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Oct 25, 2017

tl;dr Prey 2 was announced, looked amazing. Bethesda wanted to buy the studio but the studio wasn't interested, so Bethesda intentionally fucked with milestones, deadlines, and budgets to force them to sell. Prey 2 was scrapped and Bethesda handed it off to Arkane, where it became a generic sci-fi shooter.

The title really says it all. The original Prey 2 sounded (and still sounds) amazing and how Bethesda treated Human Head was bullshit. I have no idea what kind of studio would work with Bethesda after an incident like this one, and I'm glad Obsidian walked away from New Vegas unscathed.


Oct 25, 2017
While I agree that hostile behavior is bad, I wouldn't call what we got a generic sci-fi shooter by any means. I have trouble calling it a shooter at all.

It is a truly unique game from the crew at Arkane.


Oct 31, 2017
What Arcane did with Prey was create a masterpiece and Bethesda should be proud.


Oct 27, 2017
It may have been a shitty situation... but Arkane's Prey is anything but a "generic sci-fi shooter" lol. It was a damn fantastic game.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I will never not miss Prey 2... The new Prey game doesn't interest me in the least, so I'll always be sad at what could've been.


Oct 28, 2017
I feel like in a way what they did with the Prey name ended up hurting two games/studios. Because Arkane's game had a constant comment/joke from the media about how unrelated it was to the original Prey. I really loved the first Prey and just had no interest with the new one. Not because it was "a generic sci-fi shooter." It just wasn't for me but I know it was a well made game.


Oct 28, 2017
User Warned: Hostility towards other members

tl;dr Prey 2 was announced, looked amazing. Bethesda wanted to buy the studio but the studio wasn't interested, so Bethesda intentionally fucked with milestones, deadlines, and budgets to force them to sell. Prey 2 was scrapped and Bethesda handed it off to Arkane, where it became a generic sci-fi shooter.

The title really says it all. The original Prey 2 sounded (and still sounds) amazing and how Bethesda treated Human Head was bullshit. I have no idea what kind of studio would work with Bethesda after an incident like this one, and I'm glad Obsidian walked away from New Vegas unscathed.

Fuck you and your shitty thread. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Doomguy Fieri

Nov 3, 2017

tl;dr Prey 2 was announced, looked amazing. Bethesda wanted to buy the studio but the studio wasn't interested, so Bethesda intentionally fucked with milestones, deadlines, and budgets to force them to sell. Prey 2 was scrapped and Bethesda handed it off to Arkane, where it became a generic sci-fi shooter.

The title really says it all. The original Prey 2 sounded (and still sounds) amazing and how Bethesda treated Human Head was bullshit. I have no idea what kind of studio would work with Bethesda after an incident like this one, and I'm glad Obsidian walked away from New Vegas unscathed.

Prey was actually the game of the year, so....


Self-requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Prey 2 was scrapped and Bethesda handed it off to Arkane, where it became a generic sci-fi shooter

Your thread should be locked for this statement alone.

You're in love with the idea that a CONCEPT trailer presented to you and are displaying your argument with utmost ignorance.


Alt account
Feb 5, 2019
Yeah Prey 2017 is fantastic and that comment makes me want to straight up ignore this thread.
Agree Prey was good although i thought combat was terrible, the rest of the game though was ace. Definitely do not agree with OP at all.

I wish they called it something else then Prey though.
Oct 27, 2017
Prey 2017 was good but it should have been called something else. Prey 2 should have come out and fuck Bethesda for what happened to it and Human Head.

It gets worse when they claimed it wasn't a good quality game only to release Fallout 76 years later. All they did was screw over Arkane and HH.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
There was no need to name the 2017 game Prey but it is one of the best games of recent years so yeah OP is wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
Prey 2017 was an immersive sim masterpiece and I'm happy we got it instead of a generic sci-fi shooter like Prey 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Human Head, the developers of The Quiet Man.

and let's not pretend first Prey wasn't a bad game that was in development hell for a million years. Maybe the studio is the problem and whatever overly ambtious footage they show wasn't actually real. It was a last gen game ffs, of course it was fake AF.
Oct 27, 2017
I know this is already what the thread is now about, but don't blame Arkane and it's great game for Bethesda's shithousery. Arkane gave us a great game that is called Prey, and while we might be better off with it having another name and Prey 2 coming out from Human Head, that's not what we got. What we got is a solid immersive sim with good storytelling, environments, characters, and abilities. And Mooncrash.

Bethesda is bullshit, but Arkane is good.


Oct 25, 2017
I dotn know why a independent studio would ever work with Bethesda considering their track record.

I'm just waiting for the shoe to drop with rage 2 and avalanche where Bethesda pulls some shady shit on them

Baji Boxer

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Arkane's Prey was the opposite of a generic sci-fi shooter. Still, I was pretty excited about Prey 2 before Bethesda's fuckery.

Shake Appeal

Oct 27, 2017
Prey 2017 was the closest thing we've ever gotten to System Shock 3.

It's not too late to pull the ripcord here.
Oct 25, 2017
"A generic sci-fi shooter."

Arkane's Prey is not a shooter but a superb immersive sim with tons of player options and fantastic level design.

It's one of the best games of this generation.
Oct 27, 2017
You just kneecapped your own arguments by completely misrepresenting Arkane's version of Prey. There was nothing fucking generic about it, everything presentation wise and design-wise was both an advancement and a throwback to more simulation focused type shooters.

There's this extremely weird revisionist history type thing with Prey 2. We don't even know if Prey 2 would have been good beyond high ambition and concepts, with some examples, but there's no telling what the final product would have been like. Personally, it seems like a game who's reach exceeded its grasp at the time, something like that now would probably be a lot more feasible technically. I could be completely talking out of my ass and it would have been a flawless technical and gameplay masterpiece, but I really don't think so. Not to be completely rude and dismissive to a studio of I'm sure talented people, but I'm not sure I would point out Human Head's track record as being able to flawlessly accomplish something that Prey 2 seemed to be aiming for in scope.

If I can move past being extremely pissy though, I'll say that yes, any kind of manipulation tactics that screws a studio extremoh deplorable by a publisher. The sad part is that this is not an uncommon practice, this just happened to be a more public example of it getting out.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to ignore the thread backfire and say that I'd like to see MS pick them up.


Oct 25, 2017
Prey 2 was scrapped and Bethesda handed it off to Arkane, where it became a generic sci-fi shooter.

Prey 2017 was insanely good, and if you want to play it like a shooter, well good fucking luck. If they scrapped Human Head's Prey 2, maybe it was for a good reason. Friendly reminder that Human Head made The Quiet Man.


Oct 25, 2017
Prey 2 was scrapped and Bethesda handed it off to Arkane, where it became a generic sci-fi shooter.
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