Feb 5, 2018
Skyward Sword drags towards the end.
Yakuza 0 could stand to be chopped down a little bit.
The Last of Us Part II is the shortest of these games but feels like it goes on for the longest.
Funny enough, that's how I felt about twilight princess. You have like the 3 main dungeons at first, then it gives you 4 more. Then you deal with the main antagonist. Then you deal with the TRUE antagonist. That true antagonist has like 4 different bossfights. Great game, but I feel it's super long for Zelda outside of BoTW which is mostly optional content.


Oct 25, 2017

Could be at least 7h shorter

I never felt sure if I should blame the game itself for the length of the way I played the whole thing crawling super-slowly from one table underside to the next lol


Oct 27, 2017
Last of Us 2, as good as it is, is too long. Days Gone is so long that I didn't even want to start the game.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
Persona 5 length is absurd (especially once you tack on the Royal arc) but I kinda like that about it

Just gives me more game to enjoy


Oct 25, 2017
I love Persona 5/royal, but it's definitely too long by a good portion - but the 'padding' is the day-to-day stuff, which is important....at first, because the game builds in some time for you to fuck around if you're not playing optimally.

AC Origins/Odyssey/Valhalla all have this problem to an extent, but I found that Valhalla, with the weakest protagonist in Eivor, had me feeling like the game could have 2-3 fewer 'arcs' on the map.
Oct 27, 2017
I wish reviewers would score down games that are clearly padded.

Also unless people speak up about it and, more so, chose not to buy these games, not much will change.

I agree, but I think a lot of reviewers are hesitant to make that a negative, given that so many commenters will argue that the reviewer rushed through the game or that they want a title that justifies their purchase. Dollar per hour, or something like that. Feels like an issue of review a game as a product, versus as an artistic experience.


May 24, 2019
Full disclosure. I do love this game. That being said... The Last Of Us Part II... my. fucking. God. This game overstays its welcome and then some. I must of thought it was over like 3 different times in my 1st playthrough, and it just kept right on going


Nov 11, 2017
Fortunately for you, Alien Isolation got both marked down for its length, AND no-one bought it!

I loved that game. But it was four chapters too long.
I haven't played it but was length the main problem reviewers had with it?

I also wonder if people would really prefer say a 100 hour game or a much more focused, better paced 50 hour version of the same game. (Just talking generally here and not with regards to Alien Isolation)


Oct 25, 2017
Playing 50 hours of MGSV, only getting to the end of Chapter 1, and feeling like the game had barely started has been an impossibility to reconcile. No way was I ever going to actually finish that.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm playing Valhalla, mainlining the story. I'm at 40 hours and I have no idea how much I have left. It's too much for this game.


Oct 20, 2019
Another one: Dark Souls. Everything after Anor Londo seemed pointless and none of the areas were even that good (maybe except for New Londo Ruins)

Dark Souls II had a similar problem, way too many areas
Mar 11, 2020
Are we talking Persona 5 Royal or regular? Cause regular i would say is perfect imo in regards to the story. Royal i honestly felt like the extra term just didnt integrate and brought down the game. And taking place after the original epic final boss, the "new" final boss just wasnt epic cause it wasnt built up enough.

Honestly any replays i do from here will prob play royal but not answer to have that extra term
May 19, 2020
Another one: Dark Souls. Everything after Anor Londo seemed pointless and none of the areas were even that good (maybe except for New Londo Ruins)

Dark Souls II had a similar problem, way too many areas
dark souls 1's post anor londo areas is where the game takes a nosedive for sure, which makes it hard to call it a classic or GOAT.


Feb 25, 2020
Red Dead Redemption 2. It has so many side content that I have no idea if will be available later in the game, the FOMO makes me play so slowly. The game is also quite big.


Oct 25, 2017
Every Yakuza entry

I'm 30 hours into Yakuza 7, and as much as I enjoy the characters and core gameplay, I have completely lost track of the narrative.

Just like in Y0, there are ten different factions to keep track of, all of which are constantly double and triple crossing each other over the course of a hundred hour tale. How about RGG cuts that in half please.

The recent Assassin's Creeds also suffer from this issue.


May 3, 2021
Funny enough, I think Persona 5 Royal has pretty good pacing despite being really long game.
I'm in agreeance with this. Only part that drags to me is the spat between Ryuji and Morgana.

My answer would be Dragon Age Inquisition. There's way too much generic side content to pad out the game and it's a shame because I really enjoy the game otherwise. BioWare do their best making games with focused stories that have a few side quests here and there, and I hope the next Mass Effect is a return to form in that aspect.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
The Last of Us Part 2 was way too long.
The House in Fata Morgana felt like it went on for thousands of years.


Oct 27, 2017
Persona 5 was too padded for me ( and I've played through pretty much all SMT games since the PS2 era). I feel like the jump to HD really hamper the depth of the game. Additions feel like fluff without much substance, too much repeating dialogue, a lot of the dialogues are really shallow. I gave up after 80hrs and haven't return

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
Recently DQX1 for me. I really liked the game but there was a point where I was just done. So after completing the main story I just didn't feel like doing the extra stuff.

Persona 5 dragged as well. I was skipping through a lot of of dialogue near the end of the game.


Oct 26, 2017
Persona 5 is the only game in recent memory that really gave me that "oh my god is this game over yet" feeling

I probably spent even more time playing through Dragon Quest XI, but it didn't feel as long

I had the opposite feeling heh. I wanted DQXI S to end really bad after 40 hours. Dropped it fairly soon after.
Oct 25, 2017
I was having a fun enough time with DQ Builders 2 for about an island and a half, but it really started to drag. When I looked up how much was left of the story, I just put it down and never came back. Shit is basically a sixty plus hour tutorial that repeats the same lessons five times. I just wanted to build stuff.

Also, fuck the unskippable 'voice in Malroth's head' that makes you stare at a single line of text for forty-five seconds.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Castlevania Lords of Shadow was pretty long. I remember the preamble to the castle being a 5 hour ordeal. I still enjoyed it all though.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played it but was length the main problem reviewers had with it?

I also wonder if people would really prefer say a 100 hour game or a much more focused, better paced 50 hour version of the same game. (Just talking generally here and not with regards to Alien Isolation)
I'd prefer the shorter and better paced game. I don't care if the enjoyment is shorter as long as I'm enjoying myself more consistently. Long games tend to flip back and forth between parts that are fun and parts that you just suffer through, hoping that there's more fun afterwards.


Oct 25, 2017
Pathfinder: Kingmaker is like 120 hours for a normal, first-time playthrough. The devs even admit they were aiming for 100 and screwed up. By the time I was reaching the end, the game had so exhausted me that I didn't bother to seek fixes for a major story glitch. I just wanted the game (which I had liked very much) to be over.


Aug 30, 2020
Not to beat a dead horse, but Days Gone is a perfect example of this. That game should have been a tight 15-25 hour experience, but for whatever reason they decided to make it a 40-50 hour epic. Combine that with some of the worst open world pacing in recent memory and it's no wonder the reception was so meh.

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
I don't know.

Honestly if I'm really loving the game I generally don't want them to end and I grow more anxious as it goes on because I'm enjoying it and don't want it to end.

Where as if it's a game I'm not loving then I just want them over, but honestly again it's because I'm not enjoying them and less they are to long.

Never really considered this before.


Apr 7, 2021
Persona 5 Royal took me 137 hours to complete. Got it during black friday sale, finished it early March. A lot of cutscenes definitely coulda been trimmed. I loved it but damn man. Im glad i played it in short bursts,

The two xenoblades also took over 70 hours as well. Xb2 more like 80 but that's okay
Thinking Octopath Traveler is gonna hit the 60 hour mark. That's all i got for recent games


Oct 25, 2017
The recent AC games are way too long and do absolutely nothing to justify their lengths. They just keep going while the game design, level design, and mission design never once deviates from the first 20 hours. You've experienced everything the game will ever introduce to the player by hour 20 and they never even try to break up the formula even a little bit, something the previous games did (though not always successfully) even though they were half the length. I pushed through Origins because I really liked Bayek and Aya's story and wanted to see the birth of the Assasins. I gave up around 35 hours through Odyssey and Valhalla because I was incredibly bored with the gameplay loop and couldn't bear another 30-40 hours more of either.

The last game I forced myself to finish even though I wished it was over was Death Stranding. It's another game where the ending is just a damn slog and the game forces its worst aspect onto the player, its combat. Everything that made the previous 40 hours so damn fun is tossed aside to interrupt the player with terrible boss fights and constant exposition dumps because it either has no faith whatsoever in the ability to tell its story or thinks its audience is dumb as rocks that need everything to be explained. Up until the end, I would have given Death Stranding a 9 and it probably would have been my GOTY but the ending really soured me on the game and lowered the game to a 7 for me.


Mar 30, 2019
Echoing Last of Us 2.

Just finished Jedi Fallen Order and that felt like it nearly overstayed its welcome


Oct 27, 2017
Those Persona 5 times are short compared to what it took me to finish them. 145 hours for vanilla and 160 for Royal.

I absolutely love both games, but I was also incredibly relieved when I finished them. It was like a huge weight off my shoulders, though admittedly that's partly because I loved playing them so much most of my free time went to them until the end credits rolled.