
Oct 27, 2017
Houston, TX
Get real. You're invoking Rocket League as a demanding game. Don't make preposterous statements. Rocket League runs better on weaker hardware than the Switch. That's simply a sign of rushed development. They'll clean it up later.

As for your second point that's a lie. Like 1% would hope to get an on par experience with the stronger consoles. The discussions about what features would get cut back have been more levelheaded than you claim.
I would love to see this proven as I'm pretty sure you're wrong about this. The way people go out of their way to blame developers for everything here is astounding at times.


Oct 27, 2017
It's an amazing portable, but it's a weak console. And, also important: there's no miracle when it comes to developing a game.

So performance will have to be compromised and graphics will have to be compromised when a game that runs fine on PC/PS4/Xone is ported to Switch.

After seeing all the reactions regarding Doom 2016 and Rocket League, it seems that people are expecting something that Switch will never give and it wasn't never meant to give: on pair performance on compared to PS4/Xbone or even a mid-end PC.

Sometimes we're getting so excited about a current gen game being ported, that we forget this small detail.

(sorry that my english sucks - I know; trying my best here)

But almost everyone seems to be very happy with those games you mention.

Deleted member 21094

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Oct 28, 2017
One thing to note is that sometimes games don't run well because it wasn't optimized well, not just because of the hardware limitations. I feel that it is fair to call out bad optimizations.


Oct 29, 2017
People isn´t having unrealistic expectations here.
Rime and Rocket League should run fine in this hardware if they were polished enough.
Rime runs awfull in every version, and Rocket league will be patched eventually for sure.
No ones is expecting Assassins creed origins here, but we all know what the system is capable of from Nintendo titles.

Deleted member 1839

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Oct 25, 2017
I would love to see this proven as I'm pretty sure you're wrong about this. The way people go out of their way to blame developers for everything here is astounding at times.

I'm pretty sure one of the developers of the game was in the RL commenting about this saying it was about the physics or something

Look, I'm not BS'ing you. Regardless of which architecture Nintendo chooses for each system, a first party studio knows they're targeting a certain lower end performance spec and makes tradeoffs accordingly. When we built Rocket League, we were targeting PS4 and PC and didn't make those tradeoffs which is why you see things like a transparent "cage" surrounding each map so you can read wall and ceiling bounces, and why each car has a huge particle spewing booster on the back. It's also why our vehicle physics simulation is pretty complex. I don't think we would have made any of those specific choices if we were targeting Switch hardware from the jump, but they do incur a performance cost now. It's come a long way already just to hit 60 FPS on Switch and there's hopefully still some decent headroom to improve now that we've hit our original goal (launch at 60 FPS in 3v3).


Oct 25, 2017
What the hell, youre telling me the switch is a HYBRID?

Mind blown.

Lol, these threads were coming hot and fast earlier this year w the switch launch, glad they've slowed to a trickle.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
This is sort of the impression I get from most Nintendo fans here. Even as much as recognising its relatively weak hardware is met with backlash and called 'anti-Nintendo'. Everyone knows it's a portable, but it's completely fair to compare it to other platforms, especially when third party games are concerned.
Boy, it was surely hard back then when comparing games on the 360 and PS3 to DS and PSP! How did those ever got sold!


Oct 30, 2017
O dont care if fans call it portable console or not. What i care is that it costs 300 and the games are 10 Bucks more expensive. If its weak and no miracles can be made, cut down the price. Till them, i will keep demanding better results.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I just got the system and Mario Kart 8 is the first thing I played. No joke this would look great even on Xbox One X. I think that and a couple other better looking games made people kinda expect the stars, but the reality is that this system is barely stronger than a Wii U, which in turn was basically like an Xbox 360 that released 12 years ago. Games that were created with far more advanced hardware in mind are going to have to be dumbed down terribly. It's not even the textures or the resolution, it's the design philosophy: perhaps whole physics, illumination, pathing or whatever systems have been created knowing that you won't go below Xbox One's hardware, and now you suddenly do have to do exactly that. Either you rebuild the game from the ground up or make heavy compromises. It's still better than what we used to have in previous handhelds: ports that were literally new games and that had barely anything to do with their original games. At least feature-wise and control-wise we're pretty much at parity now, even if the graphics aren't quite there yet it's a huge step forward from the times when you had sidescroller spin-offs from triple-A action games for the GBA.