
Oct 27, 2017
There's no way he won't try to get a "both sides" comment in there, even if the writers do their best to try to keep it out.

I want him to do it solely for the dumpster fire it'll create by speaking.


Jul 15, 2019
There is nothing he can say that would make putting up with his disgusting voice worth it.

Other than "I resign."


Nov 11, 2017
Seriously, this. The only thing reliable about him is that every time he opens his mouth, shit gets worse. This stupid, traitorous, self-centered, asshole wanted to flood the streets with US Military personnel.

He is literally the human embodiment of every negative impulse that we humans have.

It's horrifying to think of how insanely more effective he could be at pushing his shit heel lunatic agenda, with every single republican lock step behind him always, if he would just shut the fuck up. The biggest thing we have protecting us from things being even worse, is the fact that he is a child who can't stop putting his own ass in his face.


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
It's all gonna be bullshit anyways. No way would Trump would close to delivering this, as with any speech of his involving domestic issues. May as well stay in your bunker, Racist, Bunker Baby lol!
Oct 25, 2017
This is what I call verbal diarrhea 19 featuring the hit tracks

"look at my African American over there"
"what have you got to lose?"
"Blexit ft. Candace owned"
"Look at these unemployment numbers"
"Bunker boy blues"

There's also a decent chance he says he understands exactly what black Americans go through being treated poorly by law enforcement because of how the FBI falsely arrested Michael Flynn, the go on for 5 to 10 minutes about how unfairly he's been treated.

Likely followed up by either actually saying the n-word or saying it would be a great display of racial unity if he and other white people were allowed to say it.


Oct 25, 2017
He's doing it solely to appeal to "moderate" Republicans (your Murkowski's, Collins's, Sasse's of the world) so that they can go out and say "hey, he's trying his best to bring this country together." And maybe try to win back those independent voters who are turning on him in droves.

What he wants is a few headlines (that I'm sure CNN and the NYT will happily provide) saying "TRUMP URGES UNITY AND PEACE"


Oct 25, 2017
The BLACKS they love me. All colored people love me. They say "Donald, you are so good to the economy. You are taking us out of poverty". They say Wow you are so tremendous against GYNA.


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
50/50 chance it's a straight up Order 66 88


Oct 29, 2017
I had CNN on as background noise while cleaning up. So I preface this may not be an entirely accurate interpretation.

One of their WH reporters claimed this is essentially going to encompass some sort of divide and conquer, self congratulating component.

He sees defunding the police as a losing argument and the lack of violence yesterday as proof of concept of his "Law and Order" posturing using fascistIc threats of military force. Has been tweeting all day about it and his advisors see it as a winning strategy out of this and to reclaim the conversation.

Essentially it will likely incorporate some level of messaging along those lines to go with what I presume will be scripted but empty platitudes toward racial injustice.

So, essentially, about what you would expect in a Trump speech. Give empty rhetoric while mostly playing to his base and gaslighting the situation to try and peel off low information moderates.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Who thought of this? That person probably thinks they could get away with having Hitler speak at some kids bar mitzvah...
Well, Presidents usually address the nations during times of turmoil. Trump botched it. Even his advisors felt the law and order approach was misguided. Then the Christian Right chastised his church photo-op, one of his strongest bases.

Additionally, I think Trump seriously thought the protest would remain overwhelming violent in terms of looters and bad actors (ANTIFA lol). That did not happen.

The protests were overwhelmingly peaceful after the initial powderkeg of riots in the beginning (this is normal but the powers that be use it discredit any major protests). And thanks to smartphones the general public saw cops assault peaceful proteserst in an almost uniform fashion across the US.

So, his law and order gamble failed and he's polling terribly.

He's actually complaining on Twitter right now about his poll numbers.

He was shouting law and order on Twitter yesterday like he was hoping for more violence to justify his stance. He sucks.


Jun 13, 2019
It'll be all fluff and bullshit, barely coherent, and I'm sure he'll go off script as he always does and get a both sides/antifa/whattabout blue lives in there.
Within 24 hours he'll be back to Twitter showing his true colors again when he gets his feelings hurt and watches faux news like the bunker bitch snowflake he is.


Oct 25, 2017
very bored slurred speech where he looks upset and pouty that he has to read off a teleprompter

some cnn guy tweets "this is a very different president trump than we've been seeing for the last two weeks. very composed"

24 hours later he starts a twitter feud with a minority news reporter in which he calls them "very nasty and ungrateful for what i've done for you people" or whatever

Deleted member 16657

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
He's doing it solely to appeal to "moderate" Republicans (your Murkowski's, Collins's, Sasse's of the world) so that they can go out and say "hey, he's trying his best to bring this country together." And maybe try to win back those independent voters who are turning on him in droves.

What he wants is a few headlines (that I'm sure CNN and the NYT will happily provide) saying "TRUMP URGES UNITY AND PEACE"

this exactly. those moderates republicans are a bit hot under the collar after seeing their president attack the American people for a photo-op but they'll gladly forget about it once given the right optics


Oct 27, 2017
How many sentences in does he make it before quoting MLK? Bonus points if he actually compares himself to him.
Last edited:

justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
I just can't imagine this guy saying anything worth while at this point but I believe it's coming bc silence would look even worse

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
Given his stellar performance so far, I'm morbidly curious as to how he'll manage to make the situation ten times worse.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't get it. His base doesn't care about black people, and everybody else knows he doesn't give a shit. So who does he think he's going to convince?


Dec 2, 2017
He's going to say something along the lines of everyone's lives matter and we should all be equa - to go back home and let's get this economy back and running, aka dismissing BLM altogether and keeping the status quo. He's going to have that pained, squinting look on his face that he does whenever he's being disingenuine and performative, like his face when he said it's a good day for George Floyd.

Deleted member 4614

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone will seriously credit him for this. Even if he stumbles his way through a speech, and some dumb pundit says he sounded "presidential", 7 or 8 will shoot him down. Folks are just tired at this point.


Oct 12, 2018
A little too late bunker bitch. You got called out, and your opponent already made a presidential speech about the issue. Your apathy on the movement has been documented. You are also a known racist. Whatever you say will hold no merit about the matter.

Deleted member 69573

User requested account closure
May 17, 2020
Melbourne, Australia
On a day when Barr explicitly said systemic racism doesn't exist? I hope they have a speech just to see him get buried more.

I don't get it. His base doesn't care about black people, and everybody else knows he doesn't give a shit. So who does he think he's going to convince?

The few uninformed fence sitters which will boost his approval rating maybe 2% points briefly.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
He'll fuck it up.

His lowest point in approval polling came from his "there are good people on both sides" comment, in the context of talking about Nazis and not-Nazis. That was also a speech he delivered to try and ease tension after protests.


Oct 25, 2017
Great another mealy mouthed, low energy effort for illiterate Donny. No thanks, too late.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, Presidents usually address the nations during times of turmoil. Trump botched it. Even his advisors felt the law and order approach was misguided. Then the Christian Right chastised his church photo-op, one of his strongest bases.

Additionally, I think Trump seriously thought the protest would remain overwhelming violent in terms of looters and bad actors (ANTIFA lol). That did not happen.

The protests were overwhelmingly peaceful after the initial powderkeg of riots in the beginning (this is normal but the powers that be use it discredit any major protests). And thanks to smartphones the general public saw cops assault peaceful proteserst in an almost uniform fashion across the US.

So, his law and order gamble failed and he's polling terribly.

He's actually complaining on Twitter right now about his poll numbers.

He was shouting law and order on Twitter yesterday like he was hoping for more violence to justify his stance. He sucks.
I mean didn't he tweet out someone that said Floyd was a bad person?

He is always selling a white nationalist agenda. How could anyone listen to him talk about race relations when he is a big factor in the breakdown in race relations?

I understand the historical role of a president to bring the nation together but if we are honest Trump is simply not capable of doing this.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
I mean didn't he tweet out someone that said Floyd was a bad person?

He is always selling a white nationalist agenda. How could anyone listen to him talk about race relations when he is a big factor in the breakdown in race relations?

I understand the historical role of a president to bring the nation together but if we are honest Trump is simply not capable of doing this.
He retweeted that human garbage Candace Owens. She posted a video saying George Floyd was not a good person. I won't watch the video, so I don't know the specifics.


Oct 27, 2017
A bit late now, but even if he did this two weeks ago, he'd have fucked it up. It seems like every time all he has to do is just read something or say something normal, he feels he has to go completely off script, or he comes up with a last minute idea that just makes him look like a complete idiot, like the photo-op.


Oct 27, 2017
Ten bucks it would just devolve into attacking protesters again. Trump has never been capable of empathy. They will have to massively dope him up to keep him from going off script and being racist, and defending the cops.


Oct 25, 2017
He retweeted that human garbage Candace Owens. She posted a video saying George Floyd was not a good person. I won't watch the video, so I don't know the specifics.
Shit. I can't lie. I also can't watch her bullshit. I saw a headline and it was texted to me by a few people but I never clicked on it once.

She is a legit evil fucking person. And of course in America she gets airtime to express the same.

Stuff like that convinces me that there is something fundamentally wrong with a lot of Americans.