
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't get is why people can't understand that other people value different things tham they do.

Your #1 priority is saving a buck? Fine, great. Maybe the other person's priority is their time or convenience and spending a little more is worth it to them.

It's the same reason meal kits and delivery services do so well. If you can pay a few extra dollars to save a little bit of time and effort, for some people that's worth it.

And for the record, I'm 90% physical. (Switch is mostly digital) I just understand the very valid merits of digital.


Oct 27, 2017
Honest question about Game Sharing -- and I don't mean this in any kind of a judgmental or NARCing kind of fashion to defend big coporations -- but is there any potential drawbacks to this? Like this isn't a TOS violation that could potentially result in your account getting banned and losing access to your library?

I had the same concern, but it works exactly as Microsoft intended it to work; it allows families with more than one xbox to have access to all the games purchased, like you would lending out a physical disc. My buddy that I do this with is my brother from another mother and we would exchange games with each other all the time back in the day. Now we live a country apart but we can still share our games. It really makes buying digital worth it.


Oct 25, 2017
Ottawa Canada
We don't get the same deals in canada for physical games at launch that i can tell. that usually starts a month or two after launch.

maybe if you have trade in credit with ebgames physical endsup being a good deal.

Also, 80% of the games i buy are on pc. The console games i buy are pretty much limited to sales or the rare launch title that is only availabr on console.


Oct 25, 2017
A better question is why the OP gives a fuck what other people spend their money on?


Apr 5, 2018
I digitized large parts of my library this year, sold old physical copies and bought digital titles on sale. I didn't make a net loss.

Also, I'm surprised few people mention space. I have many games, I live on 64m² and do not have a gaming garage or anything. I put up highlights of my collection on my bookshelf, very often those are LE/steelbook versions. Also, browsing through my library on Xbox One has a similair feel to a bookshelf, I must say. I can even sort it to groups and stuff. Swapping games and everything is the additional convenience factor, but space really matters most to me, especially since physical discs have no additional stuff coming with them anymore.


Oct 25, 2017

In any case, I can only hope we all have the option to always be able to choose between physical and digital. I would be bummed about an all-anything future.
Physical isn't going anywhere. There will always be a market for it, even if that market is small. Look at music.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm primarily digital because I'm 95% PC based and these days, there's no real option for physical copies outside of a select few titles.

But I generally wait for sales; games can be had for cheaper anyway on PC, even at or around launch.


The Legend Continues
Oct 25, 2017
The bolded isn't exactly true. With digital you can also gameshare with someone you trust, allowing both of you to play the same game, at the same time, even in the same lobby. Not possible with a single physical copy. You can also preload to start playing instantly on day one, rather than getting home with a disc and waiting an hour for the install. I feel like physics install times aren't highlighted enough here, it's absolutely not insert-and-play like it used to be. With digital that stuff is much faster, since even the slow console HDD's are faster than reading from a disc. Digital is also far less wasteful. Better for the environment, better for the decor of your home.

European pricing always weirds me out though. How is it even... possible for retailers to sell for so much less than MSRP at launch?
Pricing for games is usually around £35 to £45 here in the UK, same as it was last gen, a little higher in some cases, whereas digital is anywhere between £50-£60.
Never thought about gameshare which is a good point. I also play on a PS4 and copying from the disc is pretty much always been faster than downloading, sometimes a lot faster, of course it depends on the internet speed but I can't remember a game where it's been like an hour for the install whereas a 40GB game is going to take over an hour for me even with a 100MB connection, which is a lot faster than the average UK broadband speed.
As far as preload is concerned for launch day games, I understand it might be quicker but you're talking about something that unlocks at midnight instead of waiting for the morning delivery, and even in that case every physical pre-order I've made this gen apart from a couple have either been delivered a day, 2 days or if it's a Tuesday release the game will be sent on Friday meaning I end up receiving it on Saturday as the postman delivers on that day also. So usually it's earlier or worst case half a day later which I can live with.
Plastic waste yeah sure, understandable, decor I don't really own so many games or even know anyone who's owned that much for it to be a problem. I have like 20 I own at the moment physically, I'm not keeping games I don't intend to play again anytime soon, plus I keep most of them in a small box tucked away, I have one case where I've got like 6 discs in it. I'm never going to play more than that many at one time and since they hardly take up any storage a cardboard box is fine to place them in with the 5-6 games I'm playing in one case in the room.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm patient (never buy games at full price anymore, backlog, etc.) and I think it's better for the environment: no production and distribution of a disc and plastic case. Plus, ease of use, no disc swapping, no waste of shelf space.

Hell, I'd say that almost the majority of games I purchase don't even have a disc release nowadays or only limited.


Oct 27, 2017
If every digital copy was guaranteed to work forever with no chance of losing it/being delisted, and it was cheaper than physical, and I could resell them, then I might do all digital. Until then, I prefer to buy physical when I can.

Seems most of the people here who do digital only dont care about ownership


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
Laziness and convenience. Also people who are afraid of stepping out of their homes and having to deal with human interaction to acquire a good. I'm guessing the horrible GameStop experience of pressuring extras also has something to do with it.

Deleted member 896

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Seems most of the people here who do digital only dont care about ownership

This really shouldn't be that surprising. The value of physical ownership seems to deviate wildly between two distinct groups. One group is people who seem to regard games as one-and-done experiences wherein once finished physical ownership allows them to quickly jettison the title to recoup some of their investment. Another group sees physical ownership as facilitating their ability to own a game on their terms until the end of time without relying on some service to authenticate and allow re-downloading the game. As it relates to the first, not everyone sells their games. As it relates to the second, it shouldn't be that surprising that not everyone relies on that given how popular remasters, anthology collections, classic mini consoles, etc. are in terms of people buying something they may already own as opposed to digging out their old hardware.


Nov 7, 2017
Digital sales are crazy good. And If I am particularly excited for a game I can preload it and start playing it exactly at midnight
Also, I generally decluttered my life, got rid of a lot of "collections" I had. My living space looks way better now without so much stuff like game boxes.


Oct 27, 2017
Convenience, plus I'm not interested in reselling games or having plastic cases collecting dust on a shelf.


Game Designer at EA
Oct 27, 2017
- I don't want shelves of games (or films or music or books) cluttering my house anymore. Those days are over and pretty much every boxed game is the cheapest piece of shit ever anyway. Gone are the days of beautiful colour manuals in Japanese games. I hold no value in looking at a dusty game box on a shelf. It just sits there cluttering my walls. All gone now.
- I love the that all my games are on my PS4 and Switch when I want them. No swooping discs or carts to play a different game.
- I don't sell games, so don't care about not being able to
- The game on the disc is very rarely the game you will play anyway so what's the point?
- I am lucky that I can have pretty fast (very fast for UK) internet at 200mbps so downloads are fast if and when needed

The additional £5 to £10 extra per big game is worth it to me for the above reasons.


Dec 10, 2017
I pay the same amount for games digitally as I would physically, so there's no price difference for me. And I don't like physical because: load times are often longer reading from the drive (granted the difference is usually slight), physical media is prone to breakage (even if taken care of), it's easier to re-download a game instead of tracking down a copy you sold/traded off, and I don't have to put up with the BS retail experience.

EDIT: Oh, and resale values are a joke. Not worth the gas and time it takes to drive to somewhere to trade it in at.


Oct 30, 2017
I tend to get digital games only when they're on sale. Very rarely do I buy a game digitally, for full price, on or near launch (Although I have bought two games digitally recently for full price. Regrets were had for one of them).

This. I'm a physical advocator myself but my rule of thumb is if I can find a game I'm looking for that is $5-$8 or more cheaper digitally than the physical copy, then i'll jump in

Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
Seems most of the people here who do digital only dont care about ownership

I really don't care about ownership of entertainment items anymore. I went from Vinyl to tapes to mini discs to cd's collecting music and all it really did was take up space and become worthless as tech moved on.

Same with movies VHS to Laser Disc to DVD to Blu Ray to 4K(I still buy the odd 4k due to quality) same as music it just took up space and became redundant as tech moved on.

Games were basically the same, I was collecting hardware and games dating back to the Commodore 64 and never playing them so I sold off the entire collection.

I've been using steam since Half Life 2 my Xbox digital library goes back to the launch of the 360 same for PSN with the launch of PS3 and as far as I'm aware I still have access to each and every game I've purchased.

I treat media as almost disposable now, if it's there in 10 years time fantastic but I'm not worrying about it.

I forgot to mention books, I had hundreds of books i the end they were all worthless so to the charity shop they went.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
The only digital games I have bought in the last year or so is the Handsome collection because of a flash sale and BF5 because Amazon gave it to me for free.


Oct 27, 2017
Laziness and convenience. Also people who are afraid of stepping out of their homes and having to deal with human interaction to acquire a good. I'm guessing the horrible GameStop experience of pressuring extras also has something to do with it.

You people suck.

  1. No swapping discs
  2. Auto updating
  3. Eschewing tacky game cases
  4. Very decent deals
  5. Fostering more financially aware/responsible buying habits
  6. Fostering a more respectful/less flippant way to play (you can't just jump ship willy-nilly)

It's literally just convenience, which some people seem worth the price of admission. I do.

If you can't see that, you're an idiot.


Oct 27, 2017
I go digital because at this point of my life saving a few dollars is not worth the time and effort I would need to devote to continue flipping games. Also I figured the amount ofoney I lost anyway by constantly trading in a game for lower than I paid for it just to put more money back in picking up the next new thing. As far as ownership is concerned I don't go back to old games once I'm done with them so if they disappear from a store front, it's not something I was going to use again anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems most of the people here who do digital only dont care about ownership

You do realize that what you actually "own" is just a piece of plastic for DRM purposes. With all the games needing huge day one patches and DLCs, the game that's on the disk in many cases it's not the complete thing. Sure, if the zombie apocalypse comes and you manage to have power you will be able to at least play some broken version of the games you "own" while I will be SOL, but I will probably be preoccupied with other issues at hat point ;).


Jun 1, 2018
Im all digital but I think going all digital is incredibly stupid, completely insane from an investment point of view. I do it for the convenience of switching games easier which honestly is a terrible reason.


Nov 3, 2017
Digital is the cheapest way for me to buy new games, and old games.

That's just the way it is in South America.


Mar 17, 2018
I've been all digital all gen. Almost all the games I play were on sale, free with GWG or accessed through Game Pass. It has been a great gen for digital gaming. The majority of gamers are going to go digital next gen.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I need to know, I just don't get it. See more and more people saying they're digital only, how? How can people afford it? New games on PSN are £60 here and you can pick most if not all of them up at least £10-15 minimum cheaper on launch day.

So, why did you go digital? And does the pricing not bother you?

Game Sharing. May not be the best scenario for everyone, however with one digital license my brother and I can play online at the same time. For some people its a 50% off discount on day 1. DLC can be shared as well and when the game is on sale even better.


Oct 25, 2017
This may have already been asked, but how long till/do you think we will ever get to the point where it's not a choice? Like how a lot of movies and CDs come with the digital version as well and you get to eat your cake and have it too, so to speak.

I really prefer physical but have recognized the convenience of digital.


Dec 26, 2017
If it's VR, I get it digitally. This is a lesson it took me awhile to learn. Swapping disks with a headset on is a pain.

Otherwise, it depends on the price, pre-order bonuses, etc. in which version I go with. I don't trade my games in so there is no financial advantage to physical to me unless I'm picking up a game several months after release...then it depends on the deals.


Nov 7, 2017
Very much this for Switch. Physical are £10-15 cheaper and have re-sale value once you're done.
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
This may have already been asked, but how long till/do you think we will ever get to the point where it's not a choice? Like how a lot of movies and CDs come with the digital version as well and you get to eat your cake and have it too, so to speak.

I really prefer physical but have recognized the convenience of digital.

IMO its going to be a while before physical fully goes away. Data caps, slow internet connections, etc would ruin the fun. Some of us are lucky to have excellent connection without data caps, but there is people out there that have to wait days to install a game, physical helps to speed that up quite a bit.

I personally hope it doesn't go away anytime soon, I love digital don't get me wrong but I like the option to have a physical copy as well.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
You people suck.

  1. No swapping discs
  2. Auto updating
  3. Eschewing tacky game cases
  4. Very decent deals
  5. Fostering more financially aware/responsible buying habits
  6. Fostering a more respectful/less flippant way to play (you can't just jump ship willy-nilly)

It's literally just convenience, which some people seem worth the price of admission. I do.

If you can't see that, you're an idiot.

4. Physical has much better deals because retailers need to clear out shelf space. Also used physical games are much cheaper than anything you're ever going to see in digital sales.

5. Uh, how? If anything the ease at which one can just click "Buy" on a digital store makes impulse buys much more likely.

6. How is that a good thing? You're saying that people should stick to games they find shitty because they're stuck with them anyway? Wow.


Oct 25, 2017
Digital games can be had for as cheap as physical, you just have to shop smart... Buying 20% off PSN cards, waiting for sales, getting games with bundles, etc. Day one in most countries it's usually cheaper to get physical, but not always... With Amazon and Best Buy neutering their game sale clubs the options aren't as easy as they were.

At the end of the day, sometimes it's also just easier to pay a little bit of premium if it means I don't constantly have to swap discs. Me, I have a pretty big mix of both usually based on whatever price I feel like paying for a particular game, or if I know it'll be in and out of use constantly.


Nov 2, 2017
Games are cheaper on the Turkish Xbox and PS stores. Also, there is no formal trade-in opportunities for physical copies.

TC McQueen

Oct 27, 2017
Since I'm a PC player, digital only is pretty much the only way to go, but by cashing on deals from various online stores, you can save a decent amount.

I also don't tend to buy Day 1 unless its a game I'm really into, and even then, there tend to be preorder discounts.

Deleted member 3017

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There are so many reasons to go digital-only, but the biggest advantage is to rid oneself of unneeded clutter. As someone who still loves purchasing physical games, I'm hoping I can one day rid myself of the need for material video game-related goods and switch to an all-digital library. The Switch's cartridges is making this tough, as I love carts!


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
I'd be 100% digital with game purchases if everything was available digitally, but sadly, you have to deal with physical for some older games. Seriously, publishers, take all the old games you still have the licenses for, attach a free emulator to the ROM, and stick it up on Steam for a few dollars.


Oct 25, 2017
4. Physical has much better deals because retailers need to clear out shelf space. Also used physical games are much cheaper than anything you're ever going to see in digital sales.

5. Uh, how? If anything the ease at which one can just click "Buy" on a digital store makes impulse buys much more likely.

6. How is that a good thing? You're saying that people should stick to games they find shitty because they're stuck with them anyway? Wow.

Point #4, nah I just picked up Arkham 1&2 remasters on PSN for $5. I dont even think you can find the original games for that price. I can name plenty of other times I've bought games for far cheaper than they would be for physical, especially now that deals are much better.

Point #5, I guess for a certain type of person sure. But that isnt a general rule in the slightest, especially outside of the hardcore spenders

Point #6, what it means is you actually research your purchase (not sure he worded his post well). I think digital is actually better for the quality of games in the long run, since publishers make physical money when the discs ship (aka: hype=$).


Oct 25, 2017
4. Physical has much better deals because retailers need to clear out shelf space. Also used physical games are much cheaper than anything you're ever going to see in digital sales.
This simply isn't true. I buy games using whichever medium is cheapest, and 9 times out of 10 that's digital. The only situation in which physical consistently comes out ahead is buying games on day one and finishing them as quickly as possible to offload them ASAP. Not only does that sound like a terrible way to play games, but it's not feasible for many people who don't have easy access to places where they can resell games.

And that's before you get into things like account sharing pacts. If money is an issue, digital is the obvious way to go.


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
This simply isn't true. I buy games using whichever medium is cheapest, and 9 times out of 10 that's digital. The only situation in which physical consistently comes out ahead is buying games on day one and finishing them as quickly as possible to offload them ASAP. Not only does that sound like a terrible way to play games, but it's not feasible for many people who don't have easy access to places where they can resell games.

And that's before you get into things like account sharing pacts. If money is an issue, digital is the obvious way to go.

I'm sorry what?

I can't hear you over the noise of how AWESOME buying digital sounds right now.


Oct 25, 2017


Mar 2, 2018
Why don't people buy music CDs anymore?

Or DVDs?
Terrible comparison...prices are different. You can pick and choose music single for like $1...people buy Blu-ray also...

You are paying $60 for nothing tangible, I will never understand that part...but most people are terrible with money, so that answers the question...that's why CC companies love most people and why wouldn't that extend to other parts of the persons life?
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Deleted member 896

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
Terrible comparison...prices are different. You can pic an choose music single for like $1...people buy Blu-ray also...

You are paying $60 for nothing tangible, I will never understand that part...but most people are terrible with money, so that answers the question...that's why CC companies love most people and why wouldn't that extend to other parts of the persons life?

In general if our number one priority is spending as little money as possible I think my first recommendation would be "don't buy video games at launch full stop" as opposed to arguing about the cheapest way to justify wasting money on this hobby.

"How did I retire in comfort at 35? Why, it's very simple. Unlike those other dumb dumbs who are paying full MSRP on digital games they can't sell back when they're done to offset the costs, I wisely bought physical for slightly less than MSRP so that I can trade that game in towards my next purchase. I put the savings into my 401k and now I'm a millionaire who lives off the interest of my portfolio."


Mar 2, 2018
Jesus Christ! fuck off.
Which part are you mad at? The poster a little bit below you just confirmed everything that was said in this post, especially the customer experience section of interaction...
In general if our number one priority is spending as little money as possible I think my first recommendation would be "don't buy video games at launch full stop" as opposed to arguing about the cheapest way to justify wasting money on this hobby.

"How did I retire in comfort at 35? Why, it's very simple. Unlike those other dumb dumbs who are paying full MSRP on digital games they can't sell back when they're done to offset the costs, I wisely bought physical for slightly less than MSRP so that I can trade that game in towards my next purchase. I put the savings into my 401k and now I'm a millionaire who lives off the interest of my portfolio."
A little bit of exaggeration but this is kind of the thought process. I get to stretch my gaming purchases because of this, otherwise I would get the side eye from my wife. This way, there is no argument for enjoying my hobby, since we are still saving and covering necessities...