Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
AKA the interview which you fucked up the most.


Oct 26, 2017
The one I forgot about and I got high about two hours off a job interview. Visine doesn't help apparently.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Can't say it was really due to my own fault, but I was at this work interview shortly after I finished my studies. It was the only interview I ever got not arranged by me personally but due to the company contacting my school and looking for certain kinds of candidates, so I assume they interviewed plenty of people I knew. I went there, the boss read my resumé and realized I was in IT while they needed somebody for electronics. He then proceeded with "I don't suppose you know anything about x", where x was some weird theme I barely ever heard the name of, so my answer was obviously negative. I did point out that I'm available in case they need an IT or something but they really weren't looking for anyone in that sector atm.
Oct 27, 2017
The one which was for a company that arranges the ladder displays in a popular DIY chain, I mean what kind of job is that anyway but I was desperate for work, any work and I sat in the interview and genuinely said one of my worst qualities was I work too hard and the interviewer just looked at me while internally cringed to death.

Subconsciously I obviously didn't want that job and I'm pleased to say I obviously didn't get it, which is good because I'd only have worked too hard with those damn ladders.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
I had an interview last week where I did the following:

  • Showed up 15 minutes late
  • Showed up unshaven and my shirt untucked and probably messy in the back
  • Repeated myself over and over again
  • Told an interview I had no experience in certain things asked
  • Made a mistake on my resume that the manager pointed out in the interview.
  • Had zero enthusiasm for the job
  • Didn't shake anyone's hand
  • Burst out laughing over a question I was suppose to be serious about


Dog's Best Friend
Oct 29, 2017
Well it was years ago, kinda like my first official interview and the job was way out of my league, at least based on my perception of myself (which was wrong).
So yeah, instead of being the confident guy you want to be in an interview, I was sweating like a whore in a church! I was waaay overdressed! And it was a hot day, and their A/C was broken! Niagara falls everywhere xD I don't wish that on my worst enemies haha
I nailed every question but my anxious behavior killed the chance to get the job. Still a great experience though.


Oct 25, 2017
I had an interview last week where I did the following:

  • Showed up 15 minutes late
  • Showed up unshaven and my shirt untucked and probably messy in the back
  • Repeated myself over and over again
  • Told an interview I had no experience in certain things asked
  • Made a mistake on my resume that the manager pointed out in the interview.
  • Had zero enthusiasm for the job
  • Didn't shake anyone's hand
  • Burst out laughing over a question I was suppose to be serious about
Well. You gonna leave us in suspense? You get the job?

Deleted member 31133

User requested account closure
Nov 5, 2017
I had an interview for a rival insurance company that my cousin works for. I was looking for a job and he got me an interview out of the blue, but I only has two days to prepare and the role was something different to what I already do.

I fucked it so badly. I was not prepared for the questions they were asking and failed to answer a lot of them. Because I knew I was doing so badly, I started to get flushed and stutter, which just made the whole experience worse.

Goes without saying I didn't get the job.
Oct 25, 2017
As profoundly awkward as I am, I've never had a bad interview. Granted, I haven't had too many.

Had a couple phone interviews that went well, but went no where for various reasons (including my interviewer going on vacation immediately after the interview, leaving no notes about it, and the job being filled by a different interviewer a couple days later while they kept trying to figure out what was supposed to be done with my application, lol), another interview that went well enough to go onto a second interview that also went well, where I wound up in the final candidate pool where a better fit was chosen, and then a few other interviews for jobs and a promotion that I all got.

I guess I did have a mock interview to prep for a promotion interview that went kind of rough, but I'm bad doing mock shit with people I know.

I've probably given bad interviews though, lol. Actually, no, I definitely have. I stole one lady's pen.
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Deleted member 41178

User requested account closure
Mar 18, 2018
This was probably 15 years or so ago. A recruiter had sent me to interview for a mid level developer role, they wanted strong SQL skills whilst Java and some .Net was desirable. Sat down and after some basic introductions they said they want to start with the technical test first. I couldn't answer a single question, which didn't surprise me as all of the question were high level maths which I wasn't prepared for.

After a further 15 minutes of hell, I basically stopped the interview and said this didn't seem to reflect the role I thought I was applying for, turned out the recruiter had applied for the wrong role for me and the role I was actual interviewing for was related to some kind of missle guidance system.


Oct 25, 2017
Cuck Zone
I had a call with a recruiter that I absolutely bombed a couple of weeks ago. Now, I can't take all the blame. The recruiter did not call me at the scheduled time, because they put the wrong time on their calendar. I spent the next hour panicking about what went wrong. We set a call for later that day.

- I got called about 5 minutes late, and we chit chatted for a few minutes at the start. So our 30 minutes was reduced to 20.
- I started answering questions and was going in depth to show the skills I do have as the job was a stretch for my experience.
- About 5 minutes before the end of our time, the recruiter cut me off to let me know that all my answers were way too long and that it was not going to be possible to summarize for the hiring managers, and let me know that I had to answer the last questions very briefly.
- I apologized, and they didn't acknowledge it at all which was awkward as fuck.
- The questions that were left were all the things that I didn't have experience in, so instead of having an opportunity to spin, I had to give very brief yes/no answers.
- A week later, the recruiter accidentally called me instead of another person, and said that they'd get a hold of me later.
- The next Monday I got a form letter denial at 8 am on the dot.

Felt like shit! And is worse now, given that exactly 2 weeks after that decline I got laid off for the second time this year.


Nov 16, 2017
Went for an interview at a mobile phone shop, ended up involving roleplay and not the sexy kind. I can sell a damn phone, but make me pretend to sell a phone to the store manager and I'm useless.
Also the one I drove two hours two shortly after both my grandparents passed away. I was ill prepare admittedly, but the interviewers were so disinterested and impersonal that I felt like crying the whole way back.
Oh, and there was one where I had the shits so turned up late as I'd taken refuge in a KFC bathroom to weather the worst of it. The rejection letter turned up the next morning, so I must've failed spectacularly. All I can remember is desperately trying not to poop myself.


Oct 30, 2017
I've only had one interview that I would consider a bad experience. It was for NCIS.

So I get there early and the first thing they do is take your fingerprints. It has been 15-30 minutes (it should take like five minutes max) and she cannot get some of my prints to show up. I can tell see is getting visibly frustrated and she is hurting my hand, but I don't say anything. I just go along with it. Eventually, she goes and gets a younger agent. He's cool and gets it done in seconds.

Next we go into a small conference room and she gives me a piece of paper and a subject I'm supposed to write about and I have 30 minutes. Then she goes, oh sorry I don't have a pen. Luckily I have one and she leaves.

So, it's probably been around 25 minutes and I'm still writing. She comes back with two other people and they sit in front of me. They are like; times up finish up your thoughts. I'm thinking wtf there is no way it has been 30 minutes. Most of the time when I take a test or something similar someone will give you a warning when time is low. Not here I guess.

So next is the actual interview. The questions weren't difficult, but the one guy was just ill-mannered. I actually argued with him a few times because he was trying to correct me on how to do my job (lol). I could tell he didn't like me. He was also suspicious of me on how I prepared for the interview. He thought someone had fed me the questions or something.

After the interview, we shake hands and she rushes me out of the building. Nothing really was said. By the time I got home I already had an email. "While you have the qualities of a special agent, we don't think you'd make a good fit here. Thank you for your interest blah blah."

Overall, it was just a bad experience. I don't know if they were just having a bad day, but I felt rushed and like I was a burden to them. They said I could reapply in a year if I was still interested. Lol no way I would ever go back. If that was any indication on how the rest of the field office ran then I dodged a bullet.
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Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
I had an interview last week where I did the following:

  • Showed up 15 minutes late
  • Showed up unshaven and my shirt untucked and probably messy in the back
  • Repeated myself over and over again
  • Told an interview I had no experience in certain things asked
  • Made a mistake on my resume that the manager pointed out in the interview.
  • Had zero enthusiasm for the job
  • Didn't shake anyone's hand
  • Burst out laughing over a question I was suppose to be serious about
At this point why even bother showing up lol. You could have slept in and been more well-rested for another interview that you cared about.


Oct 27, 2017
I was working my first real job out of college, and a colleague mentioned that a nearby company was looking for someone with my skill set for more money. So I applied.

The morning of I overslept, alarm clock died in the night. I race there but am 15 minutes late. Already off to a bad start. In the middle of the interview they ask me about some tech product / suite of applications - have I used it, administered it, developed for it. I was cheerful and gave a long answer about it, because I did use it and I currently administered it. I felt good but the interviewers (there were two of them) seemed to be giving each weird looks.

I leave, I'm in the car driving to work (I took the morning off to go interview), and it hits me: they asked about a completely different product, but in my foggy, rushing to the interview after waking without any caffeine brain had decided to discuss, candidly, another similar product. Which I also worked with. They didn't even bother to correct me, I suppose my being late had probably already turned them off. I, of course, never got a call back.

There have only been two jobs I interviewed for and didn't get. That was the first, the second was one in which they sprung a surprise multi-candidate interview and vibe felt weird so I pretended to use the restroom and left halfway through.


Oct 28, 2017
This was probably 15 years or so ago. A recruiter had sent me to interview for a mid level developer role, they wanted strong SQL skills whilst Java and some .Net was desirable. Sat down and after some basic introductions they said they want to start with the technical test first. I couldn't answer a single question, which didn't surprise me as all of the question were high level maths which I wasn't prepared for.

After a further 15 minutes of hell, I basically stopped the interview and said this didn't seem to reflect the role I thought I was applying for, turned out the recruiter had applied for the wrong role for me and the role I was actual interviewing for was related to some kind of missle guidance system.
That's some good shit right there.


Dec 22, 2017
The one where the guy threw me out after 15 minutes. He stopped the interview in the middle of showing me around the bureaus and told me that this is pointless and that he has no time for a person who fits the job so badly as I do.


Oct 25, 2017
Tech phone interview. I already hate talking on the phone, and the interviewer started off with two questions I had absolutely no answer for. After fumbling my way through those I was so flustered that I couldn't even really answer rest of the questions despite knowing the answers to many of them.


Oct 27, 2017
I had an interview last week where I did the following:

  • Showed up 15 minutes late
  • Showed up unshaven and my shirt untucked and probably messy in the back
  • Repeated myself over and over again
  • Told an interview I had no experience in certain things asked
  • Made a mistake on my resume that the manager pointed out in the interview.
  • Had zero enthusiasm for the job
  • Didn't shake anyone's hand
  • Burst out laughing over a question I was suppose to be serious about
sounds rough.
Hope your lucky changes soon.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
The one where the guy threw me out after 15 minutes. He stopped the interview in the middle of showing me around the bureaus and told me that this is pointless and that he has no time for a person who fits the job so badly as I do.

What a shit employer.

Sorry to hear that happened to you.


Dec 14, 2017
Google interview, via Skype. It was the second or third phase of the proccess... Midway through the interview, in my room, my father opens the door and take peak inside... Then my mom... Then my father opens the door and comes in crawling (yes, crawling) so that the camera didnt show him (be wanted to see the screen of the computer). I will just say that being interviewed in a foreign language (even though fluent) with your dad in all four by your side isn't really good. I couldn't give any decent answer and couldn't find a way of kicking him out of the room. I was astonished and didn't know how to act. Obviously I was then cut from the selection process and my father to this day still thinks he didn't Disturb me.


Oct 28, 2017
It's weird but one where I was late and they pointed it out. I wasn't really interested but my friend convinced me to go. I also barely dressed up and didn't care.
Got the job and worked there a year.

Another one their feedback was not enough eye contact and I didn't get the job but it made me paranoid forever like I've never had a problem socialising with basically anyone in my life and was like wtf? Found it extremely weird .


Mar 13, 2019
I was way too young and I somehow wrangled an interview for a marketing manager role. I think my then-boss put in a good word for me, which got my foot in the door.

There was an assessment portion of the interview where I had to craft a marketing campaign for a fictitious product, and budget it. They left me alone for an hour with guidance that included acronyms like AIDA that I'd literally never heard of, and then came back in and asked me to present. I stood up in front of a basically empty sheet of flipboard paper, stammered for a few minutes, then sat back down.

I did not get the job.


Jul 22, 2019
I had an interview in 2017, where they made me wait for 2 hours before getting into ridiculously bad interview, where they asked me very weird questions. In 2018, I had another interview and they also made me wait for 2 hours, then I found out that it's the same sick person. I was really pissed..


Oct 25, 2017
While interviewing for a graphic arts internship in college, I didn't bring anything resembling a portfolio (so I was dead in the water before it ever started lol) and called the office we were in a fishbowl (was one of those glass rooms with tinted parts for privacy).

Torpedo Vegas

Oct 27, 2017
Parts Unknown.
I was on unemployment after a lay off and couldn't find anything doing what I was doing. I got a call for an interview at Best Buy which I applied to because I had to do 3 applications a week and couldn't find a 3rd in my field. I wasn't going back to retail so I just went in there and it got really awkward.

Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
While interviewing for a graphic arts internship in college, I didn't bring anything resembling a portfolio (so I was dead in the water before it ever started lol) and called the office we were in a fishbowl (was one of those glass rooms with tinted parts for privacy).

Oof. This reminds me, I should probably work on a planning portfolio.
Mar 29, 2018
Recently had an interview at a world-famous studio

but they didn't say it was an interview

they said it was a "chat" with the team

i've literally had this said before and it always just meant a little "you got the job, just checking you're cool" conversation

but nope, this was a proper full official interview where they grilled my work, processes and output, and I was woefully underprepared and hadn't done any due dilligence so there was lots of silence and "uhhh I'd have to check" or "uhhh i don't know"

so painful - typical that my worst interview would be with the place I've most ever wanted to work at

Deleted member 8741

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I had one interview that flew me from Michigan to Washington, paid for a car from the airport to the location (hour drive), paid for my hotel. Spent a whole day interviewing with staff and getting meals paid for. The whole interview felt like a sales pitch work for them. They basically begged me to work for them during the interview. I walked away feeling schmoozed, but like I still had no clue what the job would actually entail

The offer: $32,000 and almost no benefits.

I noped out.


Oct 27, 2017
Oklahoma, USA
Started looking to get back into the workforce at the beginning of this year and I went on my first interview in about 9 years. It was in front of a panel of 6 people for a basic, entry level IT position. Four people in the room, two on a giant screen.
  • Hardly put together a coherent sentence, stumbling over words like crazy
  • Actually said "I haven't done this in a while" pertaining to working in IT
  • Said I understood a concept, then got asked about that concept and answered wrong
  • Had 0 confidence in any of my answers to their technical questions
  • Realized how poorly I was performing and it sapped any energy I had for the last half of the interview
They didn't call. I was bummed about it at the time, but the job sounded like it was going to be metric shit ton of work for very little pay. Plus, out of the 6 people on the panel only 2 seemed any type of friendly. Kind of happy it went the way it did.


Mar 9, 2018
I want to mention one that I'll always remember where the interview going poorly wasn't my fault but it was all on the recruiter. I was applying for jobs overseas and this guy I was interviewing with on Skype really wanted to steer me towards China. I wasn't interested in living in China so I politely declined and told him I'd rather talk about jobs he had in other countries but he kept trying to push me to China. He had a really unprofessional vibe and I wasn't super thrilled with him in the first place and then this exchange happened:

"Are you single?"
"Oh you'll love China then, man. Chinese college girls are really easy."

I ended the interview soon after that because he wasn't someone I wanted to keep dealing with.


Growth Manager at Splash Damage
Mar 11, 2019
I got interviewed for bbc radio 4, and ended up sounding like a posh turd, rather than the person in ÂŁ72k of student loan debt. Ended up sounding like I wanted people to be in debt, that it was a character builder, when actually I was trying to explain the opposite.

Also went to a job interview for a strawberry once...
Oct 27, 2017
I had an interview a few years ago related to hardware design. I was applying for a position in a big time computer chip manufacturer company . Actually, there were 7 separated interviews with 7 different people. The first one was via telephone with the interviewer dictating me electric circuit diagrams and asking (electronic/electrical) math-related questions both numerical and graphical... again, over the phone. Very cool, very clear and practical.


Aug 22, 2018
One time I was being shown where I would work if I got the job, and it was one of those rows of computers and chairs. Not even a cubicle. And I guess I said something like "oh, wow" and the interviewer asked why I had that reaction. I tried to play it off, but he needled me, and I mentioned that at my previous/current job, I had my own office. He was like, "Well, look at Mr. Have My Own Office" on me, and I could tell it was all over at that point.

Even though the interview was like a full 20 more minutes after that. :/


Oct 27, 2017
One time I was being shown where I would work if I got the job, and it was one of those rows of computers and chairs. Not even a cubicle. And I guess I said something like "oh, wow" and the interviewer asked why I had that reaction. I tried to play it off, but he needled me, and I mentioned that at my previous/current job, I had my own office. He was like, "Well, look at Mr. Have My Own Office" on me, and I could tell it was all over at that point.

Even though the interview was like a full 20 more minutes after that. :/
Sorry, but this story made me laugh.

Dongs Macabre

Oct 26, 2017
I showed up twenty minutes late to an interview because of the bus and somehow still got an offer.

My worst interview was one where it was pretty clear the interviewers were reading my resume for the first time. I had zero interest after they described the job and they had zero interest in me because my background was almost orthogonal to the duties (which weren't clear from the job listing).


Oct 30, 2017
In an interview for a bookstore, I drew a complete and total blank when asked which books I like to read.

Reading was my main thing as a kid, and I'm still an avid reader. So that was fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I applied for a job at a Notable Video Game Website. It was mostly a technical position, handling video streaming, studio maintenance, etc. But with such a small staff, everyone was expected to come on camera and talk about video games at least a little bit. I was on my third round of interviews, and my interviewer decided to change the subject from the technical aspects of my job, to games. I'd seen this coming and answered my interviewer's questions about games I'd been playing lately (At the time Divinity, Nier Automata), games I'd always come back to (Overwatch and Siege) and some of my favorite games of all time (Bad Company 2, Dragon Age Origins). Eventually he then asked me "So what are some games you're looking forward to?"

I froze.

I had plenty of games I was looking forward to, but all of their names suddenly escaped me. So instead of doing what any rational human would do by saying I'd just had a brain fart, I responded with "Uh...none really..." The interviewer seemed pretty surprised by that response. "All the games I wanted to play this year have already come out." The guy practically did the blinking white guy meme at that answer. The interviewer quickly recovered from his shock, asked like two or three softball questions and then promptly ended the interview LOL. I attempted to salvage the situation in my follow up letter, but it was to no avail. I got a rejection letter 2 days later :(

I'll still wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night thinking about that interview lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
I've had a few entry level cyber security interviews where they expect me to blow them away with experience and certifications, none of which are listed on my resume. If an entry level cyber security job listing doesn't have prior experience and certifications as a requisite, then they shouldn't be flabbergasted when I tell them that I don't have them. Makes it seem like they aren't even looking over resumes before conducting said interviews.

I've had a few shut down interviews entirely, and not even ask on my prior work experience (service desk manager) or technical skills/background.


Jul 13, 2018
Went to a position for a clerk and answered the questions, but lacked the confidence. I said Um too many times and should have prepared more. It was very short.

With more interviews, I figured out how to present myself and sound confident.


Nov 2, 2017
Los Angeles, California
I had an interview with Riot Games that was going well, but once I mentioned I didn't play LoL their attitude changed completely. Thank God I didn't get that job. Toxic game, toxic community, toxic company.