
May 14, 2019
All cancelling The Flash at that point would have done is had everyone fired sooner. That being said... the tax write off might have been the better choice financially.

No, the tax write off wouldn't have been the better choice financially. They'd have lost significantly more money. The only advantage would be sweeping it into merger accounting and not having to talk about it in quarterly financials. Granted these numbers don't look so bad they'll need to say much about it, it's not so bad it's gonna cause a huge write off.


Oct 25, 2017
lower opening than transformers, autochads and maxibros we won

Its clear monke is the key, they should've did a Grodd movie instead of Flashpoint


Mar 2, 2021
Man, between WDP, Pixar, and Lucasfilms, Disney got so many flops recently on top of the streaming bubble bursting. Just a tough position to be in overall


Oct 25, 2017
Oh. This is about to be really funny.


Jan 14, 2021
If I said that should include the Avatar films, MIs, Scorsese's films and Nolan's films, how quickly would this forum have my head?
I'd take your head and give it a gentle pat because I'd be in general agreement.

Remember the direct to video sequel era?

That kinda energy.
I don't think we'll head down to that level of budget (or lack thereof). Admittedly, even if we did, it wouldn't be the worst thing ever provided quality control was still in place for the stories. Some of those DTV films actually looked really nice, too.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Between 40k Leviathan coming out, and now finding out just how hard this craters in its 2nd weekend.

Next Saturday can't come soon enough...

Sibersk Esto

Changed the hierarchy of thread titles
Oct 25, 2017
Better hope Gunn was just towing the company line when he was heaping praise on Flash too


Oct 25, 2017
I remember Stephen King was praising the Flash too. Didn't he say it was like the best superhero movie he ever saw or something along those lines?


Oct 28, 2017
Head to head, Across the Spider-Verse in its second week beat Transformers: Rise of the Beasts in its first week every day except Transformer's premiere Friday. Even Saturday and Sunday. Domestic, anyways.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-VerseTransformers: Rise of the Beasts
Jun 9 Friday$16,716,431$25,649,418
Jun 10 Saturday$21,135,952$19,365,981
Jun 11 Sunday$17,658,713$16,030,065
Jun 12 Monday$6,807,685$5,161,994
Jun 13 Tuesday$8,512,398$7,100,566
Jun 14 Wednesday$6,453,218$4,303,666
Jun 15 Thursday$5,277,604$3,010,493


Jack of All Streams
Oct 25, 2017
I'd take your head and give it a gentle pat because I'd be in general agreement.

See, I respect this. I just know though when most people say "Hollywood needs to lower budgets", what they're really saying is "lower budgets on things that don't specifically appeal to me and those in my bubble, keep high budgets on everything else"

Because I know most people do not actually want what they're preaching.

Boxy Brown

Oct 27, 2017
I don't think you can let Muschietti make Batman after this. This is rough.
Eh, this movie was gonna bomb even if it reviewed well. DCEU has been dead and it's replacement was already announced. Why would audiences care when the studio has made this film disposable?

Better hope Gunn was just towing the company line when he was heaping praise on Flash too
Nah, he genuinely loved it and I can see why someone like him would.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I see a reality appearing soon where a movie about Barbie out-performs a film with The Flash, two Batmans (one of them a return of an iconic portrayal of the character), and Supergirl......


Oct 25, 2017
Is this proof that test screening reactions are meaningless? Because all the scoopers were saying that this was testing so well only for it to have the complete opposite reaction.
Well you when see a test screening or preview they tell up it isn't the finished product. So you could totally have seen The Flash and gone 'The core of the movie works and if they fix the VFX things should be fine.' They just... didn't fix the VFX, so everything fell apart.


Jan 14, 2021
See, I respect this. I just know though when most people say "Hollywood needs to lower budgets", what they're really saying is "lower budgets on things that don't specifically appeal to me and those in my bubble, keep high budgets on everything else"

Because I know most people do not actually want what they're preaching.
I predominantly watch comic book adaptations and cartoons in theaters. I am one of the biggest proponents of popcorn flicks you'll find on the internet. So everyone please take me at my word when I say that I believe film budgets need to be reined in for the sake of the studios making them. The Super Mario Bros. Movie and Across the Spider-Verse should be yet more reminders that studios need not pump in all the money to make a good-looking film. Disney of all studios should know better than to burn money for every project. It's one of the reasons we don't have any more hand-drawn films from the company anymore. Nobody wants to risk a more modest performer when high budgets are being assigned to everything that makes it past the greenlight phase.


Oct 25, 2017
Disaster does not even begin to explain this. Just a truly horrific score to get for a blockbuster. This can lead to it not only underperforming even more on its OW but this type of score can lead to a 60-70% drop next week 😬
Decent shot we are talking about The Flash fighting for the 4 spot in the top 5 next weekend.


Apr 14, 2018
The stress on Gunn's shoulders must've just doubled, especially since Zas forced him (and Tom Cruise, and Terry Crews, and Stephen King, and Shaq, and ... ) to say all these good things about The Flash