What game will recover?

  • Anthem

    Votes: 105 16.6%
  • Avengers

    Votes: 222 35.1%
  • Both

    Votes: 9 1.4%
  • Neither

    Votes: 297 46.9%

  • Total voters


Jul 5, 2018
Both games reviewed pretty badly and financially both underperformed but it looks like Avengers might have performed worse. We know Bioware is supposedly trying to soft reboot the game with Anthem 2.0 so we'll see how that turns out. With Avengers we're supposed to get new characters but if the play base keeps dropping I don't see that happening. For me personally I enjoy the gameplay & graphics for anthem more. Avengers is fun but it definitely feels like the game needed to be delayed longer. I honestly hope both games do end up making a huge recovery like NMS & BF2 did.


May 16, 2020
Rio de Janeiro
I don't think either will, but as for now Avengers has more chances.

Who knows what will come from Anthem 2.0 tho, it can be amazing and revive the game.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I think Anthem 2.0 may gain some critical acclaim if it's done right, but it's too late for that game to really find an audience. However, if Avengers can tie in an major gameplay update to some big MCU release or something, they could figure out a way to capitalize on that excitement and bring people back in.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, neither is what I believe, but I hope I'm proved wrong.

I think both companies were quick to slap on a GaaS label, but now they'll cut their losses. Possibly try and repair the damage in terms of the single player experience, but they won't invest much more money to overhaul the game.

Not sure how Anthem's "overhaul" will turn out, but I've got a feeling it'll still be lacklustre, as EA will want BW to focus on new games.

Unfortunately, I think that some people may be expecting the same kind of treatment/ turnaround that No Man's Sky, and FF 14 had, but I strongly believe that this won't be the case.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
Definitely Anthem, it has some core gameplay concepts that can be salvaged still, and EA has the financial firepower to salvage it.

Avengers combat and gameplay is way too simplistic and easy, and there are too many beat-em-up style games that do better and cost way less. Outside of FFXI/XIV in Japan, Square Enix has never had a project on this scale before.

The Lord of Cereal

Jan 9, 2020
I say this, which game is now included with Xbox Gamepass?

Which game actually had gameplay seen as a positive?

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Avengers. Based purely on IP alone. Put in big name characters, do a re-launch-- The game seems very easy to save


Oct 29, 2017
I preferred Anthem. I actually had fun with the combat and traversal in that game when I played it. Avengers had a better single player campaign and story but I found the combat too repetitive. Still, I chose Avengers in the poll because it still received a fairly warm reception when it came out whereas Anthem was just hated... And it has the Marvel licence.


May 14, 2020
Anthem Next is being developed by a team who knows how to deal with GAAS while Avengers is still up on the air.

I think depends, anthem has a good combat system and transversal with an exceptional presentation, if they can come up with actual and worthwhile content i think it has higher chances than Marvel's Avengers.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think the longer these games disappoint the harder it is to recover, so I guess Avengers has the better shot just because it's still relatively new. If the game keeps crashing and they keep delaying new characters, however, I'm certainly going to bail. Right now all I do is the mega hives once per week, so ~3 hours per week.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 3, 2017
I don't really know much about Anthem but from Avengers perspective and playing it from Day 1;
- continue fixing bugs and crashes
- create save points during the huge mutli-level missions so if you have to quit or DO get a crash, you can save and come back. Doesn't even have to be on every floor, like every 3-5 floors!
- add new characters (and hopefully Hawkeye/Spidey/Kate aren't just reskins)
- new varied locations
- add new costumes that aren't just flat out reskins of existing skins but in a different color
- allow missions to be played either solo (with AI) or with other players
- Crossplay matchmaking?

I really REALLY hope Avengers turns around because the campaign and early mutliplayer stuff i did with my friend was a blast. But when you see the same hallway every other battle and you're fighting someone like Abomination and all he does is stand in the center of the room, there's a problem there.
I wouldn't really be surprised if Disney/Squeenix drops the game entirely and shutters it though.


Oct 27, 2017
Avengers honestly. But I don't play either so I could very wrong.

but to note. My cousin who's owns both and played both, said Anthem is much more fun to play. And he's a major Marvel fan. So maybe Anthem?


Oct 27, 2017

The core of it is really good, they just need to release some actual new content and structure it better.

Next gen launch might work with a big enough content drop.
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe Avengers, but my gut feeling says neither.

People want a single player RPG from Bioware, and care way more about a new Mass Effect/Dragon Age than them fixing Anthem.

Avengers has post launch content planned, but there are so many issues under the hood and with the loot/GAAS design that they seriously need to do so much reworking before people give the game another chance.

And with how rapidly new releases seem to come in, I don't know if people are willing to give these games a chance again unless we continue down the path of GAAS/loot games seemingly being developed in a vacuum.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
People talk about how hardly anyone is still playing on PC, I'm just waiting for new characters and stuff to do. I'm so glad the battle pass wasn't something I had to log in everyday for and that it's not something that goes away. Sure it's a GAAS, but it doesn't demand me to play it everyday.

At first I was looking forward to Hawkeye/Kate, but I doubt they can beat my Black Widow's ranged build, especially with the loot I have for her, I shall see.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I dont expect anything at all from a small team trying to fix anthem when all of Bioware combined couldnt put a game out at launch with meaningful content in it.


Aug 1, 2020
I don't think either will, but as for now Avengers has more chances.

Basically this. I personally don't follow any Anthem news, so maybe they're going to pull some crazy shit out and blow everyone away... but without that, Avengers at least still has the Avengers (which means something to someone I'm sure).


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The core gameplay of Anthem actually isn't terrible, so I think 2.0 has a chance to salvage it if they really put a lot of effort into a relaunch.

I'm not sure Avenger's has anything going for it besides being part of a massive franchise.

But actually this.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Avengers has the perfect opportunity to relaunch itself with more content, new characters, and a much smoother play experience with the next gen version.

Anthem is just in stasis until we see what becomes of 2.0.
Oct 27, 2017
• Anthem has 10 people working on it
• Anthem has been irrelevant 3 months after launch
• Anthem is not going to get the full next-gen relaunch
• EA has no path to monetization

• SE hasn't given up on it, promises a lot of fixes/improvements/content
• Next-gen version in the works
• Much newer than Anthem, still not completely irrelevant
• Marvel IP, potential marketing boosts, new characters rallying playerbase
• Path to monetization unlikely, but can still recoup some costs via skins

The only reason we are still talking about Anthem is because EA still pretending to their investors that it can be salvaged, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. Avengers is unlikely to be redeemed, but I can still see some paths if everything works out within the next 3-6 months.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Avengers probably stands a pretty good shot due to its BF price drop and additional content. It being tied to probably the biggest IP in the world right now doesn't hurt.

Anthem is straight up dead.


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think the redemption path for Avengers is as tough as people might think. The gameplay is good, but it's crushed by bugs and a lack of content. Fix the bugs and get on a steady content schedule and people will come back and be happy. The service model is also makes the game incredibly easy to jump back into, so there won't be any paid barriers


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't played Anthem so i couldn't speak much to its mechanics or anything like that.

I will say that the two situations the games are in are not overly comparable. Crystal Dynamics is working with tools that they created themselves, they have a publisher that believes in the game and desperately wants the game to succeed, also additional pressure/support from a powerful license holder. The game is fundamentally solid, its fun beating things up in that game and the combos you can do are quite impressive for a western game. It just needs more content, which is actively being developed by a very large group of well funded and talented developers. I would imagine they're saving their PS5/XBSX versions as a re-launch of the game and will come with alot of new content and probably a new character or two.

Anthem on the other hand, has an engine they didn't develop or want forced on them, and whenever those programmers get good at working with it they get taken off of Anthem and put on Fifa. EA doesn't have any type of particular attatchment to anthem, it's not their golden goose, it's not a prestigious franchise or IP, to them it's just a project they spent a bunch of money on and didn't get the return they were hoping for. Now Bioware claims they're working on Anthem, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect and you have to wonder how those resources are being allocated and what the priority is.
Oct 27, 2017
Las Vegas
Anthem seems like it could have a chance to pull off a No Man's Sky type situation. I feel like Avengers is more than likely just going to be left to wither and die.

Deleted member 18400

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Anthem is too long dead for me. At this point I don't see how you convince people to pick it back up.

Avengers is a worse game all around for me, but I think it has a better shot because 1. It's brand new still and 2. It's a well known and loved IP.

But Avengers has a lot more to fix as far as gameplay goes imo.


Jul 3, 2018
Anthem just needs to be scrapped.

Avengers has a lot of potential still though. They tweak the camera, combat and the annoying grinding and include some actual FUN variety, we could really have something great.


Oct 25, 2017
I think both have an actual shot, but if I had to pick which one could do their attempt first...


Avengers is already doing the "delaying announced content because the effort required to rework is bigger than previously thought" thing (Kate Bishop was supposed to be october, remember) slide of doing the Anthem thing as people continue to refuse to acknowledge that it's doing the Anthem thing, but like part of Avengers' problem is more than just bad loot or lack of diverse areas to play in.

Avengers has the problem where heroes don't feel good until you put in a serious significant amount of time into them to fully unlock their skill trees and what not. That absolutely 100% needs to be changed, because you're not getting people to stick past the campaign if you suddenly put up walls of progression required to make the postgame feel good to play, but that also involves completely ripping up the gameplay loop as it currently exists, because it definitely assumes you're going be spending time grinding on a hero until they feel good to play.

Anthem for all its problems caused by its severely troubled development history, just immediately felt way more fun to play from the get go. It's not a core problem they have to solve for its rework.


Oct 25, 2017
You would think Avengers because of the name recognition, but I actually am leaning towards Anthem. They seem more serious about turning it around.


Nov 4, 2017
Avengers. All their DLC is free (at least that was the plan). They'll get an influx of players after every character release. Whenever hawkeye & Black Panther releases it will get a bump. Then in the next year when they completely redue most of what everyone complained about, when everyone comes back when they release whoever (Spider-Man, Wanda, Dr. Strange? idk) they'll see the changes and be more likely to stay.

I think it will be harder for Anthem to get players even interested in re-downloading the game.


Oct 26, 2017
Avengers, as at least there's a chance. Anthem has been dead for almost 2 years now, I don't think even going F2P would save it.


Oct 27, 2017
• Anthem has 10 people working on it
• Anthem has been irrelevant 3 months after launch
• Anthem is not going to get the full next-gen relaunch
• EA has no path to monetization

• SE hasn't given up on it, promises a lot of fixes/improvements/content
• Next-gen version in the works
• Much newer than Anthem, still not completely irrelevant
• Marvel IP, potential marketing boosts, new characters rallying playerbase
• Path to monetization unlikely, but can still recoup some costs via skins

The only reason we are still talking about Anthem is because EA still pretending to their investors that it can be salvaged, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary. Avengers is unlikely to be redeemed, but I can still see some paths if everything works out within the next 3-6 months.

10 people on Anthem?? Where did you hear that? I'm amazed if that is true.
I do actually think Anthem with a next gen re-launch will be something very different, especially on the subscription services.


Prophet of Regret
Aug 10, 2020
I haven't played any of them (although I've tried Anthem's beta), so I might be wrong. But from what I've heard and seen to me it feels like Anthem has more issues than Avengers. At the same time, to me personally Anthem always looked like a game with a far greater potential.

I don't know if any of these games will ever recover, but personally I would be more happy to see Anthem somehow becoming good.
Oct 28, 2017

And both will be poster children for GaaS gone wrong.

We have new consoles that have released. A ton of new games to play. People have moved on.


Nov 1, 2017
Anthem could conceivably get a "realm reborn" - it's an interesting universe with interesting concepts and presentation but implemented poorly

Avengers is just too much a second grade MCU, it's just boring as a concept.