
Oct 22, 2018
The Mario X Rabbids leak.

Everyone (including me) thought it was fake, then when it got announced everyone thought it would be bad.

Needless to say it was a pleasant surprise when the game came out.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I think the Half Life 2 source code leak prior to release is -THE- answer to this thread, it's staggering to imagine something on that scale happening today.

My personal choice is the Project Beast (Bloodborne) leak because of both the Lovecraftian visuals and also how good it looked overall.


Oct 25, 2017
The halo barn one is the most absolutely absurd, by far. The esrb leak was the most fun drawn out one though with so much depth.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I'd say HL2's source code being stolen and leaked takes the cake for me.
Don't see how it can be anything but this. The game was STOLEN prior to release and leaked online.

In 2002, Axel Gembe, a young German programmer, whose favorite game is Half-Life, had the idea to hack into Valve's network to find something about the sequel. He wasn't expecting to get anywhere, but he succeeded at his first attempt by accident. He scanned Valve's network to check for accessible web servers where he believed the information about the game might be held. The network was secure from the outside, but their name server allowed anonymous AXFRs, which gave him quite a bit of information.

Asynchronous Full Zone Transfer (AXFR) is a tool used for synchronizing servers. It is also a protocol used by hackers to peek at a website's data. By transferring this data, he was able to discover the names of all the sub-domains of the company's web directory. In the port scan logs, he found a server which was in Valve's network range from another corporation named Tangis, a company specialized in wearable computing devices and was managed by Gabe Newell's brother, Dan.

Valve didn't firewall this server from its internal network. Gembe had found an unguarded tunnel into the network on his first attempt. Valve's Primary Domain Controller had a username "build" with a blank password. He was able to crack the passwords in no time. Once he had done that, he had full access to everything.

Gembe began to search for information about the game. He found various design documents and notes about its creation. As the weeks passed, he realized that nobody at Valve had noticed he was inside the company's network. He began to push a little harder. That's when he found the source for the game. On September 19, 2003, Gembe downloaded the unfinished game code. The game didn't run on his computer, so he made some code changes to get it to run in a basic form. He only had the main development "trunk" of the game. They had many developed branches that he couldn't even begin to check them all out.

The source code for the Source engine on October 2, 2003; and an unfinished version of the game on October 7 were leaked on the internet by a friend of Gembe.[1] Gabe Newell publicly explained the situation on fan website, (now forums and asked for help from the community to track down the hackers.[2] Gembe was eventually arrested. However, his charges weren't related to the leak.



Oct 25, 2017
Yup, this is the one

They have changed the game drastically after that

And the whole story about the leaker was also awesome. Valve tricked him saying that they wanted to hire him, paid him the trip to the US, only to arrest him there.

He never actually went to the US. The FBI told their plans to the German police, and they acted on their own, so they arrested him before he could get on the plane.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019

We were played real hard with this.

Deleted member 5593

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Half Life 2 Source Code leak by a country mile

Also, God of War 2018 Concept Art leak showcasing bearded ax-wielding Kratos was pretty big for me well.


Oct 25, 2017
The "i was on a plane and sat next to an assassin's creed guy who told me how odyssey is going to be" is also an honorable mention


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
"GRRM is working with FromSoft on a new project"


Oct 25, 2017
Craziest: some Ubisoft employee sitting with a laptop on a plane (in like 20 different variations).

The leaked HL2 source code might have been the most harmful tho.

Mecha Meister

Next-Gen Guru
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom

Deleted member 12790

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Oct 27, 2017
FWIW, CBOAT wasn't a single person. It was a shared account the moderators would post under to relay information given to them anonymously by multiple sources.


Sep 21, 2018
Sonic adventure (Saturn) was leaked in a french video game paper (Joypad) because Sega made a mistake on a CD with screenshots for other games that they used to send them as a press/preview kit..
Totally out of nowhere and waaaaay ahead of schedule, sega was mad and never ever send them anything after that, while the whole world (and us sites) scanned those screenshots and published them on the internet.


Oct 27, 2017
- The Horizon: Zero Dawn concept art
- The Super Smash Bros for 3DS ESRB roster leak
- The Project Beast (Bloodborne) screens and videos
- The Super Mario Maker booth screens before E3

God of War concept art leaked too, I remember people making fun of Kratos and his tiny axe and everybody was trying to say that it was probably a place holder to use on those enviroments but it turned out to be all true lol.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Who is "CBOAT"? What did they leak?

CBOAT was the name of an account on NeoGAF that would post all sorts of insider info, using obfuscated spelling and language to hide the sources (i.e. purposefully misspelling things and using weird grammar). It was played off like it was a single individual, but it was actually a dummy account the mods at NeoGAF used to relay information that would be passed to them in private through PMs, emails, etc.

They leaked a LOT of stuff about Microsoft in years past, to the point where Microsoft began purposefully seeding misinformation to certain employees to see what would "leak" out to try and figure out CBOAT's identity. but, since it wasn't an actual, single individual, the leaks never stopped, even when they figured out who one of the leakers was by giving him incorrect info.

Eventually they retired the account because people thought CBOAT was a magnet for drama.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Sonic adventure (Saturn) was leaked in a french video game paper (Joypad) because Sega made a mistake on a CD with screenshots for other games that they used to send them as a press/preview kit..
Totally out of nowhere and waaaaay ahead of schedule, sega was mad and never ever send them anything after that, while the whole world (and us sites) scanned those screenshots and published them on the internet.

Dreamcast, not saturn. I remember when those screenshots first leaked online, it was the speed highway screenshots. People thought they were fake at the time.

That said, a few Sega Saturn Sonic Adventure screenshots DID leak out in 2016. True leak, too, since it was at Summer of Sonic and cameras were not supposed to be permitted. The person who got those screenshots out is a hero. Those are the ONLY screenshots we have of the saturn version of Sonic Adventure. They all appear to be CGI, though, although they prominently feature the Sonic model from Sky Chase Zone (which is known to be the original Saturn model).


The Fallen
Nov 7, 2017
Yeah, Project Beast was crazy.
The doubt. The salt. People were like "if this is fake it's probably the greatest fake ever". Then people on GAF digging up old posts from DemonNite hinting at the game way in advance of that leak. What a time.

Might not be technically a leak in the sense we know it today, but I remember being on an internet message bulletin board on Sierra Online's The ImagiNation Network around Jan 1996 when someone claiming to have sources close to Squaresoft in Japan posted about "Final Fantasy VII going exclusively to the Sony PlayStation. There are three main characters: one with spiky blonde hair and a sword almost as big as his body named Claude, a black guy with a mini-gun for an arm named Bullet, and a girl in pink and red with a staff named Eraith. The characters are polygonal like Tekken characters."
So many people (myself included at the wonderful age of 16) laughed the guy off the boards and screamed BULLSHIT from the mountain tops. He'd later return with a website address where he put a couple location screenshots (one, I'd be able to identify much later, specifically being a bar in Junon, another being the streets of Midgar during the bombing mission; neither screen had any characters/NPCs, just the pre-rendered assets). Still didn't convince any of us. There was no way Squaresoft would do that/Nintendo is home to the previous 6 FFs/yadda~yadda~yadda.
I think about two months later I got the newest issue of GameFan that 'revealed' FFVII for the Sony PlayStation. I ate crow... and committed myself to buying a Sony PlayStation. :D


Oct 25, 2017
The "ntkrnl" leak in 2014.

Leaked the entire Xbox E3 lineup for that year, including Sunset Overdrive, a custom Titanfall Xbox One console, Crackdown 3, essentially what became Halo: MCC and a little more.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
I think i remember the FFVII remake announcement being leaked a few hours before the E3 show and almost no one believed it.
Yeah, Except the language was different. It sounded believeable compared to other annual VIIR "leaks"

"Siliconera has learned that FFVIIRemake will be revealed Tonight"

I remember in 2014 though a chinese website listed the words Kings Glaive and CGI movie and I remember making a few threads about it and no one believed it. And then in 2016 in March before uncovered the words appeared again but this time were believed :D

Deleted member 227

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe not the craziest chain of events itself, but I'll say the George R.R. Martin actually working with From Software turning out to be true was pretty intense. It's so far out there that when the rumours first popped up on my radar my first thought was "lol fake".