
Oct 31, 2017
This game will live or die on the huge horde zombie mechanics they are building. If tracking and hunting and fighting and running away from them isnt Inherently fun it will be lame with 1 or 100 people...

All that said it looks like the kind of game me and my best friends would love if we could play it together.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't see how a multiplayer component would have really hurt the game. Tomb Raider 2013 technically had multiplayer, and it was ass so no one played it. Didn't really affect review scores or sales negatively. Sheesh, the way some of y'all act toward anything multiplayer. If Saber did it, it wouldn't even have taken away development resources. If TLoU didn't have multiplayer in the original, and they announced it for the sequel, y'all would be cynical as fuck, but people love TLoU multi.
Oct 31, 2017
People's need to have the same basic co-op or deathmatch system in everything is even weirder especially as we see most of those types of people tend to stay on 1 or 2 games for years.

It's not weirder to think a game would benefit of multiplayer, nor do I think that's an honest assessment about what people would like to see, nor do I think there's any way to gauge that they're the same people. I play many games a year and I think some single-player games would benefit greatly. A multiplayer mode in Horizon 2, for example, allowing you to tackle large/legions of enemies with another player in an arena (like some gladiator coliseum), would be great and wouldn't conflict with the main story since it would be a separate feature. They already experimented with multiplayer for the first one but dropped it, but I can easily see a co-op system working in some form for the sequel.

Some people hear multiplayer and they go nuts, and I don't get it. So many games I've played with multiplayer, from Resogun to Bloodborne to Uncharted, have great single-player modes, and the multi-player can be completely avoided if you want. Even Gravity Rush 2 had an interesting idea with the hidden apples and pictures.

Deleted member 24417

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Exactly, the mindset of "leave the multiplayer games to 3rd party devs" is ridiculous considering the games their 1st party studios were able to deliver last gen

Wanting exclusive multiplayer experiences shouldn't be shunned. Also, having all of your 1st party studios create 3rd person cinematic single player games is getting tiring as well.

Absolutely, I'm not into cinematic experiences so much and I vastly prefer what 1st party studios did last gen.
Truth is that players in this gen want single player experiences and Sony delivers them those, we can't really blame Sony if they wanna focus on what's more profitable for their pockets.


Feb 1, 2018
Don't know why Sony is so adamant about not having multiplayer in their games, especially since they now charge for online play. You'd think they'd want to give people an additional reason to pay for it instead of it just being paying for multiplats. Where is Socom, Warhawk, Twisted Metal, or Resistance?


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Don't know why Sony is so adamant about not having multiplayer in their games, especially since they now charge for online play. You'd think they'd want to give people an additional reason to pay for it instead of it just being paying for multiplats. Where is Socom, Warhawk, Twisted Metal, or Resistance?

Because GOW, Horizon and Spiderman are more popular than those games? They want money.

I'm sure TLOU 2 will have a great "zombie" MP experience for those who want it. Why they would force Bend to do something they don't want?


Oct 25, 2017
Don't know why Sony is so adamant about not having multiplayer in their games, especially since they now charge for online play. You'd think they'd want to give people an additional reason to pay for it instead of it just being paying for multiplats. Where is Socom, Warhawk, Twisted Metal, or Resistance?
Ah yes, the critically acclaimed multi million sellers such as... Twisted metal and Socom.

I really do wonder why they haven't made any new games for them. One of the world's biggest mysteries.


Oct 25, 2017
You really shouldn't be sarcastic with facts seeing as Socom has sold multiple millions.
OK then let's be real. Are you actually unsure as to why Sony is not making the games you listed anymore? The studios for most of those games don't even exist to begin with. They've been shut down due to poor sales and critical reception.

What's the point of creating multiplayer games when there's so many third party studios doing it for them? They focus on their strengths, which is single player story driven games. Sure they may have the odd multiplayer game here and there such as Uncharted and TLOU, but what exactly is the point of competing in such an over saturated market?


Oct 25, 2017
About the only think that would have got me to buy Days Gone would be coop. After Spider-man and Red Dead Redemption 2 I've had my fill of open world story driven games for a year or so. Definitely feel it's a missed opportunity with Days Gone.


Oct 27, 2017
Tacked on multiplayer by Saber that will be closed after three months, or not spending that money. I'll go for option b. Give me singleplayer.


Feb 1, 2018
What's the point of creating multiplayer games when there's so many third party studios doing it for them? They focus on their strengths, which is single player story driven games. Sure they may have the odd multiplayer game here and there such as Uncharted and TLOU, but what exactly is the point of competing in such an over saturated market?
Maybe to make it so paying for online multiplayer has some kind of reason instead of them just deciding to charge for something they previously didn't while giving no actual reason why you should pay for it now? Might as well be saying why make Horizon Zero Dawn when Ubisoft already made an open world robot dinosaur game.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
I feel like some people are overthinking this. Most multiplayer components from Sony's first party titles are done in-house. If Bend or Sony wanted MP in the game, they probably would have tried and make it themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe to make it so paying for online multiplayer has some kind of reason instead of them just deciding to charge for something they previously didn't while giving no actual reason why you should pay for it now? Might as well be saying why make Horizon Zero Dawn when Ubisoft already made an open world robot dinosaur game.

Or you can flip it and think of it like they arent only/majority making games that have huge chunks of them gated off because you dont pay for PS+


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe to make it so paying for online multiplayer has some kind of reason instead of them just deciding to charge for something they previously didn't while giving no actual reason why you should pay for it now? Might as well be saying why make Horizon Zero Dawn when Ubisoft already made an open world robot dinosaur game.
Lol if anything Sony is giving a people a reason to not subscribe due to the fact that most of their games are single player.

And yet they still have a shit ton of subscribers to PS Plus. Why exactly do you think that is? You really need to stop overthinking this.


Oct 25, 2017
Look the big fucking problem is that I have approached Sony 90 times and said make Syphon Filter and every time I do it they ignore me. Instead they make this. That is the real issue.
Oct 27, 2017
Look the big fucking problem is that I have approached Sony 90 times and said make Syphon Filter and every time I do it they ignore me. Instead they make this. That is the real issue.
The developers themselves wanted to make this.

Hell they killed the freaking main protagonist off. That's how much they wanted to do something new.


User Requested Ban
Dec 29, 2017
How about a free for all multiplayer mode in which the goal is to lure the most zombies into your corral, while trying to sabotage the other players. The one with the most zombies at the end wins.

slide into my DMs sony, let's finalize this.


Oct 31, 2017
They will regret it!!!


Oct 25, 2017
No multiplayer is a death sentence with a zombie shooter these days. You need to have a streameable component to your game. If youtubers and streamers cant play with/against other people there is no tension. Sony just shot themselves in the foot. The age of Sony is done. Ya'll think I'm playing. Watch this game bomb. You have to listen to what the gamers want. Because that's who you're making the game for. And the gamers have spoken: WE. WANT. MULTIPLAYER.



Oct 27, 2017
Wouldn't have cared for a MP mode at all, but I would be a lot more interested in purchasing the game If it had coop with your buddy Boozer for the 2nd player.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how a MP mode would play in this game. I can already think of some cool modes or scenarios.

I don't understand why so many are adamantly against this or happy said no. I would understand if it would pull resources from Bend, but that would be unlikely with another studio working on it. This may be a purely budgetary reason, with Sony not wanting to pony up extra cash, instead of them holding firm to some single player only goal.


Oct 27, 2017
IF you can make a game like the last of us multiplayer with Zombies that react to sounds while you are trying to kill people on the other team, they have me on day 1.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
hmm, not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, a multiplayer mode could end up being good, but on another, do we really need yet another multiplayer zombie game? At least with Days Gone it can stand out since there aren't really any single-player open world zombie games.

Ah yes, the critically acclaimed multi million sellers such as... Twisted metal and Socom.

I really do wonder why they haven't made any new games for them. One of the world's biggest mysteries.

Socom was a massive hit though...

The PS3 Socom game failed because 1.) Zipper fucked it up and 2.) it released during the PS3 outage.


Oct 25, 2017
Some people's antagonism toward multiplayer is weird.

Some people just remember the dark ages of last gen where every game had to have shoehorned multiplayer modes in them that would die off months after launch if anyone even played it in the first place.

In this situation though, multiplayer is kinda common/expected with zombie games and Saber have a decent enough pedigree so I think Sony should've given them a chance.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Because GOW, Horizon and Spiderman are more popular than those games? They want money.

I'm sure TLOU 2 will have a great "zombie" MP experience for those who want it. Why they would force Bend to do something they don't want?
Are you implying that a GOW, Horizon and Spider-Man with some multiplayer component wouldn't have netted them money? Possibly even more than what they earned as single player games?

And it's not safe to assume the single player quality of those games would've taken a hit if they had multiplayer, just in case you were going to try arguing that.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad Sony said no thanks. Let Sony Bend Studio finish their dream game the way it was intended to be. It's already been delayed so just let these developers finish their game. If they wanted to add multiplayer elements that's cool, but add that stuff later on. PS4 still has multiple huge exclusives to launch so adding some tacked on Multiplayer would make this a late 2020 game.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
I'm not a fan of disjointed multiplayer modes in games made by completely different teams, so this seems like the right choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Because GOW, Horizon and Spiderman are more popular than those games? They want money.

I'm sure TLOU 2 will have a great "zombie" MP experience for those who want it. Why they would force Bend to do something they don't want?
All TLoU2 needs is a continuation of the first games multiplayer without the shit microtransactions and that shit will be hot fire.

Ben Walker

Mar 28, 2018
England, United Kingdom
How can one be "happy" that they didn't choose to add additional value to the game? Like multiplayer components to your games or not, that's a different question, but being "happy" about a game not being a more complete package with the help of an additional dev (and thus at no disadvantage to the campaign component) is a really strange thing to say.

Because forcibly adding multiplayer to a SINGLEPLAYER game is not what the concept of the game intended. Games aren't just made up as they go along - they are completely pre-designed, scripted and features are planned out well in advance. Throwing on multiplayer, especially if it isn't even by the same dev team, is a bad thing to do pre-release. Adding multiplayer to a singleplayer game does not make it a "more complete" game - that's an extremely ridiculous viewpoint.


Oct 27, 2017
Because forcibly adding multiplayer to a SINGLEPLAYER game is not what the concept of the game intended. Games aren't just made up as they go along - they are completely pre-designed, scripted and features are planned out well in advance. Throwing on multiplayer, especially if it isn't even by the same dev team, is a bad thing to do pre-release. Adding multiplayer to a singleplayer game does not make it a "more complete" game - that's an extremely ridiculous viewpoint.
You keep talking as if it would be obvious that the potentially added multiplayer component sucks or would be lower quality. There is nothing that suggests this. If they know that beforehand - of course this would be a bad idea then, that's an obvious statement.

Anyway. We will never know. Days Gone will be a singleplayer only game and that's alright. I would've loved to see a multiplayer component though and if done right it would've helped the game massively.


Nov 2, 2017
It's why zombie films typically deal with groups of survivors. Pairs at the very least. And if you've got a pair of survivors like Days Gone has, the question that does immediately arise is, "Why not let another player control the second survivor?"
Perhaps it's been a while since you've watched the first hour of gameplay? Several story beats on display would be problematic if co-op was introduced.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't see how you can make Days Gone into a multiplayer game without messing with the tone of the story, but then again The Last of Us had online multiplayer so I suppose anything goes if it's profitable.
They kind have very similar kind of zombies and zombie behaviour tbh, as for the tone...I don't really know what kind of tone it's going for even now. Whether it's going for a TLoU tone (which had a multiplayer too mind you despite its cinematic and isolationist tone and it was even well regarded) or something else we'll see.

From a previous part in the video that I timestamped.
Last edited:
Nov 30, 2018
Are people making up their own words?

I don't see anything where Sony said no or refused or rejected

They have a time frame to get a game out and that's all

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
Not every game needs (or can) to be a 90+ Metacritic masterpiece. I think it will land a 75-80 MC score and will sell decently enough to make Sony happy.
obviously and some of my fav games were deemed to be in the 70's by most critics. From what I have played tho it could be missed and picked up during a sale later in the year, other games this early in the year that would deliver a better time imo.

That being said it was only 2 seperate missions of the entire game so It could turn out to be worth it, for now it will stay on the rental list for me.