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Nov 8, 2017
Some of Nintendo's policies I think off the top of my head are:

- Ports of Wii U games costing full price (with slight QoL improvements and resolution bumps). Sony, Microsoft and other third parties remaster and port their games to newer systems, often at a cheaper price.

- The same digital only games i.e. no physical release costing more on the Switch than on PS4/PS5/PC/Xbox. The only benefit that Switch has is portability, whereas the other platforms have increased performance, resolution and IQ.

- Limited digital releases (see Super Mario 3D All-Stars). We all know Nintendo is eventually gonna release each game individually and it will cost more.

- Backwards compatibility. Microsoft is great at this, Sony is ok, but Nintendo just abandoned all their customers who bought games off the eShop and Virtual Console. You have to keep your Wii U, Wii and 3DS if you still want to play games you bought and if you want to play them on your Switch, you need to pay a monthly subscription fee.

- First party games barely going on sale and when they do, at most it's 30% off. Look at Sony and Microsoft, their first party games are on sale often, at times a deep sale, and eventually they will give the game a price cut both digitally and physically. You barely ever get first party Nintendo games on sale.

Other things like protecting their IPs against stuff like fan games I can understand but if Microsoft or Sony tried to pull any of these other things, most people wouldn't accept it. So why Nintendo?


Has seen more 10s than EA ever will
Jun 4, 2018
They don't get a pass, especially around here.

Most people just forget about it though cause they make the Mario and the Zelda games good.


Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo fans are the Apple fans of gaming. Playstation and xbox fans arent much different really but Nintendo like apple has their own corner of the market no one else can compete with and dedicated fans
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Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
Most of their old 1st party games on Switch shouldn't even be full price anymore. It's ridiculous. Sony has a PlayStation Select thing and alotta good PS4 games are cheap. Nintendo's 1st party games hardly hit 20 or 15. God of War has sold tons and you can buy it for 20 on PSN.


Oct 27, 2017
Ultimately, because they can.

This is why anything happens when it comes to corporations - because they can.

Not happy?

Tough, because they know you'll keep buying it.

That's just the system.


Sep 18, 2018
People complain about Nintendo nonstop all the time forever. Nintendo, in response, only alters policy incredibly rarely. And except when they screw up with something like the Wii U, they never suffer for any of it when it comes to $$$.

They 'used' to be incredibly good about backwards compatibility. We'll have to see how they handle it with the Switch's successor.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, pretty much the reason I don't buy any of their first party games. Their games just aren't good enough to justify the price tag.

Now at 50% off a few years later? Yeah, I'd be there.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Bluntly, because whatever individual issues a person will have they will always ignore the rest of that list when buying Nintendo games and, consequently, there is always an audience willing to give Nintendo a by for doing stuff we'd get nettled by in other companies, and therefore they never have to change.

Atlus games bump the price on their games sometimes and they got away with this for years because they pretty much only sold to a diehard fanbase who would accept this with minimal complaint.

The part where some folks don't just treat this as a begrudging part of dealing with a megacorp but then get on the cases of people who do take issue was kind of weird though.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean what can you do when everything they putting out is selling as much as it is? Nintendo will do whatever they want until they somehow put out a wii u again

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
People complain but they also buy the games and continue to give Nintendo money. Like what people said this applies to the other console pubs and other major pubs as well, but I find that with in regards with how Nintendo operates as examples of the stuff in the OP they are by far the worst out of the 3 console publishers.

Without a doubt in my mind.


Apr 25, 2019
The no virtual console eshop thing sucks big time. Its perplexing that you can't buy classic games and you are at the mercy of their online curation for classic titles.

I just want to play Zero Mission and Fusion again.
Oct 25, 2017
Because they know they can do whatever they want, and no matter how much anyone complains they're ultimately still profitable.


Dec 15, 2018
I feel like they've been getting a lot of criticism on era, twitter, and YouTube. Feels more common than a few years ago

Deleted member 63122

User requested account closure
Jan 16, 2020
People here called them out and in Twitter, but the regular consumer doesn't care about any of that if the product is good. And by BC, Nintendo was doing that before it was cool. And they did it until the 3DS and Wii U, just that the Wii U failure they decided they needed a new slate. I'm sure Switch 2 will be BC.

Iron Eddie

Nov 25, 2019
Some of Nintendo's policies I think off the top of my head are:

- Ports of Wii U games costing full price (with slight QoL improvements and resolution bumps). Sony, Microsoft and other third parties remaster and port their games to newer systems, often at a cheaper price.

- The same digital only games i.e. no physical release costing more on the Switch than on PS4/PS5/PC/Xbox. The only benefit that Switch has is portability, whereas the other platforms have increased performance, resolution and IQ.

- Limited digital releases (see Super Mario 3D All-Stars). We all know Nintendo is eventually gonna release each game individually and it will cost more.

- Backwards compatibility. Microsoft is great at this, Sony is ok, but Nintendo just abandoned all their customers who bought games off the eShop and Virtual Console. You have to keep your Wii U, Wii and 3DS if you still want to play games you bought and if you want to play them on your Switch, you need to pay a monthly subscription fee.

- First party games barely going on sale and when they do, at most it's 30% off. Look at Sony and Microsoft, their first party games are on sale often, at times a deep sale, and eventually they will give the game a price cut both digitally and physically. You barely ever get first party Nintendo games on sale.

Other things like protecting their IPs against stuff like fan games I can understand but if Microsoft or Sony tried to pull any of these other things, most people wouldn't accept it. So why Nintendo?

- Nintendo will do what they can to keep the value high, if they can get away with it why wouldn't they?

- I noticed this on Taxi Chaos. Prices will drop rapidly if people don't think it's worth it just like anyone else. 1st party is different.

- Nintendo thinks they are Disney and wants to add "vault" games. We will see if it works.

- Nintendo changes hardware design often which makes it difficult.

- Again I say, if they can why wouldn't they?

- Nintendo gets called out all the time, difference is they are a lot more protective of their IP. Sony and Microsoft have other assets to lean on, gaming is basically all Nintendo does.

I agree. Everything from moneyhatting third party deals to PS Now and why are so many games missing?

Blue Hedgehog

Mar 7, 2018
Nintendo dropped backwards compatibility with the Nintendo Switch because it wasn't feasible to emulate the Wii U CPU in a mobile device. Sony did the same thing going from the PS3 to the PS4
Aug 10, 2019
It's a similar phenomenon to Disney, because they're perceived as a "family friendly" company, they get away with a lot of other morally bankrupt shit. I use the term "bankrupt", because they're exploiting their public perception for money.
Oct 26, 2017
They don't. Like at all. They get dragged constantly. Never mind that fanboys for any of the Big 3 will defend them no matter what, such as when Sony blocked cross play

This just reads like a not-so-subtle console war thread in disguise but I guess that's the norm for Era

With regards to BC, that's solely because there was a shift in architecture from the Wii U to the Switch. It's no different than the PS4 not being BC with the PS3

Yeah, pretty much the reason I don't buy any of their first party games. Their games just aren't good enough to justify the price tag.

Now at 50% off a few years later? Yeah, I'd be there.
I'm gonna others are good enough to justify the price tag?


Final Fantasy Best Boy (Grip)
Atlus games bump the price on their games sometimes and they got away with this for years because they pretty much only sold to a diehard fanbase who would accept this with minimal complaint.
Atlus pretty much puts bonus stuff for people who buy day one and preorder but they also cut the price of their games pretty quickly. Persona 5 Scramble has bonus stuff if you preorder but I promise you it will drop price within 2 months


Apr 21, 2018
Hold on, how is Sony "okay" at backwards compatibility compared to Nintendo? Last I checked I couldn't play most of my old PSN purchases on my PS4. Criticising Nintendo for lack of backwards compatibility but giving Sony a pass on the issue seems disingenuous.


Nov 9, 2017
First party games barely going on sale and when they do, at most it's 30% off. Look at Sony and Microsoft, their first party games are on sale often, at times a deep sale

This is the market. Nintendo makes quality games with a long tail. If the market didn't support it, they would have to change their pricing. It's a company not a charity.

I can understand but if Microsoft or Sony tried to pull any of these other things, most people wouldn't accept

Says who?

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
they don't. people complain about nintendo and their moves all the time.

ultimately, it's a personal choice some make to move on and enjoy their games while acknowledging that there are areas where they could do better, instead of spending their time complaining knowing it's not likely to change anything.

you can't expect others to be constantly mad at things if that's not what they wanna do.
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Oct 28, 2017
and eventually they will give the game a price cut both digitally and physically. You barely ever get first party Nintendo games on sale.
There's Nintendo Selects, they just haven't done it yet for Switch games since they're still fresh in the market, give them another couple of years

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
How does Nintendo get a pass ever? Geez...the way you word it, sounds like you don't own a Switch, and if you do, then you are the one giving them a pass.

People buy the luxury items they want, and the reasons they do so don't have to agree with what you do.

And again, companies charge what they do because they think it will make the most money at that price point...if other companies could have a game like Mario Kart still selling in the top 10 after many years, they would charge $60 as well. Sony or whoever aren't doing it to be consumer friendly.
Oct 25, 2017
Think you got blinders on to make this thread, dude.

The BC bullet point calling Sony "okay" at BC is funny though. I don't considering paying for a separate service to stream PS3 games being "okay" at it.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I think it'll be helpful for the thread going forward that we contextualize "getting away with" as "they consistently get away with it despite complaints", to which the answer is they can do it because enough of an audience will always be there for their games since they have the biggest IPs around.

Atlus pretty much puts bonus stuff for people who buy day one and preorder but they also cut the price of their games pretty quickly. Persona 5 Scramble has bonus stuff if you preorder but I promise you it will drop price within 2 months

SMTIV Apocalypse cost me $65 Canadian and came with some pins.

Deleted member 91227

Feb 4, 2021
Plenty of people rightly complain about much, if not all, of what's listed in the OP.

For the rest of us, we're probably just in the "they are what they are" mindset. We've known what we were getting into with Nintendo for generations now and just decide it's worth it for their exclusives. I'm not one to complain repeatedly about things and focus on the positives for the most part. Especially with things that are unlikely to change.


Dec 14, 2018
St Kitts
They don't get a pass... they just get away with it.

When somehow they don't get away with something, then expect them to do something about t, but as long as they do, they will just keep ignoring everyone.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Why people are saying they don't get a pass? If people are buying it's a "pass".


Oct 27, 2017
Tho personally I find it weird how people feel companies should be force to slash prices. They can price it however they want, I just know how to spent my money or wait for a local store discount. I'll complain about prices when Nintendo somehow has the power to force me to buy something against my will. I rarely buy full price Nintendo games. There's always a discount and I don't need games day 1.

If you want them to "not get away it" convince people to act on what they say instead of complain everyday and still are there day 1.

as for the other stuff, rembuying games sucks and I'll wait to see what switch 2 does cause that's something I'm worried about.


Oct 25, 2017
Because they're Nintendo and they do whatever they want. They just sold 31 million copies of Animal Crossing in under a year.
Oct 26, 2017


Apr 21, 2018
Complaining and still buying doesn't do much lol
The people complaining might not be the people buying.

When it comes down to it, stuff like prices is set by supply and demand. The demand for Nintendo games is evergreen, while big AAA blockbusters are disposable products that quickly drop in value. If other companies could keep their games full price and still sell them at the numbers Nintendo does, they would in a heartbeat. The reason Nintendo games remain full price is because people desire them. That is basic economics.
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