
Oct 26, 2017
That doesn't compute. You are assuming that third parties aren't pushing PS4/XB1 as much as possible (which makes no sense considering they have frame rate issues at times as well), but are pushing the Switch. As devs get more efficiency out of the x86 conoles, they will also make strides with the Switch. In fact, there's something to say that there's more efficiency to be gained with the Switch since it's the younger system that hasn't been fully taken advantage of yet. If it can run today's and last year's games, then it should theoretically be able to do so with tomorrow's games as well (of course, we don't yet know if it can play all of today's games, we only know DOOM works).

Of course, when PS5 releases, Switch won't keep up in any possible scenario.
But the way the Switch is designed is already causing issues with 3rd party support. For example, the cartridges are already impacting launch parity with other platforms. They are more expensive and are not even big enough to hold the entire game. The cartridge is only able to hold part of the game and the customer has to download the rest. For example, the physical release of NBA 2K18 was delayed because of this.

The lack of power will undoubtedly be a blocker to the Switch's continued 3rd party support. Look at how many units the Wii sold and it still faced issues with 3rd party support. I want for Nintendo get all the third party releases just like Playstation and Xbox do, and that won't happen until Nintendo releases a console that's in the same ballpark hardware wise with the competition. I've been against mid-gen upgrade consoles, but one will be sorely needed for the Switch within the next couple of years.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure this is a thing anyone forgets. No one should be expecting a current gen console game to be ported to a current gen handheld without drawbacks.
Nov 1, 2017
Why the clickbait title for something as uninteresting as "wow did you know the switch was weaker than other current gen consoles"? We all know this.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Compromises have to be made for portability. That's why I'd have prefered if Nintendo had made two seperate systems that share the same library.


Oct 26, 2017
I never had to fight the urge to drive-by shitpost with an "ok" as much as with this thread. Yes, the console is comparatively weak. No, I don't believe we forgot. Many people are still having a lot of fun with the games at hand, and I believe many including me love the portability of it and would gladly take it over another beefy stationary console you can't play in the metro or the plane.

This. The best thing Nintendo ever did is leaving the console power race.

I am absolutely positive they wouldn't be here anymore had they gone down this path


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
You should check the latest Rime threads ;)

Rime isn't so much that it doesn't graphically compare to its counterparts, it's more that it both doesn't compare and still has significant, undeniable, headache-inducing performance issues on top of it. I don't mind devs chopping graphical limbs off their games to get them to run on the Switch, but "run" is a strong term for what Rime does.


Oct 26, 2017
DOOM is better on any other platform and do you really need it portable?

Even though it's been said multiple times here, let me add my big YES -- yes it does! That, and Rocket League too. Those are two perfect games to waste ten minutes of my free time, after lunch or during a pause, both of which often happen outside my home.
Nov 1, 2017
Compromises have to be made for portability. That's why I'd have prefered if Nintendo had made two seperate systems that share the same library.
Your idea is shortsighted. The hybrid nature of the system is what makes it appealing to customers and Nintendo's own data shows that the majority of Switch users go between handheld and the dock freely rather than stick to one mode.

Goose Se7en

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly OP I don't have a problem with the Switch being severely underpowered as a console, relative to its contemporaries. I for one wasn't expecting the Switch to blow away us with its graphically capabilities even against an OG Xbox One.

The qualifier "for a handheld" stands true when describing games such as Doom, LA Noire and I'm sure Wolfenstein II. I got a Switch to play Nintendo exclusives and Nintendo exclusives only.


Nov 1, 2017
That's why I hope for a Switch 2 in relatively few years. Something like PS5 in 2020 (which I don't think will be much pf a jump from Xbox X and Pro) and Switch 2 in November 2022, which will hopefully be a big jump with nVidia.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
I think that's where my opinion differs a lot from a lot of switch owners, because they look at it as a beefed up handheld where as I look at it as a console and don't see anything special about it, since portability means nothing to me


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
But the way the Switch is designed is already causing issues with 3rd party support. For example, the cartridges are already impacting launch parity with other platforms. They are more expensive and are not even big enough to hold the entire game. The cartridge is only able to hold part of the game and the customer has to download the rest. For example, the physical release of NBA 2K18 was delayed because of this.

The lack of power will undoubtedly be a blocker to the Switch's continued 3rd party support. Look at many units the Wii sold and it still faced issues with 3rd party support. I want for Nintendo get all the third party releases just like Playstation and Xbox do, and that won't happen until Nintendo releases a console that's in the same ballpark hardware wise with the competition. I've been against mid-gen upgrade consoles, but one will be sorely needed for the Switch within the next couple of years.
With regards to the cartridges, their prices are massive for 32 gb versions currently, but as cards get ordered more and more, the economy of scale will get the prices down and that should solve some of the issues. Even if that doesn't happen, I feel people aren't going to be bothered by the need to get an SD card: heck, accessories are selling like hotcakes for the Switch, and many on GAF were convinced they were overpriced. It seems to me people don't mind spending money on things like extra memory.

The Switch isn't a Wii in terms of power: it's much closer to XB1 and PS4 than Wii was to PS360. Getting AAA ports on the Switch should be easier (although you will need to sacrifice quite some stuff obviously, as witnessed with the DOOM port). Whether companies are willing to downgrade their games to the level needed to run on Switch will depend on economics more than on specs I think: if AAA turns out to be able to sell well on the system then publishers will put in the extra effort to create a Switch SKU. Of course, this barrier of success is higher for Switch than for a more powerful system, so software needs to sell on it.


Oct 25, 2017
Being able to play those game on handheld is already a huge feat, sadly Sony already said they are not interested in this market anymore so we can only rely on Nintendo.


Oct 30, 2017
Yes, and so ? I didn't buy a switch for it's graphical power. But I'm playing more on switch than on my other systems... It's probably a matter of convenience (just take it in my hands and I'm ready)... and it also seems it's the perfect jrpg machine that I was waiting for... (Well, now jrpg should get out but I'm patient....)


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Yes, the Switch tablet is not as powerful as a PS4 or Xbox One.

I'm sure I'll remember it as well thanks.


Oct 25, 2017
I had the exact same thought while reading the rocket league impressions thread.

Imagine you are a developer who worked his ass off to port doom (or rocket league or any other current gen game) to the switch, which surely wasn't a easy thing to do and then you read the negative reactions...

I ceep my expectations in check. If someone had told me last year I am going to play doom, rocket league, the next mainline mario/zelda/splatoon on a portable device, I would have laught at him but here we are....


Prophet of Truth
Oct 31, 2017
People just need to keep expectations in check. Portability is a big factor for many, and the downgrades should be expected for current gen ports. It's quite amazing what companies have done so far with the hardware. Just don't expect parity with current gen systems


Oct 25, 2017

Thank you for the heads up


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
I got the switch because I no longer wanted to miss first party games. I have a ps4 and a gaming pc to take care of graphically intensive games.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Your idea is shortsighted. The hybrid nature of the system is what makes it appealing to customers and Nintendo's own data shows that the majority of Switch users go between handheld and the dock freely rather than stick to one mode.

I can see why they did what they did. It's just my preferance as portability is a non factor for me.


Nov 6, 2017
I don't have any problems with a lower resolution or less details. My focus is on the "Nindies" and i still hoping, that Unity solve the problems with their engine, because i still waiting for the Yooka-Laylee and Battle Chasers Nightwar ports.
That RiME port give me bad feeling for my wishes but this runs with Unreal 4 Engine.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
What baffles me is people comparing third party to games like Mario kart and odyssey to call devs "lazy" for not fully using the switchs potential

Well no shit the one who made the console can use it better than the rest. Happens everywhere else too. Cool your jets.
Nov 1, 2017
People just need to keep expectations in check. Portability is a big factor for many, and the downgrades should be expected for current gen ports. It's quite amazing what companies have done so far with the hardware. Just don't expect parity with current gen systems
If anyone is expecting parity where a Nintendo system is concerned then they are not very bright.


Oct 27, 2017
I see both sides being represented. The people who think the Switch is able to provide the same experience, and people who realize that it won't but are okay with that. I'm perfectly okay with games being downgraded and ported to the Switch. It is a handheld in my eyes, so it should be treated like a handheld even if it is a hybrid console. There were a lot of comments on the Rocket League thread on Reddit saying different things. One side was saying it looked like a 3DS game, the other side said it looked perfectly fine in handheld mode. I think if they managed to get the game to run and look good enough to discern what is going on in handheld mode at a steady frame rate, then it should be fine. I don't see why people expect it to be a graphical powerhouse, especially since it never was advertised as such.


Oct 26, 2017
I'd venture and say Wolfenstein will end up looking better than Doom, I'm sure there are further optimisations to be made. Games made later in a systems life tend to look better than the earlier ones
I haven't played it but from watching that Digital Foundry video it seemed that Doom was barely making it. In the action packed scenes the FPS dropped to the 20s rather than holding a steady 30 FPS.

And another concern is that I would assume most Switch owners already have another console which will impact Nintendo's ability to sell a lot of 3rd party software. If you have one of the other platforms more than likely you will buy your 3rd party games on the other platforms rather than the Switch. Switch has the advantage of portability but so far Switch's games have not been able to release on the same date as the other platforms because developers have to spend extra time porting it to Switch. Wolfenstein won't be coming out for the console until next year. I would've been tempted to get it on the Switch if it released on the same date, but I decided to play it on PC. The first party Nintendo games are really the only games that will end up being massive hits on the Switch.

I like the Switch, but it's far from a perfect console. I wouldn't be opposed to Nintendo releasing an upgraded version in the next 1-2 years. I would happily buy one if it's in the same ballpark as the other consoles. I think a hardware revision is something that needs to happen so the Switch can remain competitive.


Usage of alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
Rocket League is definitely something to be criticized as an outright bad port.

Look, this is how Rocket League looks, and yet runs at 720p docked on Switch, with framerate jitters at 60.


Then there's FAST RMX, which runs at 1080p docked on Switch, with a locked 60.


Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
I swear some people are never satisfied. Either you accept downgrades (I agree this has to be well done) or you just can't have games that were built with PS4 XboxOne PC in mind on the switch. People refusing sub native res won't be playing anything else than first party games and indies. I mean, it's already fine but this time it's exciting to be able to play some unusual games on Nintendo hardware. I'll gladly take some downgrades as long as the game plays fine.


User Requested Self-Ban
Nov 1, 2017
Why the clickbait title for something as uninteresting as "wow did you know the switch was weaker than other current gen consoles"? We all know this.
Yeah, seems pretty odd for a thread title. The Switch is very capable, but it's still known to all that compromises had to be made both for portability and cartridge medium.

Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
Rocket League is definitely something to be criticized as an outright bad port.

Look, this is how Rocket League looks, and yet runs at 720p docked on Switch, with framerate jitters at 60.


Then there's FAST RMX, which runs at 1080p docked on Switch, with a locked 60.

I'm no tech guy but it seems these
Games are though to compare in every aspects.


Oct 27, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Seems like the Switch in handheld mode can just barely pull off ~720p at low settings for PS4/XBOne/PC multiplats, at least if you have a sufficiently scalable engine and put a decent amount of effort into it, which is about what I expected from it. I think for the first year or two things'll be hit-or-miss for games that were clearly built for PS4/XBOne and had the Switch version added late in development/after release (Nights of Azure 2's combat framerate was so bad I had to stop after only a couple of hours) but eventually devs who have enough interest in the platform will figure it out.


Usage of alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm no tech guy but it seems these
Games are though to compare in every aspects.

That's the closest you can get for a comparison really. Both are fast-paced car games, even if they're mostly different otherwise. The point is that they look very similar, Rocket League doesn't use any especially spectacular effects, and yet there's a massive difference in their resolution and framerate.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
As a multiconsole owner it's good to have impressions that compare Switch directly to the competition. Many people still use Switch as a home console so it's good to know still have the direct comparison, even if it's unfavorable to Switch.

Herb Alpert

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Paris, France
That's the closest you can get for a comparison really. Both are fast-paced car games, even if they're mostly different otherwise. The point is that they look very similar, Rocket League doesn't use any especially spectacular effects, and yet there's a massive difference in their resolution and framerate.
Yeah but their dev history, their engine and its compatibility with the platform, their use of physics, the system they originate from, all of these have nothing in common...


Oct 27, 2017
I think that's where my opinion differs a lot from a lot of switch owners, because they look at it as a beefed up handheld where as I look at it as a console and don't see anything special about it, since portability means nothing to me

I agree completely. The Switch is kind of bulky to be a good handheld. I carry my n3DS XL around the house all the time and it's very comfortable and portable. The few times I have done that with my Switch, it just felt too bulky and I couldn't slip it into my pocket like the n3DS. I don't see anything special about it as either a console or a handheld.
Oct 31, 2017
As a Switch owner I didn't buy it expecting parity with PS4 and Xbox One. I would have liked better hardware, but I'm fine with scaled down ports.


Oct 30, 2017
Personally, I'm not sure anyone's getting the Switch version for best/comparable graphics are they?

Nintendo nailed it with the Switch as having effectively the same type of games as the higher-res twins, but with portability with a minimal drop in graphics (compared to 3DS/WiiU or DS/Wii).

I love the option I have of picking up a game and sacrificing relatively little horsepower-wise to get it portable. If I want a showpiece, I'll choose the Xbox/PS4 version (say, NBA 2K18) but I'm assuming everyone on Switch won't throw too much of a tantrum on a graphics downgrade for portability (Snake Pass, Skyrim, maybe even I am Setsuna)?

I mean...the hell you getting 3rd party games on it for otherwise...

And that's a compliment. NCL made the Switch appealing and unique.
Nov 1, 2017
As a multiconsole owner it's good to have impressions that compare Switch directly to the competition. Many people still use Switch as a home console so it's good to know still have the direct comparison, even if it's unfavorable to Switch.
TV mode only players are actually in the minority according to Nintendo's own data. Most use it as a handheld or a hybrid as Nintendo intended.


Nov 3, 2017
We know it's a tablet/mobile SoC, so the compromises makes sense. The resolution, texture, and/or framerate downgrades are acceptable (or at least makes sense) in this situation but at least keep the framerate locked at least 95% of the time in dock mode

Deleted member 62

Doesn't Rime have terrible performance on literally every platform?

Terrible seems pretty overstated. But the Switch version doesn't seem to run too well, despite several delays and having the technical experts of Tantalus attempting a port. But there's only so much they can do.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, so far Doom has been received favourably, even more than I imagined. So I don't see this misconception flying around.

Rime isn't really a technically demanding game, so that's totally on the devs for not optimizing the original code enough, the game had (albeit minor) problems even on high end PCs, X1 and PS4 for no apparent reason (bar Denuvo).

Rocket League seems to compromise as well, but in a smart way, keeping the framerate to 60 and using dynamic resolution. Seems fine and I don't see any outrage.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
TV mode only players are actually in the minority according to Nintendo's own data. Most use it as a handheld or a hybrid as Nintendo intended.
I'm aware most use it as a hybrid, which means many are using the home console aspect. That makes performance an important thing for people to factor. It personally turned me off from getting Doom since it was so poor compared to PS4. I'm glad people detailed the comparison before I purchased it. I'm sure it will help others determine whether or not they should get Rocket League on Switch.

One shouldn't expect PS4 performance out of the Switch, but we should at least compare them and see how it does. Sometimes it wont be satisfactory for some.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
The following mantra is helpful when "getting worried " about the Switch:
"The Switch IS A PORTABLE", "The Switch IS A PORTABLE","The Switch IS A PORTABLE","The Switch IS A PORTABLE".


Nov 2, 2017
Good points, and honestly, both Doom and Rocket League are great ports- both games are intact and 100% play like their counterparts (with graphical compromise).

But people will always complain. Me, I'm just amazed to get these kind of experiences on a handheld console. For so long, when portable versions of console games were made, we have gotten games with scaled back content, or completely re-worked games that instead use sprites, side scrolling, or overhead points of view instead of getting the console game experience.

If we get full console games, conceding a little graphic detail, 720p, or 30fps (over 60) to get these games fully intact on a portable Switch, with the same content and gameplay, that is awesome in my book.


Oct 26, 2017
I think it has to do with gamers wanting to play the same games. I'm always surprised how much owners of a console basically wants every games on other consoles, when it's not console they already own.
Of course the Switch has not that much to win being a cheap PS4. It needs its own games, taking advantages of its strengths. And i mean even graphically. It's al about the target.