Jan 4, 2018
Nah, I've been mostly PC only for the past couple of generations and it's kind of been a deciding factor to stay that way. Not buying a $500 console to play $70 games that run at 30fps.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
30fps is fine if it's a solid 30. Even better if the frame delivery was on point.

Unfortunately that was rarely the case in previous generations.
Sep 22, 2022
30fps has always been perfectly fine for me.

I can see the difference to 60fps of course, but I don't really mind it much. Generally, I'd actively prefer better visuals at 30fps to worse visuals at 60.

As a nice little bonus, in particular speaking as a PC gamers, it doesn't require any dev effort to play with increased FPS as hardware gets better, whereas obviously visual fidelity stays the way it is. So in other words, designing a game for nicer visuals at 30fps somewhat "futureproofs" it a little bit better, imho.


Oct 27, 2017

I don't like 30fps, I legit can't tell you the last time I played a game with 30fps.

But people saying it's unplayable? Come on now.


▲ Legend ▲
May 7, 2020
I can't speak for anyone else but I've always treated 30 fps as tolerable within the context of hardware that can't do better. It sucks but I can deal with it, I don't think that's harsh.


Nov 3, 2018
I really don't like 30FPS and it is my largest concern with Starfield.

I would gladly trade graphic fidelity for 60fps.


Mar 2, 2019
This the same place that had a thread saying that 30 fps was a fucking accessibility issue. That was insulting as hell people who are actually hindered playing games.

Ya'll are so hyperbolic.


Linked the Fire
Jun 4, 2019
If you're targeting 30 it better be locked. And I am a-OK with that.

I prefer a solid 30 over a broken 30-60 push.

TotK feels better to play personally than the frame rate mode of the FFXVI demo because it's so hitchy and just generally uneven. Makes me appreciate playing games on my PC a bit more too when they run 3x-4x+ the frame rate


Aug 1, 2022
Considering most retro games run at 60 fps. No. I feel like people aren't harsh enough with games today.

Barrel Cannon

It's Pronounced "Aerith"
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Lol for series x and ps5 that's a hell no.

60fps should be more of a standard or offered as an option for games, even if it means neutering the visuals or scope. Any shooter (third person or first person) releasing this Gen without a 60fps option for example is a complete joke in my eyes. Simulations, MMOs, and turn based games are the type of game where only having a 30fps option makes sense. The bare minimum should be a 40fps option. 40fps alone makes a big jump in how a game feels and looks compared to 30fps.


Aug 3, 2020
I am more of an 60FPS+ guy but I can play SOME GAMES using 30 FPS.
Games were the camera is not controlled by myself for example.

As soon as I have to control the camera myself, it's over. :D

So, no we weren't too harsh on 30 FPS. It's an option, sure, but not a good one, in my eyes. Literally...


Oct 28, 2017
Im playing ff16 in quality mode, because the performance mode is terrible, but i might wait for the motion blur patch because this is the first game where the motion blur is just too fucking much and it makes my eyes bleed. Literally cant see shit during combat and everytime you move the camera, its awful. Why MB toggle isnt mandatory, how fucking hard is to implement it at launch. Other than that, im fine with 30


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
People are too harsh on bad graphics actually.
Im playing ff16 in quality mode, because the performance mode is terrible, but i might wait for the motion blur patch because this is the first game where the motion blur is just too fucking much and it makes my eyes bleed. Literally cant see shit during combat and everytime you move the camera, its awful. Why MB toggle isnt mandatory, how fucking hard is to implement it at launch.
I am so glad I didn't fall for the "but this is just in the demo from an old build, the final version will be fine" bullshit, because I totally would've bought that game, but I'm holding off for now. Either they fix this in the PS5 version or I wait for the PC one at a discount.
Last edited:


May 16, 2021
IMO, 30 fps is fine as long as your eyes are not used to 60 fps. Before I discovered 60 fps games with my gaming PC, I couldn't tell any difference between the two. Now, I can't go back.

Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
30fps is not unplayable, but I would much rather prefer a 60fps option if at all possible especially if it is an action focused game. Even if the graphics have to suffer to get it there. I actually want to see more 40fps options in games as a whole.


Oct 28, 2017

I am so glad I didn't fall for the "but this is just in the demo from an old build, the final version will be fine" bullshit, because I totally would've bought that game. Either they fix this in the PS5 version or I wait for the PC one at a discount.

Yeah just wait, atleast until they patch this awful motion blur. I wouldn't hold my breath for a good performance mode tho.


Oct 18, 2020
I'll take a solid 30 over a fluctuating frame rate. I hate it when games say 60 but they mean 40-60.

The Boat

Oct 28, 2017
30 fps is usually fine by me (and most people). As someone who suffers from nausea and lightheadedness often and tries to figure out what's causing it, I haven't found 30 fps to make me any more nauseous than 60.

I repeatedly felt nauseous while playing 60 fps games on the PS5, which made me pretty sad when I got it . On the other hand, I play lots of 30 fps games - sometimes even with drops - and I seem to get nauseous less often.

This means very little of course, I only "kept track" of my nausea in written form for a little more than a month. Not only that, what causes nausea varies a lot from person to person, so my experience might not be the same as someone else's.

All this to say that I wouldn't be surprised if 30 fps games didn't cause any more nausea than 60 fps ones.
Things like fov, framepacing, motion blur, camera movement, among others, probably cause nausea much more than 30 fps.

Edit: I also got nauseous every time I played CS:GO at 120 fps or something like that.


May 9, 2018
I find 30 fps to be tolerable when playing a handheld like Switch in handheld mode, I played XB2 on it for 120 hours without issues and many people found it to be choppy and blurry, but I can't stomach 30 fps on a big display, every time I pan the camera and see the choppiness in all its glory I can't ignore it.


I left my heart on Atropos
Oct 26, 2017
Try playing 30 fps games on an OLED.
It's absolutely unplayable for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally i hate 30fps. I thought I'd be able to handle it in FFXVI but nope. Performance mode all the way


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
30fps was never "unacceptable."

Please show me when this was the case without pointing me toward many cross-gen games.

Even then, the option for 30fps is almost always present.

Gamers living in fantasy land wanting a 60fps minimum on every game. Time for a PC perhaps?

This isn't a developer issue.


Nov 16, 2017
Playing XVI and Quality at a solid 30 feels way better than the uneven Performance around 60. Takes less than half an hour to adapt and I'm away at the races. Haven't even thought about framerate for like 15 hrs now.

TotK doesn't even have options so other than the occasional slowdown I never even care.


Oct 27, 2017
personal answer, no. graphics aside from the switch are plenty good enough to make 60 the baseline. 30 isn't unplayable, but i wish devs treated 60 fps also as a thing that makes your games look better. not just feel better. games are better to look at when running at higher frames.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
personal answer, no. graphics aside from the switch are plenty good enough to make 60 the baseline. 30 isn't unplayable, but i wish devs treated 60 fps also as a thing that makes your games look better. not just feel better. it's better to look at a game that runs at higher frames.
We could definitely achieve a standard of 60fps IF devs kept graphical fidelity at PS4 levels while just raising the IQ and some other details.

But people do not want this, look at the Spider-Man 2 thread full of people complaining the game looks the same.

Those beliefs are common for people who think the only way a game can express that it is next-gen is through graphics.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I was never harsh on it at all, feels the same to me as 60 so I never felt any reason to be too angry at it.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
30fps needs motion blur on an OLED.

It seriously improves the jutter effect on those panels when playing at 30fps.
The problem is, the motion blur still won't prevent the screen from updating at 30fps. It also depends on the blur implementation (mostly good enough these days) or you'll deal with blur AND stutter.

For now, the stutter is pronounced enough in 30fps games that I slightly regret getting an OLED. It makes up for it in 40+fps and video content though.


Oct 27, 2017
Asking this here is not going to give you the answer you want, but I think in a general sense, most people just don't care. I do care more about consistent performance than outright fps. I hate stuttering/hitching, wildly fluctuating fps, etc. A steady and locked 30fps w/ good per-pixel/object motion blur looks really good to me. I mean, obviously I'll take a consistent 60+, but I typically don't mind it, and my main displays are 120Hz and 240Hz.


Oct 25, 2017
We weren't harsh enough. Whenever I play a console game with quality and performance modes, it's a toggle between "I can't believe I put up with this" and "now THAT'S a video game."

I still tolerate it but 60+ is always preferable.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Nope, 30 FPS still sucks. Is it unplayable? No. Does it still suck and should always be considered the nuclear option for games struggling to lock down better performance? Yup.


Feb 28, 2019
I didn't have a problem with 30 last gen, but it feels like trash this gen. Like, I've only played a small handful of games this gen that actually felt decent at 30. Most of them are choppy, sluggish messes. Even Sony's first party games look like shit at 30 to me. So, put me in the "not harsh enough" camp.


Oct 27, 2017
The problem is when the target is 30fps, it's often just that, a target, and often dips below. Games that target 60fps hardly ever run at a solid 60, either, but dips to the 40s still make for a much more playable experience than dips below 30.

True Prophecy

Oct 28, 2017
I really don't like 30FPS and it is my largest concern with Starfield.

I would gladly trade graphic fidelity for 60fps.

Starfield isn't 30 because of it's graphic fidelity, it's almost guaranteed to be cpu limited.

Anyway for those that care that much about issues with 30fps just get a PC and you will be much happier more often. Expecting 500$ closed systems to do this all the time isn't realistic or practical really.

Actually I would like to see more 40fps modes.


Nov 26, 2017
Tears of the Kingdom plays better at 60 fps on emulator.

Even as little as 30 -> 40 fps makes for a much better experience.

Not to mention 30 fps tends to be even worse on OLED displays because judder becomes more noticeable thanks to OLED's excellent pixel response times.