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Oct 25, 2017
The same reason a lot of people give BoTW praise and I thought it was straight garbage...people like different things. Don't try to understand why you don't like something a lot of others do because you probably aren't ever going to really know why.

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
I'd really recommend not getting it spoiled. You can't really hint at it without completely spoiling it. But if you want to know, again I'd recommend not knowing, the entire thing is the highest point of the game imo.
the Axe isn't the only weapon Kratos gets.
Do you mean
The Blades Of Chaos

I got past that - in fact I stopped playing while in
Tyr's Temple


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
I enjoyed the game, but felt it began to drag a little towards the end. All the video gamey barriers blocking progression began to really hurt the narrative pacing for me.

Combat was great though, setting/story were also very strong.
Man it was padded to hell for the last few hours. Multiple combat encounters like the boat that lasted for way too long. And then solving any puzzle really late in the game involved a wave or two or three of enemies spawning after each step.


Oct 26, 2017
Do you mean
The Blades Of Chaos

I got past that - in fact I stopped playing while in
Tyr's Temple
Yep. After that there's a few big world and character reveals, but nothing gameplay wise outside of the runic attackes and remaining upgrades that'll change it up. The best bosses, which on the higher difficulties will require you to get real good are in the end game too, but you probably wouldn't get to them if the game still hasn't hooked you.


Dec 1, 2017
These "Tell my why other people like this game that I don't" threads are rather perplexing really.


Jan 3, 2019
The enemies do get repetitive and it could have had more bosses but it still a great game imo
Sep 14, 2018
There are plenty of reviews out there for you to read and watch that could answer your question. These types of threads come off as the OP wanting to brag about how special they are, especially when your original post gives so little detail about why you didn't like the game. However it's not surprising that there are people out there that don't like a game that a lot of people love.

It's fine that you don't like the game. It's not fine that you think the fact that you don't like the game is worthy of discussion. You need to bring more to the discussion than what you offered.


Dec 13, 2017
I've been a hardcore fan of the old God Of War hack 'n slash style, played the heck out of the 6 previous installments and I love them all. So, I was pretty doubtful about the new gameplay/camera/norse myth and all the new stuff they were showing about the new game. Actually thought it was gonna suck. and even if it didn't suck, thought that I was gonna miss the old games.

I was wrong. It's fucking amazing, played for over 60 hours and to me, it's the game of the generation.

Rami Seb

Sep 28, 2018
Pacing, narrative, combat are all stellar, the interaction between Kratos and Atreus is wonderful. Game is God tier when it comes to visuals both technical and artistically, my jaw dropped when I first saw the Elf realm when you go to the temple

Literally my one and only complaint are the boss fights. Fighting different skinned trolls and Baldur 3 times in the game but its a minor nitpick. Easily a top 3 game of the gen for me

But as others have said, not everyone is going to like the same stuff.

Glass Arrows

Jan 10, 2019
Ultimately the thread is less to understand but a person hoping to find vindication in other likeminded posters.

Basically. There are plenty of popular games I don't like or just don't care about. But that's just part of engaging with art, you're never gonna like everything. If I was going to make a thread about it the least I would do is try to offer a substantial critique that can be engaged with and make for a good discussion. "I didn't like this game and find it overrated" doesn't really contribute a lot.


Nov 12, 2017
I love how polished it is. The graphics, audio, controls, combat, world design, and story all feel like they were given a high level of attention and care. It feels like the perfect marrying of a cinematic experience and engaging gameplay. It's been hard finding a game that ticks all the boxes for me this gen. There have been multiple games that I like this gen but there's usually something missing that holds them back from greatness. For example:

Witcher 3: Great graphics, story, quests, and world design, boring combat, janky controls
MGSV: Great gameplay, terrible story, boring open world
Nier Automata: Good story, good gameplay, mostly uninteresting open world and sidequests
RDR2: Great graphics, story, and world design, boring gameplay and bad controls

I never really felt like I was missing something with God of War. Sure after beating it, I did wonder why there weren't more bosses and enemy types, but that's about it.

Deleted member 28131

User requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
I'm with you OP, i liked it to start with but grew bored of it just after you get your blades back, never touched it again and gave it to a friend.

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
Enemy types lacking? The game is crammed with different kinds.
No, sadly it's not.
Ultimately the thread is less to understand but a person hoping to find vindication in other likeminded posters.
No, it isn't.

As I said previously, I didn't think the game was total shit or anything, but as a hardcore gamer, I just fail to see why it's getting all the critical acclaim and adoration it receives. To me, it's a mid-tier action title with an extremely polished exterior, but not something that's game-changing or earth-shatteringly amazing and it makes me wonder if something is wrong with how I view things.
I'm with you OP, i liked it to start with but grew bored of it just after you get your blades back, never touched it again and gave it to a friend.
Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling unimpressed by a game that is nearly universally acclaimed.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought it was pretty underwhelming too, for most of the same reasons you listed. Lack of enemy variety, grindy-ass mob after mob with little in the way of mini bosses to break the monotony up, and what mini bosses there were are mostly palette swaps (the trolls). I didn't bother with the Valkyries but as far as main quest line variety goes it was far and few between. Feel like they blew their wad on the initial Baldur fight in terms of presentation and cinematic flair. Final main story battle is cool but again not nearly enough set pieces. Maybe it didn't help that I played GOW3 Remastered just before it came out, now there's a game that maintains spectacle throughout.

Also aggravated as you were by the teasing of the locked realms, and all the edging towards Jotunheim. Always one step forward two steps back until near the end...that shit was annoying. Ending was pretty damn fantastic though I'll give it that. I just hope they go way bigger and find better pacing and variety with the followups. Lotta potential there.


Jan 6, 2018
I liked the dad-son interaction, but yeah once the main story was done I had no desire to delve deeper and shelved it. I prefer the older games too.
Same here.

I have more of a desire to watch some of its cutscenes again on YouTube than play the actual game again.

Gameplay-wise, it was one of the weakest in the series.


Oct 28, 2017
It would be more helpful to see what kind of games you DO like OP. For instance, did you enjoy Crackdown 3?


Oct 27, 2017
Beats me, I thought it was solid, but unremarkable. Bland level-design, unimaginative and repetitive puzzles and limited interaction in the world. I didn't really care for the story and characters either, so much talking all the time. Games need to have more confidence and let players experience it through gameplay instead of words.
Jan 31, 2018
I'm sure this has been mentioned but I suspect a lot had to do with the main story element, the dad-son relationship, which likely resonated with a lot of people. It also looked fantastic and had some fun designs and gameplay mechanics.

I thought it was okay. Liked some of it, didn't like other parts (farming for mist stands out). Overall, it was fun but I am a little surprised it won so many GOTY awards.


May 8, 2018
OP replying to people with different opinion:

"No, I don't see it"

OP replying to someone who agrees with him:

"Thank you!"


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
Same here.

I have more of a desire to watch some of its cutscenes again on YouTube than play the actual game again.

Gameplay-wise, it was one of the weakest in the series.

Gameplay wise I feel it is definitely the best in the series and I adore the old games. When you start doing more of the challenges like the Valkyries and Arenas I think it really makes the combat stand out.
Jun 17, 2018
It's a great game with a story that sits closely with a lot of people. The subject matter is handled perfectly and the combat is fucking brutal! A lot of fun, in my top 10 of all time.

However, it's not for everyone, just like sports games aren't for everyone. I can't stand FIFA but it does well most years and people lap that shit up :)

Deleted member 19213

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I agree with you on the lack of boss and enemy variety. That's something they can improve upon in the sequel.

I guess the game design could be considered Metroidvania? I like that type of gameplay loop. I really got sucked in and the moment to moment gameplay was satisfying to me, so I really liked the game. The story was pretty good as well.


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
No, sadly it's not.

No, it isn't.

As I said previously, I didn't think the game was total shit or anything, but as a hardcore gamer, I just fail to see why it's getting all the critical acclaim and adoration it receives. To me, it's a mid-tier action title with an extremely polished exterior, but not something that's game-changing or earth-shatteringly amazing and it makes me wonder if something is wrong with how I view things.

Thank you. It's nice to know I'm not alone in feeling unimpressed by a game that is nearly universally acclaimed.

I can't take anyone's opinion seriously especially when it comes to judging combat mechanics and gameplay in general that holds Red Dead Redemption in high regard. I just think what you value in a game is different and that's okay OP. There are games I think every one of us dont see the appeal of. For me its Pokemon and Smash it utterly confounds me but with all the success and loyalty the games have I know they must be high quality.

This whole thread is just you trying to validate yourself which in life is really kind of pointless because it means nothing. There is probably someone that thinks McDonalds is the Pinnacle of dining. That person can probably find others that completely agree with him. Does that mean anything? No
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Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I strongly connected with the story and characters. The great gameplay was just a really nice bonus.


Oct 26, 2017
Alhambra, CA
I don't know what people want from gaming if they aren't blown away by God of War.

Were you all expecting a totally different genre? Do you all prefer unpolished games?

What games have more satisfying combat? Is there some huge list I'm completely unaware of?... where GoW only ranks as average?

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
i don't get it either. i know not everyone has to like it and it must be doing something right but for me it just didn't do anything.

graphics aren't impressive. characters are boring. gameplay is also boring, dull, and tedious. i really wanted to like it but struggled to enjoy it. just didn't click with me.

and that's ok.


Oct 28, 2017
So what are the better games in the same year OP and we'll tell you why they're not as good? Will that help ease your confusion?


Feb 13, 2018
I wanted to like the game, but finally stopped playing after the
fairy boss
. What I liked about the game was the setting and some parts of the combat. I think the rpg approach was a good option but I missed the variety in weapons which I loved in the previous games. A major critique point for me is the lack of enemy variety. In every area there are mostly two to three enemy types, which made the combat somewhat uninteresting for me.
The Storytelling is fine, but I can't say that I enjoyed the story. After the 100th time of "be quiet boy" things started to get on my nerves. Until the point I played, the game did not give the idea of great character or story development. Can't say the story was captivating in any way, too. I did not really care about the characters.
Best part of the game was the fight with
bad god-like dude
at the beginning. Wish there were more moments like this.
Graphics were top notch, but not jaw dropping after coming from RDR2.
If they make a sequel I might give it a try.
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Jan 6, 2018
Gameplay wise I feel it is definitely the best in the series and I adore the old games. When you start doing more of the challenges like the Valkyries and Arenas I think it really makes the combat stand out.
I've already beaten some of them and highly disagree.

Though that sounds an awful lot like the Final Fantasy 13 "it gets good after 20 hours" defenses from back in the day.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I don't get it either. It's a solid action game but not worthy of the all the acclaim it got imo. The combat system is solid which was the thing they needed to nail, but it devolves into just being a cooldown ability spam fest later on. The 'hub world' that everyone praises is one of the shallowest designs you can think of, just a boring circular lake you boat around in and wait for story transitions to open up. The level designs themselves are mostly just linear paths, with only one really good puzzle room in the entire game. All the inventory stuff is useless filler meant to waste time. And the worst part is it lacks a sense of epicness that the other games did great, especially in the boss fights. The boss fights are literally the worst in the series and thats including PSP games.

I can see why it had mass appeal though as it's polished as hell with insane production values and has all 'deep brooding sad dad' mature storyline stuff with a child character that tags along that is all the rage these days.

To all the people saying 'Kratos finally grew up and is a mature deep character now!' though I point to this video


Oct 25, 2017
Ah good - no one posted that moronic Mattewmatosis review. You know, the one where he makes up absolutely laughable complaints like "future consoles won't have loading so the world layout is bad"? I wasn't even the biggest GoW fan and it was so bad.


Oct 26, 2017
I watched a lets play of it and was disappointed that nothing that happens ever really tops the first Baldur fight. Its the classic problem with this series. However the rest of it seemed competent, if a little mundane after you've established kratos is literally strong enough to split the ground beneath him into a huge chasm, and punch through a mountain. Why do random wolves and shit have a chance against him? Why is he routinely stopped in his tracks by flimsy fences and raised bridges?

Its Video Games: The Video Game in that way. All the classic things to nitpick, and all the expected things that people love. You get skills and crafting, you get different colored projectiles.

Not surprising people were into it, its a game that feels very "safe" in its design. And its fine if you like a safe game once in a while! Even if it's the only type of game you like, go on with your bad self!

Again, i didnt play it, but i don't think I'd have finished it. Or if i did it would only be critical path


Slayer of the Eternal Voidslurper
Aug 28, 2018
That's my point - most everyone seems to give this game glowing praise nonstop.

I'm one of those in the minority that just didn't think it was anything special whatsoever and I find it hard to see how it wins award after award, you know what I mean?

I find it hard to see why so many people consider Bloodborne a GOTG.

Tastes, eh? It's ok.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I don't get it either. It's a solid action game but not worthy of the all the acclaim it got imo. The combat system is solid which was the thing they needed to nail, but it devolves into just being a cooldown ability spam fest later on. The 'hub world' that everyone praises is one of the shallowest designs you can think of, just a boring circular lake you boat around in and wait for story transitions to open up. The level designs themselves are mostly just linear paths, with only one really good puzzle room in the entire game. All the inventory stuff is useless filler meant to waste time. And the worst part is it lacks a sense of epicness that the other games did great, especially in the boss fights. The boss fights are literally the worst in the series and thats including PSP games.

I can see why it had mass appeal though as it's polished as hell with insane production values and has all 'deep brooding sad dad' mature storyline stuff with a child character that tags along that is all the rage these days.

To all the people saying 'Kratos finally grew up and is a mature deep character now!' though I point to this video

Sad dad copy paste storytelling is a thousand times better than kratos' self-absorbed amoral reactionary dogwhistle pity party trilogy. (Though the first one was by far the worst of the original 3)


Oct 31, 2017
While I don't think it was the best game ever, it was a solid title that opens up a new direction for the series that will make the sequel a truly amazing title if they nail the issues of the previous game.

I found the combat really repetitive early on and most of the encounters were pretty boring, outside of the big boss fights etc. Watching the same execution move over and over got tedious super quick. Hoping for much more combat variation in the sequel and some more interesting customisation.
Oct 27, 2017
Not at all. I'm 43 and I've seen all the great games since the Intellivision up until this point and nothing about God of War impressed me to the point of ever saying "This is a GOAT game here folks". Graphically and audibly, the game is a stunner; but it just bored me after only my second time playing it and I was more than halfway through it.
All this tells me is your taste is different. Not every game is for you just like not every game is for me.

I liked DMC5 a lot because the game play is really fun but unlike others, I didn't find it all that special. In fact it was a bit meh in many places. From what people have told me they want it just like that. (The bad linear level design, a reason I disliked it was a good point to them because the combat is all they care about, thus the linear level design isn't bad for them).

I disliked Red Dead Redemption 2. I hate the mission design, the bad controls, the scripted to hell open world. It was bad to me but to you from your other posts it seems you love it. That's fine and what's bad to me isn't bad to you.

When people mention these two games, I kind of get why but not fully. But at the end of the day it is just my taste.

The reason GOW4 is getting so much love would be the fact most people agree that it is a more complete package compared to RDR. It might not be to you but for the majority of people it was. That's it.
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