Regarding web swinging in the inevitable PS5 Spider-Man sequel, I'd prefer...

  • ... the web-swinging stay relatively the same, save for general enhancements.

    Votes: 129 33.0%
  • ... the web-swinging grow to DEMAND more player input and a higher skill ceiling.

    Votes: 46 11.8%
  • ... the web-swinging to OFFER more player input and a higher skill ceiling.

    Votes: 210 53.7%
  • ... the web-swinging be easier.

    Votes: 3 0.8%

    Votes: 3 0.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
Let me start by saying I really, really enjoyed Spider-Man on PS4, and I'm currently playing through Miles Morales on PS5 and its a treat - especially at 60fps.

No doubt, the web-slinging and animation system is phenomenal - plenty of reviews mentioned it to the point of parody, but we all know the game lets you "feel like Spider-Man," and I think that has a lot to do with a traversal mechanic that makes you powerful, agile, and an animation system that no matter what you do, it looks dope.

But I gotta say, something that I felt just a few hours into the original is already coming back to me at about the half way point in MM - the "skill ceiling" in these PS games is very low, in regard to traversing. I mean, yes, sure, there are some upgrades available and there is a lot of input from the player in regard to where to sling your web, how you want to pivot off a building, etc.

But the thing about SM and MM is that while almost anyone can do cool stuff and feel great - and no doubt that's what they were going for, so they found success (my seven year old nephew has a blast with this game) - once I've played for a short while, I find myself clamoring for more.

Just off the top of my head, some things I wish were available (and maybe they are and I'm just missing them):

- Ability to hold onto your web even at the end of your arch, so that you can "dangle"
- Ability to hold onto your web at the peak of your arch so that, say, on a crane you can "loop around it"
- Individual buttons for left and right web swinging, so that there's 1) more player input, but 2) you can use to plan a pivot around a building
- Forward launch - think a dive, but as you launch upward or forward for as long as you want to hold it
- Possibly a slow-mo function for doing cool tricks

... to say nothing of the fact there is no "Risk" in ANYTHING you do while web-swinging. None. No risk/reward at all.

Clearly the game is a huge success, and other than at launch, I don't hear many talking about this - so am I alone or are there others that feel similarly?
Nov 17, 2019
You can already choose whether you shoot a web line to the right or the left by using the left stick right before you shoot a web line. It's indeed useful for pivoting around buildings.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Web swinging is too mindless for me. I know its an unpopular opinion but if it was more technical and complex the game would be much more fun. I think the same of the combat tbh, the combos and moves are too easy and need some complexity.


Jul 16, 2019
More options is always good, so obviously offering a higher skill ceiling would be nice.

That being said, I'm perfectly fine with the current system. I think it's engaging and deep enough and it doesn't need to be more complex.


Oct 25, 2017
Give the player options. Keep what is there, but offer an advanced web-slinging mechanic if a player wants it.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
Nah, effortlessly catapulting across Manhattan is my favorite thing to do in Spider-Man; and MM made the one necessary change of expanding the "tricks" you can pull off.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
It's my main want for a sequel. Make it riskier. Make weaving through buildings more skill based. Jumping off of a building to land like you jumped off of a bed is dumb as hell.


Oct 27, 2017
I am a huge fan of the Xbox 360 game Crackdown. It's a game where the mere act of traversing the world feels great. I might argue Crackdown is one of the best controlling 3D Platformers to ever exist. A close friend of mine told me 2018's Marvel Spider-Man would scratch the 3D world-traversal itch that Crackdown had left me with for a decade.

I am sad to say: it did not. It felt mindless.

Therefore I am firmly in camp of "please make the swinging something I have to put one iota of brain power into."

On a somewhat related note:

I bought a Series X. Crackdown holds up. I am missing 5 of 800 orbs.


Apr 24, 2020
It needs to be faster, way faster imo. I think it's ok that it is relativley forgiving but the Game doesn't reward the player for letting go at the right time with much momentum gained. Point zipping often can be way faster than actual swinging.

I don't think it has to be more complex though, just raise the skill ceiling while keeping the skill floor around the same.
That's what their Combat System did, hoping that can also be translated to the swinging.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd love the web to actually have physics (? probably wrong word). Like if you swing under a pole, your web won't just clip through it, but would go taut and generate much more momentum. I think it could open up some great depth to it.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
they could offer a harder mode more like SM2 - call it "classic" or "old school" or something. don't make it the standard control set but reward players who use it with potentially faster traversal. i think what they have now is pitch perfect even though it has a low skill ceiling - conversely, SM2 was, in retrospect, fairly janky but the skill ceiling was satisfying. my biggest problem with sm2018 is that web zip, web zip, vault, swing, web zip, web zip, vault, etc. was too optimal. although i'm seeing on this speedrun to be sure that maybe the second web zip wasn't needed.
Last edited:


You look 40
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Definitely think it needs to be tweaked. Right now it's super fun and rewarding, but it's really only great when high up and traveling large distances. Fine minute control and like the ability/option to do impressive stuff when on the ground in a confined area is really limited. If you're not 50+ feet in the air and trying to travel like 50+ fps it's pretty poor, which I think hurts the game as there's really not a lot to do on the ground level where the people actually are outside of combat, and so you feel pretty neutered when not actually swinging around the city which kind of creates this divide between Spider-Man and the actual residents of the city itself. NYC is more of a backdrop and set piece than a real interactive and active participant in the experience. The physical buildings matter more than the actual people and specific locations.

Toa Axis

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think there should be a toggleable option that enables players who want a less hand-holdy, more involved system. For accessibility purposes, I don't want the current system to be gone entirely, but if I want something a bit more advanced, give it to me via an options menu toggle.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Keep it largely the same. I don't want to have to put a ton of effort in to be able to look cool.


Apr 24, 2020
I am a huge fan of the Xbox 360 game Crackdown. It's a game where the mere act of traversing the world feels great. I might argue Crackdown is one of the best controlling 3D Platformers to ever exist. A close friend of mine told me 2018's Marvel Spider-Man would scratch the 3D world-traversal itch that Crackdown had left me with for a decade.

I am sad to say: it did not. It felt mindless.

Therefore I am firmly in camp of "please make the swinging something I have to put one iota of brain power into."

On a somewhat related note:

I bought a Series X. Crackdown holds up. I am missing 5 of 800 orbs.
Have you played Infamous? I feel like that Game is one of the best in the Genre when it comes to World Traversal, though i wouldn't call it a 3D Platformer and more like a Parkour Game with Superpowers
Nov 17, 2019
I would like some more depth but I also like the fact that it's easy to teach my little cousin the ropes and to watch him swing around. I think they should give us more options but not increase the difficulty of swinging at a basic level. I definitely want the swinging to be faster though with us spending less time on a web line and more time soaring after a swing when we start hitting really high speeds.
Oct 25, 2017
They could give the option for the "hardcore" gamers but as a filthy casual I rather like how simple it is especially when even my 4 year old can have a good time with it. So either option to toggle swinging differently or keep it the same


Oct 27, 2017
- Ability to hold onto your web even at the end of your arch, so that you can "dangle"
You can do this by holding RT and using the left stick to turn back the direction you came. If you keep doing this until you run out of speed he transitions to a dangle animation as if he was webbing off a ceiling


Oct 27, 2017
I mostly want it to be possible to fuck up. It'd be a lot more exhilarating if it was possible to smack into a wall rather than just coming to a dead stop, for example


Nov 3, 2017
What if I could chose which hand to swing from with L2/R2... would that even add anything?


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I think having variable swinging would be best. That way you can have the lowlevel relaxation and entry level for kids but ramp it up if you want to do tricks and shit. A slider maybe


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Yeah Id love a full physics based Spiderman. Would piss off 99% of people but Im not into the automatic style of movement as it is.


May 19, 2020
An option for more advanced swinging would be nice. You could toggle the current swinging or something a bit more advanced.


Aug 25, 2020
I pretty much perfected my web swinging travel in the Spiderman games. I can go from one end to next while never losing momentum. So I would rather keep it mostly the same. I remember Spiderman 2 on PS2 and I loved the web swinging but it wasn't always the best at keeping your momentum cause you find yourself hitting a wall causing you to stop. But it did have great sense of speed. I'm hoping Spiderman 2 can kick that up a notch. Next gen SSD should allow that now.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
A manual mode would be great.

-full physics based seeing, meaning it's possible for players to fuck up, fall damage etc
-able to do stuff on command like slingshots, choosing which arm to shoot webs from , etc

Can keep the auto mode for players who prefer it that way.
Oct 25, 2017
Mostly how it is with a couple enhancements, like being able to loop around on poles with the webs would be cool instead of just letting go. But Miles added some cool new things, like the ability to use his Venom powers during traversal which also in turn make you want to use tricks to build it up.


Apr 11, 2019
I was overall pretty disappointed with Spider-Man. Making the traversal more skill based, as an option, would greatly increase my enjoyment of the game.

It would still have the boring Arkham-style combat... But you can't have everything.


Oct 27, 2017
Yes, it looks awesome but it's sleep inducing. I want something more like Spider-Man 2.

Make it a selectable advanced mode so people can still play it like it is now if they prefer.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
It seems like a nice happy medium to me. I still have half a game to get through though, maybe I'll get sick of it.


Oct 30, 2017
Skill based movement would have killed my enjoyment of the game.

I loved it being effortless with a few extra little things.


Oct 26, 2017
What if I could chose which hand to swing from with L2/R2... would that even add anything?
Possibly, would at least give more control, but probably not something they'd do, as L2 is "aim" in combat and traversal, so they'll probably wanna keep it consistent, but a change I'd really like. I think they could find a better and faster solution for gadget selecting (touchpad seems like a good option) and then change R1 to aim, opening up L2 for left webshooter.


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I want more options. Being able to pull off different tricks by setting up specific animations is a good start, but I want something more.


Oct 27, 2017
Only thing that would be kinda cool is controlling each arm when swinging like you mentioned (left trigger, right trigger).

It's more than possible if they make some minor adjustments to the control scheme.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Make it optional, but I'm fine with the current system. Apparently Miles Morales expanded on the tricks part, so that's cool and I'll see how I feel about it when I play it next month.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Jumping off of a building to land like you jumped off of a bed is dumb as hell.
Is that a thing? I was playing Remastered and jumped off a building and Spider-Man refused to shoot a web before I hit the street and he landed in a "superhero pose" with a loud thud and the ground cracking underneath him. Didn't damage me at all, but nothing else about it made it seem like a soft landing.


Nov 20, 2017
I would love more ability to screw around with the webs. I don't necessarily want skill swinging, but more stuff to do with them. Like I think if Kojima's team made web slinging, what kinda fun shit would they throw in there? Every time I play one of their games I go, "I wonder if I could..." and then it does something novel. I want that sort of novelty with webs. Stuff like you could tear a postoffice box off the street and then throw it into your web and watch it bounce off and interact with other stuff. Maybe slingshotting ability. Or the ability to fail. Spiderman is super strong, so he can take the hit. It'd be fun to be able to accidentally just crash into traffic and bounce off a car or something. Or tie up random people on the street. Or make a trampoline house between a few skyscrapers up in the sky. Or stuff in the sky can interact with webs that you put between two buildings, like a helicopter might crash or pigeons come and sit on it. Just little novelty stuff like that.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought it was decent but also kinda boring at the same time. I definitely won't call it bad, no way. But I found traversal got mundane fairly quick. Purely personal, but I think it needs a ton more variety in animations. They've done a lot, but I still found myself bored seeing the same played-out animations. I feel like a Japanese developer would've got way more creative with the options and animations created. I think some posts here are touching on the same thing i.e. more different outcomes based on played swinging animations, etc.
Nov 17, 2019
You sorta can, but it's not super consistent imo. Sometimes I'll be leaning one way and he'll web from the opposite. Probably the only janky part of the swinging as you can lose momentum from it.

Yeah you can lose momentum from doing so but that's mostly because the game automatically chooses the best angle for speed. Anything else is gonna get you less speed and is more useful for changing directions like the OP says. Also, I'm playing Miles right now and it seems pretty consistent. I guess it depends on how far away you are from a building but typically if I point to the left, he'll shoot a web to the left and the same for the right. It works well enough to the point where I feel the left trigger can be put to better use for something other than choosing which side to shoot a web.


Nov 12, 2017
There's no need to add risks to the web swinging, it's freaking awesome just to pull off and have it look good. If you screw something up, your punishment is that it doesn't look as stylish or smooth. That's enough, IMO.

But absolutely do add extra options, such as more types of stunts, or perhaps stunts that you do off actions like jumping off the R2+L2 moves, off wallruns, etc.