Big Boy

Oct 25, 2017
Collectively, the entire Von Erich family. It very much wouldn't be a happy film though. Fritz Von Erich might have been the Joe Jackson of pro wrestling.
It's happening


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
He probably hasn't faced a lifetime of adversity that other people in this thread have, but I think his rivalry with Rafa and Novak are interesting. Or at least, as interesting as a tennis movie about John Mcenroe and Bjorn Borg, which they made. Perhaps not as interesting as the Venus and Serena movie, though that movie isn't even about their tennis careers.

I would make it about how Roger conquered the tennis world and helped to usher in a level of tennis never seen before, then was himself surpassed and celebrated.

Again, it's not a film where you see a lot of conflict unless you actually like tennis, but I like tennis. As with many of these modern biopics, it's all about the framing. What does Federer say about the human experience?

I feel like that would be better suited to a documentary series though, ala the last Dance, with Fed looking back over his career. Better that than trying to conceive some drama/conflict when there never really was any.


May 3, 2023
There pretty much was and you absolutely need to see it. What a wild ride. Probably Hawke's best role:

You nailed the description of him lmao

Holy shit! I love Ethan Hawke too! How haven't I heard of this? Thank you so much!

Also, thanks to the people pointing out there's a film coming on the Von Erich family. I'm not even really into pro wrestling anymore, but I just know a film on that would be super compelling and dark. Like a film on the Jackson Family, only with more people cosplaying as Nazis.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy shit! I love Ethan Hawke too! How haven't I heard of this? Thank you so much!

Also, thanks to the people pointing out there's a film coming on the Von Erich family. I'm not even really into pro wrestling anymore, but I just know a film on that would be super compelling and dark. Like a film on the Jackson Family, only with more people cosplaying as Nazis.
No prob. I'm due for a rewatch.


Dec 19, 2017
You know who is more interesting than Saladin? Baybars.

The fourth Mamluk sultan of Egypt and Syria. He was one of the commanders of the Egyptian forces that inflicted a defeat on the Seventh Crusade of King Louis IX of France. He also led the vanguard of the Egyptian army at the Battle of Ain Jalut in 1260, which marked the first substantial defeat of the Mongol army and is considered a turning point in history

A despotic piece of shit, but in the movie you will root for him for being the first to beat back the Mongols.
Jul 18, 2018
Britney spears or Vince McMahon. But then least Vince still has years left to be even more shit. Not sure if any drama is happening with Spears

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I've always wanted an adaptation of Kim Gordon's 'Girl In a Band'. Just a Sonic Youth biopic would be great.


Dec 18, 2017
On the opposite side I cannot believe they made 2 Jimi Hendrix biopics that didn't have any Jimi Hendrix music


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I think the story of Danny Trejo's life would make for an interesting watch.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Britney spears or Vince McMahon. But then least Vince still has years left to be even more shit. Not sure if any drama is happening with Spears

the issue with a vince one is it will probably be wwe produced. So it will be completely toothless and biased in his favor.


Died as he lived: wrong about Doritos
Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
Since tech biopics are kind of popular, I'd love to see "The Rise and Fall of Commodore" focusing on Jack Tramiel. His story is really interesting.


Sep 9, 2019
Roger Corman, one of the most influential men in Hollywood.

Many top actors and directors had their first jobs working for Corman.


Oct 6, 2022
Would be boring if they didn't show the shotgun. Bohemian bored me by pretty much ignoring the aids. Show me a true representation, if you don't, don't even make the movie.
I don't think not showing a graphic shotgun blast really compares to not showing any details of a life altering multi-year sickness. Either way I really don't want a Nirvana movie or a Kurt biopic, I can't imagine it turning out in any way interesting if the recent flood of these movies is anything to go by.
Metanoia Prime
Oct 26, 2017
Juan Pujol Garcia, the original Double Agent, and a spy so efficient and skilled he was able to get Medals of Honor from both the Axis and the Allies during WW2. Dude hated the Nazis to an unheard of degree and dedicated his entire life to informing the SAS about them, even going so far as to create an entire network of fake spies who were all him.ía

Like this guy's story is absolutely insane, and they've tried to make narrative biopics about him multiple times but they've always fallen through. I worked on a pitch for a biopic about him but told from his (fellow spy) wife's perspective, but it never took off.
Downloaded a few eps on the guy. Thanks!


User requested ban
May 31, 2023
I would love to see one about Wendy Carlos. I absolutely love everything about her. She was a pioneer in electronic music and soundtrack work. Everything about her life is inspirational.
Dec 22, 2017
I would love to see a multi-decade series like The Crown, but about Walt Disney's life and his successors. Love him or hate him, he's a crucial cornerstone of American pop culture and his life and career ran in parallel to the birth and advancements in cinema, television, etc. It also all happened in parallel to the rise of the America we know today, just like Liz and the UK.

Just keep Tom Hanks and his southern accent far away.


The Fallen
Nov 1, 2017
I'd love to get a good one about Kurt Vonnegut. I really enjoyed the documentary that came out a couple years ago, and I think a well-done story about his life would be really interesting. Born into a well-known family (his father and grandfather were architects with several well-known building around Indianapolis); joins the military; gets stuck in the fire-bombing of Dresden, which later became a big part of what is probably his best-known work (Slaughterhouse-Five); lots of family drama; years of the starving artist thing before finding huge success. Plenty of pieces to put together an intriguing story.

On the opposite side I cannot believe they made 2 Jimi Hendrix biopics that didn't have any Jimi Hendrix music
Is this a music rights issue, like when Jenna Maroney was going to be in a biopic about Janis Joplin and it ended up being about Jackie Jormp-Jomp?


Jun 28, 2018
William Tecumseh Sherman.

I like that choice, I'd also be interested in a Ulysses S Grant biopic. You could start with the Civil War and end with his presidency and the failure of Reconstruction. The thesis of the film being that though the Confederacy was defeated on the battlefield it never really ended.


Nov 14, 2017
I'm surprised we haven't gotten a movie about Marvin Gaye's life yet

This is mine as well

I assume it's due to his estate not signing off on showing the unsavoury parts of his life. Many many years ago Usher said that he was set to star in a Gaye biopic, obviously didn't happen. Not sure that he has the acting chops, but he definitely has the voice.

Who would you pick to play him? I think my call is Donald Glover


Nov 1, 2017
The Rapscallion
This is mine as well

I assume it's due to his estate not signing off on showing the unsavoury parts of his life. Many many years ago Usher said that he was set to star in a Gaye biopic, obviously didn't happen. Not sure that he has the acting chops, but he definitely has the voice.

Who would you pick to play him? I think my call is Donald Glover
Lakeith Stanfield I think has the acting chops but I don't know if he can sing at all


Oct 27, 2017
A sequel to The Social Network.

Like, a thousand things has happened with Zuckerberg since then.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
The Three Dikgosi

A tale of political intrigue, compromise, and the communion of of the church; or how three rulers from what is now Botswana played Cecil Rhodes for a chump. Genuinely, it'd be a fascinating dive into how indigenous rulers navigated the looming, seemingly inevitable imposition of empire, playing to public perceptions and rallying for their cause


Sep 1, 2019
There should be an HBO series (a movie would be far too short) about Robert Moses based on The Power Broker. The dude was a real-life supervillain complete with a sympathetic-ish backstory. He started as a young, idealistic reformer (though with terrible ideas) before his work got chewed up and spat out by the political machine. Was then mentored in politics by Belle Moskowitz, one of the most powerful women you've never heard of. Struck up a long, cross-class friendship with the hard-born governor Al Smith. Became one of the most powerful people in New York in his early thirties and remained so into his seventies. Strong-armed, threatened, cajoled, manipulated, and steamrolled his way to power for four decades. He bamboozled state authorities into funding his ostentatious Jones Beach State Park, oversaw the renovation of just about every park and playground in New York City in a single winter during the Great Depression. Became so popular that his favorite power move was to threaten to resign, something no politician would risk. Laid waste to neighborhoods to build up car infrastructure even though he never learned to drive. Destroyed his brother's life to secure their mother's inheritance. Squared off against Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia (who deserves better than one of the country's shittiest airports) and dominated pretty much all the other Mayors who served during his reign. Tricked the legislature into giving him total control over all bridges and tunnels in NYC and of the tolls they collected in perpetuity. Had an intense, bitter rivalry with another New York megalomaniac named Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Was finally cut down by Nelson Rockefeller, who was able to do so because his brother controlled Chase Manhatten Bank.

I'm leaving so much out. The book, which is half the length of the entire Harry Potter series by word count, is packed with incredible details. You should go read it (or listen to it, as I did). Be warned that your friends and family will become annoyed with you for not being able to shut up about it.


Oct 31, 2017
I want to see one about Christopher Lee. The man was the coolest and realist actor ever who had such a life story that its somewhat unbelievable.


Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
The early days of Marvel Comics. I want a "warts and all" depiction of the early days where countless books and pages were done by a small handful of people.

Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Marty Goodman.. all of it.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Imma need that Martin Scorsese TEDDY ROOSEVELT biopic staring Dicpario at some point

That Rough Riders book is an excellent source and should be adapted. Would make a great picture