Sep 21, 2019
Since the massive leak about a month ago and most businesses still working from home, I'm curious how or if this will affect the way Naughty Dog sends TLOU 2 to the press for review.

It's one thing to have people playing a game for review under strict NDAs at their offices but another thing entirely to do so at home with family members present. The conditions aren't nearly as secure.

I do think Sony wants to continue building hype around the game and to silence the naysayers responding to the leaked footage with an onslaught of positive reviews from the press.

But in these pandemic conditions I feel the risk of the entire game leaking is HUGE. People are ravenous for more spoilers and to spoil other people.

What do you all think? I think Sony will send copies to the bigger review outlets (IGN, Gamespot, Game Informer, etc.) and leave the smaller publications in the dark.

Since it is ND's biggest game yet, I also think embargo will be a bit closer to release than usual, maybe 3 days instead of ND's usual 5 to 7.

EDIT: I had no idea people played AAA games from home for review. I always thought publishers sent review code that was played in the office for some reason.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think Sony will change the review strategy because of the leaks or covid-19.


Oct 25, 2017
It's one thing to have people playing a game for review under strict NDAs at their offices but another thing entirely to do so at home with family members present. The conditions aren't nearly as secure.
I don't think you realize how people review games if you think this is how games are reviewed.

People play games for review all the time, in front of their family. No one cares.


Oct 27, 2017
You do realize that people reviewing games at those big outlets also do it at home right?


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Of course it will. Sony would be weird to hide their game like this.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Do that many reviewers work from an office? LIke I doubt Easy Allies for example only play games for reviews in their studio (even before the current situation).


Nov 27, 2017
Since the massive leak about a month ago and most businesses still working from home, I'm curious how or if this will affect the way Naughty Dog sends TLOU 2 to the press for review.

It's one thing to have people playing a game for review under strict NDAs at their offices but another thing entirely to do so at home with family members present. The conditions aren't nearly as secure.

I do think Sony wants to continue building hype around the game and to silence the naysayers responding to the leaked footage with an onslaught of positive reviews from the press.

But in these pandemic conditions I feel the risk of the entire game leaking is HUGE. People are ravenous for more spoilers and to spoil other people.

What do you all think? I think Sony will send copies to the bigger review outlets (IGN, Gamespot, Game Informer, etc.) and leave the smaller publications in the dark.

Sorry, but what makes you think reviewers played games at the office before COVID? I'm pretty sure most of them have a private room in their home to "work" and don't want to jeopardize their job by letting family members/friends watch.


Oct 27, 2017
I did all my game reviews from home back in the day when I still did that, even for big franchises like Legend of Zelda.


Oct 25, 2017
Um yeah Sony isn't going to pass up the marketing opportunity of an excellent critic score just because the chances of leak are very slightly higher than usual (also the more we get closer to release date, the less a leak is likely to matter).


Prophet of Truth
Dec 8, 2017
Uh, it's not like the Press has large buildings where reviewers gather and hide to play videogames.


Oct 27, 2017
Probably not, I imagine Mr. Sony has banned the press from even talking about it.


Nov 4, 2017
No. No media outlet will review one of the biggest games of the year.

Of course it will be reviewed. Why wouldn't it?


Apr 22, 2020
In my opinion, they cannot release a game like TLOUS 2 without having the massive positive buzz from the press that will come with it. Since spoilers are already out there, they will be careful so that not a lot more will come out of it. I'm sure they already have a list of reviewers that they trust to do a review without talking about specific story points, it's not uncommon for reviewers to have stuff that they cannot talk about when writing reviews. If I remember correctly, God of War reviews did not go into the story much.


Oct 25, 2017
Reviewers play the game at home most of the time. Its a very demanding job despite some thinking otherwise


Oct 28, 2017
Has there been any juicy tweet hinting at the quality of the game from reviewers?
Not yet. We won't probably get a lot of tweets considering the leak shitshow where people kept posting spoiler on twitter/ yt etc...

Having said that, pretty much everyone was extremely impressed by the September 2019 demo in the preview event.


Oct 27, 2017
In my opinion, they cannot release a game like TLOUS 2 without having the massive positive buzz from the press that will come with it. Since spoilers are already out there, they will be careful so that not a lot more will come out of it. I'm sure they already have a list of reviewers that they trust to do a review without talking about specific story points, it's not uncommon for reviewers to have stuff that they cannot talk about when writing reviews. If I remember correctly, God of War reviews did not go into the story much.
They just slap an embargo on talking about past 'plot point A' for a week post release or whatever. There's no 'trusting' people not to tell, they explicitly warn you against talking about the things they consider too much of a spoiler.


Oct 25, 2017
Real question is does reviews for the TLOU 2 matter outside of self-justification for praising it as best game ever made etc?

If ND didn't absolutely fucking bungle it up in dogshit press will drown it in 9s and 10s.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, they'll review it. I do think the leaks will affect scores in some instances though (but I don't really care, I'm just mentioning it).


Oct 31, 2017
OP, you realise most people review games at home anyway, rarely to people go to their office to play a game.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
I would assume the vast majority of review outlets do not have their writing staff working on site in an office. Most of them probably don't even have an office. Playing review copies at home is the norm and has been for decades.


Oct 25, 2017
Reviews threads on ERA for big AAA exclusives are like a Steven Seagal film-caliber entertainment, like watching Shane Mcmahon doing big stunts in chaotic wrestling matches.

Then someone sows in some dissent with spicey opinions and all bets are off...

When talking reviews during COVID it made me wonder more about previews. For e.g. CDP had planned press hands-on events for CP77 to get some preview buzz, surely those plans are dead now?


Oct 25, 2017
LOL. Of course they will.

A good portion of reviews nowadays are digital codes.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Reviews threads on ERA for big AAA exclusives are like a Steven Seagal film-caliber entertainment, like watching Shane Mcmahon doing big stunts in chaotic wrestling matches.

I was going to disagree, but I guess most tweets on my Twitter timeline about wrestling aren't exactly about enjoying what they're looking at, so I guess it tracks.

But, honestly, I wish they weren't a thing. It starts with mindless obsession over metacritic scores anyway, and then some review is even vaguely critical and the thread devolves into grossly going after that review even though nobody's even played the game to speak from experience, almost every time. In between you get some people actually discussing what's been said about the game in the reviews, but you could just have that alone without caring about scores and be better off. It just feels like a bad thing to keep around.


Oct 27, 2017

I just didn't think the majority of reviewers played at home for some reason, especially high-profile AAA games.
There are some publishers that would fly journalists to "review event", arrange for hotel/food etc and then let them play the game over 3-4 days before flying them back. Never liked this practice personally.