on PC using a DS4?

I have a feeling I'd prefer mouse or analog sticks, but I haven't ever tried gyro controls for aiming and I wouldn't mind trying.


Nov 2, 2017
It really is a case by case basis. Certain games have a better implementation of one or the other, that goes for M&K as well. I think it is a bit pig-headed to make sweeping statement about one always being better than the other.

Bonfires Down

Nov 2, 2017
What's an easy way of testing gyro controls? I've got a Switch (but I own almost no games on it), and I've got a DS4 controller I can use on PC. Any free Switch game I could try it with, or is there a super quick way to test it on PC using a DS4?

I have a feeling I'd prefer mouse or analog sticks, but I haven't ever tried gyro controls for aiming and I wouldn't mind trying.
Play Breath of the Wild, which you should do anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
What's an easy way of testing gyro controls? I've got a Switch (but I own almost no games on it), and I've got a DS4 controller I can use on PC. Any free Switch game I could try it with, or is there a super quick way to test it on PC using a DS4?

I have a feeling I'd prefer mouse or analog sticks, but I haven't ever tried gyro controls for aiming and I wouldn't mind trying.
Not super quick but quick enough: DS4 on PC using Steam Input to enable gyro. It's a new type of input so obviously you need to expect some uncomfortableness as your brain adjusts.
It's fine if some people like it but I have zero desire to move my arms around while playing.
You don't need to move your arms. I play with my hands rested in my lap and my feet up. I use my wrists to make tiny movements.
It really is a case by case basis. Certain games have a better implementation of one or the other, that goes for M&K as well. I think it is a bit pig-headed to make sweeping statement about one always being better than the other.
Gyro is proven to be superior in terms of performance. Implementation is a completely different topic.


Nov 2, 2017
Not super quick but quick enough: DS4 on PC using Steam Input to enable gyro. It's a new type of input so obviously you need to expect some uncomfortableness as your brain adjusts.

You don't need to move your arms. I play with my hands rested in my lap and my feet up. I use my wrists to make tiny movements.

Gyro is proven to be superior in terms of performance. Implementation is a completely different topic.
You can't disregard implementation, so that discussion becomes meaningless then.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
I think that gyro is awesome and wish Xbox had it. I rarely see people saying it's bad around here, seems almost universally liked as an option.

I don't like using it as a primary aiming mechanic but to "hone" a shot carefully it's really useful.


Oct 31, 2017
Show me gyro doom eternal nightmare and maybe I'll consider gyro a great alternative :) I believe the game just came out on Switch but no one is talking about it :( Doom Eternal deserved better as my GOTY. Just all gameplay, intense and it's faster than 2016 by far.

The option is great but it's tiring to see how it is hyped up everytime it's brought up.
I recorded some gameplay when I played it on Nightmare. I play everything on Steam Controller for years now with gyro so I'm kinda a pro at using it in games lol but there it is!


Oct 26, 2017
The comfort arguments seem weird to me. Like I feel a lot more comfortable immediately hitting my shots in BOTW versus struggling with the stick in DDDA when I'm a bow class. Gyro assist would immediately make the latter feel (and play) so much better.


Oct 25, 2017
South Florida
Damn the misinformation of gyro aiming on this thread is depressing. It's a all about fine tuning your shots with micro movements. No flayling or waggle. Not having it on PS4/5 games like Doom is a crime. I love M&K but honestly it's less realistic than moving your wrist up to line up your shot on a screen.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn the misinformation of gyro aiming on this thread is depressing. It's a all about fine tuning your shots with micro movements. No flayling or waggle. Not having it on PS4/5 games like Doom is a crime. I love M&K but honestly it's less realistic than moving your wrist up to line up your shot on a screen.
I wish you people would just accept that gyro requires a level of effort and orientation that some arent interested in.


Oct 25, 2017
The comfort arguments seem weird to me. Like I feel a lot more comfortable immediately hitting my shots in BOTW versus struggling with the stick in DDDA when I'm a bow class. Gyro assist would immediately make the latter feel (and play) so much better.
Also this. Nothing is more uncomfortable than fighting with the stick to line up a shot. Moving my wrists is infinitely more intuitive and effortless.
I wish you people would just accept that gyro requires a level of effort and orientation that some arent interested in.
lmao "you people"
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Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
Show me gyro doom eternal nightmare and maybe I'll consider gyro a great alternative :) I believe the game just came out on Switch but no one is talking about it :( Doom Eternal deserved better as my GOTY. Just all gameplay, intense and it's faster than 2016 by far.

The option is great but it's tiring to see how it is hyped up everytime it's brought up.
There used to be a guy that live streamed Doom arcade attack or whatever (the game before Doom Eternal, in a mode where leader boards are kept track on on PC). He would constantly get up in the top of the ranks, not the very top but he was hanging in with the kb/mouse players. Unfortunately his streams weren't saved (youtube). I'm going to try to find it again since I kind of know how to search for unlisted youtube live streams better. Also he moved on from uploading game content, but I used his channel to learn how to adjust to gyro and steam controller's touch pad.

(loading...) Edit: his live videos are totally gone or private. Also changed the name of his channel.
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Nov 1, 2017
I use gyro as much as possible on PC + DualShock 4, for example in Monster Hunter World when I press L2 it turns gyro on to aim clutch claw/bowgun, in Assassin's Creed Odyssey same thing with the bow etc. so yeah I don't understand why it's not a standard option in games but at least it's relatively easy to set up nowadays with Steam or DS4Windows.

Not having gyro in Xbox controllers is downright stupid though.

I feel people are reluctant to try gyro because they don't realize that today's gyroscopes are VERY accurate.


Oct 26, 2017
I wish you people would just accept that gyro requires a level of effort and orientation that some arent interested in.
It has a learning curve but actual use is less effort than lining up shots without gyro in my experience. The latter feels like using a dpad on Mario 64, which also feels like it requires a greater effort despite reduced dexterity.


Oct 27, 2017
Dont care for it at all, and turn it off every time I try to get used to it. Doesn't hurt to have options though...
Oct 25, 2017
Silicon Valley
Flickstick and gyro aiming are amazing. People are dumb, especially those constantly claiming you have to put in more effort to use it than m+kb. You actually move the mouse a lot more than you do a controller for gyro.

Not trying to be moving the controller all over the place to chill and play a game
Gyro aiming is NOT WAGGLE. You can literally chill on a couch with a controller in your lap and still use it.


Oct 25, 2017
tbf they need to start making gyro aiming mandatory so people stop having bad opinions about gyro because they don't know what it is

just like the control stick way back when, the only way to make it better is to make it standard


Oct 25, 2017
South Florida
I wish you people would just accept that gyro requires a level of effort and orientation that some arent interested in.
M&K requires a level of effort and orientation. Thumbsticks require a level of effort and orientation. I remember the days from Doom to Quake where mouselook was a foreign idea a lot of people had trouble grasping. People were still playing Quake with WASD only. Now it's mandatory for PC games. I also remember when Halo Combat Evolved came out and people were having difficulty aiming and moving. 3d games like Mario and Zelda just didn't have it. Now it's mandatory for all 3d games on gamepads. I feel like we're on the cusp of gyro here. It's not a mandatory thing but if it's lacking in a game it's a huge detriment for those that want it.

tbf they need to start making gyro aiming mandatory so people stop having bad opinions about gyro because they don't know what it is

just like the control stick way back when, the only way to make it better is to make it standard
I think you're right we need a game at the Halo / Quake level that just makes people see what we really mean.
Oct 27, 2017
tbf they need to start making gyro aiming mandatory so people stop having bad opinions about gyro because they don't know what it is

just like the control stick way back when, the only way to make it better is to make it standard

Devs/publishers would risk having a lot of people outright refuse to buy the games if gyro was mandatory. Can't see them being willing to risk that lost revenue.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 5, 2020
tbf they need to start making gyro aiming mandatory so people stop having bad opinions about gyro because they don't know what it is

just like the control stick way back when, the only way to make it better is to make it standard
I don't think making it mandatory is the best way of making it standard. No need to take away the option of dual analogue for those who refuse to change their ways (or can't use gyro for accessibility reasons). I do think having it on by default would be a good thing to do though, because a lot of people might not have any idea that it is an option in the game otherwise. Sure there would be plenty of people who switch over to sticks before they've had enough time to get used to gyro, but they might consider it more as a potential option if they see its the default (and by implication the dev's suggested way of playing).


Nov 4, 2017
Not sure what I dislike more...the way gyro aiming feels or the idea that people who don't like gyro aiming "just don't get it"


Oct 25, 2017
I really, REALLY wanted to like the gyro controls in Splatoon but I could never adjust. It wasn't bad the entire time, there were moments where I liked it, but in more frantic situations it just went all over the place too much and I could never get consistent. I loved the fine tune feeling of it, but I didn't have the patience to stick with it when a standard controller was perfectly fine for me.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 5, 2020
They would only need to take away aim assistance and dual stick alone would become annoying as fuck
I have never played Splatoon (2) without the gyro, but doesn't that game just basically have no aim assist? I know gyro is the default anyway, but I imagine that's part of the reason it became the preference of the vast majority very quickly.

Stowaway Silfer

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think making it mandatory is the best way of making it standard. No need to take away the option of dual analogue for those who refuse to change their ways (or can't use gyro for accessibility reasons). I do think having it on by default would be a good thing to do though, because a lot of people might not have any idea that it is an option in the game otherwise. Sure there would be plenty of people who switch over to sticks before they've had enough time to get used to gyro, but they might consider it more as a potential option if they see its the default (and by implication the dev's suggested way of playing).
Yeah I don't think the average shooter should make it mandatory (though a game actually designed for its increased accuracy making gyro mandatory would be interesting but...somehow I don't see that happening on PS5) but having it on by default would be effective, and funny.


Dec 9, 2017
Flickstick and gyro aiming are amazing. People are dumb, especially those constantly claiming you have to put in more effort to use it than m+kb. You actually move the mouse a lot more than you do a controller for gyro.

Gyro aiming is NOT WAGGLE. You can literally chill on a couch with a controller in your lap and still use it.

This is what i imagine a lot of people think gyro is:



Oct 27, 2017
There's alot of opinions here about Gyro only being used to be competitive. That couldn't be further from the truth. I use Gyro because its more fun than just pure analog stick aiming. There's also alot of opinions that think Gyro is about "wailing your arms" around everywhere. That's also really not true, gyro is about wrist movement and at most its within an inch of movement. Gyro is not about doing 180 turns as people seem to think. Gyro is complementary to analog stick aiming. It does not replace Analog aiming. You will still use the stick to do big camera pans. More games implementing Gyro is only a good thing and you'll still have the option of just pure Analog Aiming if that's your thing. Finally, remember no one is arguing Gyro is better than KBM. If were talking in terms of accuracy it always will be KBM>GYRO>ANALOG. As I said originally though, its not simply about being optimal. Ton's of people simply enjoy Gyro over standard Analog aiming.

Stoney Mason

Oct 25, 2017
People are weird on both sides. Its fine as an option. To deny that would be wrong. I think some of the pro-gyro people go way too far trying to push something that I have a strong feeling the mass of current gamers don't want on console. So far as to insult people who don't want it/need it. Kind of like mouse and keyboard players who can't even understand why people use dual analog in the first place.

It's also easy to understand that gyro is not the same thing as waggle as defined by the wii. Although there are plenty of people who still are fine with default traditional dual analog controls sans gyro.


Oct 26, 2017
I've dabbled a fair bit and I'm using it in the game I'm playing at the moment but I'm not a huge fan.

I used to be a K&M or death person but now I don't like it anymore. Just feels like I'm clicking on pixels. No doubt K&M and Gyro help you play better but that's not the be all and end all. Immersion and fun is .

I'll keep trying it every now and again as maybe it will click at some point .

(Yeah and it's just tiny movements folks, no one is talking about waving a controller around)

4 Get!

Alt Account
Apr 8, 2019
I don't care. I hate how it feels.
Gyro aiming feels awful. I would refuse to play a game that was gyro only.
Gyro aiming is cool and all, but it's absolutely the worst possible way to play games other than aiming with a D-Pad. I will die on this hill.
Gyro aiming is shit.
I just want to be comfy on the couch playing a game. Gyro aiming is too involved for me, and I don't even find stick aiming that bad.
I like to sit back on the couch with the controller resting on my lap so having to hold it up a bit and make slight movements to aim isn't for me.
Nothing is going to be better than analog sticks for me. Gyro being the worst of the options. I work my ass off for 10-12 hours a day, and deal with other stuff outside of work.

When I have time to play video games, I want to lay down in bed, with my controller, and move/work as little as possible. I need my gaming to be simple and effortless to escape all the other bullshit in the world.
Reminds me of when my Aunt used to try and play Super Mario and would jerk the controller around every time she jumped
I genuinely don't like any motion controls. If I really want accuracy I'll play it on PC with a keyboard and mouse. Otherwise the analog sticks are fine.
No. No implementation has ever felt good. It is the absolute worst, sorry.
The less I have to move to play games, the better. I have to move in real life. Like, all the time.

So, no thanks.
Yeah, I don't want to have to move my controller itself when I'm aiming, thanks. I prefer to hold the controller in whatever position is comfortable and just press the buttons/move the sticks.
It's fine if some people like it but I have zero desire to move my arms around while playing.
Not trying to be moving the controller all over the place to chill and play a game

The Wii has done irreparable damage to the image(and advancement) of gyro controls in gaming.

We will be stuck with twin sticks for another decade or two.


Apr 11, 2019
I've played BoTW for 20 hours, and hated fighting against the gyro for literally all of it. I wish all developers include it in their future games for those people that want it. I however will quickly disable it in all games that have it as default.

If you think that's not a reasonable stance, then something's quite wrong with you.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 5, 2020
I think some of the pro-gyro people go way too far trying to push something that I have a strong feeling the mass of current gamers don't want on console. So far as to insult people who don't want it/need it. Kind of like mouse and keyboard players who can't even understand why people use dual analog in the first place.

I think part of the reason this happens is that there is such a high prevalence of the "I'm a core Gamer™ I don't want any of your casual motion control bullshit near MY games" sentiment, that it is inevitable there is going to be some pushback. That sentiment is all about controlling games to exclusively cater to what they want and it actually often has that effect.

If Microsoft had finally gotten with the times and put a gyro in the Series X controller, do you think the bulk of vocal core Gamer™ reaction would have been praise or criticism? They would have literally been adding a feature and yet I think we all know that they would have gotten more 'microsoft is appealing to casuals' stick than praise; which is clearly a factor in why MS, who are visibly trying to win back core Gamers™, didn't include it (which has made the Series X worse for a not inconsiderable amount of people). And yeah a lot of the vitriol towards it comes from ignorance about what it is, or from pathetic Gamer™ identity stuff, so it's natural that people assume that's what's happening any time there is gyro pushback.