Oct 25, 2017
I see a lot of incoming 6 to 12 month delays between the Xbox and PC releases and other platform releases. Something like Elder Scrolls 6 needs to be on everything otherwise they're leaving money on the table, but that doesn't mean it has to be there day 1.

Couldn't you make the same argument for Obsidian and Double FIne? We all know their games are only coming to the Xbox ecosystem. We should assume the same here.


Drive-In Mutant
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They didn't spend that much to not have their big name games be exclusive in the future. There's no value for this acquisition otherwise. Smaller, more boutique titles could remain multiplatform, but obviously Fallout, TES, DOOM, etc. will be Xbox/PC-only. Or at least for 2-3 years.

Xbox failed terribly this gen in having meaningful exclusive games. They're working to correct that here. I bought a 360 on the release day of Oblivion personally.

Right, anybody arguing otherwise is fooling themselves. That's not to say Sony couldn't get all of these games on PlayStation, they would just need to agree to allow xCloud on PS5. ;)


Oct 31, 2017
I think that "case by case" means some experimenting from their side.

They could try to make a big Bethesda AAA game exclusive to PC/Xbox and see how it helps to boost hardware/gamepass sales, or even release the game on Ps5 2 years later or something crazy like this and see what happens.


Oct 30, 2017
People already in the ecosystem should be thrilled because of the value it adds to the service they are paying for. That's very different from a company just paying for exclusivity to something you were going to pay for in the first place.

"the value it adds to the service they are paying for"
even if Microsoft didn't buy Bethesda, they could still add those games to games pass and it would still be considered "adding value to the service" as you'd be able to play those games at a much more lower price than outright buying them. What they just did was some sort of "perceived added value"

That's very different from a company just paying for exclusivity to something you were going to pay for in the first place.

In this case it was taken a step further by just outright buying the company


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The more I think about it the less likely I see future games being on PS5.

The reality is Microsoft is trying to gain gamepass subscribers and if you want to get those playing on PS5 to become game subscribers you don't do that by putting those games on PS5. There will be exceptions as people have mentioned... games like TES:O for sure will continue to remain multi-platform but if Microsoft is serious about growing the number of Gamepass subscribers (which they obviously are based on this purchase) nothing will do that more than making the next version of Fallout/Elder scolls/Starlight exclusive to hardware that has Gamepass.

"Case by case" I'd think means making games multi-platform that maybe they don't think helps move that needle.


Jul 10, 2019
MS want you to play these games on "GAME PASS"

Pretty sure these games won't be on PS5 until Sony do not let MS put XGP on PS.

and the word "case by case" was formerly used by MS for games like Ori, Minecraft dungeons,cuphead etc ...


Jun 4, 2019
Here is what I think will happen. Xbox will push for an Xbox Game Streaming app to be released on PlayStation. Or at least push it in to be certified. Then they can say that PS users can all play Bethesda games day one on PS....just through an Xbox service. Sony obviously wont certify it though.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, the point is that MS putting games on Steam makes sense because those users are still inside their ecosystem range. People who buys TES because mods or whatever on PC, tomorrow could get Gamerpass for all the other Bethesda games or many people interested in TES might not be interested on mods. "Myabe you want buy TES on Steam, but remember all these other games in our service!". You can do that on PS5.

The thing is, a person buying those games on PS5 is a missed chance for MS. Every person who keeps buying TES or Fallout games on PS5 is a consumer that won't use your service.
MS doubling Gamepass prices shows they want more money for their own stuff for sure, i want people to pay attention a bit of what a good price proposition really is. This news got people charging in and maybe considering xbox consoles right before pre-orders happen when i wouldn't call that reason enough for a console purchase.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm astonished at the amount of people in this thread who don't understand the distinction between a timed exclusive game and a permanently exclusive game. Yes Sony is money-hatting publishers for time exclusivity, which is really shitty, and is not something Sony is exclusively doing(let's be honest, both MS and Nintendo are complicit in making these deals as well), but eventually more gamers will be able to play those games as their exclusivity deals end. There's more than a good chance you'll never be able to play the next Elder Scrolls or Doom or Fallout unless you're on a MS platform.
Oct 26, 2017

Respect to Microsoft


Oct 30, 2017
If Xbox don't put their IP on Playstation then it's bad business. But Playstation don't sell their games on Xbox.
Why is it any different?
It shouldn't matter if an IP was multiplatform in the past imo

And still you're comparing games that were previously third party to games that were developed first party in the first place.


Oct 29, 2017
Plans to Honor?
They are forced to Honor if a contract was signed, otherwise legal problems will arise. Thats how things work with corporate deals.


Oct 25, 2018
yeah right switch port for Starfield and Elder scrolls 6 .......

Well Switch 2 would be out by then an apparently Nintendo are going high end with it ? At bare minimum if games do come to Playstation, MS needs to stagger them by at least a time window of a year like Playstation does with all its timed exclusives, they need to compete, no reason to buy Bethesda if you not gonna leverage it properly


Jan 11, 2018
No, I get that from a business standpoint, I really do. But I think trying to use any version of whataboutisms with Sony when something like this happened is a bit disingenous. I think that's what's getting me with some of the posts. People complained about Spiderman being only on PS4/5, but that is absolutely nothing compared to this, yet those same people are lauding MS and Gamepass about it. Just feels like a double standard to me, unless I'm missing the tone of the room.

It's definitely a double standard but that's not the least bit surprising.

People are happy about what benefits them and unhappy about what doesn't. That's not just this. That's life. I'm guilty of it as well. If you're a long term gamepass subscriber then of course you're gonna be happy because it means day 1 Bethesda games for free. If you're a PS only player then I can see why they'd be unhappy. It's the same with any form of exclusivity.


Oct 29, 2017
Technically they will be $60-70 on Xbox as well.

Yeah but also day 1, if they wanted to be really aggressive when one of these large titles launched they could do an introductory offer of $69.99 for a year of gamepass which would include the game, I really think MS will be creative with this to push game pass.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm astonished at the amount of people in this thread who don't understand the distinction between a timed exclusive game and a permanently exclusive game. Yes Sony is money-hatting publishers for time exclusivity, which is really shitty, and is not something Sony is exclusively doing(let's be honest, both MS and Nintendo are complicit in making these deals as well), but eventually more gamers will be able to play those games as their exclusivity deals end. There's more than a good chance you'll never be able to play the next Elder Scrolls or Doom or Fallout unless you're on a MS platform.

Remember what Ono said when Street fighter 5 was PS4 exclusive. Wanna play the game on console? Get a PS4. Opposite should hold true for Bethesda games now. Spare me indignation.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I'd expect stuff in progress to be honored the way they were announced but anything new to be few and far between (and even then, maybe only Nintendo involved)


Apr 5, 2018
I mean, there's a big audience on PC, Xbox and Switch who'd buy the shit out of Spider-man and Ratchet and Clank, but I don't see any big Insomniac games going anywhere other than PlayStation after Sony bought them.

Currently announced stuff coming to platforms they're already announced for (ghostwire, deathloop, etc). ESO and Fallout 76 continuing to support PlayStation with future content.

But, let's be real, we can expect Doom, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout etc to be PC and Xbox exclusive now.

This is where I'm at, too. Historically, ties between Bethesda and Xbox are strong. It's the equivalent to Sony and Square-Enix, perhaps. I'm not the biggest fan of acquiring publishers, but this is a significant deal that is supposed to bolster the Xbox ecosystem as a whole, including PC and streaming.

Deleted member 5596

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
What I take from this is that the days of being able to play 90-95% of third party games on either 2 consoles is over.
This will probably led to further segmentation since I doubt Sony will not 'counter attack' in some way or form.


Oct 25, 2017
It's definitely a double standard but that's not the least bit surprising.

People are happy about what benefits them and unhappy about what doesn't. That's not just this. That's life. I'm guilty of it as well. If you're a long term gamepass subscriber then of course you're gonna be happy because it means day 1 Bethesda games for free. If you're a PS only player then I can see why they'd be unhappy. It's the same with any form of exclusivity.

I play all Bethesda games on PC regardless of what console people do, but I'm fighting more for all the shit that Sony was given but apparently that doesn't exist in this time frame. Like this is giants leaps forward in comparison and it's being clapped and cheered on. I think any kind of "well Sony did..." should just stop. Especially in the wake of this.


Oct 27, 2017
No, I get that from a business standpoint, I really do. But I think trying to use any version of whataboutisms with Sony when something like this happened is a bit disingenous. I think that's what's getting me with some of the posts. People complained about Spiderman being only on PS4/5, but that is absolutely nothing compared to this, yet those same people are lauding MS and Gamepass about it. Just feels like a double standard to me, unless I'm missing the tone of the room.

Maybe it's just me, I'm weird but the difference with that Spider-Man thing is that Xbox and PlayStation players are PAYING for the game at the exact same price, yet one gets less content. You aren't being fucked out of something you're paying for in this situation at all and Sony buys studios as well, nothing wrong with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Minecraft and the big Bethesda games are aimed at very different audiences. Minecraft's primary target audience is children -- it's to Microsoft's advantage to let Mojang operate and publish independently. It's harder to convince a parent to buy their kid a system specifically for one game.. so you sell to where your user base is (everywhere). Bethesda games are aimed squarely at adults with their own disposable income. They need these people to see the value in owning their system specifically and this would help with that and drive that.

It's been a long time since Bethesda made much in the way of revenue. They average $100m a year. If MS wanted to let Bethesda keep making games for Playstation, they'd have just funded a single game. They want all their games. That's the only value proposition for them. With the existing contracts, the legal fees to get out of them and the fallout (no pun intended) is not really worth it. They'd probably lose money on the effort.


Oct 27, 2017
England, United Kingdom
Having these games on gamepass isn't business as usual. Being able to reap the profits from their releases isn't business as usual. Being able to leverage these games to sell the concept of X Cloud isn't business as usual.

To provide another example, Minecraft is on Playstation, because Microsoft recognised the value of that brand. Exclusivity harms the value of the intellectual property, while increasing the value of the products it's associated with. If Minecraft were exclusive to Microsoft, then it would have increased the value of game pass, XBOX, and the XBOX game store, at the expense of the value of Minecraft. As it reaches less consumers, and other developers endeavor to fill the void that it left behind.

Having something like Elder Scrolls, exclusive to XBOX, will in time reduce the value of that brand so long as there are 100 million plus active gamers on Playstation that won't be able to play.

Microsoft won't ignore the value of that and I think that they will leverage the exclusivity and marketing rights to these games on a case by case basis, to strengthen the value of their ecosystem without seeking to drastically reduce the reach of these brands.

Agreed. It's very easy to get swept up in such a big headline but logically it makes sense that this is how it's realistically gonna play out.


Nov 12, 2017
Yeah but also day 1, if they wanted to be really aggressive when one of these large titles launched they could do an introductory offer of $69.99 for a year of gamepass which would include the game, I really think MS will be creative with this to push game pass.

Not sure why they would though. I think they need people to buy games to offset losses on Gamepass in addition to this major purchase of Bethesda. Now if they continue to support PS5/Switch, then those owners would help make up the difference, but not completely.


Oct 25, 2017
New trailers will be funny for these games. "PlayStation 5 Console Exclusive" right next to a Microsoft or Xbox logo.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe it's just me, I'm weird but the difference with that Spider-Man thing is that Xbox and PlayStation players are PAYING for the game at the exact same price, yet one gets less content. You aren't being fucked out of something you're paying for in this situation at all and Sony buys studios as well, nothing wrong with it.

However, at the end of the day, you still play the game on your platform of choice, and that's more important that just missing one character. There's a difference between missing a character and not being able to play a game at all because it's not on a system you own or want to play on, especially when you were able to play the previous games on the system you prefer.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember what Ono said when Street fighter 5 was PS4 exclusive. Wanna play the game on console? Get a PS4. Opposite should hold true for Bethesda games now. Spare me indignation.

You would have a legitimate argument if Sony bought Capcom, but last I checked Capcom is still independent and they still own the Street Fighter IP. Guess what, there's a very good chance that you'll see SF6 on Xbox unless Sony decides to buy exclusivity again. Can you say the same for Elder Scrolls or Doom on a non-MS platform?


Apr 8, 2020
Even without the console exclusivity, I suspect we will return to the days of less optimized Playstation games (during the 360 / PS3 era, Bethesda games were awful on PS3, albeit for a different reason [Cell processor was hard to work with]). Deliberately or not, developers gonna spend more resources to make the first party offering more polished


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
I totally get why people who are in the Sony ecosystem only and do not have a gaming PC would be very upset about this. These are huge multi platform games which are no longer coming to their platform of choice.
Imagine if the next GTA suddenly became Sony exclusive. Would we be saying 'well it's better to come to terms with this now'.

Compared to living in denial? Yes. If Sony bought Take Two Interactive it would be better to come to terms with GTA6 and RDR3 being PlayStation exclusives rather than tying yourself in knots about how they might still be multiplatform.

I'm not saying don't be upset, I'm saying face up to the likely reality.

It's best, in general, to learn to accept things that you have no power to change.


Jan 23, 2018
They want people on gamepass. So big hitters wil be exclusive there i think. That's how you get subscribers.


Oct 31, 2017
I didn't expect people in here being so negative about this, considering the amount of "WiThouT cApiTaliSm wE wOuLdNt hAve TecHnOloGy" takes that I see here.


Oct 25, 2017
You would have a legitimate argument if Sony bought Capcom, but last I checked Capcom is still independent and they still own the Street Fighter IP. Guess what, there's a very good chance that you'll see SF6 on Xbox unless Sony decides to buy exclusivity again. Can you say the same for Elder Scrolls or Doom on a non-MS platform?

Didn't also Sony front load a ton of money to even help get their development off the ground (as it had a lot of financial problems)?


Oct 28, 2017
I could see ES and Starfield eventually coming to the PS5...after about a year or more on Gamepass. And charging full price for it.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm astonished at the amount of people in this thread who don't understand the distinction between a timed exclusive game and a permanently exclusive game. Yes Sony is money-hatting publishers for time exclusivity, which is really shitty, and is not something Sony is exclusively doing(let's be honest, both MS and Nintendo are complicit in making these deals as well), but eventually more gamers will be able to play those games as their exclusivity deals end. There's more than a good chance you'll never be able to play the next Elder Scrolls or Doom or Fallout unless you're on a MS platform.

Acquiring these kind of Studios also within Microsofts business model is a little less painful, knowing they will be releasing on Xbox, xCloud, and also Steam and Windows PC. Sony buying up these studios and following its current business model of releasing only on Sony hardware is a harder pill to swallow.


Nov 12, 2017
MS should outright State in a declarative manner that Future Bethesda games will not come to PS5 except current contract games that will be respected like Deathloop. Period. That statement alone would increase Xbox sales going forward.


Oct 25, 2017
"Case by case" means sure a couple of MMOs that need to be mutiplat, the rest? Lol no.

Huge buy by MS, doesn't change anything for me other than mean I'll be playing the next Skyrim on PC I guess


Oct 26, 2017
Questions is how long until games become game pass exclusive? I feel like this is where this is all headed. Similar to Netflix


Oct 25, 2017
Acquiring these kind of Studios also within Microsofts business model is a little less painful, knowing they will be releasing on Xbox, xCloud, and also Steam and Windows PC. Sony buying up these studios and following its current business model of releasing only on Sony hardware is a harder pill to swallow.

I want neither and this latest news increases the chance of Sony buying up a major publisher, as a response, and fucking up the industry even further. This is why I feel so strongly against this deal and why I think it's very anti-gamer and anti-industry.


Aug 23, 2018
I'm astonished at the amount of people in this thread who don't understand the distinction between a timed exclusive game and a permanently exclusive game. Yes Sony is money-hatting publishers for time exclusivity, which is really shitty, and is not something Sony is exclusively doing(let's be honest, both MS and Nintendo are complicit in making these deals as well), but eventually more gamers will be able to play those games as their exclusivity deals end. There's more than a good chance you'll never be able to play the next Elder Scrolls or Doom or Fallout unless you're on a MS platform.

With Microsoft, 'more gamers' are able to play these games Day One on PC, console or their Android device. By the time the first new Bethesda exclusive comes out, the Series S would be $200 - $250 as an affordable option.