
Feb 20, 2020
Pokemon. The series refuses to evolve and will forever be stuck with ancient gameplay design.



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Assassins creed, went from one of my favorite franchises and every year getting me super excited to me becoming one of those people that is bothered by every change since every time it only gets further and further away from what it once was. I really wish they had split the franchise in two before origins.
Assassin's Creed: I loved the series until Revelations, but they kept releasing games annually with basically the same mechanics, just different settings. And it doesn't help that the new RPG direction the series is taking doesn't match with my tastes at all.

Same. Hoping Tsushima scratches that itch because I couldn't even finish Odyssey and I'm skipping Valhalla.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro games. Dunno, I just find them dreadfully dull every time I start one of them up now. The gameplay just isn't fun to me any more.


Oct 27, 2017
Yakuza, can't play through Judgment because of this.
Also the Batman Arkham games. just can't no more

Same. Hoping Tsushima scratches that itch because I couldn't even finish Odyssey and I'm skipping Valhalla.
It's not really your fault, Odyssey is just huge for the sake of being a big game

Deleted member 56752

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2019
Destiny. I just don't see a point anymore. Nobody I know plays it and the progression is so slow that it just isn't worth my time


Oct 27, 2017
Assassin's Creed. Couldn't really get into anything after Black Flag. Might give Unity a chance, as I skipped it due to all the technical issues near launch. The newest ones don't really interest me because my favorite part of AC, the somewhat historically accurate cities and setting, isn't much of a thing anymore.
Jun 5, 2018
Let's see, call of duty, halo, Pokemon (until it ironically evolves) assassins creed, fallout, dragon ball games and anime games in general and probably a bunch more.

In all cases bar maybe cod i'd be happy to go back if the next entry's justified their existence, most of the games feel the same or worse than their predecessors Such as fallout 4's almost forced main story or assassins creed games after black flag, to the point where I can say with confidence I have 0 interest in them currently.


Feb 5, 2019
Like a lot of other people I am completely done with Pokemon. Not just the game, the entire franchise itself. Crazy considering few years ago, I refreshed pages for hours for coro coro leask


Jan 24, 2020
First Person shoorters in general. If you're not giving me an interesting story that's about more than just a war, then I'm not interested. The first person genre should be so much more than just war shooters. Where's my Bioshocks, Half Lifes and Deus Ex's. At least Cyperpunk looks interesting.

Assassin's Creed was tiring 10 years ago...

Pokemon. It's still a franchise that's very dear to me since it was my entire childhood, and there's no other series that I can sink 30 hours into in a week when a new game comes out, but they're just so damn stale with nothing to do outside of the story (I completed my living Pokedex a few gens ago). Please innovate.

Yakuza and I've only played the third game during the PS3 days lol. Been meaning to play others since, but they're already released like 6 games in the same style + the 3 remasters just this gen alone. It's impossible to keep up, and even though I plan to start 0 soon, I know I'll probably be sick of the series before I finish with Kiwami 2. Let alone the other 5 or whatever.


Oct 20, 2019
Open world games. I'm just done with these, no specific franchise I can put my finger on though.

I feel like I'm gonna burn out on the Soulsborne franchise soon (trying to platinum DS2 at the moment) but it'll be short-lived.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Pokemon, the series has barely evolved and just become stale.

Destiny: The game is just chore simulator at this point, repeat old content to progress which is so boring. Their extremely bad way of sunsetting is just the icing on the cake, retiring old weapons then making you regrind the same weapons. It's a shame as I've made quite a few friends playing this but I'm not putting myself through the absolute boredom.


Oct 27, 2017
Nothing right now, thankfully. If you'd asked me several months ago, I'd probably say Assassin's Creed, but enough time has passed now that I'm ready for the next one. :)


Jun 20, 2020
Forza Horizon. Played pretty much all of them. Just stopped playing FH4 early on and just never returned, I feel like theres zero sense of progression to keep me going? Like every race I do wether well or badly would just endlessly open 3-4 more things on the map.

I was also really turned off by the cosmetic shiny clothes and silly dances i keep getting from the wheelspins which I used to love in the previous entries. I just want more cars and money!

I didn't realize this was my answer until I read this. I am a huge racing fan, and even I'm kinda tired of Forza at this point. It's not really the micro transactions or the frequency. It's how boring the game has become. The past couple have been indistinguishable to me. I wish they'd do a "mega game" combining the Horizon festival stuff with the closed track stuff somehow. Maybe the world has some closed tracks in it somewhere?

Or maybe they (Turn10) just need to take a stab at a Need For Speed style game since EA can't figure it out.


Oct 27, 2017
Tekken does nothing for me anymore. I don't care what the FGC thinks, DOA has been more fun for over 10 years, Itagaki was right the whole time.


Oct 28, 2017
Can I group every zombie-related franchise together and have that count? I've been burned out on it all for years now but we happen to keep getting great zombie games so I feel like I gotta keep playing them anyway so I don't miss out on game of the gen experiences like RE2, TLoU2, etc.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Pokemon. Growing up with the games and playing each one from Red to Black 2, it's hard to enjoy the games when they're all the same game, just with different Pokemon. I really enjoy the spinoff games though. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is probably my favorite spinoff game from Pokemon. If I ever get a Switch, Pokken Tournament will be what I get with it. Either that, or the new Pokemon Snap game. Loved the original as a kid.

Grand Theft Auto. GTA V is probably the last GTA game I ever play. The only way they could get me back is if they change the formula up, have the GTA6 be a heist game. Hire a crew and plan heists would be really fun. I wished their were more missions like that in GTA V.

Assassin's Creed. What they did with Origins and Odyssey is awful. They took away stealth for half-assed combat, and an rpg system.


Nov 8, 2017
My answer isn't Yakuza, but I did get burned out on the series a couple years ago after playing 3 -> 4 -> like half of 5 in a row in the span of less than a month. I think I'm ready to go back now though.

Don't think I have an actual answer. Pokemon I'll never get burnt out on, and it's a big part of why I keep buying the games despite being consistently disappointed in the direction the series has gone in. The core gameplay loop is just too good. If anything I want the games to just go back to the old formula more.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of Nintendo's flagship long-running series like Mario, Smash and Mario.

I have no particular complaints with the games. It's just I'm instantly bored whenever I play them. Odyssey, Ultimate, Kart 8... they're just more of what I've already played for probably thousands of hours in my life. No amount of quality or polish can overcome the overwhelming feeling of, "I've already played this countless times."

Yakuza is another one but I think part of that is me starting with 0, a strong contender for best in the series. None of the others have come anywhere close to touching my experience with that game. If you aren't heavily invested in the series' story and characters then if you've played one you've played them all. Basically Japanese Madden. Thank goodness Like a Dragon introduced an entirely new battle system to finally shake things up a bit.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
CoD for a long time now. Black Ops 2 was where it lost me and since then I've just never really cared all that much. Still played the campaigns for a couple years following that but I haven't even touched the MW reboot.


Oct 25, 2017
Forza Horizon. Played pretty much all of them. Just stopped playing FH4 early on and just never returned, I feel like theres zero sense of progression to keep me going? Like every race I do wether well or badly would just endlessly open 3-4 more things on the map.

I was also really turned off by the cosmetic shiny clothes and silly dances i keep getting from the wheelspins which I used to love in the previous entries. I just want more cars and money!

I actually found FH4 a lot better. I felt like 3 was INSTANTLY that, and I got kind of tired of it. FH4, if I just focus on the weekly stuff, it's a lot more enjoyable. Some seriously cool cars. They're giving one out this week actually till I think it's thursday? You just go and take a picture of your car at the festival and you get a zenvo tsr s. It's awesome. So for me just logging in and doing that stuff is fun. It's perfect. Better than the kind of aimless repetition of 2 and 3 I feel like.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 1, 2018
Pokemon is the big one for me. I've been falling off the franchise for a while, but never really admitted it to myself. I kept hoping to really jump back in, but it all fell apart with everything that led up to the release of Sword and Shield. If Pokemon wants to get me back, it'll really need to play a game of catch-up because basically every other notable JRPG series in the last decade or more has eclipsed it completely.


Nov 5, 2017
Well Yakuza is the obvious answer, because the games are so similar to each other. That's why I take long breaks between each entry (6 months+). That way, I actually look forward to play as Kiryu again and revisit Kamurocho.
In general, I avoid playing games of the same genre or with similar characteristics within a short time frame. For example open world games, story focused games (doesn't matter if it's VNs or traditional games), Sony AAA games, arty experiences etc.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Animal Crossing

the reason i didn't bother with New Horizons is that i already had enough of these games.

i got all the main ones since the GC one and spent hundreds of hours in each. in NL is when this fatigue finally showed up and i felt i didn't want to play any of them anymore.
it's not about the new stuff since i'm sick and bored fo the core of the series which is collecting stuff, building the house and maintaining the town. if you are tired of all of those, you're basically tired of the series and that's how it is for me.

i considered posting Pokemon but with that one i'm sick of Game Freak and not the series itself. there's some aspects of the series i still enjoy and wish was more of those.


Oct 27, 2017
Forza Horizon, for me.

Edit: I assumed I'd be the only one lol.

Open world doesn't do it for me, and the racing in Horizon hasn't ever been that hot.


May 2, 2018
Not a game, but a genre - Battle Royale. They're all either incredibly cookie-cutter, or founded on some superficial gimmick/mechanic that loses its lustre after 2-3 matches.


Feb 26, 2018
The Last of Us. I loved it, but I thought one was enough. Also Assassin's Creed, of course.


One Winged Slayer
I still struggle to get back into Assassin's Creed games after Unity, even though I know they've changed quite a bit from Origins onward.

Also mainline Pokemon. The last one I spent a significant amount of time with was Black 2.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Far Cry. I loved FC3, but FC4 was more of the same in a less interesting setting, and then FC5 was the same way. It's a series that desperately needs a revamp like Assassin's Creed got.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Borderlands. Loved the heck out of 1 and 2 as they were new, never could ever get into Pre-Sequel and bounced off of 3 real quick despite being optimistic about it in its lead-up to release. I sort of feel like the entire tone of the series and its loot carrot core aren't doing much at all for me anymore.

Gears. At one point, I admit, I thought Gears was perhaps my favorite franchise on the market from Gears 1 thru 3. I thought it played excellently and had amazing visuals for the Xbox 360 era -- while their incredibly high standing in my eyes has diminished with time, I probably won't ever forget that at one point in time, I did hail the series as one of my absolute favorites. Judgment, 4, and 5 have not captured me anywhere near as well. I haven't even beaten Judgment or 5, and I really had to force myself to wrap 4 up. 3 felt like a really good place for the story to stop, and 4 hasn't done anything terribly interesting to me from a gameplay or story standpoint, though I do like the characters and the updated visuals... But they haven't been enough to keep the old love I had for the franchise and I think I just gotta let it go now.

Destiny. What a roller coaster this franchise has been for me in terms of engagement and interest. This generation, it's been responsible for some of the most fun and addictive spurts of interest I've had at times, and at others it's just felt tired and lifeless as an experience. I last played at the launch of Destiny 2 vanilla and haven't gone back, but the way I see ongoing conversation going with that game, it feels like it's the same old song and dance -- on the up on one update, then pissing off or boring fans to death by the next one.


Oct 30, 2017
Forza Horizon, Gears of War and Pokémon.

The most recent games in those three series just bored me by playing it extremely safe, with zero progression and feels 'same old, same old'. The actual racing in Forza Horizon isn't that enjoyable, and I wish those Super Wheelspins would disappear from this series altogether.

I find myself wanting new IPs, or old games that tries to do something new with its ageing formula, like 'Yakuza: Like a Dragon', 'God of War' and 'Breath of the Wild'.

Judgment, 4, and 5 have not captured me anywhere near as well. I haven't even beaten Judgment or 5, and I really had to force myself to wrap 4 up.

3 felt like a really good place for the story to stop, and 4 hasn't done anything terribly interesting to me from a gameplay or story standpoint, though I do like the characters and the updated visuals... But they haven't been enough to keep the old love I had for the franchise, and I think I just gotta let it go now.

Thanks to redeeming a months worth of Game Pass through Bing rewards, I didn't feel quite as disappointed with Gears 5 if I had paid full price for it, however less than two weeks after the game was released, it came and went like a fart in the wind...

In comparison, each Gears of War game on the Xbox 360 felt like an event of sorts. It's nigh on time to put this series in storage after the next (inevitable) game.
Oct 27, 2017
Yakuza and Uncharted.

I'll go back to both eventually, but right now I've had my fill. It's funny because they are part of the reason why I jumped ship to PlayStation, mid-way through the previous gen. (Namely Yakuza 3 and Uncharted 2.)


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Persona 5 filled me with enough - lets call it content to be nice - to last me for a lifetime and never touch another game in the franchise.

Kingdom Hearts lost all its charme after 1.

| TrusT |

Apr 19, 2020
Assassin's Creed and Uncharted series.

I find the gameplay in both to be the worst exponent of mass market gaming, Too much hand holding and uninvolving gameplay mechanics.


Oct 25, 2017
Pokémon. They're all the exact same game outside of a few details and roster updates. Glad SwSh helped me to jump off that train.


Jun 11, 2020
Kirby. It used to be one of my favorite Nintendo series, but I'm just not as enamored with it now as I once was. The odd thing is that the post-RTDL games somehow contributed to this feeling even though I thought it and the two 3DS games were great. After playing Planet Robobot I finally decided I had my fill; I played a demo of Star Allies with a friend and I just wasn't into it like I had hoped. Plus I find myself mostly going back to the really old games (KDL3 being my favorite) or the experimental spin-off titles like Canvas Curse.

I can see myself getting back into Kirby if HAL decides to majorly shake up the formula, like the widely-coveted 3D platformer fans have been begging for for years. Until then, I'm probably going to sit out from future RTDL-like sequels.


Dec 14, 2018
Pokemon, Uncharted, Disgaea, Kingdom Hearts, GTA, Elder Scrolls, and probably some others I'm forgetting.