
Nov 18, 2019
Assassins creed. I was a huge fan. But they lost the essence of what made those games great. I got back into it in origins, which was fine and fun. Nothing mind blowing. But it's just not the same

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Star Wars- Since TRoS concluded, I have become utterly disillusioned with the entire franchise due to not only blatantly idiotic it (TRoS) was (it's like some kid wrote a fanfic) but also due to the ramification that under Disney, it looks like the franchise is forever stuck equating SW with Skywalker saga's timeline.

I sort of hate myself for being obsessed with SW after playing KoTOR 1 and 2 given what an utter shit show it is now. Respawn's entry, while decent was a technological mess on consoles and again, back to that god damn Skywalker timeline.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I was really into Overwatch from 2016-2018 or so. Then they just kept doing the same events over and over, and it just got really stale. My friends that I used to play with stopped playing and I lost the desire to play it too. Hoping it'll get back on track with OW2 but it looks like more of the same so far so I'm not too optimistic.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy. I was obsessed with them growing up but the direction of them have moved away from what I liked. I am a big fan of 14 though, but I couldn't stand 13 and 15 and I doubt I'll get much out of the 7 remake.


Oct 28, 2017
Call of duty: Used to love it since the first one, I stuck to IW games. Loved all the way to MW2, tried blops, hated it and dropped the series
ProEvoSoccer: Also used to get it yearly, I think the last one I played was Pro Evo 7, with Adriano on the cover. Somehow I got super busy and didn't play games for a couple of months, and I never went back even now.
Street fighter: On the brink, loved most of all the games even on SNES I had sf2 turbo and also had SSF2. I despised SFV, dropped it in 2017 and I have not looked back. This was good for me because I discovered that I loved the KOF mechanics, also got into T7, GG which all are better games than SFV.


Oct 27, 2017
Metal Gear Solid series. Was in love with the series, but now it's just convoluted nonsense that completely shits the bed after 3.


Dec 11, 2017
King of Fighters. Basically SNK fighters in general. I have the recent KOF and SamSho games but the passion definitely isn't the same.
True, I'm pretty tired of their fighting games.

I really wish SNK take a risk and make a new IP, or at least try making a game in other genres like a new Open World RPG, Third Person Shooter, a Battle Royale Game or something. Just look at Capcom.


Oct 30, 2017

Flower every post, every detail, every form of media, read the books, lore, shows, ads, etc. loved it.

Halo 5 released and the narrative destroyed most of my interest. I'm really really hoping Infinite brings back my love for the series.

Deleted member 19702

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

Really, Blizzard screw up the franchise so badly and I was truly excited about Starcraft 2. Now I simply pretend it was never made.

Star Wars games from the 90's and early 2000's was on constant watch. But lost interest in the franchise as a whole after the post-ROTS hiatus.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Mario Kart is a big one for me. Ever since they ruined battle mode I cared a lot less. I hope it returns to elimination one day, I would be so hyped.
Oct 29, 2017
Gonna have to agree with Final Fantasy as well. They haven't made a single player entry I've liked in almost 20 years.

XV was especially painful because the game did have real potential. But the game being a rushjob and the combat design being too-cute-by-half crippled it severely.

Street Fighter is starting to fall into this category for me as well thanks to SFV. Frankly, their fighting game output over the last decade has been meh at best; they will go without a single great fighting game for the entire generation at this rate.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Assassins Creed. The shift away from giving decent time and attention to the modern storyline started it (seriously, they concluded the modern Juno story in a fucking comic book), while Odyssey becoming a poor grind-filled clone of The Witcher finished it. It just isn't the series I obsessed over for nearly a decade anymore. I'm glad others enjoy the newer games, but they disappoint me too much to keep playing.


Nov 4, 2017
Fallout. :(

I played FO2 back in the day, loved the Bethesda remix in FO3, and Obsidian improved on the formula with FO:NV. Fallout 4 I maintain is still a good game, even if it wasn't "a good Fallout game". They lost me with Fallout 76, though. I can't even muster enough interest to see if the Wastelanders expansion is progressing well.

Hoping that inXile scratches the Fallout itch with Wasteland 3. It seems like inXile's best work yet.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Final Fantasy XIII really tested my fandom, Lightning Returns made me puke and XV killed it. I don't care about Final Fantasy sequels anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
mario series. mario sunshine wasn't what i wanted and my interest never recovered. i never played another zelda past wind waker either. but that is more due to moving on to other consoles.


Nov 4, 2017
Metroid, but only because the games are so infrequent now that it's hard to follow or care about them. As soon as they reveal a new one I'm back on the train.


Oct 26, 2017
There's two big ones:

Metal Gear - MGS4's story killed a lot of my interest in the overarching story. I still loved Peace Walker and MGSV but for their gameplay and mission design, not the story. And now with Kojima gone, there's even less to be interested in. Survive came off like a crappy attempt to milk what they could from MGSV.

Resident Evil - I was an absolutely massive fan of old school RE. It had its lows, with Code Veronica and Zero, but it also had incredible highs (RE2 and REmake). Then RE4 happened and while I really enjoyed it, it was the beginning of the end of my love for the series. RE5 was poor, doubling down on all my least favourite parts of RE4, almost completely different the survival horror genre and going all in on action. And then RE6 was a soulless mess and their attempts to do horror fell flat. They have turned the series back around with RE7, RE2make and now RE3make but I don't think I'll ever be a fan as much as I was pre-2004.


Oct 25, 2017
Pokemon. Between the entire Sword and Shield pre-release debacle, the fans complete inability to accept any criticism of the series while happily taking any fringe cases of abuse and using that to paint a broad brush about those that criticize the series as harassers and toxic, to the point that they pretty much force you to couch any criticism with a disclaimer that you don't condone any harassment over and over again or they will happily imply that you are apart of it. Pokemon Home turning out to be the overpriced jail we feared it was going to be, watching those same fans trip over themselves to defend it and mock others as though they're too poor to afford it while ignoring the greater issues. I'm just completely done with the franchise at this point. It's amazing to watch this series get away with shit that any other franchise would get raked over coals for pulling, but it's still breaking the bank anyway so nothing is ever going to chance and it's not worth caring about anymore.

Most of my interest dissipated after finding out about the new Pokemon, and especially after the fandom that was once such a fun part of my life turned into a hostile mess that ultimately pushed me out. Everything surrounding the series has become such a hapless, exhausting experience for me that I can barely stand to have anything to do with it anymore. I figured its best to just move on and keep an eye on the smaller monster catching game projects out there if I need my Mon fix. Things are never getting better with Pokemon and I've accepted that.


alt account
Aug 28, 2019
  • Pokemon. The worst part is, people in this forum absolutely celebrate how awful the games have become, any criticism is blind hatred and vitriol, a conversation is impossible to be had. It pains me to part with the franchise that literally taught me how to count, not because the games are designed for kids, but because they are designed for adult's wallets. They cost more than ever before with less content than EVER before and now they have a very expensive paid service. A franchise willing to milk every last drop of their loyal fanbase, and forums willing to celebrate that the haters are losing, instead of demanding a better game. Pokemon isn't a videogame anymore, it's just another product that sells a lot.
  • Halo and Gears of War. They were my middle school, looking for secrets or lore explanations, anything... Then Halo Reach happened and to me it was kinda closure in a very good way. But then Halo 4 happened, and I hated it. Then Gears 4 and I hated that even more. Then they messed up Halo MCC, then Halo 5 was absolute garbage with literally the most misleading AAA marketing until Warcraft 3 Reforged. Gears 5 almost reignited the flame, but the mobile game design garbage of multiplayer modes and repetitive story made me lose interest fast.
Gears is not in a state bad as Halo though, that franchise really, really needs Infinite to be good. Pokemon is not in a critical state either, since Sword/Shield is an extremely mediocre game, which is more than I can say about a lot of franchises. One could make a case for FF, but in all honesty, anyone who liked original FFs and doesn't want to check out XIV just because it's an MMO (despite being playable solo) is missing out in one of the Top 5 games in the franchise
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Call of Duty is the biggest example of this for me, by a large margin. My interest waned essentially the same time the community for the game shifted from PC to console primarily.

vCod, UO and Cod2 dominated my middle school/high school years (1000+ hours via xFire on COD2) and COD4 was a huge deal for me my freshman year of college. I've never bought another Call of Duty since though
Oct 29, 2017
Not really a single franchise, but I used to be really into JRPGs and Japanese games in general... Used to read sites like Siliconera religiously, bought more JRPG games on PS2, PS3, and PSP than I could ever have time to play... At one point I think I owned every game in the Atelier series and hadn't played any of them. By then I had an Xbox 360 and had drifted away from Japanese games and mostly played Western stuff. At some point I just realized that I didn't have time for these games. Most of them have been sold now. :)


Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy
My gaming childhood memories was defined by FF. But XIII and especially XV just killed it. XIII was just boring with nothing sticking. XV hyped me up way too much with Trailers that have nothing to do with a bare bone rushed game.

Assassin's Creed
I was in for the Story, but since they fired Patrice Desilet, it seems clear to me that they don't know what to do with the story and I lost interest.


Jun 24, 2018
Final fantasy, and man does it make me sad, it was after 12 that I kind of fizzled out on the series, at least as much as I scraped for any info on releases prior to that. The PS1 entries in particular, I would scour every magazine and the internet at the time for any small morsel of info or screenshot and just drool at it for hours. Most of it is that the series has lost my interest compared to the earlier entries, 14 was good, didn't care for all versions of 13 or 15.


Oct 25, 2017
The worst thing for me when it comes to being a Final Fantasy fan is that I started with 10 and ended up working my way back through the older titles while waiting for the next numbered game to come out that wasn't an MMO. I got to experience all those great games, expecting that to continue only to find out I got into the series just as it was fizzling out. While I've warmed up to 12 a lot in recent years, to the point that it's probably in my top five of favorite FF games, I've never gotten far into 13 despite trying over and over again, and 15 just doesn't appeal to me much either. 14 sounds interesting but I never feel like I'm ready to commit myself to an MMO.


Oct 27, 2017
Call of Duty for me.

Think its because of all the futuristic entries that happened and just got bored lol.

My last favourite CoD was Black Ops 1. Purchased all the games until that. But i did rent Treyarch's games up until BO3 just for the zombies. I played BO4 over at friends house though and i think Treyarch have lost there magic.

I played the MW beta but just didn't care enough to buy the game. A friend game me a code for MW and ive put 20 mins into the multiplayer on PC and not touched it since lol.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rainbow Six after Siege. It's not a bad game, but it's not what i want in a Rainbow Six game like the classics.
Also Kingdom Hearts. 3 Was a bit of a let down.

And Pokemon too now that i think about it. haven't played it since Ruby and Sapphire.


Oct 30, 2017
I still enjoy the same franchises I did as a child (Zelda, Metroid, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil) but some didn't quite make it (Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, SSX).


Nov 8, 2017
Zelda. OoT blew my mind as a kid, and the gaming community's reverence of the franchise kept me invested in the zelda hype cycles until Skyward Sword. After that game however, I realized that no other Zelda game had really blew my mind or even come close to living up to the hype since my initial experience with OoT, but many other games had. Thats when i realized that there really isnt anything special or mythical about the franchise except for its early heritage & longetivity. Competent action adventure games, but certainly nothing to build any kind of exceptionalism on.
Apr 21, 2018
None for me.

When it comes to Zelda, mainline Mario, Pikmin, Metroid, or F-Zero, I will be there on Day 1 and I will be frothing.

Crazy to think it's been decades I've followed some of these games too. Literal decades.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017


Tools & Automation
Oct 28, 2017
Halo. It started with the way 4 "un-Finished the Fight," and then the whole xbox one launch happened and I jump ship to playstation.

Exactly this for me too. I used to be a big Xbox fan in the Halo 2-3 days, but Kinect and the Xbox One announcement burned a bridge that has yet to be repaired.


Oct 27, 2017
In recent years, I'd say Dragon Age. I even have the books and stuff (well, all the stuff before David left).

I actually liked DA2, and I thought Inquisition was decent enough, but it's been 10 years already. The leads have moved on. A lot of the team has moved on. And I honestly think I've mostly moved on.

Which isn't to say that I have no interest in DA4. I'm just not really invested in it or the franchise anymore. They could come out tomorrow and say that it was canceled, and I wouldn't feel any different to how I feel right now.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Wolfenstein went from a day 1 series to a wait for reviews after the last two games. :( Such a shame since New Order and Old Blood are some of the best shooters of this generation.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Call of Duty. Bought every game from Big Red One through Black Ops II, which is 8 games in a row anyway. I do kind of want to try the new Modern Warfare, but there is just so much out there to play right now and I just don't think I can even remotely hang in the multiplayer anymore.


Chicken Chaser
Nov 5, 2017
Halo. Haven't played 4 or 5 beyond half an hour. Not sure I'll try Infinite.
Mario. Just couldn't get into Galaxy. I keep buying the games when they're on sale - including Odyssey - but I have yet to play them, either the 3D or 2D incarnations.
Call of Duty. My friends dropped the series, and that was the main pull for me.


Nov 2, 2017
Shining Force for me. I use to constantly check fan forums and play SF 1&2 yearly. The passion died out as they kept straying from the srpg roots

Aegis Renfro

Jan 11, 2018
Assassin's Creed should've ended after 3, and my interest slowly died until it became irrelevant to me after London.
Oct 29, 2017
Pokémon for me. Used to follow all the news for the latest games, post about them on fan forums, obviously buy and play them, but it's just, I don't care anymore, everything GameFreak has done post-Gen 5 made me lose more and more interest. Like I still bought Pokémon X and beat it, but then when I got Pokémon Moon? I just never even bothered with that - jussst completely stopped playing it.

I admit I don't own a Switch yet, but I can safely say I have 0 interest in ever picking up Sword and Shield, they're just not for me anymore.