
One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't say terrible, but the first ten or so episodes of Fringe were pretty rough and it just felt like a retread of The X-Files.


Oct 30, 2017
I think a more interesting question is what shows started off great and retained that quality or fell off after a few seasons.

Its almost par for the course that the first series/few episodes are the roughest as the creatives find their footing.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Can't believe no one's mentioned Bojack Horseman yet. No other show has the largest delta between where it started and where it ended up. Season 1 is a slow, dull endeavor with few redeeming moments outside of the Herb arc. From there it slowly evolves into the definitive movie/TV depiction of depression and features some extremely sharp writing.

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
The 100, altough the 100 only managed to go from terrible to okay/good in some moments.
The Office became one of the best sitcoms, until the last 3 seasons, but its hyperbolic to call the first season terrible.
It was a bit out of place, and it wasnt great, but it still gave me a few good laughs.

The first season wasn't outright terrible, but if you'd seen the UK office it was clearly far inferior. When it started doing its own thing it got so much better.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't call it terrible, but the first season of The Leftovers is aggressively annoying. Second and third seasons are so much better that it feels like a completely different show.

Parks and Rec's first season is pretty bad. Shit is completely unfunny, every joke falls so flat you wonder if it was even intended to be a joke in the first place. And then it takes the fuck off in seasons 2 and 3 (I'd argue it starts to suck again in S6, but rebounds with 7).

I think a more interesting question is what shows started off great and retained that quality or fell off after a few seasons.

Its almost par for the course that the first series/few episodes are the roughest as the creatives find their footing.
eh, I feel like it's a lot more common for good shows to turn bad than bad shows to turn good.


Jul 13, 2019
I think the early episodes of Bob's Burgers are pretty awful. They're constantly going for an edge that feels inauthentic.

But later they just let the show be about love and it was all the better for it.

BB was first pitched as an adult swim show. That's why. The weird animation and the cross dressing voices remain, but the grossout humour that was so prevalent in the early season has essentially disappeared.

Anyway, my answer is Beast Wars.

The first episode is G1 level painful. Lots of characters delivering exposition in forced ways (including people introducing themselves to people they already know for the benefit of the audience). The stories were formulaic (they even introduced new characters in the exact same way. First a new maximal redco of an existing character, then a predacon. Then the maximals get a new flyer, then the predacons.) and aside from the mystery of the various alien devices, it was a pretty standard evil plan of the week show. But the long dev time of early 90s CG let them realize this as the first season went on. They discovered people LOVED dinobot, and loved when waspinator got scrapped. They stared making the characters more complex, introduced slapstick comedy that makes the shwo standout to this day.

Come season 2 it was an entirely different show.
Last edited:


Nov 13, 2017
I've heard Person of Interest gets really good, but I've tried getting through season 1 a couple times and got bored and stopped. I know it moves from procedural to something more but man those first episodes are pretty rough.
Oct 25, 2017
Milwaukee, WI
BB was first pitched as an adult swim show. That's why. The weird animation and the cross dressing voices remain, but the grossout humour that was so prevalent in the early season has essentially disappeared.

Yeah and I guess the gimmick was the burgers were made of people? But Fox was NOT into the idea but they kept the pilot mostly unchanged besides the ending. Which proved there was no human meat.


Oct 27, 2017
Parks and Rec and The 100 are the first two to come to mind. The 100 made a huge jump from trash to excellent genre show imo.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
It's hard to pick between TNG, Spartacus, or Legends of Tomorrow as the reigning champ of this trope.

TNG S1 is why I will never call it the best ST. A complete disservice to a great show.

Spartacus has a shitty pilot. But gets better over the course of the first season. But I have tried to get people into this show. Nobody survives episode 1, so I just skip it.

Legends of Tomorrow S1 had good things in it, but the main driving points of the show sucked.

Legends had to change into a different show to work. That is very different that what TNG and Spartacus had to do. So I give the award to LoT.


Jul 13, 2019
Yeah and I guess the gimmick was the burgers were made of people? But Fox was NOT into the idea but they kept the pilot mostly unchanged besides the ending. Which proved there was no human meat.

Also Bob is much meaner. He'd never call his family terrible now. Oh and tina was a boy but they felt he came off as creepy and rapey so they changed him to a girl.


Feb 28, 2019
I've heard Person of Interest gets really good, but I've tried getting through season 1 a couple times and got bored and stopped. I know it moves from procedural to something more but man those first episodes are pretty rough.

Yeah, first season is a complete drag to get through. Too much "case of the week" stuff, gets really repetitive. I don't remember exactly when it picks up, but it does turn into some quality edge of your seat television.


Oct 26, 2017
Deep Space 9. First 2 or 3 seasons are some really dull TV give or take a few classics. It gets much better over time.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
S1 Person of Interest wasn't bad, but it pales in comparison to the later seasons. I concur with SHIELD, Parks and Rec and Legends (especially Legends. I was just about to quit that show before the finale).

I wouldn't quite say that to the 100, Community or Avatar.

For my entry, it's Bob's Burgers. They tried too much to be like the recently cancelled King of the Hill. Luckily, they course corrected in season 2 and never looked back.


Oct 26, 2017
Black Sails went from "alright" in S1 to one of the all-time greats later on. Massive, massive increase in quality.
May 15, 2018
The first two seasons of The Clone Wars did not do much to wash away the stink of the film either. Season 1 and 2 were both largely mediocre with a few decent episodes. Even Season 3 did not really get strong until the halfway point. And yet, when the show finally did find its footing, it created some of the most memorable and compelling stories in Star Wars. The Darth Maul arc especially was fantastic and is one of my favorite television story arcs.
You're impressively patient. I only lasted 5 episodes before I gave up on this "supposed" improvement over the films.
Oct 25, 2017

Yep. It was a bland The Office clone. It took them 1.5 seasons to find something in the cast and another half-season after that to ditch one boring character and bring in two much better ones.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Once Frank came along in season 2 the show became a instant classic. Without Danny Devito the show would not have lasted this long.

Season One is still excellent, though. I'm pretty sure Gun Fever and the creepy one where they turn the bar into a haven for high school kids are in that season, and those are both top-level episodes.


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Can't believe no one's mentioned Bojack Horseman yet. No other show has the largest delta between where it started and where it ended up. Season 1 is a slow, dull endeavor with few redeeming moments outside of the Herb arc. From there it slowly evolves into the definitive movie/TV depiction of depression and features some extremely sharp writing.

That you for this.

I tried watching the show sometime back and couldn't get past the first couple episodes. Now that I realize the problem wasn't just me, I'll give it another shot.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
uhm, excuse you? WW has been a great show the entire time.

My pick is Naruto. Most of everything up until the Chunin exams is terrible.

Then it gets amazing, then pain arc happens, then it goes down hill, then it completely drops off the planet, and then the last fight happens and its great.
Uh....the bridge arc is anything but terrible. The series goes downhill after the Pain arc, sure, but wtf at callingthe bridge arc 'terrible'


Jun 9, 2018
I thought the first few episodes of The Expanse were insanely boring and now it is one of my fav shows.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Once Frank came along in season 2 the show became a instant classic. Without Danny Devito the show would not have lasted this long.
I disagree. Devito is hilarious and probably is part of the reason why the show is so long-running but season 1 is still hilarious.


Oct 28, 2017
Like someone here said it's the first first season of Black Adder. It's terrible and I have no clue how they got to make another season.


Mar 23, 2018
Obviously, Star Trek: TNG was so bad, I almost quit watching. It insulted my sensibilities even as a ten year old.

I think you should also add Deep Space Nine, I actually DID bail on it and it really wasn't until it was on Netflix that I realized the show as the masterpiece that it is.


Oct 25, 2017
Star Trek The Next Generation
Parks and Recreation
Cougar Town
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
American Dad


Oct 30, 2017
Legends of Tomorrow is the reigning champion by far. Even though I liked a good bit of season 1 it has since blown up into something really special.

Good call. Season one was awful and now Legends is the only DC show I consistently watch.

My vote is for Halt and Catch Fire. Around 2/3rds into season one it goes from being a bland Mad Men knock off to great. And then stays there until that weird last season.


Mar 13, 2019
As people have already pointed out, it's Spartacus. The first episode is absolutely awful, then there are two or three pretty cheesy ones... but push through that to about the fifth episode and you'll be rewarded with probably the best-scripted show ever made, with three further seasons that are all incredible.

Gods Of The Arena, the prequel series that came between the first and second seasons, should be required viewing in every screenwriting class on the planet. Hell, it should be forced on anyone who wants to write for any medium. It's an incredible feat of storytelling under the tightest constraints.

And all that started life as a crap 300 knock-off with extra boobs.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, beat me to The 100.

I was laughing SO HARD, during the first couple episodes for all the wrong reasons. I actually dropped it, but sadly every single person I've talking to about it says it got WAY better since it started. But holy shit does it start roughhhh

That show starts off SO bad it's actually amazing. Agents of SHIELD starts just like...mediocre. But the 100 makes Arrow look like The Wire.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm watching Agents of SHIELD right now, just finished season 1, and it feels like they just flipped a switch around episode 15 and the show got good. It wasn't terrible before per se, just...aggressively boring
I'm so jealous of you. I wish I could Eternal Sunshine my mind clean and rewatch Agents of Shield for the first time


Oct 28, 2017
Seinfeld, Community, Breaking bad and Westworld.
Huh? Westworld goes downhill after season 1 and arguably so does BB (season 2 is easily the weakest with that stupid plane crash nonsense).

just awful

watch the pilot and maybe the episode with the Bynars and move the fuck on
Naked Now and Conspiracy are good fun and worth one's while too. Problematic episodes aside, season 1 of TNG has a lot of fun campy episodes reminiscent of TOS. It's the weakest season but I wouldn't advise skipping it in its entirety. It's just best not to take it too seriously.


Oct 27, 2017
Spartacus, The 100, Legends of Tomorrow, and a personal favorite, The Vampire Diaries which transforms from Twilight into fantastic after three/four episodes.


Oct 25, 2017
Parks and Rec, The Office, Brooklyn 99

Really any Michael Schur comedy takes a minute to get decent. Never cared for "The Good Place" all that much though.

There aren't many comedies that are fantastic out the gate though.

Maybe not a popular opinion but "Man in the High Castle" got much better to me after the first season which felt like it just absolutely dragged. "The Expanse" took a while for me to get into as well.

tata toothy

Dec 24, 2017
Seinfeld didn't truly find itself until The Chinese Restaurant, though The Pony Remark and The Phone Message were earlier hints to its potential.


Nov 2, 2017
BoJack Horseman. The first half of the first season was standard mediocre adult animated fare, then it takes a dark turn that sets the stage for the rest of the series.