
Mar 25, 2021
Two toy grabs. 5 minutes in Toys R Us to grab and keep whatever I wanted as long as it was in my shopping carts.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
Not given but won.

Every year we go to the BETT Show in London, it's a technology and education conference, there's always a few competitions running and one of them is Microsoft's. It usually requires you to scan a certain amount of QR codes around the very large show floor. The last time we went, just before the first COVID lockdown, I scanned them all and ended up winning 2nd prize, a £400 laptop.

This year I scanned all the QR codes with no hope of winning again, I mean what are the chances? We'll, I won 1st prize this time, a £800 HP laptop. Couldn't believe my luck, two years in a row.


Nov 20, 2017
My dad gave me his '87 Firebird. I had it less than a year before the engine gave out and then i had to buy my own car.

sugar bear

Oct 27, 2017
Tons of working displays, laptops and MP3 players at the campus electronic waste drop-off, which is about one minute away from my office and I check all the time for goodies. Miss working in person!


Nov 8, 2017
I've had insane offers before that I turned down because I wouldn't feel right accepting them. I have a friend who: a) was raised by a working class single mother, b) moved out to a coastal city and makes VERY, VERY good money, and c) probably thinks I make less money than I actually do. I don't think this friend understands financial management or how to politely financially help people very well, though I don't say that to belittle them. Fae has offered to give me faer car when this friend was going to buy a new one, and also offered to be roommates with me and not have me pay any rent.

Additionally, one time when I was heavily considering moving away from my parents, my mom offered to pay half of a down payment on a house and half of the mortgage on a house I'd live in, in a desperate bid to get me to live here. I didn't take her up on that because it would inextricably tie me to my parents financially and they'd always have the room to fuck me over if I came out of the closet or married someone they hate or something, but it did convince me not to move away because it demonstrated just how insanely willing my mom is to get me to stay here, which probably means it would emotionally wreck her if I moved.

In terms of things I guess my grandpa's inheritance after he passed away. In terms of something that wasn't a gift or something along those lines, I think it'd be my copies of Tales of Vesperia, Culdcept Saga, Enslaved, and Knight's Contract, all of which my cousin gave me for free at once (when the games were still going for full price) because his dad knew someone who worked at Bamco and my cousin didn't want to actually play any of those games.

I guess I've also gotten thousands of dollars of dental work for free because my extended family are dentists.


Dec 5, 2018
Some ten years ago a friend game me his old SNES and some 15-20 games, including some fairly valuable ones like Adventures of Batman & Robin, Terranigma and Mega Man X 1-3


Oct 25, 2017
my cat. I was given her by herself when she decided that I was going to be her human after she stole my hamburger.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I was working a miserable sales job and was completely disconnected from work culture as I was clinically depressed.

Color me shocked to find out that there was a competition going on and I learned this because they just called my name for a 55 inch 4K Roku TV.


Also I got this when I was a kid for filling out those little cards that came with EGM:



Oct 26, 2017
I dunno, some neighbors gave me an Apple IIC computer when I was a kid in the early 2000s, because for some reason they thought I didn't have a computer at home.

It came with a bunch of games on floppy disk. I don't know what happened to it, I wish I kept it.


Oct 27, 2017
We have a lounge chair in our apartment that is some rare midcentury piece my partner's sister's ex-boyfriend just gave her, it's worth like $3000. Pretty insane given that the person who gave it to us wasn't rich, nor was he that close to us really.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
My then-boyfriend bought me a MacBook, by far the most expensive Xmas gift I've ever received. A few days later, he treated me to a weeklong skiing vacation up in Vermont. A few days after we got back, he dumped me. I strongly suspect he had been planning it and uncharacteristically showered me with expensive stuff at the end there to ease his conscience.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
Ps4 Pro, pair of limited edition Air Jordan's, an IMac, several Showcase Statues, etc.

I've had a lot of "fell off a truck moments"


Oct 25, 2017
Does inheritance count? I own a gold Rolex that's worth several times more than my car that I was 'given' that way.

It's way flashier than I'd go for even if I had the money. Only comes out for special occasions.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't really count as "free" but it sort of was? Back at a Pokemon prerelease in 2008/2009, I got a Shiny Drifloon card. This kid came up to me and asked if I'd trade it. I said yes, and he pulls out a Ziploc bag with all these ultra rares. I tried to always be fair, so I looked and found one I wanted. The kid, however, told me that the whole bag was his offer. I kept trying to tell him no, it's too much, but he insisted as this Drifloon card was his "ultimate card." I accepted, and received a bag of like six ultra rares from the last five~ years for my one new secret rare. Offered all but one of his cards back before the tournament ended, and he said no. Still felt a little guilty, but literally what could I do but tell him no to the trade in the first place?

I do often kick myself for what I did with them though. I ended up trading every thing I got from him later down the road for other Competitive cards…. One of them was a Rayquaza Gold Star in great condition…. Also known as a $1000+ card these days. Back then it was high but not THAT high. Think it was like $40? And I don't even remember what I traded that particular card for.


Oct 27, 2017
Also not really "given" but I got a $120,000 scholarship through one single email. I had gotten into a school I liked less that offered a very generous scholarship so I just emailed the school I wanted to go to the most and was like "I really want to go to your school but I can't say no to this other scholarship, is there any chance of further aid?" and they gave me 30k a year. I mean I'm still in horrendous debt but that's possibly the most money per time I'll make in my entire life.


Oct 26, 2017
$5k~ Gaming PC. Still use it for everything, though I don't game all that much on it, funny enough.


Oct 29, 2017
When I was young parents bought me a dirt bike.
When I hit teen years Gramps bought me a new motorcycle.
Parents bought me a top of the line Power Mac when I went to college.
Parents gave me a car, that later got stolen, but the insurance money help get me a much sweeter ride.
Damn I should call my parents more often!


Oct 29, 2017
Twin Cities, Minnesota
-Parents paying for the vast amount of my college expenses and 1/5 of my law school expenses (3/4 was covered by a scholarship).
-If we are talking more about goods (which seems to be the spirit of the question) a friend in law school gave two really nice blazers since they didn't fit him. I believe each blazer cost about $900-$1000 USD.


Oct 25, 2017
Not US
My cousins gave me a SNES. It was after they bought N64, but at the time I thought I was better than off than them. I still do.


Oct 27, 2017
Three things come to mind:

1. When I went to Japan on a high school trip, we stayed in a hostel. On one of the last days, this older Japanese guy who was staying in the same room with me and my classmate just gave me a suit. He said he didn't like the color as it wasn't what he expected when he had bought it.

2. When I was on a trip for an ice hockey tournament, me and a teammate asked some random dude in an elevator if he had a sick mind, and asked him to buy us a Playboy mag. He ended up just giving one to us, apparently travelled with a binder full of them.

3. When I went to get my pre-order of RDR, the staff at EB Games asked if I had picked up my pre-order of FF13. When I said I did, she proceeded to take the value of FF13 OFF of my RDR purchase (I had only deposited $5 for the pre-order) and I walked out with a free copy of RDR AND $10 or $15 in a gift card... walked out very confused.


Oct 25, 2017
I returned a PS5 controller to GameStop for a replacement. They mailed back to me a PS5 console, a controller, Demon's Souls and Miles Morales. I did not return it.


Nov 26, 2017
About 2 and half years ago a cat showed up on our porch. Sweetest thing in the world. My wife falls in love. She would visit then disappear for a day or two, but it was starting to get real cold at night. My wife would let her inside and feed her and let her nap wherever then, when she wanted to leave, we'd let her leave and off she'd go.

One weekend she didn't show up at all and, being the worry wart that I am, started fearing the worst and preparing my wife to never see her again. A few days later she showed up and everything was fine, except now my wife wants to keep her and protect her. I told her if she's going to take her in she needs to make sure she doesn't belong to people. The next day she took her next door to the vet, conveniently enough, and found out she belongs to the family two doors down from us. My wife was devastated, I was bummed too, but she was a little angel how could she not have owners?

A little defeated, but still hopeful my wife talked with them and got their number. She came back in a much better mood. She said "they said we can't have her. ...But I've got a feeling"

All through February she kept coming back and it was business as usual. In march I noticed she had worm eggs in her butt, and that her belly was getting big. I thought maybe she was riddled with worms. My wife approached the neighbors again. She pointed out the worms, and her belly, pointed out the fact that she wasn't fixed. Once again told no.

Then April 12 2020 hit. I had just finished working over night and was sleeping like poop. I heard Kitty be invited in and could hear she was acting squirrely. My wife stepped outside to smoke and the cat started meowing. I called her to calm her down she came running onto the bed, she climbed in my dresser and started howling, climbed back out, jumped back onto the bed making the most scary-sad yell. Now I'm going off 3 hours of lousy sleep and I don't have my contacts in or glasses on. I'm trying to sleep. My wife comes in and is horrified. She does the gasp and hold her heart like she's looking at a murder. I realize what's happening. Kitty is giving birth! ...right there on our bed...

My wife is dead, and I'm trying to look up what we're supposed to do. That's when my wife, whose ghost finally returns to her body, decides to call up the owners. I could hear every word. "Hey, so the cat we've been talking about? Yeah she just had babies on our bed." *a beat*
She says "Okay, well, I'm at work and I can't do anything. We talked about it and you can just have her if you want. We're getting ready to move, and it might be easier if you took her." My wife, still adrenaline flowing is getting ready to argue, I pull her back to the task.

Kitty had 4 little babies that day.

Nia - is orange and lives with my sister.
James - is Tuxedo and lives with my wife's coworker.
Selina - is calico and lives with James.
Winifred - is tortie and lives with us. She's got a bum ticker, and is quite the character.

Tony B

Dec 29, 2018
JAMMA Supergun, basically bought a Neo Geo MVS years ago on eBay which came with a home made harness that basically fell apart. Took it to a guy I was on good terms with (he'd previously built a PC for me) but in the scheme of things didn't know all that well. He couldn't get it working but basically gave me his Supergun and took the E-waste off of my hands.
Arguably it was a trade but what I gave up was basically a power supply and a rats nest with no intrinsic value. To be clear, the exact harness he gave me goes for around £300 these days. Just insane really, to be honest I feel kinda guilty having taken the 'trade' here.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
We have a lot of limousine liberals here, so I'd imagine college expenses and cars from parents are fairly common.

For me, a Dr. Pepper Beverage cooler from when I worked there. It was in the recycle area and I asked if it still worked. My boss said yea, and that they just basically have to retire them eventually but it was in great shape. I asked if I could have it. Still going 8 years later


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
A friend of mine gave me & some of our other friends, a free DS. He works for Nintendo of America now (didn't at the time).


Oct 26, 2017
$90 HDD from Newegg some years back
Delivery went missing for a week, I reported it to NE (who I assume put in a claim with UPS), who shipped out a replacement. Four days later, both the new AND the originally ordered HDD arrived. Reported it to NE and they were like "eh, keep it."


Oct 25, 2017
Back in 2011 my then GF now wife wanted to go to Belize because she saw it on house hunters international and it was a quick 2 hour direct flight from Houston.

She had been talking to a realtor just to see about a condo or something on the island in ambergris caye. He picked us up from the little airport on the island in a golf cart. He saw my huge camera bag I had and asked what it was. So I took out my Fuji GX617 panoramic film camera. He was amazed and was like dude we gotta get you up in a airplane. I was like yea that would be awesome but didn't think would actually happen.

Sure enough later that week they did. My wife and I got to go up in a tiny Cessna flew around the island 3-4 times. All I had to do was take photos of a development they were building.

I've never shot from a moving car or boat, let alone an airplane. So I'm casually freaking out doing any research I can. Mind you this massive camera isn't designed to be handheld either. It's always on a tripod and has a leaf shutter in the lens that I use with a shutter release cable to prevent vibrations. And you only get 4 shots on each roll of film since it's panoramic. So my wife sat in the back and handed me new rolls of film while I loaded and shot and handed her used rolls back.
there are two of the shots i got.
you can actually see the development on the island, its that white space on the right hand side of the pic.
Hol Chan Marine Reserve by Billy York, on Flickr

this is San Pedro

La Isle Bonita by Billy York, on Flickr

to pay for this probably would have been easily $1000 USD but we got it for free and it was an amazing experience. each one of these can be printed like 90" wide thats how big the film is.


Oct 25, 2017
For running StarCraft 1 tournaments in 2017 or 2018 can't remember which Blizzard invited me to Blizzcon as an important community member. I was and still am so floored that happened, it was one of the best experiences of my life and I'm just sad Blizzard kinda fell apart after it. Everyone I met were so lovely from the StarCraft team.


Oct 25, 2017
When he was deciding to stop driving, my uncle gave me his car (back in the early 90s).
To be fair it was a nearly 20 year old car that was more akin to a tank, and a gas guzzler to boot, but still, an amazing gift.


Oct 27, 2017
a second-hand shop i went to regularly and bought quite a lot of gaming stuff from (i still have 2 sealed official ps2 controllers which i bought for £10 from there) had a PSone with an official lcd screen but the lid of the console wouldn't shut.

when i asked about it the woman said since they couldn't test it i could take have it, if i could get it working it was mine if not i had to dispose of it.

i took it home and opened it up and found that the lid release was jammed up, i took it apart and freed everything up and when i put it back together it ran perfectly, same with the lcd screen.

i did go back in next week and told them i got it working and even offered money but was told "no, a deal is a deal."


Oct 25, 2017
My friend gave me 3 (original) Xbox's back in the day. I'm 100% sure they were stolen, but I sold them to a pawn shop for a cool $400.


Oct 27, 2017
I got a few laptops at my last job that they were going to e-waste. Kept them for a while before realizing that I wasn't really using them and sold them for like $500.


Nov 1, 2017
About 3500$ in cash.

A pre-inheritance of sorts, so not so crazy in that regard. But it sure was a strange feeling at age 16.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean besides inheritance type stuff, I had an exec take a liking to me awhile back and gave me a PSVR and a whole bunch of games that were gifted to him. Pretty sweet.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd say more often than not I'm the one giving things away since we get so much swag and equipment through work. I remember when TV tech was going nuts ten years ago we were bouncing from 1080p to stereoscopic 3D to 4K to HDR for all the sundry console support. They're not worth the costs to ship to the home office so the local non-profit ballet, library, etc., were all getting free TVs from me. Friend of mine's wife turns out to be a big SC2 fan so I was pawning off old copies of that and the xpacs on her last night. Sony sends me so much swag too, I'm still swimming in copies of MLB...


Nov 13, 2017
Bought at weight set. The guy only rang up a few weights. I think he was doing my skinny ass a favor.