
Oct 26, 2017
I had an interview for a camp counselor job when I was like 14 or so. They asked me to do an impression of someone and for some God forsaken reason I did an impression of my great grandpa even though they were obviously looking for an impression of someone famous lol. I was completely oblivious. The stakes were pretty low there anyway but I still cringe looking back.

Deleted member 11822

user requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I had an interview at 38 Studios [when they were in Massachusetts] that was going well until someone I really did not get along with [former co-worker] came into the room. It was an unpleasant 45min, to say the least.
At the end of the day, one of the producers came in to review things with me and noticed that all the feedback was great with the exception of one person.

The producer said, "I'd be happy to have two more people from the same department come in an talk to you."

I politely declined and went home.
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Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
My first ever job interview I had a concussion. I think I got my head bashed in my martial arts class. I got the job, but I can't imagine it went well. Kroger bagger, so it was a pretty low bar lol.

Other than that I don't think I've had a really bad interview. A couple awkward ones where the interview took an unexpected swerve. Interviewed at one place and highlighted my product knowlege of what they sell. Was told by the manager that he doesn't care about that. Then was told that people at my employer don't sell things anyway. After that it was a pretty uncomfortable silence.

Interviewed at another place for a sales position. I talked about my sales experience, was told they don't care about selling stuff to people, they just want to have fun. Then he asked me why manholes are round.

Had a couple not so great interviews with my boss for moving up. I've got 15 years experience here, but my boss just didn't like my personality for the management position.

Another position, my colleague applied for too. He just happened to be the most qualified person to ever interview, lol. We all knew it was his job for the taking, and the interview reflected that. We ended up just talking about some company changes down the road lol.

Deleted member 41502

User requested account closure
Mar 28, 2018
I had a pretty mediocre interview years ago. Thought I'd failed, but got a call they wanted me for a different team. I was just supposed to meet their manager to see if it was a good fit for me. I arranged to meet him for coffee one day. Figured it was super chill. Showed up and he was like, "actually we shipped yesterday! We're having a team dinner to celebrate!" So i tagged along on this team celebration dinner for a team I was not on. It was awkward but I thought "I have this already. Just be normal". Apparently I wasnt. I had to call them 2 weeks later to find out I'd been rejected.


Oct 25, 2017
I had one for a promotion a few weeks ago. I stammered and didn't answer questions well, didn't sell myself at all. Somehow I miraculously still got it.


Oct 27, 2017
I literally feel like I just got out of an interview I did terribly on... However, I've done worse.

I was applying for a bank, which is quite famous locally. I had no idea, truth be told. I interview and they ask me; "what do you know about us?" Outright I told them the truth. Not a thing. I'm a shut-in and I don't really get out much. Then at the end of the interview I asked the question you NEVER ask. "What do you think of me?" certainly didn't get the job. Not even close.


Nov 25, 2017
It was for a design position in a small print shop, they had me sit down with Adobe software to test me and I failed it so hard, making mistakes, forgetting measurements etc. I was fresh out of school so I don't feel too bad but it was really embarrassing.
The owner actually liked me though and he was upfront with me that my skills were below par.