Regarding web swinging in the inevitable PS5 Spider-Man sequel, I'd prefer...

  • ... the web-swinging stay relatively the same, save for general enhancements.

    Votes: 129 33.0%
  • ... the web-swinging grow to DEMAND more player input and a higher skill ceiling.

    Votes: 46 11.8%
  • ... the web-swinging to OFFER more player input and a higher skill ceiling.

    Votes: 210 53.7%
  • ... the web-swinging be easier.

    Votes: 3 0.8%

    Votes: 3 0.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 25, 2017
I am a huge fan of the Xbox 360 game Crackdown. It's a game where the mere act of traversing the world feels great. I might argue Crackdown is one of the best controlling 3D Platformers to ever exist. A close friend of mine told me 2018's Marvel Spider-Man would scratch the 3D world-traversal itch that Crackdown had left me with for a decade.

I am sad to say: it did not. It felt mindless.

Therefore I am firmly in camp of "please make the swinging something I have to put one iota of brain power into."

On a somewhat related note:

I bought a Series X. Crackdown holds up. I am missing 5 of 800 orbs.
Play Crackdown 3.

It's really underrated and doss a great job of scratching the CD1 itch.


Oct 27, 2017
personally i find the controls a bit overwhelming as they currently stand. combat and traversal. adding anymore will just bloat the controls even more. i cant even remember all my options in traversal and combat even now. its a bit overwhelming. they need to simplify it a little and not add so many moves but its still fun.


Jun 21, 2020
I mostly want it to be possible to fuck up. It'd be a lot more exhilarating if it was possible to smack into a wall rather than just coming to a dead stop, for example

Pretty much this. I don't want to constantly put in that much effort just to get across the city.
I think it's good as it is to want me to actually swing around vs fast travel. I think some damage when you mess up majorly would be helpful. I think if they added more tricks or combos for in air stuff is a good idea to add more engagement for those that want it.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely want the option for it to be more advanced. It's one of my main issues with the new games. I get I'd probably be in the minority though or at least close to 50/50 so making it an optional control scheme, or not requiring mastery of it except for the higher levels of optional trials would be fine. I'll take what I can get.


VFX Rendering Pipeline Developer
Jun 8, 2020
I love how it is right now, but I wouldn't mind enhancements.

Maybe add fall damage, damage for hitting obstacles, and higher max speeds? I was really hoping Miles Morales would have higher speeds but it's cross-gen... so...


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah you can lose momentum from doing so but that's mostly because the game automatically chooses the best angle for speed. Anything else is gonna get you less speed and is more useful for changing directions like the OP says. Also, I'm playing Miles right now and it seems pretty consistent. I guess it depends on how far away you are from a building but typically if I point to the left, he'll shoot a web to the left and the same for the right. It works well enough to the point where I feel the left trigger can be put to better use for something other than choosing which side to shoot a web.
It's definitely more a problem in the less dense areas and it's works more often than not, but still will happen enough to make me want L2/R2 swinging options. Miles tricks are a good way to go in the direction you want, but it's probably a bit too complex for people to use to consistently position right as Miles moves fasts when doing tricks and there's just lots of tricks.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's pretty much perfect as is, but I'm not opposed to more refinements. I don't think they need to make a "high skill ceiling" just for swinging though.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Is that a thing? I was playing Remastered and jumped off a building and Spider-Man refused to shoot a web before I hit the street and he landed in a "superhero pose" with a loud thud and the ground cracking underneath him. Didn't damage me at all, but nothing else about it made it seem like a soft landing.
Maybe I'm wording it poorly. I mean in the effect it has on your character. It's the equivalent of jumping off a bed as far as danger to you. I'd rather the thrill I felt from the Spider-Man 2 game where you could make a game of seeing how low you dropped before you needed to swing.

The stunts and different poses do next to nothing for me. Fine to have them in, but I'd rather have more to the swinging itself, personally. I won't get it, I'm sure.


Jul 14, 2020
I want to be able to go as fast as Spider-Man could in Web of Shadows, without the frame rate tanking to the Earth. Some more advanced and higher skilled maneuvers would also be welcome, so that the players that truly wanted to master the movement system and swinging would be rewarded, whilst those that didn't could still have just as much fun with the current, more "hand holdy" system, which is great by the way, if a little hollow after an hour or so.


Oct 25, 2017
I mostly want it to be possible to fuck up. It'd be a lot more exhilarating if it was possible to smack into a wall rather than just coming to a dead stop, for example
Same. And I want to be able to smack into the ground and die if I don't shoot my web fast enough so jumping off the Empire State Building is actually fun again. I also wish you couldn't run straight up the building like The Flash so climbing it was more satisfying.


Oct 27, 2017
I like the way it is but I wish they would add the ability to be able to shoot a second line out independently like you could in 'Spider-Man 2 The Movie The Game'. For instance it let you create a slingshot or even just let you select where you want to web up.


Oct 31, 2017
Spider-Man 2 should have Tony Hawk trick system, grinding building edges and railings, wall run tricks, use objects as skateboards etc. The current trick system is kinda lame.

Or alternatively it should be like Forza Horizon with challenges on the go, smashing billboards, collectibles being more free flow, looking for collectibles always stops the momentum.


Oct 25, 2017
South Florida
There is a LOT of swing "assists" to make it "safe" and "cool" looking. I would love to have the options to turn those off. Let me risk slamming into the ground or wall and It'll make it that more satisfying to swing around the city flawlessly.

SM & MM are really easy games even on the hardest difficulty.


Oct 10, 2018
I just want more weight to web slinging; feels a little too floaty sometimes. The spiderman 2014 game felt just a little better and consistent in that small area.


Oct 25, 2017
Give me Sonic Generations style tricks to fill up a meter for extra actions and I'd be down

Miles is almost there but the tricks are still too slow to come out


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think you need to take fall damage or die, but i think anyone discounting what, for example, being able to slam into buildings and street level obstacles if you don't swing with finesse would bring to the webswinging experience isn't using enough imagination. The more control and reactivity you give the player the better it would feel to hit to speed and flow through the city. Bring able to hold lines, have control of 2 lines, do loops, see the web get taut, and make 2 line slingshots alone would add so much tactility to the movement in combination with Insomniac's current level of animation. I also feel that the faked momentum boost as soon as you launch a webline looks pretty jank anytime you can notice it kick in, and I'd much rather a bigger pool of animations to account for this, such as running along the ground while swinging to build momentum first.

Insomniac has nailed the heroic vibe of swinging, but there's a ton of room for more nuance and mastery IMO. This would've especially made sense in Miles' first game.


Oct 27, 2017
Webs would collide with buildings/objects when you went around corners in Spider-Man 2. I would use that to 'slingshot' my way around the city. You could run into the ground too if you mistimed it. Optional depth would be great in the sequel.


Nov 2, 2017
I am a huge fan of the Xbox 360 game Crackdown. It's a game where the mere act of traversing the world feels great. I might argue Crackdown is one of the best controlling 3D Platformers to ever exist. A close friend of mine told me 2018's Marvel Spider-Man would scratch the 3D world-traversal itch that Crackdown had left me with for a decade.

I am sad to say: it did not. It felt mindless.

Therefore I am firmly in camp of "please make the swinging something I have to put one iota of brain power into."

On a somewhat related note:

I bought a Series X. Crackdown holds up. I am missing 5 of 800 orbs.
You should try Sunset Overdrive. It's exactly what you are looking for. Spider-Man gets a lot of praise and deservedly so. But Sunset Overdrive actually requires a bit of thought and skill and is therefore the best traversal system.


Oct 25, 2017
The ability to hang onto a web for as long as you want would be neat but I'm not sure how useful it would be.

I just finished the Platinum in Spider-Man Remastered and I thought the swinging mechanics were pretty perfect. It's exactly as deep as it needs to be and leaves plenty of room for expression and mastery. The moves I'm teasing out of the system at this point feel a lot more advanced and efficient that what I was doing when I first booted up the game, and it all feels very instinctual.


Jun 22, 2018
give the option to make it harder.

for a game that touts making you feel like spider-man, it's more "make you watch a spider-man episode"

web swinging would be funner if the game allowed you to fuck up


Nov 26, 2017
I would totally appreciate if there was more skill required. Maybe offer a simplified (current) and advanced mode that makes it more demanding but maybe allows for faster and more varied movements. Make it more physics based. I would really love to see players with mastery of the game be able to play it a different level.

The new PS5 controller would also be perfect for giving that tactile feel to it. You could use the triggers to tell you how tight your web lines are.


Oct 27, 2017
definitely! what's currently there is fine for an easy or normal mode, and while it does feel good, a lot of it feels very automated.

for example, i hate how spider-man automatically crawls up against a wall or does a wall run when you swing towards it.

i'd like to have more control over being spider-man.


Oct 27, 2017
Offer a more advanced one that actually take in consideration the momentum. The worst part of swinging is when you swing on road level and SpiderMan just float over the cars with no sense, it's a really terrible effect.


Oct 27, 2017
It would be cool if they added alternative control options, at least. Intuitively, it never made much sense to me to have web swinging tied to one trigger. Spider-Man has two wrists, so using L2 and R2 alternatively to swing would be much more engaging. Holding both triggers to do the zip shot would then make sense.

The controls aren't the main issue though. The momentum is all jacked up when the speed upgrades are unlocked and you can't go back. I feel like I can barely control the character sometimes.


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
Swinging is too safe and too easy, it's fun for 2 minutes before the effect of feeling awesome wears off and then my brain just switches off


Oct 24, 2017
A huge part of the reason web slinging is so fun is specifically because of its simplicity. Controls are intuitive and easy to master. I see no reason to make general traversal more complex.

If they want to add additional combos or inputs to maybe pull off more complex maneuvers if you choose, then sure I suppose.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be cool if they added alternative control options, at least. Intuitively, it never made much sense to me to have web swinging tied to one trigger. Spider-Man has two wrists, so using L2 and R2 alternatively to swing would be much more engaging. Holding both triggers to do the zip shot would then make sense.
That's what Beenox did in Amazing Spider-Man 2. It would have been great if the physics weren't really floaty.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing thru it right now and it's good enough for me. On top of the combat system, there's already a shit ton of button commands compared to other games as it is. And I'd rather get to the fighting faster than having to die couple times swinging there. Would I cry about higher skill ceiling? No.

Baron Bliss

Oct 31, 2017
The only thing I'd want is the option to be able to control when you released the swing like in the original Spider-Man 2. I find it frustrating when I want to hold the arc longer to get more height and the game decides that I'm at the top and should release. Also being able to hold the swing as long as you'd like would allow for the stuff that OP mentioned. There was one mission in Miles Morales where you have to shoot ice off of a crane and I thought it would neat to loop up and over the top of the crane, shoot the ice, swing down and loop back around again. But nope, can't do it.

I'm not asking them to change the whole system, just add in some optional toggles for people who want more control. That's really my only complaint about it.
Oct 27, 2017
This was my line of thinking when thinking of the question of whether or not the sequel takes place in NYC.

Honestly, if NYC was made at true 1:1 scale and had a pro/physics based swinging option separate from a refined version of what we have now (and throw in a first person mode with VR support), it'll feel fresh despite being in the same city.

If anything, have the camera in tighter to make the buildings feel larger. As is still feels fun but just feels like you're zipping through a 3D map with rectangular obstacles rather in between skyscrapers.