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Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
Honestly, I just did not like the game; however I tried to like it. On launch day, I started playing it and I really liked it - I was excited to get home the second day to play it some more; but it just started to feel too samey. Compared to games like GOW II and GOW III, there were a lot less bosses and very few enemy types. Also a lot of the game was gated-off and even though you were shown some areas, you don't go to them in this game - obviously sequel bait. I stopped playing the game after that second time and after a week I traded it in towards my Xbox One X.

Now this game keeps winning awards left and right - Game of the Year, BAFTA, Writer's Guild, etc.

I just don't understand how is it widely considered the "cream of the crop" when compared to other games that came out the same year, that in my opinion were far better?

Some insight from my fellow Era members might give me a new outlook on the game and perhaps I might play it again someday; but as of now, I am done with it.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Amazing combat, cool new setting, incredible story telling hooks, interesting characters, RPG elements, open world.... Hits all the things I like.


Oct 30, 2017
Depends what you're into. I never could get into the original GoW games even though I beat a couple. I loved the new one so much more.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a different type of game. It has a much stronger focus on story and characters which it absolutely nails. Combat is also very fun but also a very different take compared to earlier games.

If you don't care for story or don't like the style of combat I can understand not liking it. It is probably my GOAT now.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
As someone who never liked much GoW (GoW2 was the only good one for me) and started playing GoW 2018 last week, all I can say is that I love it, and deserves every award. It even topped RDR2 as my GoTY.

Gameplay, set-pieces, characterization, pace. Everything is so much better.


Oct 28, 2017
I liked the dad-son interaction, but yeah once the main story was done I had no desire to delve deeper and shelved it. I prefer the older games too.


Oct 25, 2017
It's strong in the major area's (Visuals, combat, story, music, level design, polish) and it doesn't really have a major flaw that most games have. I'm not joking when i say that my biggest issue with the game after getting the platinum trophy is the font size being too small and collecting ravens is boring (which is optional).


Apr 5, 2018
For me it was mostly the combat which had an insane amount of options. The area exploration was also quite good and I enjoyed the set piece scenes. Also it had the best graphics that I have personally seen so far. It definitely is not without flaws -- the crafting and equipment system in general felt like a chore and was uninspired.


Jun 29, 2018
That's my point - most everyone seems to give this game glowing praise nonstop.

I'm one of those in the minority that just didn't think it was anything special whatsoever and I find it hard to see how it wins award after award, you know what I mean?
You understand that you're in a minority of people who don't like that game. So you should understand when a lot of people do want to give it praise. It means they aren't in your minority opinion.


May 31, 2018
The Axe. The feedback is perfect. I think the combat really starts to flow very well from midgame onwards once you unlock a few skills.

But yes it does have it flaws, variety of enemies is kinda weak.

Don't force through the game if it doesn't click with you. Best to move on to something else.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
It doesn't have a major flaw. There's things you can knit pick but it's as close to a perfect game as you're going to get.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a focal point of the maturation of video games as a whole. GoW 1-3 are just about the epitome of edgy/angry teenager, back when many of us were the target audience of that. Now the new one is the story of looking back at that and being somewhat embarrassed and trying to make sure the next generation is not consumed by the same violence, at a time when many of us are into our 30's and starting families.


Oct 26, 2017
Even though I prefer the linear ones, with Ghost of Sparta being the best of the series, I can't deny that is a very well crafted game. But I do prefer the brawler style.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
its not better than RDR2

lets fight


Oct 28, 2017
Same reason movies that win best picture don't generally gel with your average person.

It's got a pretty specific artistic direction in mind, if it's choices don't resonate with you, it's not going to seem all too special.

For me though, God of War was very refreshing in it's brutish simplicity. Instead of going wide they went small and intimate, and gave incredible amounts of time into character moments and interactions versus the grand epic onslaught of mythology of previous games. I'm definitely of the opinion that if you are going to start a new trilogy, you have to go "smaller" in order for the next games to have room to even grow.

Black Chamber

Oct 27, 2017
United States
It's a different type of game. It has a much stronger focus on story and characters which it absolutely nails. Combat is also very fun but also a very different take compared to earlier games.

If you don't care for story or don't like the style of combat I can understand not liking it. It is probably my GOAT now.
I liked the combat the first day that I played it, but it waned on me the second time and it just became very stale and samey. It makes me feel strange that I dislike a game that the whole world seems to enjoy. Normally I'm all over the AAA blockbuster games and agree that they are amazing; but with this one I just couldn't go through the slog I was feeling to finish it.

Btw, I was a little over halfway when I called it quits.


"This guy are sick"
Nov 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Amazing combat, cool new setting, incredible story telling hooks, interesting characters, RPG elements, open world.... Hits all the things I like.

Totally agree. The soft reboot into norse mythology and GOOD GOD that opening boss fight. Jesus that had me sold instantly.

Edit: Pun actually was not intended, but you know what? I'll act like it was now.

I also forgot to ask OP. I'm pretty sure there had to be some particular moment that made you quit. What was it?

Sameer Sedlar

Feb 8, 2018
It is quite good, I enjoyed the original trilogy much more, but I can see how great this new GOW is, aside from a few issues. It is a good rebirth to the franchise, though the universal praise is a bit weird I'll give you that.

Now my biggest surprise is GOW winning 'best narrative' over Red Dead Redemption 2. This is quite insane, sure God of War offers a pretty solid narrative, but in no way or shape is it stronger than RDR2, and this is coming from a guy who couldn't care less about 'Western America' and 'Cowboys' but suddenly found himself hooked.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't like it either, I was really disappointed as someone that loves action games. I liked the story so I'll probably just youtube the next game in the series instead of being disappointed again.

I do understand why it's loved, and not every game is for everyone and that's okay.


Oct 26, 2017
You're not going to like every popular/revered thing out there. That's life.


Oct 29, 2017
Story, characters, music, sound, action, scenery, great boss fights, puzzles, great level design... take your pick really. As a whole package it's phenomenal. But of course not everyone will find it to their tastes.

As for the sequel bait complaint, I don't think so at all. It's established there are 9 realms in Norse mythology so they all have to be there. Just because we can't visit every one of them doesn't mean it's sequel bait. Just like how Spider-Man PS4 lets you play around Manhattan and you can see the surrounding areas but you can't go there, let's take the Statue of Liberty for example. Now if Spider-Man 2 lets you go to those places was that sequel bait? No, it's just part of that world that you can't go to in the scope of that particular game.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
It's ok to not like something that everyone else seems to love. I loved GoW personally, but guess what? I didn't like BotW, and that's arguably an even more revered game.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
It's the game of the generation for me for it's combination of story, combat, presentation, music, direction and the like.


Nov 16, 2017
If you played most of the older GoW titles, it could hit you different.

It was nice to see how the game matured it's themes and characters. The dev team said they actively added that into the work. To see Kratos grow as a character instead of some 1dimensional avatar.

The game play was fun to me, I thought the combat system worked well and gave you alot of tools and options. I liked the wide linear level design, I hope they go even wider for the sequel.

It's not perfect but it marked an awesome reboot that only has room to grow


Oct 25, 2017
For people that value story or the characters, I'm sure it's a big deal. Even I enjoyed a few of the cinematic scenes and ideas. But I think the story and storytelling are the main pulls. If you don't like it, I can't imagine liking the game.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
When an overwhelming majority likes something, you are making a mistake when you view your dislike of the product from the perspective of said majority seeing it from the wrong angle.

You are the outlier, and it's obvious nothing will change that.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
San Francisco
Coming from someone with a Sekiro avatar you really don't get that not every game is going to be universally loved by everyone?

I don't like Breath of the Wild or Red Dead 2 but I know I'm in the minority and that's okay.


Oct 30, 2017
I enjoyed the game, but felt it began to drag a little towards the end. All the video gamey barriers blocking progression began to really hurt the narrative pacing for me.

Combat was great though, setting/story were also very strong.


use of an alt account
Feb 15, 2018
It''s a good game and better than RDR2 in everyway imo


Oct 27, 2017
I was personally impressed with how quickly Santa Monica Studio were able to basically reinvent the series into something exceptionally well-made while still retaining some of the core elements that made the older games so popular - such as the visceral combat, graphics, music, and giant boss battles. Also, Mimir is one of the best tag-along characters that I can think of.


Oct 27, 2017
Amazing combat, cool new setting, incredible story telling hooks, interesting characters, RPG elements, open world.... Hits all the things I like.
Yeah, this pretty much sums it up for me. To add to this, I prefer linear games much more than open world games and I love how they handled optional quests and stories.

I found the game more engrossing than anything else I've played in years, probably The Last of Us.

The graphics are incredible also.

Edit: one more thing. I found the game really respected my time.

s y

Nov 8, 2017
Cinematic, story heavy, set piece action games are highly revered and it did that really well.

Outside of my problems wit the combat and lack of bosses, the major flaws for me were only apparent upon trying to 100% completion. The no-cuts camera system was detrimental to me(ruined fast travel) and the level design is kind of wonky in order for the game to load/stream levels. The amount of walls that Kratos has to annoyingly climb down when we see him jump down similarly sized walls was very irritating. The world not actually being connected sucks too when multiple areas are blocked off that you were able to progress through naturally before but post game you have to back track and use portals(and wait an eternity due to the no-cut camera) for sucks.

It wasn't my GOTY but I can understand the praise. It set up a really good base/concept for an amazing sequel. Hope they deliver.

Also, the dark elves are the worst enemies this gen. Ditch the RPG stuff too, completely unnecessary.
Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
After watching matthewmatosis study case of this game a couple weeks ago(second time watching it but long after the game came out) there are some real weird things with it that got a pass for anyone who arent just playing through it once, like combat mecha ics and how level design isnt designed around those mechanics unlike something like god hand for instance


Oct 26, 2017
- The combat is fucking fantastic, with special nod to the genius of the Leviathan Axe and the throw mechanic.

- The characters are great and the writing is really good

- Graphics, art direction, production values and presentation are top notch

- Level design is super engaging and outright incridible when talking about Lake of Nine

- Story is really entertaining and the lore is engaging as hell, it doesnt hurt that Norse Mythos is incredible

- Fantastic sound design and great soundtrack

Deleted member 54292

User requested account closure
Feb 27, 2019
Honestly, I just did not like the game; however I tried to like it.

I could literally make this same thread with the Witcher 3 but here is why I didn't. Strangers online are more than likely not going to say something that makes a game that I KNOW I am not having the best time with suddenly more worthy of my time. All they can do is tell me why they like it, which more often than not, doesn't flip my perception of a game on it's head. Some games just don't vibe with us, and that is perfectly okay!
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