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Oct 30, 2017
or the part about SSD effects on game design like loading tunnels (e.g. Fallen Order), the devs will presumably design for the lowest common denominator. We'll still see the same loading "areas" on both consoles.
On PS5 the player will be able to:
  • take the express elevator
  • find the path lets them bypass the loading valley
  • has the map to skip the maze
  • will set up a slip and slide to get through the narrow crawlspace
  • etc.


Dec 4, 2017
I didn't expect things to get so messy

Same. I legit thought we all collectively moved on from the toxicity (at least THAT kind of toxicity) we saw during the PS3/360 and PS4/XBO reveal days considering things last time around weren't as bad as PS3/360. But nope, that must have just been an anomaly. I thought people chilled out since then but people are still getting riled up on a hair trigger.

People like Jason do this as a profession. It's his job. I don't like how people are dragging him through the mud and shitting on him for just doing his job, and reasonably so. We have the luxury of just closing the web browser and going back to playing games, but he doesn't.

Deleted member 56306

User-requested account closure
Apr 26, 2019
Same. I legit thought we all collectively moved on from the toxicity (at least THAT kind of toxicity) we saw during the PS3/360 and PS4/XBO reveal days considering things last time around weren't as bad as PS3/360. But nope, that must have just been an anomaly. I thought people chilled out since then but people are still getting riled up on a hair trigger.

People like Jason do this as a profession. It's his job. I don't like how people are dragging him through the mud and shitting on him for just doing his job, and reasonably so. We have the luxury of just closing the web browser and going back to playing games, but he doesn't.

There is a weird undertone of bitterness in the way that people are receiving these things. Like the XSX looks amazing on paper and I'm hoping some of these improvements / added features find their way into the PC space. The PS5 is fascinating and I can't wait to see exactly what developers can come up with on the machine. And yet... We have this mess on our hands. Gaming culture is REALLY quite toxic.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I think he just should have stayed out of it.

It is simply not a good look for him.

I think mostly fanboys who are aligned a particular way would think it's not a good look for him. Most people likely appreciate the inside investigative journalism and details he's offered. I mean, he's literally giving us an insight into what developers he's spoken to are saying, which as gaming enthusiasts we should be interested in hearing or learning.

Hell, I wish we could learn way more, because hearing information from developers certainly beats armchair analysts and random forum users.


Oct 26, 2017
i think this has more to do with what he said about both consoles being more powerful than the 2080, and aiming to be over 10.7 tflops. the ps5 might actually be more powerful than the 2080 but what sony showed yesterday doesnt show it which calls into question his reporting which in turns makes this personal for him... whether he would like to admit it or not. i thought it was curious why he was so obsessed with our spec thread calling us out on twitter for being console warriors just for being interested in knowing the tflops count. we have never treated him with disrespect in that thread, so it was pretty demoralizing seeing him call everyone in that thread a rabid fanboy. but this makes a bit more sense because Cerny's terrible presentation might have actually undersold the power of the system and thus his reporting of a powerful system. remember, he had just tweeted some dev's opinion that it was the most exciting hardware in 20 years. his reputation is on the line. thats why hes invested in sony's pr.

that said, you arent fooling anyone, everyone here including you, me, jason and everyone else in between you were trying to paint him as a sony shill without actually saying it. the guy didnt even get an early briefing on the specs like IGN, gamespot and DF did. he's likely been blacklisted by sony.

Stop spreading misinformation. You've been doing it in every Sony thread. It's cool if Xbox is your favorite system, no need to make unsubstantiated claims about shit. Both you and Yearsoflurking been shitting up every thread and its pathetic.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm checking out of large gaming related communities because of this stupid shit. We all know it's only going to get worse. People seem to have their self identity so intimately interwoven with these systems.
Oct 25, 2017
Like at least do what MS did and show some current-gen games running on PS% with improvements. Show what the system and SSD is capable of.
The funny thing is they did actually do that in one presentation with Spiderman, but it was just as dry and just as low key, because it was a corporate strategy meeting and the only reason we saw it was because of offscreen camera footage.

And that was in May. They produced a better understanding of what the system was capable of back during a corporate meeting then than they did in the months since being front facing with the public.

That said the entire console discourse of this the last few days is why I never frequent many next gen threads haha.


Oct 25, 2017
Stop spreading misinformation. You've been doing it in every Sony thread. It's cool if Xbox is your favorite system, no need to make unsubstantiated claims about shit. Both you and Yearsoflurking been shitting up every thread and its pathetic.
this is what Jason himself said in reply to my post full of misinformation.
I will begrudgingly admit that you are correct and that this is indeed part of it.
so much misinformation. wow.

also i find it hilarious if you think xbox is my favorite system lmao.


Oct 30, 2017
I think mostly fanboys who are aligned a particular way would think it's not a good look for him. Most people likely appreciate the inside investigative journalism and details he's offered. I mean, he's literally giving us an insight into what developers he's spoken to are saying, which as gaming enthusiasts we should be interested in hearing or learning.

Hell, I wish we could learn way more, because hearing information from developers certainly beats armchair analysts and random forum users.

Absolutely. I would love to hear from identified devs to show us the potential that the new generation will bring.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
While I'm not an active game developer, I am an extremely senior technologist with a ton of programming experience at a low level and more than a passing familiarity with the practices relevant to the subject. So I'll give it a shot, but keep in mind that I haven't gone through the production grind on a game so others may have a more nuanced view. That said, this is a pretty general question.

Cerny's talk regarding the SSD the other day actually addressed most of this pretty directly. Developers wanted an SSD worse than just about anything else because they've been working around both limited bandwidth and seek times for multiple generations, and both have had a huge impact on the design of games. Seek times and fragmentation are inter-related because without seek times fragmentation becomes effectively a non-issue. (1) That's why Cerny was able to promise that game patching wouldn't involve the copying step we see today, and suggested that asset duplication wouldn't be as necessary.

Just because SSDs are fast, though, doesn't mean their access time is negligible. You really can't treat it like RAM and just load what you need when you need it, or you will still wind up spending an unacceptable amount of time waiting. What you can do, though, is start streaming a particular piece of content much closer to the time you need it (even just a couple of frames ahead of time), and discard from memory anything you won't need for the next few frames. Practical implications include:
  • Less speculation about what assets you'll need. The chances of guessing right when you have to start loading a second or two ahead of time aren't great, so you can wind up loading things you never use. That means that in practice the 100x increase in bandwidth gets further boosted by being right more often about what you need and wasting less bandwidth.
  • Less memory wasted on speculative assets. Another side effect of increasing the certainty that you've loaded just what you need is that it occupies less memory than if you loaded a ton of assets just in case but never wound up using them at all.
  • Loading assets on demand. If some rare event occurs you can probably get away with loading audio or visual assets in response to the event, which would be impractical if you have to start loading them much earlier. This could lead to more situation specific commentary lines in sports titles, death animations in a wide range of titles, or far more variations on a musical theme that kick in just when they're appropriate.
Does that help clarify things?

(1) Not strictly true as flash memory is still accessed in blocks and sequential access remains faster than random access. Writes of a partial block are especially slow because they involve reading what's there currently, and then writing the whole block back. Random access reading of sub-block granularity isn't nearly as fast as reading entire blocks, and flash memory controllers can generally still provide better throughput for reading sequential blocks rather than pure random access. The overhead is orders of magnitude lower than physical seek times, however, so it's still a huge win no matter how you look at it.

Firstly, thank you kindly for taking the time to make the response both cogent and as layperson friendly as possible. Ergo, bookmarked.

Secondly, yes, I had forgotten all about 4K Random read and write bandwidth metric as opposed to sequential ones and thus I appreciate to be corrected and reminded of it.

Thirdly, in relation to your first bullet point:

The chances of guessing right when you have to start loading a second or two ahead of time aren't great, so you can wind up loading things you never use.
I assume here you mean the current gen's way of asset management in anticipation of player movement.

That means that in practice the 100x increase in bandwidth gets further boosted by being right more often about what you need and wasting less bandwidth.
And here I take it you're talking about saving processing cycles because the inherent increase in bandwidth for next gen storage means more data can be simultaneously transferred. The knock on effect of this would be, as Cerny mentioned, streaming what would be required (speculative) a few seconds into the immediate future as opposed to half a minute's worth of assets. Thus, each asset LoD states can attain that much higher quality.

It'll be curious to see how and how far asset streaming and data management change from something like this in CoD MW Warzone (courtesy of Digital Foundry):

Fourthly, pertaining to your last paragraph, I feel my knowledge on how data is written into NAND flash (like SLC, MLC and TLC variants) is inadequate to aptly comprehend it. So, I am now off to watch YT vids explaining how SSDs work in detail (a shame because I don't have a background in computer engineering).

Overall, my query pertained whether the increased speed of access to data, not the bandwidth itself, by around 3 orders of magnitude, opens up avenues for game design previously unseen. To that end, I think you've satiated my curiosity. Thank you.

Posts like yours is what makes coming to this forum worth it amidst all the typical BS. I hope I can ask you further questions.


Oct 25, 2017
Only fanboys dont want to see reason with this. With any of this. And I blame that "Github" leak for it all. Besides the fact that Gitub did not factor many many aspects of PS5. It was propagated as Final SoC! Without all those processes and proprietary chips that Sony is putting in PS5, without the Tempest Audio Engine, Geometry Engine, etc etc , my goodness,Sony worked crazy hard on creating a machine, which will continue to be explored graphically in the years to come. Chances are the actual PS5 chip will be bigger than the Xbox Series X chip in the end.
I say... let kids argue argue over "Teraflops" argument, but Jason is right.. we will let the games do the talking.
The PS5 chip will be bigger than XSX chip in the end? What?

PS5 will be more powerful? Is that what youre saying


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
At this stage in gaming who even cares which console is the most powerful? PS2 wasn't. PS3 arguably wasn't. It's always been library and developer relations. Emphasis on the latter.

Let's name some more. Wii. Switch. Xbox One. All turned out to be phenomenally successful consoles for their own reasons and circumstances, in the XBO's case in spite of it.


Oct 29, 2017

Thanks so much for putting all this in the thread. It's really interesting to hear what developers are saying vs how Sony has marketed the system.

To me the biggest marketing blunder seems to be about Backwards Compatibility. Even today people are debating what Sony meant. I think it's quite obvious that PS4 BC is baked into the PS5 hardware and almost all PS4 games will run on PS5 if not all, but many think only 100 game are going to be working.

Is this something you could look into?

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
At this stage in gaming who even cares which console is the most powerful? PS2 wasn't. PS3 arguably wasn't. It's always been library and developer relations. Emphasis on the latter.
It comes down to emotional attachment. People become attached to devices and brands. When they feel that their brand or device is being slighted in anyway, they attack and/or justify why those slighting their brand or device are wrong. Insecurity plays a role as well.

I mean, neither company has gone bankrupt through all these consoles and all have succeeded in different ways.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll never understand tech spec wars.

Outside of something super, super straightforward, like storage capacity, nothing matters at all until we see games.


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
Of course they matter. Specs are why people buy more Xbox One X than PS4 and it's why Nintendo is still hoping to sell their first Switch.


Oct 27, 2017
No. Im saying
The PS5 chip will be bigger than XSX chip in the end? What?

PS5 will be more powerful? Is that what youre saying
there is a possibility with all the auxiliary chips/processors Sony spoke about, the chip may be bigger. We dont know how it is integrated on the PS5. It wont be more powerful than the Series X by the TERAFLOP metric. But.. we will see if Sony's gamble on having the SSD (et al) fided so deeply into every system pays of in the end. My bet... it will. GDDR5 payed off.
My bet... Series X will be better out the door... but as the tech matures and devs require more bandwidth, more speed, in future, like Star Citizen requiring an SSD, it's going to show what Sony is investing in today...


Oct 25, 2017
Jason Schrodinger - His opinions may matter or not, depending if it suits your narrative
Can we stop with this toxic ass shit? We get it. You've said it multiple times.

Its okay if people think its a weird thread, its also okay if people appreciate what he does/is doing. They're not mutually exclusive and its okay to have either opinion.

Shitting up the thread with this nonsense is annoying.


Oct 25, 2017
The least they could have shown was that Spider-Man demo they did behind closed doors, comparing HDD vs 2.4GB/s SSD vs 5.5GB/s SSD.

Lady Gaia

Oct 27, 2017
I assume here you mean the current gen's way of asset management in anticipation of player movement.

Yes. In current generation titles the code is forced to anticipate much further in advance what will need to be loaded. Guessing right several seconds in advance lets you load several hundred megabytes of important assets for an area the player is approaching, or a scene that's about to take place. Guessing wrong leads to filling a comparable amount of memory with assets that never get used. If you're loading gigabytes of data you need to know much further in advance (since you can only get 50-100MB/s of data from the disk.)

It'll be curious to see how and how far asset streaming and data management change from something like this in CoD MW Warzone (courtesy of Digital Foundry)

The basic idea for something like this shouldn't change dramatically. Access times and bandwidth are still not sufficient to load everything you need for a frame without some foreknowledge, it's only the period of time you're forecasting that changes. In their shoes I might be tempted to more aggressively discard high quality geometry and textures for terrain that isn't visible from any camera angle that could possibly occur over the next couple of frames.

... but this isn't one of the more extreme examples, either. Aerial views don't leave a lot of room for something to be hidden from view, except by being behind the camera, and may not require as dramatic a range of texture detail levels compared to a game where you can walk right up to a surface and stare at it from less than a meter away. These kinds of titles are where we're seen careful level layout to make sure you can't see too many highly detailed areas at once, by putting walls, twisty corridors, doors that take time to open, or elevator rides between them.

Posts like yours is what makes coming to this forum worth it amidst all the typical BS. I hope I can ask you further questions.

I'm glad to hear the posts have been of interest. To the extent that I know enough to provide insight and have time, I don't mind answering the occasional query.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Yes. In current generation titles the code is forced to anticipate much further in advance what will need to be loaded. Guessing right several seconds in advance lets you load several hundred megabytes of important assets for an area the player is approaching, or a scene that's about to take place. Guessing wrong leads to filling a comparable amount of memory with assets that never get used. If you're loading gigabytes of data you need to know much further in advance (since you can only get 50-100MB/s of data from the disk.)

The basic idea for something like this shouldn't change dramatically. Access times and bandwidth are still not sufficient to load everything you need for a frame without some foreknowledge, it's only the period of time you're forecasting that changes. In their shoes I might be tempted to more aggressively discard high quality geometry and textures for terrain that isn't visible from any camera angle that could possibly occur over the next couple of frames.

... but this isn't one of the more extreme examples, either. Aerial views don't leave a lot of room for something to be hidden from view, except by being behind the camera, and may not require as dramatic a range of texture detail levels compared to a game where you can walk right up to a surface and stare at it from less than a meter away. These kinds of titles are where we're seen careful level layout to make sure you can't see too many highly detailed areas at once, by putting walls, twisty corridors, doors that take time to open, or elevator rides between them.

I'm glad to hear the posts have been of interest. To the extent that I know enough to provide insight and have time, I don't mind answering the occasional query.


Thank you, stay safe and cheers.


Jan 28, 2020
He's not a Sony fan, he's reporting on what he's hearing, you all need to stop throwing accusations for the dumbest stuff.
On the other hand, it is also fairly easy to see how the difference in TF won't necessarily amount to much...I mean what is it effectively? The difference between 1800p and 2160p? Add in reconstruction...I think there is a good argument to made that real world differences to these will be less than pretty much any comparables of systems for the past two generations. In contrast to that, the SSD on PS5 could give it some gains in exclusive software. Not that the SSD in the XSX won't be able to replicate, just not as fast.

Well, it makes a difference, nobody would seriously say it won't, but you are right it's not the only difference. The same with the SSD stuff that people are trying to spin.

Deleted member 45460

User requested account closure
Jun 27, 2018
Only fanboys dont want to see reason with this. With any of this. And I blame that "Github" leak for it all. Besides the fact that Gitub did not factor many many aspects of PS5. It was propagated as Final SoC! Without all those processes and proprietary chips that Sony is putting in PS5, without the Tempest Audio Engine, Geometry Engine, etc etc , my goodness,Sony worked crazy hard on creating a machine, which will continue to be explored graphically in the years to come. Chances are the actual PS5 chip will be bigger than the Xbox Series X chip in the end.
I say... let kids argue argue over "Teraflops" argument, but Jason is right.. we will let the games do the talking.
The geometry engine is a part of rdna 2. It has been in AMD chips since GCN. Both machines will have a dedicated 3d audio chip as well. Nothing you said here is in any way accurate as far as chip size goes. a 36 CU SoC being bigger than a 54 CU SoC will never happen. The CU's are the same size, the other parts of the SoC are all there for both. It makes no sense by the laws of physics for what you are implying to be true.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
this whole tflops thing is absolute dogshit, regardless of whether the Xbox is more powerful or not (in terms of raw graphics power output it absolutely it)

Lady Gaia

Oct 27, 2017
On the other hand, it is also fairly easy to see how the difference in TF won't necessarily amount to much...I mean what is it effectively? The difference between 1800p and 2160p?

Nowhere near that much. The difference between those two resolutions is basically (2160/1800)^2 = 1.44 = a 44% increase, which is more like an PS4 > Xbox One or One X > PS4 Pro situation than what we'll likely see this generation. Here we'll see something substantially less dramatic and there are plenty of viable options for dealing with the difference gracefully, as advancing reconstruction techniques adequately demonstrate.


Jan 28, 2020
This is a totally immature response, then going on to say he sounds like a cool sony fanboy smfh. Try this, listen to the podcast, and if you cannot do that, read the transcript. If you cannot do that, don't talk about what he is saying if you dont know what he is saying?

Also, I wasn't going by the podcast, I was going by what he posted, which is more important.
Dec 4, 2017
Can we stop with this toxic ass shit?

Seriously, You, of all people, talking about toxicity while spreading FUD about jason's work and behavior ?
Its okay if people think its a weird thread
Is it? Based in what exactly?
--Reads post history--
You are definitely on a mission
Keep the good fight, i guess.
Shitting up the thread with this nonsense is annoying.

comparing HDD vs 2.4GB/s SSD vs 5.5GB/s SSD.
that would be considered a direct attack to MS and would not end well


Oct 25, 2017
Seriously, You, of all people, talking about toxicity while spreading FUD about jason's work and behavior ?

Is it? Based in what exactly?
--Reads post history--
You are definitely on a mission
Keep the good fight, i guess.


that would be considered a direct attack to MS and would not end well
Checks post history? Did you skim past my numerous hype posts in the PS5 reveal thread? Or how about my excitement for TLOU show? Keep skimming back. I like both systems/companies but have no qualms with criticizing either.

But bringing someones post history and "gifs" really show theres no reasoning or constructive discussion to be had. Enjoy my ignore list.


Nov 25, 2017
Its wild to see people accusing Jadon of basically being on Sonys payroll after he put out extremely damaging information on Sony and Naught Dog, and put them on blast for their poor handling of PS5 reveal.

Yep. Baffling. Jason has only ever been honest to a fault, he's a classical style reporter who focuses on the truth, no matter how unpleasant, even if it is not helpful to his career or industry relations with the suits.

In a sea of sycophants and surface level banality, his depth of analysis and brute truth drilling is like a diamond in a chest of glass shards. Many of these things may be shiny and glittery, but most are jagged and worthless by comparison.


Dec 3, 2019
You're streaming assets. You can stream lower quality versions of assets first to make up for less raw data being able to be streamed at a time. This is just an example. I encourage you to just do more reading up about this topic though. We're just going in circles at this point. Other people here could explain it better than I could but you shouldn't just buy into the Cerny secret sauce as making ports impossible. You're only going to see huge difference in exclusive games. Most multiplats will have solutions in place to deal with this. And most Japanese games (specifically JRPGs) wont have the technical aspects to make this a huge issue a porting studio wouldn't be able to solve.
I see. Thank you for your patinece. I will take your suggestion to heart and do some reading.


Oct 27, 2017
The geometry engine is a part of rdna 2. It has been in AMD chips since GCN. Both machines will have a dedicated 3d audio chip as well. Nothing you said here is in any way accurate as far as chip size goes. a 36 CU SoC being bigger than a 54 CU SoC will never happen. The CU's are the same size, the other parts of the SoC are all there for both. It makes no sense by the laws of physics for what you are implying to be true.
I hardly think the audio chip in the PS5 is some generic AMD solution, they are afterall trying to emulate the thinking adopted from the way CELL handled audio. Tempest Audio Chip =/= AMD True Audio..


Oct 27, 2017
How is TF a misunderstood bullet point on a spec sheet though? Even Cerny brought up flops in his presentation saying GCN flops != RDNA2 flops. Why mention it if it's meaningless? Why upclock the GPU to get closer to XSX if it's meaningless and unnecessarily puts strain on thermals?

It's not meaningless, but there is more than one performance metric to a GPU that contribute to actual game performance. Sony and Microsoft made different trade-offs and that means the XSX is not always faster. That's before even considering the SSD differential and the API advantage Jason has been hearing about. I know it breaks some people's brains, but it's how this shit actually works.


Oct 28, 2017
The geometry engine is a part of rdna 2. It has been in AMD chips since GCN. Both machines will have a dedicated 3d audio chip as well. Nothing you said here is in any way accurate as far as chip size goes. a 36 CU SoC being bigger than a 54 CU SoC will never happen. The CU's are the same size, the other parts of the SoC are all there for both. It makes no sense by the laws of physics for what you are implying to be true.
This part isn't correct, the PS5 appears to have more custom I/O hardware that takes up space in the APU.
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