
Oct 28, 2017
Central California
I honestly think that there isn't as much discussion surrounding it because people don't wanna spoil anything for themselves. I personally have been on a complete media and message board blackout with anything that has to do with RDR2. I think it's gonna be just fine.


Oct 29, 2017
So if RDR2 sells under 20 mil copies will everyone on this train act as if that wasn't below their expectations?
What question are we answering here? Massive sales =/= sales expectations and sales forecasts? Who's judging what here based on what actual information? In the case of infinite we have a blurb that "lower than expected sales" was a factor in Ken Levine downsizing irrational and moving away from AAA game design. What were the expected sales? 15 million? So if the game sold 11 million instead if 15 million, then 11 million is all the sudden not "massive sales" and whatever imaginary target we construct for RDR2, if the game doesn't hit that imaginary target because there's a blurb that sales were lower than expect, then it wasn't a massive hit? What if R* projects 30 million in the 1st year and it hits 27 million, thats lower than expected and we get to pretend that 27 million isn't "massive sales"? They aren't the same conversation.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Because the first game sold a ridiculous amount and it's the first non-port, current gen Rockstar game.

Like do you not understand just how powerful the Rockstar brand is?
I guess I don't. If you surveyed random people off the street, I'd guess 9 people out of 10 at least would be familiar with Grand Theft Auto (at least aware that it's a thing, even if they haven't played it). I'd guess the number of people who'd say they're familiar with Rockstar Games is far, far lower. I'd even wager that a percentage of those who have have played GTA V (or Red Dead Redemption 1) couldn't tell you who Rockstar Games is. Do you really think the brand of any developer in the world is strong enough to move units for a mainstream audience?? The non-enthusiast buys games due to some combination of the following factors- marketing, recognition of the IP, word of mouth. I don't think the average casual gamer knows or cares about developer pedigree, no matter who the dev is.
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Oct 25, 2017
I guess I don't. If you surveyed a random person off the street, I'd guess 9 people out of 10 at least would be familiar with Grand Theft Auto (at least aware that it's a thing, even if they haven't played it). I'd guess the number of people who'd say they're familiar with Rockstar games is far, far lower. I'd even wager that a percentage of those who have have played GTA V (or Red Dead Redemption 1) couldn't tell you who Rockstar Games is. Do you really think the brand of any developer in the world is strong enough to move units for a mainstream audience??
Yeah. Rockstar is that strong.

Every one of those people you surveyed would recognize the R* logo.


Oct 25, 2017
The first RDR sold less than every modern GTA (post 3). It will do fine but those expecting GTAV numbers are outta their minds. You all are vastly overestimating the Rockstar brand.

The Artisan

"Angels are singing in monasteries..."
Oct 27, 2017
The first RDR sold less than every modern GTA (post 3). It will do fine but those expecting GTAV numbers are outta their minds. You all are vastly overestimating the Rockstar brand.
there are also way less Red Dead installments than there are GTA installments, and each time one has outdone the predecessor.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure, it won't hit GTA V.

But it likely will meet the 15 mill of the first game which is better than the majority of games.


Oct 25, 2017
The first RDR sold less than every modern GTA (post 3). It will do fine but those expecting GTAV numbers are outta their minds. You all are vastly overestimating the Rockstar brand.

It's absolutely not going to do GTAV numbers, but GTAV is also the highest earning entertainment product of all time. It's also difficult to predict sales for this game based on the sales of the first Red Dead Redemption or even pre-GTAV Rockstar games, because this is Rockstar's first release since the highest earning entertainment product of all time.


Oct 25, 2017
lmfao, it's a highly anticipated rockstar game. it will sell

OP def underestimating the Rockstar brand and the power/money they have to advertise the fucking shit out of this game everywhere.


Oct 25, 2017
Because Rockstar games sell. They could market this game as a game created by the creators of GTA and that would sell it alone, but the fact that it's already a sequel to a well received game from them already means it'll sell that much more. Plus they spent, I think, 8 years on this game with the multiple teams on it working on what most previews make sound like a new kind of open world game that's truly reactionary to the player.

What will really push sales later will be Read Dead Online though, and that's not to say the singleplayer game won't be a massive success financially.

The only Rockstar game it's probably not guaranteed to outsell (and for good reason given how much that game has sold) is GTAV. I think RDR2 will probably sell more than any other Rockstar game not called GTAV though. If RDR2 somehow manages to reach GTAV's levels then I don't know what to say.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, the R* name is well known and among gamers the hype is massive.

Its not often that you have a dev company release a game once every 8 years in a line of games that are massively successful. Think if COD released once every 8 years.

Comes to think of it, we've had 6 call of duties since the last R* game lol.

the lizard

Nov 1, 2017
Can't spit in Los Angeles without hitting a bus stop ad for the game. Marketing dollars tend to translate directly into sales, even if it's not a linear relationship.


Oct 26, 2017
The game will undoubtedly do very well. First game was a smash hit and critical darling, the game's engagement metrics are up or ahead of the pack with the biggest games this gen, it's been highly anticipated, open-world games do well in general, and T2's marketing for a R* game is top-notch.

The big question is whether or not it can do "super duper extremely ridiculously" well, aka in the GTA levels of 'it just can't stop selling for 1/2/3/4/5 years."

Achieving evergreen-status is hard for any game.


Oct 26, 2017
So if RDR2 sells under 20 mil copies will everyone on this train act as if that wasn't below their expectations?
When is the cut-off? Because 20m lifetime is probably a pretty safe bet (I think around 30m is where it settles), 20m in 2 months is less so. Also will those on the other train act like it bombed if it sells 15m or whatever by next year?
Nov 27, 2017
Does the gta online loading screen have a red dead redemption 2 ad? That'd be such an easy way to get people playing gta to see a red dead ad
I think the game will sell a ton, everyone got the hell out of red dead's release date lol


Oct 27, 2017
When is the cut-off? Because 20m lifetime is probably a pretty safe bet (I think around 30m is where it settles), 20m in 2 months is less so. Also will those on the other train act like it bombed if it sells 15m or whatever by next year?
No there is no other train, I just see so many posts comparing it to this or that, bringing it up when it isn't remotely relevant, or citing other releases in October/November as doomed.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess I don't. If you surveyed random people off the street, I'd guess 9 people out of 10 at least would be familiar with Grand Theft Auto (at least aware that it's a thing, even if they haven't played it). I'd guess the number of people who'd say they're familiar with Rockstar Games is far, far lower. I'd even wager that a percentage of those who have have played GTA V (or Red Dead Redemption 1) couldn't tell you who Rockstar Games is. Do you really think the brand of any developer in the world is strong enough to move units for a mainstream audience?? The non-enthusiast buys games due to some combination of the following factors- marketing, recognition of the IP, word of mouth. I don't think the average casual gamer knows or cares about developer pedigree, no matter who the dev is.

For what it's worth, I'm with you on this OP. People definitely know what GTA is, but Rockstar as an entity and Red Dead as an IP much less so. I think word of mouth is what is going to get this games' sales into the ten's of millions. (It'll sell well enough just with the gaming crowd of course.)

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017

Well thats......subtle lol

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
For what it's worth, I'm with you on this OP. People definitely know what GTA is, but Rockstar as an entity and Red Dead as an IP much less so. I think word of mouth is what is going to get this games' sales into the ten's of millions. (It'll sell well enough just with the gaming crowd of course.)
You're wrong here. Just straight up and down wrong. I'm not saying this in an aggressive, condescending manner either, it's just that you're so wrong about the reach RDR has that it's baffling.
Back in the day when RDR was originally released there was a song on my local rap station that had a line that referenced Red Dead Redemption by name. The people that R* are targeting to buy this game know this game exists. EVERYONE knows this game exists.

But I guess we can just wait n see in a few weeks when it breaks records all over.


Oct 28, 2017
Raleigh, NC
No one that is even casually invested in video games and owns a XB1 or PS4 isn't aware of this game. Rockstar's name alone carries that kind of weight.

Kevin Harlan reciting the game is coming soon during a NBA game on TNT was probably worth 10 pre-release trailers. Game will be massive. I don't know if it will top Black Ops 4 in the calendar year but once Online gets going it'll be one of the best selling of the gen easily.


Oct 30, 2017
It's a sequel to a very successful game, made by a by-and-large worshiped developer, and it will have an insane marketing campaign.

Marketing campaigns aren't just about ads, it's about all the context. Pretty much each and every review site on Earth will issue an RDR2 review, and I can guarantee that unless the game is a diaster, most of them will be overwhelmingly positive.

Of course, the exact numbers remain to be seen. 10mil? 50mil? I doubt anyone (except maybe R*) can predict that. But the game will be a massive hit, there's zero doubt about that.


Oct 27, 2017
because it's an open world game from rockstar, that's why.

I mean, the first red dead did good sales despite being a boring, mechanically broken game, so there's no way this will not be another success..especially if this time they actually make a really good game.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Same reason we assumed BioShock Infinite would have massive sales ... oh, wait.

Sorry, I know you've been quoted loads. I get what you're saying, but I'm not sure the comparison really holds up.

R*'s mainstream penetration is orders of magnitude beyond the Bioshock brand and - correct me if I'm wrong here - they're following up the fastest selling entertainment product of all-time; a user base that they've actively been marketing to for two years.


Giant Bomb
Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, I know you've been quoted loads. I get what you're saying, but I'm not sure the comparison really holds up.

R*'s mainstream penetration is orders of magnitude beyond the Bioshock brand and - correct me if I'm wrong here - they're following up the fastest selling entertainment product of all-time; a user base that they've actively been marketing to for two years.

Cowboys don't have the wide appeal that a modern urban setting does. Now, that said, great games have a huge appeal. And there will be something of a Rockstar effect. But one of the things that I'm most skeptical of is the idea that most GTA fans are automatically going to be Red Dead fans.
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