What game will recover?

  • Anthem

    Votes: 105 16.6%
  • Avengers

    Votes: 222 35.1%
  • Both

    Votes: 9 1.4%
  • Neither

    Votes: 297 46.9%

  • Total voters


Jul 13, 2019
Anthem. The game launched in a beta state but the updates managed to improve it dramatically. It also has one of the most fun gameplay loops of the last generation, and every class has a wide diversity of builds. and now it has been handed over the bioware austin, who are the guys that have been living and breathing online rpgs for 15 years. Anthem's issue were due to it being inexplicably handled by the part of bioware with zero online experience. The mobility and combat were always top notch.
Jun 23, 2019
Honestly Avengers. It's not like the core gameplay loop was bad. The game was just buggy and extremely boring. You can fix boring.


terminus est
Aug 12, 2018
I can't imagine either game making a comeback. People have already moved on from both.


Oct 27, 2017
Dude make your poll questions the same as your thread title questions. Neither willr recover and avengers has a better chance.


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
Avengers at least has a brand behind it. There's no one with any sort of pre-existing love for Anthem to root for it or to evangelize for its positive changes once they've been made. They could turn Anthem into something amazing and I think there are significant odds no one would ever notice. Avengers will have new character releases to at least get some portion of the fan base to come back to check out whatever changes they've made and spread the word.
Oct 25, 2017
Gamepass might help Anthem, but I still think Avengers will have the higher chance, due to IP (yes I know mvc infinite was trash) and I think SE will do what they can to make it work.
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL
I think Avengers has the better chance, largely due to the IP.

Anthem has been in its state for too long, and it isn't exactly a big established IP that masses are chomping at the bit to see get better. I think Biowares best hope is an Anthem 2 with a big marketing train.

But I don't see either really recovering.


Oct 27, 2017
avengers actually have redeeming qualities.

flying around in anthem is fun for 15 mins, then it gets old and the rest is agony. also, theres ea..


May 19, 2020
I would say Anthem. Just by what they have been showing in their small updates. It seems they are really rehauling everything. The new update post with the skill tree and stuff looked very, very promising. I just hope they add more stuff to do.


Anthem Update – Javelin Gameplay & Builds

Hello Friends! Here we are again with the NEXT Anthem blog. Better late than never…really excited to share a glimpse into the thoughts and ideas behind the great work the team has been exploring. I…


Dec 19, 2019
Avengers has such an artificial cap on its ability to thrive in the space due to how it handles customization. I think Anthem still has a slim chance is pulling through, but I wouldn't bet on either of them.
Oct 26, 2017

Avenger's problem isn't just trying to fix gameplay loop problems but also customization. I am 100% sure Marvel is in control of that and in a GaaS title customization is key. Crystal Dynamics likely has to figure out how to get this game back on track all while under the watchful eyes of Squeenix and Marvel's giant nitpick nerd department.

This is why I despise licensed property video games lol

Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017
Probably Avengers, just based on IP strength alone. Funny, because I think a "good" Anthem would be an infinitely more interesting game but I think too many people will have written it off completely, whereas with Avengers people will maybe at least be tempted when a new character or something drops.

Deleted member 11976

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think Anthem only because, in my armchair position, I think EA has a better handle on service backend stuff. Anthem suffered from lack of content and some confusing systems. Both seem fixable. I think Bioware ATX is up to that task. It's way easier for them to selectively graft what works from games like Destiny 2 into Anthem and they've already been doing it, like their version of Destiny 2's Exotic weapons.

Avengers has the strength of the IP but I think (?) this is SE/Eidos's first foray into a service-based game of this scope, which makes it more risky in my eyes. If they've not managed to make it a success yet, with the IP they have, what chance to they have of recovering? I don't see it happening.

I'll qualify my biases here and say I'm not a diehard cape comic person (haven't even seen a single Avengers movie!) and I've only played Anthem out of the two. From the sounds of it, Avengers did deliver some really satisfying combat (across so many characters that are so unique when compared to any other in the same game) but it looks as if the level design, technical issues, and lack of content is holding it back at the moment. Anthem had similar problems though; flying felt absolutely fantastic but that was about it.

I see some posters positing Avengers' failings leading to the end of Eidos MTL and I really hope that doesn't happen. How else will we get DX3? Don't say it, I already know what you're going to tell me.
Oct 29, 2017
Avengers is still new. Check back in 1.5 years and if the team still hasn't produced anything other than blog posts and screenshot mockups, you'll have a closer comparison.

Prove me wrong BioWare.


Oct 30, 2017
Alabama, USA

Yes, the game is a well documented mess but the gameplay loop is something special/interesting with pretty ok level design and great art. Avengers has none of this.


Oct 25, 2017
Anthem just needs to be scrapped.

Avengers has a lot of potential still though. They tweak the camera, combat and the annoying grinding and include some actual FUN variety, we could really have something great.
Which is funny because Anthem doesn't need any fixes to make it fun.
Both games need to figure out how to get people to keep coming back to them and the main difference here is that no part of Avengers is designed to be replayable - that game is nothing without its campaign. Meanwhile, the quickest way to improve Anthem would be to pull a Destiny and just torch its worthless campaign which only gets in the way of the fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Anthem has better gameplay, so if they can improve the gear and content situation probably that.


Mar 18, 2018
Avengers only because its newer. But in response to most posts in this thread "Strength of the IP" gives it an advantage, it will not power a comeback by any means.


Prophet of Regret
Aug 10, 2020
Some people in this thread say that Avengers has better chances because of IP popularity.
And yet, Anthem sales were supposedly good, and Avengers are underperforming. So maybe IP strength isn't as important here, as it seems?

Deleted member 17388

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think Avengers is harder because they would have to renegotiate with the IP holder (Marvel / Disney) for new enemies, new locations, new characters, etc. and get their approval to use... And at that point... Would it be wise to continue investing in that game?

Having said that, as someone mentioned earlier, at least people will have a newfound appreciation for Avengers single-player mode once it hits Game Pass or become F2P. But as a GaaS is dead, the ones who were prospects to become whales most likely already leave for more populated titles.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Avengers is still about the Avengers. All they need to do to save that game, really, is to release Doctor Strange as a playable character the same week his sequel comes out, as an example.

If they tie the game into the MCU that way, capitalise on the movies by releasing related dlc, people would be engaged quite easily. All anyone wants to do is beat up bad guys as their favourite Avenger anyway.
Oct 27, 2017
Anthem probably could be rescued if they put the resources into it, but considering they only have a skeleton crew working on it (and with a new Mass Effect and Dragon Age in the works, you've got to wonder how long it'll be before they're redeployed to help out those games instead), I can't see it happening.

Avengers has some fundamental flaws with the design and how they can apply it to the license (it's a genre where the prospect of new loot and cosmetics is the driving force, yet they're not allowed to offer any visual customisation outside of pre-approved full-body skins), but ultimately I think that license will keep it afloat, and it'll see a minor influx of new players every time a new Marvel movie releases.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Avengers is recent enough to be salvaged. Make some changes, release the next generation version, add the planned characters as dlc and they have a chance.

Anthem is too far gone I think.


Oct 25, 2017
Some people in this thread say that Avengers has better chances because of IP popularity.
And yet, Anthem sales were supposedly good, and Avengers are underperforming. So maybe IP strength isn't as important here, as it seems?
i think it's more like a "we won't see another avengers licensed game for years, might as well check out the one that's already out and see if it got better" sentiment


Oct 27, 2017
I can't bring myself to say "Anthem". It literally just showed up in Game Pass and despite it literally being "free" I was like: "Nope! Hard pass."


Nov 1, 2017
Probably neither, but if I had to pick one it would be Avengers.

Whenever a new Marvel movie comes out they can easily do character/outfit/level tie-ins to go along with it, and get some cross-promotion advertising going that way.
Anthem is just kinda stuck out there on its own. I'm not sure how you divert uninterested eyeballs back onto it.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless it's a big team I don't see Anthem doing squat. Especially working with that engine which they have said is a nightmare. That game needs a massive overhaul ala final fantasy 14. A skeleton crew isn't going to cut it to get that game in shape with the size it is.
Oct 27, 2017
I think maybe Anthem would have had a chance for a reboot if we weren't approaching nearly 2 years since it released. In like the first 12, maybe 18 months it might have been worthwhile, but now I doubt anyone is playing it nor does anyone give a shit about it.

Avengers still has a shot, I guess. They can definitely renew interest by launching popular new heroes (like Black Panther), and it sounds like the story mode is actually quite good while most of the issues lie with the mutiplayer. But they need to have sweeping changes ready before too long otherwise I think too many people will have drifted away and won't come back.
Oct 30, 2017
I am not sure that either will come back. Its sad because I enjoyed Anthem. The shooting and stats and gear were meaningless but I liked the interceptor early game playstyle of flying/landing/melee/maybe shooting once or twice/ flying away. Also Leg Drop. It sucked that later on it was too squishy for a lot of that but luckily everyone stopped playing before I cleared the main missions and I was not playing that thing as a cover shooter. No way.

Avengers looked as if a re-release of the first Ultimate Alliance with online matchmaking would have delivered more on every front. X-men Legends looks more fun than what I have seen of it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Rebrand Anthem to Mass Effect multiplayer as they launch the next main title.
You are welcomed bioware


Oct 25, 2017
Neither. Both games might have a small bump of players after they revamp and then they will slowly dwindle until permanent space death.

Anthem still has the bigger chance because I believe "Destiny, but you're Iron Man" is more appealing to the masses than "Destiny, but more punchy less shootey and you can play as Iron Man but he fly slow and he's ugly".


Mar 14, 2019
Seeing as BioWare handed Anthem off to a team that's been successfully maintaining an MMO for over a decade;

While Crystal Dynamics have been making single-player games for most of their existence;

I'm gonna say that Anthem has a better chance to become an okay game; will this matter in terms of bringing back and retaining a playerbase? Maybe not.


Oct 27, 2017
Anthem is long dead and forgotten by most people. I don't see any way back.

I don't have much hope for Avengers either. The amount of work required to bring it back from the dead doesn't seem feasible. I'll forever be surprised by the praise it's story mode gets. It was incredibly repetitive in terms of mission, environment, and enemy design. I don't have anything good to say about it really. Most disappointing game I played this year.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
I've been hooked on Genshin gameplay for the past month, and I'm glad it showed up as I wait for more stuff in Avengers. The funny thing is that Genshin share combat similarities with Avengers. I put hundreds of hours into both, and the main difference is Genshin has a big open world, and you don't play with the full party visible and active at the same time unless you're in co-op.

Characters may have a ranged attack aiming mode (not all have this in Genshin)
Elemental effect combos (Genshin is deeper in this, it's based all around it while it's not necessary but still a big part of Avengers)
Seamless switching between ranged and melee.
Minor ability/abilities and an ultra ability.
Traversal abilities.

I play on controller on PC with gyro and touch pad (Steam Controller). Genshin require me to emulate mouse look with analog settings, which is horrible, both for gyro and the touch pad. Avengers is a dream compared to Genshin controls and aiming, but Genshin's open world exploration and single character with swapping between them makes it all worth it.

Also Genshin loads super fast on the SSD, while Avengers take a long time. Avengers likely have a lot of load masking for console with it's talking between mission travel sequences, watching animations of the avengers waiting for the Jet to get to the destination, and stuff. I hope they take that out of the PC version if the new gen versions allow you to skip it since they don't have HDDs. I want faster loading, or the ability to disable the transitions!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If they can tie a relaunch on next gen consoles and a big advertising campaign to the black widow movie, whenever that eventually drops, and a big enough content drop, avengers has a chance.

I think both are most likely koed though.