Will PS5 have PS3 BC?

  • Full BC With PS3

  • Select titles similar to how MS does with 360

  • Streaming through PSNow is all you're ever getting

  • Other (explain in thread)

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Oct 25, 2017
we cant even get ps2 bc without trophy bullshit holding it back
what makes you think we'll get ps3 emu?
This is the worst part about their Classics efforts on PS4. Having to make a trophy list for each individual title is time consuming. And it definitely wasn't enough to give these older titles new appeal.
Oct 26, 2017
Very low. It was already considered impressive for Microsoft to get Xbox 360 emulation working on the Xbox One. I can't imagine how much of an undertaking it would be to get PS3 emulation working on even the PS5


Oct 26, 2017
Dallas, TX
They probably won't do anything more than the already are, but man, going full, multi-generational back compat would be so huge for them.
Oct 25, 2017
Megaton E3 2020 announcement.

PS3 full BC.

The PS4 announcement was just to calm any worry. I know they're at least trying to get more gens done as we type.

Feb 16, 2018
i'm considering buying a ps3 (mine broke) before it becomes impossible to find one

i'll wait until the ps5 details if this is actually more than 1% probable


Oct 25, 2017
PS5 should have the power, and I think Sony does see MS hammering them on gen 7 backwards compatibility. I expect rollout like MS has, and at minimum we will eventually have all the PS3 games on PSNow available to download on PS5 for owners.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
None, also why would they even do that, who still have a ps3 and keep all there games. There's a reason why they are doing that many remastered.

Jon God

Oct 28, 2017
I would love love love this, however, I am doubtful. Emulating the Cell might as well be as simple as moving the entire amount of sand from one beach to another beach with one person by hand.

The amount of time and effort, for probably sub-optimal results makes me think it's probably not on the table... yet. Maybe PS6?

I damn well expect PS1, PS2 and PS4 BC. If it doesn't have that, I will be really angry (I know PS4 is confirmed, I don't remember if they confirmed 100% BC).


Oct 29, 2017
I very much doubt PS3 BC will make it, though not impossible. PSNow is what you're gonna be stuck with, I think :/


Alt account
Mar 14, 2019
unless they worked sommit out emulation wise, i have my doubts

and even if they did, it might be limited

If modders in their spare time can get PS3 emulators working with increasing degrees of success, I'd hope that Sony themselves would be able to work something out on ultra-powerful next-gen hardware/software.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm really pissed that it's pretty likely Sony just gives up on local PS3 backwards compatibility. My PS3 is already on it's last legs and it's a PITA to keep around, but there's no other way for me to access the scores of games I want to be able to play.

PS Now simply isn't available in Australia, and even if it were, it certainly doesn't have all the titles I'd like to play.

Please don't let the MotorStorm trilogy fade away Sony! They're absolute gems.
Oct 25, 2017
Rpcs3 works on Zen/Zen+ processors. An in house solution will work on a Zen 2+Navi soc. At 1800p-2160p resolutions no less.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd love it but after seeing the efforts of emulation on pc I ain't holding my breath. The cell/spu just seems so fascinating and unique. Seems like it's either PSNow and remasters


Oct 8, 2018
i legitimately believe that they are working on this to have the mic drop moment at the full unveiling.


Oct 29, 2017
I'd hope they'd open it up with BC but I doubt they will.

I'd like to replay all the Metal Gear Solid games one day, but PS Now isn't even available in Australia...

Deleted member 20297

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Oct 28, 2017
Very, very low. Most of the first party games were remade anyways and I don't see how this would benefit Sony in terms of making money. If it was executed like the PS2 games on PS4, it would be dead in the water anyway so why even bother.


Avalanche's One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
what kind of beast would be needed to emulate the PS3's Cell running the games in their original resolutions? is the tech leap to PS5 not enough for that?


Apr 11, 2019
Very, very low. Most of the first party games were remade anyways

yeah, no

remade: tlou, sotc, gow3, ratchet & clank 1

not remade yet and stuck on ps3: ico, mgs4, motorstorm 1-3, infamous 1-2, 5 god of war games, 15-20 ratchet & clank games, killzone 2-3, resistrance 1-3, puppeteer, just on top off my head

i fully expect ps3 and vita bc


alt account
Mar 25, 2019
Gonna go with streaming. That cell processor still remains a burden on playstation. What a mistake


Oct 27, 2017
I would love the PS5 to be as backward compatible as possible but in reality it will most likely just be PS4 for the same reasons everyone has stated already. The Xbox is able to do so much in terms of compatibility given its PC based architecture from the very beginning.


Oct 27, 2017
I voted for Streaming through PSNow is all you're ever getting but I think the chances for backwards compatibility with former PlayStation generations are higher than ever before.

Sony is still using PS3 server farms for PS Now, and I seriously doubt they want to continue doing that and end PS3 production at some point.
PS1 and PS2 emulation will be easy on the upcoming PS5 and PS4 games are already confirmed to be working on PS5.
That means PS Now could possibly run every PlayStation game on PS5 (besides licensing issues obviously) except PS3 games. With all their knowledge of the Cell specification Sony would be smart to emulate PS3 games on their server versions of the PS5 hardware for PS Now to reduce costs and stop Cell production.
They might use this for local PS5 backwards compatibility too. Who knows.

I also believe the only reason we got X360/OG Xbox emulation on Xbox1 is Xcloud. Since Scarlett is the same architecture as XB1 it only made sense to use it on consumer hardware as well to have another selling point. Microsoft only needs Project Scarlett hardware in their data centers to run all the games across all their generations, which is a huge simplification of their hardware stack for Xcloud.


Oct 25, 2017
I would love it but it's doubtful.

I would say they would have need to design the PS5 with the PS3 in mind. Build an emulator from the ground up as the minimum specification and possibly get them to run at higher framerates and with better texture flawlessly. I think it's too much to ask.

PSNow can run parallel to it like the streaming service Microsoft will launch. Giving people the choice of streaming, digital or physical games.

I am so two minds of PS1 and PS2 BC. Yes I would love it but would look absolutely awful on a 50inch HDTV unless it's in a big black box in the middle of the screen. I can only play these on my Vita.


Oct 26, 2017
If PS5 is more powerful than the average PC emulating PS3, and it benefits from Sony's creator knowledge of the Cell, than surely it should be possible?


Oct 25, 2017

I'm expecting PS4 BC with PS1/PS2 "Classics" if that even comes and thats a low chance.

PS3 - you'll need to wait for remasters/re-releases or PSNow unfortunately.


Oct 30, 2017
Shame that currently I can throw away my physical Killzone 2 and 3, Infamous 1 and 2, Ratchet games that are stuck on ps3,, MGS HD Collection, MGS 4, RDR, GoW Ascension, Resistance Trilogy...


alt account
Mar 25, 2019
It's probably easier to remaster PS3 games and make you re-buy again.
Thing is that'll only work for the first party games they own and remastering occupies manpower which is a bad solution compared to the competition. Competition is what's going to make this situation more difficult
Oct 25, 2017
what kind of beast would be needed to emulate the PS3's Cell running the games in their original resolutions? is the tech leap to PS5 not enough for that?
A 2013 4Ghz HT enabled Intel quad-core running avx2 instructions does fine as a baseline. I can play Tekken 6 and Tag 2 at higher than 4k easily with my 1080 Ti.

Zen 2 supports axv2 on the desktop, I think. An 8 core with smt could sleepwalk through the task, even at something lower like 3/3.2Ghz


Oct 30, 2017
My first take is it feels like they've invested enough in the PS Now stuff that it would almost be weird to make it BC with the Cell architecture?

Would be great, and I wish there will ultimately be a PlayStation that allows us to access all their platforms digitally, though, similar to what Xbox looks like it's at least trying to do.


Oct 27, 2017
I want full BC but until they figure out that cell-processor nonsense there is little chance of it.