Oct 25, 2017
Patch Notes said:
Checkpoint system:
  • While playing in campaign mode, you can set a checkpoint in a mission
  • If you are defeated, you can retry from the checkpoint
  • You can set a checkpoint whenever you want, but you can only have one active at a time (the previous gets overwritten)
Difficulty system overhaul:
  • Five difficulty presets, Story, Easy, Medium, Hard (Default) and Custom
  • Hard difficulty is the default, and is the standard rules of the game. It's the only mode where you can obtain S-ranks
  • Medium difficulty is a bit easier and still lets you obtain up to 3 stars
  • Easy limits you at 2 stars
  • Story limits you at 1 star, and is VERY easy
  • You can now add CPU players to online games
  • There's now a message clarifying that you must join a match if you don't have any in progress
  • A number of fixes to Quick Play timers
  • You can no longer suspend Quick Play matches and play other games in the meanwhile, since they're supposed to be realtime
  • Seven maps designed specifically for co-op have been added
  • Fix issue where user's couldn't get into Online multiplayer
  • Fix issue were main menu could not be invoked during opponent's/AI turn

General Quality of Life
  • The effectiveness chart on unit info and recruit screens has been reworked to be far more readable and informative
  • Skipping battles, captures and cutscenes is now much faster
  • Display the S rank requirements on the overview screen for a mission
  • "Exit" has been renamed to "Suspend" to avoid confusion
  • You can now see teams on the Overview screen
  • Fix international text input on Switch
  • Display the Controller Select Applet on Switch less often
  • Add Korean font
  • Resigning will now destroy all units simultaneously instead of one at a time
New options:
  • Add "Movement Speed" option that allow you to set all units to move faster
  • Add "Confirm End Turn" option to avoid accidental end of turn
  • Add "Damage Range" option to display minimum and maximum damage on previews, instead of average damage
Fog of War:
  • Allies now share vision
  • Eliminated players can still see their team vision; eliminated teams become spectators
  • Spectators can view the current team's vision
  • Hide enemy income and funds
  • Don't spawn effects or show building colours inside fog of war
  • Don't show battle and capture animations unless at least one of the units is visible to the current player
  • Fog of War now updates faster
  • Fix "sonar" bug that allowed you to obtain extra information within fog of war
  • Fix allies being able to move units into each other and becoming stuck
Fixes and tweaks:
  • Fix Tenri's groove charge rate to the intended value
  • Change Ryota's groove to allow him to dash through his own units
  • Fix team options; all teams should display correctly in 2v2 matches
  • Fixes for Vines and Crystals acting as Units
  • Fix for 7-2; commanders no longer change team after suspending
  • Fix sound effects in Cutscene editor causing crash
  • Fix Cutscene Attack animations causing crash
  • Fix Empty dialogue event boxes causing crash
  • Layering of actors and props in Cutscene editor should now work as expected
  • Fix crash when entering non-numeric text into Counter events
  • Fix issue with Tutorial 1.3 where user could get stuck when asked to select a barrack
  • Misc language fixes
  • Misc minor fixes
Apr 24, 2018
Nice looking update...stopped playing a while ago after getting to main mission 4-2...will need to get back to this, soon. Thanks for posting details, Muzy!
Oct 25, 2017
This might get me to jump back in. The difficulty ramp was off putting when the battles go 30/45 minutes or more

Gamer @ Heart

Oct 26, 2017
Medium and a checkpoint is exactly what I was looking for.

40 minute battle of attrition thrown away when a commander takes an unfortunate blow is brutal.


Oct 26, 2017
Allow unit move faster?

Yeah this is the #1 requirement for any strategy game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Finally. Held off playing anymore Wargroove until this patch hit. Its not because of the difficulty tho I just hate the little bug with the in-game cursor moving even during battle cutscenes and animations.


Oct 28, 2017
Holy moly that's an awesome update. And so soon after launch! Good on them. I'll probably pick it up now.

Garcia el Gringo

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I appreciate that there was cross-pay day one, but have the devs spoken about cross-progression between Switch and Xbox? Hypothetically, I'm tempted to jump in by double dipping on both platforms when cross-progression is implemented. If cross-progression isn't in the plans, I'll still def buy it on a single platform down the line.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad to see they were so prompt about pushing in the proposed changes to the most glaring issues like the readability of the unit chart, and that they didn't go too overboard in granting stars and ranks to lowered difficulties.

Ryota's Groove change was necessary to make him at all usable, and also intuitively how his power should work from its description, but it does completely (and I mean completely) break his Puzzle Mode maps, which are among the most fun and satisfying to clear in their current state. I see no sign that the puzzle maps will be adjusted around this, so that is the one piece of content that I would recommend experiencing before the patch goes live.

This might get me to jump back in. The difficulty ramp was off putting when the battles go 30/45 minutes or more
But that's a classic strategy game's average length.

My prevailing theory, as I wrote in the OT, is that the feeling of tedious/sluggish pacing in the campaign has very little to do with time elapsed per map (which is totally on par with where a Wars-alike should be and significantly shorter than an average map in Fire Emblem), and everything to do with the macro mechanics and map design. Unit-building is so constricted for most of the campaign that you spend a lot of dead time shuffling a drip-feed of pieces up to the front in a non-interactive way, and checkpoints aren't really going to fix this apart from giving you a safety net for careless CO placement (which, to be fair, is the actual losing condition most of the time anyway). It's not surprising that the best maps in the game are consistently the defence and naval maps that don't fall victim to this end-to-end linearity.

So there is a certain slowness to it all, but it speaks to a structural problem with the game more complicated than "too long" or "too hard", though that will be the sensation it leaves for certain players. Other than that, I do get the sense that many of the gripes about difficulty or pacing are coming from genre shock among players who have never encountered this kind of game before—but to be fair, that's an important audience, and perhaps even the principal audience. I think Wargroove is actually quite a bit better as an intro-to-tactics game than as an Advance Wars nostalgia trip, in the same way that Mario + Rabbids was best suited for neophytes to XCOM and its ilk.


Oct 27, 2017
I beat the game last night, probably should have waited for this patch.

I really didnt enjoy Wargroove as much as I thought I would.

Kunka Kid

Oct 27, 2017
Awesome! I'll buy it now. This is what I was waiting for after reading/hearing impressions of the vanilla release.


Oct 25, 2017
"The effectiveness chart on unit info and recruit screens has been reworked to be far more readable and informative"

been waiting for this


Oct 26, 2017
Fantastic! Already had 20+hrs, but was waiting for this to address a lot of the time-consuming issues before going back in.

Glad they were able to fit in a small buff to Ryota's groove. Not sure if it's enough, but worth a shot.


Oct 30, 2017
The unit effectiveness chart is literally the reason I stopped playing this game for a bit - everything else is fantastic. I'm looking forward to loading it up again tomorrow.


Oct 27, 2017
  • If you are defeated, you can retry from the checkpoint

My god this is great! It is painful having to play through an entire hour+ mission only to lose and start from the beginning.
Oct 25, 2017
So there is a certain slowness to it all, but it speaks to a structural problem with the game more complicated than "too long" or "too hard", though that will be the sensation it leaves for certain players. Other than that, I do get the sense that many of the gripes about difficulty or pacing are coming from genre shock among players who have never encountered this kind of game before—but to be fair, that's an important audience, and perhaps even the principal audience. I think Wargroove is actually quite a bit better as an intro-to-tactics game than as an Advance Wars nostalgia trip, in the same way that Mario + Rabbids was best suited for neophytes to XCOM and its ilk.

I can see what you're saying here, but I didn't mind the ramp with Into the Breach simply because the mess ups were my own doing. I felt like every re-play taught me more about the game and using my units together; I'm yet to feel that with WarGroove, though maybe the readability of the unit chart will help. Everything in that game felt satisfying, or soul crushing, with the way you played it. At times WarGroove just feels like it's unfair (for lack of words) with how the pace of the match goes and then suddenly units are moving in from all over. Even when playing through wars, things felt more like a chess match (closer to ItB) than I get the feeling out of WarGroove.


Oct 25, 2017
Easier difficulty might come too late for people who cared before.
Aside from having a massive backlog, I've been holding off on this because I've heard that the game could be so hard it feels unfair at some points. More difficult options are definitely making this a more attractive buy.
Feb 16, 2018
I'm surprised people are complaining about the difficulty, I'm just about to start act 7 and I think it's provides a good and fair challenge.


Oct 27, 2017
Fuck yeah. Been waiting for this to dive back in. I enjoyed what I played, but was a bit too hardcore for me as is. Can't wait.


Oct 25, 2017
My main complaint has been the length of missions so the checkpoint system will be nice.


Oct 30, 2017
Aside from having a massive backlog, I've been holding off on this because I've heard that the game could be so hard it feels unfair at some points. More difficult options are definitely making this a more attractive buy.

As someone who S-ranked all the campaign from the get go I honestly don't think it is. That being said I do consider myself very well versed in these types of games. From others who I spoke to who felt it was unfair they usually cite the reason as when you first start out the enemy has quite the superior numbers/bases/etc. so it feels like its an uphill battle. And it generally can be for 3-4 turns but the AI ALWAYS employs certain strategies that are easy to take advantage of. Once you do, it turns into a curb stomp in your favor.

1) They will throw the kitchen sink at your commander. They are tougher then you think so don't be afraid to let them get hit.
2) Barring above, they will target wagons almost over anything else. Funny enough the AI in AW series was like this. Even when they are empty
3) If the above two aren't true they will almost always go for an open base they feel they can capture.

Using these 3 rules its very easy to put the AI in a situation where you will have a massive advantage next turn via action economy.

But yes, when all else fails glad to see difficulty options being added where needed.


Oct 27, 2017
Cool...actually dropped this because of the difficulty. Ill knock it down to medium and try again.