
One Winged Slayer
Jan 16, 2020
I can play 30fps games without throwing a fit, but there's really no reason a higher performance option shouldn't be available for every game. I'd prefer to play TotK and FFXVI at 60fps, even if it meant a sub-HD resolution.


Oct 28, 2017
I'd say yes OP.

Some of the best games ever made are 30fps so a massive chunk of great content just passes people by.

That's a shame.


Oct 25, 2017
I never cared for the image being displayed at 60 FPS versus 30 FPS. Yes I can tell the difference but for me the advantages of 60 FPS are in controlling a faster paced game (FPS, racer, fighting game, etc). That feel is always preferred if you can get it.

But if the game is designed to be 30 FPS it never stopped me from playing and enjoying it.


Dec 11, 2022
It does. The fact that they have such a huge library of animations and it never feels sluggish, and manages to feel less sluggish than the Uncharted collection, is a huge accomplishment. The issue with 30fps console gaming during the PS3/360 generation was that games, especially open world games, frequently struggled to maintain a stable 30fps. A gen later and we got a metric fuckton of games that provided stable experiences. "30fps sucks" is decade old discourse that ignores the reasons why the perception changed.

I have no idea what you're talking about. The game looks absolutely insane when standing still at 30 fps but as soon as you move it becomes a choppy mess that messes up the picture quality.

John saying "just don't ever switch to 60 fps mode and you'll be fine" in the latest FF16 video really encompasses everything thats wrong with 30 fps. Once you see the same game running at 60 fps you'll never want to switch back. You just have to get used to the awful framerate and never let yourself experience how good the game could actually play.

Gotta get used to input lag and choppy movements I guess.


Oct 29, 2017
It does. The fact that they have such a huge library of animations and it never feels sluggish, and manages to feel less sluggish than the Uncharted collection, is a huge accomplishment. The issue with 30fps console gaming during the PS3/360 generation was that games, especially open world games, frequently struggled to maintain a stable 30fps. A gen later and we got a metric fuckton of games that provided stable experiences. "30fps sucks" is decade old discourse that ignores the reasons why the perception changed.

Not sure why you keep bringing 7th gen into this when people are talking about 30 fps of today.
There was an entire console generation where 30 fps was the standard between then and now. i think people who dislike 30 fps are fully aware of what locked 30 fps is like


Oct 27, 2017
For me personally, the framerate itself isn't an issue, it's the fluctuation in the framerate that affects me most

I'll take a game a rock solid 30FPS, than something that targets 60FPS but is all over the place from 25 fps to 55fps and can't sit still, or constant drops

The emergence of 40fps being more popular is a nice median as well
I agree with this, solid 30fps doesnt make me sick, but I also agree that all games should be 60fps.


Oct 27, 2017
It's mostly the sub-30fps area that I think a lot of people actually had problems with but then you have to consider preference and it isn't wild to think people would vastly prefer 60fps, it absolutely feels a lot better in almost every single game.


Dec 11, 2022
This exact scenario of sub 1080p@60 vs 4k@30 is happening with FFXVI and people insist that the 4k mode is worth it.

Though the 60fps mode has another caveat on exploration.

Not exactly a great example since Square apparently opted for ray tracing being the standard for the lighting system in the game. And these consoles are just utter garbage at ray tracing.

Mocha Joe

Jun 2, 2021
I only play games at 60 FPS or above 🤷‍♂️

Didn't build this PC to play games at 30 FPS. The last time I played at 30 FPS was SMT nocturne remaster and it legit hurt my eyes. Couldn't play more than 40 min to a hour at a time

But if people are cool with 30 FPS no sweat off my back. Just personal preference at the end of the day.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I have no idea what you're talking about. The game looks absolutely insane when standing still at 30 fps but as soon as you move it becomes a choppy mess that messes up the picture quality.

John saying "just don't ever switch to 60 fps mode and you'll be fine" in the latest FF16 video really encompasses everything thats wrong with 30 fps. Once you see the same game running at 60 fps you'll never want to switch back. You just have to get used to the awful framerate and never let yourself experience how good the game could actually play.

Gotta get used to input lag and choppy movements I guess.
I have not heard a single person complain about input lag in several titles that run at 30fps. I have however heard people complain about input lag in games with genuinely discernible input lag, like Red Dead 2.

And no TLOU2 is not a choppy mess wtf. It's a technical marvel.

Not sure why you keep bringing 7th gen into this when people are talking about 30 fps of today.
There was an entire console generation where 30 fps was the standard between then and now. i think people who dislike 30 fps are fully aware of what locked 30 fps is like
30fps games today play fantastically so. 🤷‍♂️

Note, that doesn't mean that there's no point to 60fps, on PC I play at 60fps. Only that at this juncture 30FPS can and has provided a quality experience in big titles.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Not exactly a great example since Square apparently opted for ray tracing being the standard for the lighting system in the game. And these consoles are just utter garbage at ray tracing.
Not sure why that would matter. Regardless of the lighting its still 4k@30 vs 720p@60, and people are choosing the 4k@30 option.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried ff16's 30 FPS mode on digital foundry's advice and it was terrible. I'd rather take the hit to resolution. No matter how harsh. It's less noticeable than framerate.

The fights feel much better at 60fps.

If it were up to me, 60fps should be standard in any game where the player controls the camera and can pan faster than 30fps can handle.

I am aware I'm in the minority though. most gamers don't mind 30fps. Lucky them!


Jun 1, 2018
Nah, 30 FPS always feels bad. However, the inconsistant performance modes that bounce between 30-60 can feel even worse.
Oct 29, 2017
It's a perfectly valid design decision that's up to the devs.

Era's obsession and complete meltdown over it is absolutely ridiculous.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm fine with what developers think is the best option for their game. I can absolutely play and enjoy 30fps games, going back to the NES and Colecovision days. There's a bit of extremist contingent on era, but that's the kind of stuff you get in enthusiast communities. I particularly enjoy those who now feel that 120fps should be the minimum lol


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
Make the framerate stable first, then worry about getting it higher.

If you can't maintain stable 60fps, stick it at 40.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Because its not at 720p@60. It's mostly 60 during fights and 40-50 during free roam. If it were locked 60 at sub 1080p, you'd hear a different tune.
I really dont think I would. 4k makes a huge difference in the game and the motion blur and frame pacing at 30 are good enough to smooth the action.

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
I don't mind a stable 30fps at all 🤷‍♂️

I was use to playing No Mercy on N64 with more than 4 people in the ring at once and the game would feel like it's in slow motion. If something dips for a .5th a second, I hardly notice it. Obviously 60 is better, but 30fps is perfectly playable to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Naaaah, when you try performance and quality mode right after, anything lower than 60 fps is physically making me sick, latest example is of course FF XVI with its motion blur, I don't have motion sickness IRL but games started to give me it starting with The Witness.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
So you want a PC version basically?
I'm not complaining but just having so many options specially on third party games on console is unrealistic with so many hardware. I still find surprising that we have performance and quality as standard nowadays, even from third party.
PC version is there for all these people wanting flexibility in that department.

The problem is PC version doesn't exist for every game so yeah I want those options for all console games to be a standard, I don't even care if the graphics and RT and all these bells and whistles need to be turned off/down, just give me good framerates plz.


Oct 27, 2017
Over a decade and we still got games for releasing with inconsistent 30fps. 30fps is okay but I'd personally prefer to be at least a locked 40 by now. A little bit smoother, those ten additional frames could go a long way.

Buuuuut I can't hold it against devs for the most part. In my mind, they're often building an obscenely large product for an obscenely demanding industry. A locked 30 should be the minimum though.
Oct 28, 2017
It is funny how for years everyone was upset about cross-generation titles, and now that they are gone and with them easy 60fps options are gone people want them back (or they more exactly people seem to want the 60fps back while being divorced from reality of why we experienced that for so long this generation).

Maybe the PS5 should just be a PS4 Pro Pro rather than try to find new models for gameplay the PS4 couldn't do.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The last two games I even attempted to play at 30fps (given the choice) were God of War and Ghost of Tsushima on PS4 Pro.

They were both games that I was told played 'wonderfully' in quality mode. They... didn't. Both games felt noticibly worse to control in their quality modes than they did in their performance mode. Particularly where input responsiveness was concerned (and in GoW's case, fluidity of motion, too). As a result, I chose to play God of War at an unstable unlocked >30fps, rather than deal with playing an action game at a noticibly reduced level of responsiveness, and while GoT's performance mode still ran at 30fps, that was another case of being told online to expect the two modes to control similarly... And they didn't.

Its been 5 years since then, and I would hope the situation has changed re: how 30fps games actually feel to play... But thankfully, for the most part (or in other words, on every platform but Switch) I haven't had to ponder it because I've had no reason to stick to 30fps to begin with. 60fps being common meant not having to worry about whether or not the 30fps version felt worse to play, or about whether or not 30fps made objects in motion harder to track than they otherwise would be, or about whether or not 30fps made a game less comfortable to look at for extended periods of time. It's a trend I greatly appreciate and I'd prefer above all else that offering 60fps modes remains a priority for developers whenever possible.
Oct 27, 2017
More FPS is always better, but you can't expect affordable mass market hardware to continue to play the highest end games at high frame rates forever.


Oct 30, 2017
No, 30 FPS needs to die, the gap in what you experience between 30 and 60 is insane, 60 is bliss, 30 is pain and sadness.


Nov 24, 2017
honestly can't imagine playing certain genres at30fps anymore.

racing, fighting, fps are pretty much no go.
it only somewhat works for third person games, and thats a big somewhat

make 40the new baseline at least
that seems to work extremely well for me, whenever i tried.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to be one of those "30 fps is fine" until 60 become more common. Now? No, sorry, not going back. The difference is pretty drastic and 30fps just annoys me now, games stuck at 30 are an easy skip.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
It is funny how for years everyone was upset about cross-generation titles, and now that they are gone and with them easy 60fps options are gone people want them back (or they more exactly people seem to want the 60fps back while being divorced from reality of why we experienced that for so long this generation).

Maybe the PS5 should just be a PS4 Pro Pro rather than try to find new models for gameplay the PS4 couldn't do.
It's wild how Starfield has come to represent all games, lol. It's as if almost every other title released this Gen, current gen exclusive or otherwise, isn't playable at 60fps. As if the lions share of upcoming current gen exclusives aren't going to release with 60fps modes.

Are easy 60fpe options gone? I keep seeing people say that, as if one or two games a year so far makes an indisputable and steadily growing trend (but 99% of all current gen games having 60fps modes every year since 2020... doesn't)

Besides, 60fps as a target and optional mode has been a steadily growing trend since before this generation even started. I think a lot of people miss that because for them only certain genres and styles of game come to mind... But 60fps was positively common last generation. It's not something exclusive to current gen cross gen games, lol.

Edit - in the interest of fairness I will acknowledge the possibility that 30fps takes hold in more than just the occasional title - although I personally doubt that it will, and it will never again represent the performance standard the way it once did, IMO. I'll eat that crow if it turns out I'm wrong, but I don't think I will be, and I really don't wanna be lol, I've been loving 60fps+ this gen, it's been a breath of fresh air and I haven't even had to upgrade my PC since the gen began, thanks to 60fps+ on consoles.
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Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
There are plenty of times when it's just fine and you can drop your mental frame of reference for 60.

If I could have a zero compromise 60fps mode would I choose it? Of course, Every time. But it doesn't work like this, so I'm happy to adapt.


Oct 25, 2017
See if we accept 30 fps then we accept sub 30 fps (like totk being sub 30 on some scenarios and people even if being fine because context) then we arrive to the PS3 360 scenario.


Nov 30, 2017
Back in my day, we played OOT in 18 FPS and we liked it!

(idk man, I don't really care. I played mass effect in 30 FPS mode because it felt better. I like the shadows in my cave)


Oct 25, 2017
Urinated States of America
Personally think 30fps is fine no matter what year.

720p on the other hand...

Of course, 60fps should be a minimum on modern competitive shooters and the like. But I don't need it in my single-player story driven games for example. Would it be nice? Yes, not a deal breaker, though. And as time goes on it'll be more and more common to see 60fps in most games, so there's no worry of 30fps suddenly becoming the framerate of choice again just because 10 or so games in one year are limited to 30 frames. IN MY OPINION.
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
All this talk about 4k vs 1080p is missing the point imo. If gamers want 60fps games to be common then resolution doesnt really matter, its accepting mediocre to bad graphics. People shit on games that look good nowadays because they dont look like the best. See the Spider-Man 2 graphics discours after the showcase gameplay.

Its no wonder devs keep chasing fidelities that dont allow for them to keep 30fps in their default modes.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, and if they do 60 fps and the downgrade to get there looks bad people complain that performance mode sucks. Duh? You gonna download more ram for your ps5? This is what the machines are. You can only do so much. I feel bad for devs right now as we transition to current gen only and getting a good looking 60fps mode is no longer as easy as "make it 1080p and turn off rt" because you get a bunch of GAMERS screaming at them on twitter.

its a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.


Oct 25, 2017
I compromise with stable 30. 60 is lovely, but generally if a game can't/won't do it, it's no deal breaker 🤷‍♀️


Mar 2, 2020
I used to think that way, then I played enough on 60fps and it is painful to go back. Like Miles Morales pissed me off when I tried to play it on quality or whatever mode. Jumped right down to performance.
Oct 27, 2017
Seems like a lot of people assume 30 fps only happens because of high resolutions and graphical features. While this can be true, it's easier to get a 60 fps option in those games because you can always just lower the resolution or reduce quality.

Often the games that are 30fps only are CPU limited. Large worlds with lots of objects, simulating lots of NPCs, physics, etc are all things that can't be so easily scaled to hit 60fps without changing the game itself. It's the main reason Starfield is 30 fps. You can't just lower the resolution and get more performance.s