
Nov 9, 2017
I am currently in the final act of CS2 fight the final boss
Crow & Vita
and I definitely am preferring it over CS1 jorgeton explained it well for me. Still it isn't without its flaws but the characters have grown on me so much every single one of them.

Arcana Wiz

Oct 26, 2017
Hum both have flaws in some aspects

CS1 - a cast that is too big to make everyone interesting, sadly deep characters and their interactions was the strong point in Sky and Crossbell. Like every first game in a trails saga, very slow story and mainly low stakes events through the game.

CS2 - Someone in the OT once said that the war of the game it's like it's for kids. Because we don't ever see a town being destroyed, people having to flee, almost every NPC is very calm for a freaking civil war, no deaths of important NPCs, no blood, out "third faction" centrism that it's a lie, enemies letting us go and never seriously trying to take our lives... Plus this game is clearly padded a loooot.

If you asked me just after CS2 had been released I would said the sequel is better, but after replaying CS1 and seeing things that were implied or teased that are happening in CS3 elevates the game.

In the end I think CS1 is a game that is aging better with the sequels and the story advancing and CS2 is the opposite.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Is CS1 still worth playing if you know there is a
betrayal at the end/twist.
I don't know what it is, but seems like a big spoiler knowing that happens at the end


Oct 27, 2017
I liked 2 a lot but 1 is better, 2 feels too much like filler episodes of an anime. 1 just hit constant great moments for me.

3 is better than both of them in many ways. Great series though.