
Oct 27, 2017
Gray Vision kinda looks like what would've happened if Ultron was successful in transferring itself into Vision in AoU


Oct 25, 2017
Is white vision different from normal vision in the comics or something?

Also is that Agatha cult scene something we're supposed to know from the comics or is her backstory a mystery?

White vision in the comics have no emotions. He knows right from wrong, but he doesn't emote.
He is a sophisticated robot, but arguably without a human side.


Oct 26, 2017
That was.. amazing.

Me before: MCU can be cool and fun but the formulaic nature means it's just surfing on a surface of one liners.

Me after this episode: Visibly shaken

Alright, yeah, that was easily the worst episode by a country mile. Just exposition dumps and the least exciting of the potential reveals confirmed at every step. Just outright bad, honestly. First real miss the show has had, but damn, what a fucking miss.

The after-credits scene was better than the entire rest of the episode, white Vision is hype.

It was possibly the best episode. At least the one that grounded the entire series in real human emotion. So much character building, so much more meat and substance to the relationships of Wanda's life.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017

It really was just Wanda on her own. Enslaving and torturing the entire town due to her grief?

Agnes is bad...but also good? She seems to be of the same mind as Hayward here. If Wanda is capable of all this (and more, apparently) then she fucking IS dangerous, and WandaVIsion was a villain origin story the entire time.

I DID appreciate all the scene chewing we got from Kathryn Hahn. But I'm going to need some time to process this episode.

I don't buy Agnes being well intentioned here. She has the ability to act like a vampire to other magic users judging by the opening. She's pissed she's using it for goofy and petty means. She wants the power for herself.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe how long it took them to call her "Scarlet Witch".

The White Vision rumors were true after all.


Oct 26, 2017
this episode was amazing

the Vision and Wanda bedroom scene was fantastic and such a rare, quiet moment for the MCU


Oct 25, 2017
Ah shit, so Wanda might be a baddie in Doctor Strange 2. I thought that was a possibility but thought maybe they wouldn't do that since she was already bad once but this episode makes it seem like that's a big possibility.


Nov 8, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
edit: I gotta say, that was a goddamn good episode. Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen *chefs kiss*

And brahs, I'm gonna fight whoever is saying this was a bad episode and just exposition. We got 30 minutes of sadness and trauma.

Don't worry I'm sure there'll be pages of 'nuttin happened' from folks who were edging themselves as they waited for their pet theory to be confirmed then nothing lol


Oct 30, 2017
In the meantime, Monica and Fietro are just hanging out in the backyard lol

I didn't mind the exposition (a bit slow, but necessary if you don't get comic info online) and actually like the fact that this whole bubble was just created by wanda out of grief. Hope the ending still has some trick up its sleeve!

(last scene on a set was weird though)


Oct 28, 2017
It just wasn't handled well, and this is the first time that the show has veered away from its elusive, subtle storytelling techniques to blow it all on an information dump. Again, not exactly laudable. By the way, I'm not #TeamMephisto, so ya missed there.

It's really not. This repetitive exposition has been the hallmark of the Sword side with Darcy and the cop. It's nothing new to this episode at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Is white vision different from normal vision in the comics or something?

Also is that Agatha cult scene something we're supposed to know from the comics or is her backstory a mystery?
White Vision is basically a rebuilt Vision except he's an emotionless robot, because a prominent Marvel writer though robots shouldn't have emotions or some bullshit like that and he also hated the Scarlet Witch/Vision pairing.

Basically, the Agatha cult scene establishes that Agatha is a centuries-old literal Salem witch.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
I don't buy Agnes being well intentioned here. She has the ability to act like a vampire to other magic users judging by the opening. She's pissed she's using it for goofy and petty means. She wants the power for herself.

Thinking about it...I agree with your take.

I still don't know if I'm getting on with how they're handling Wanda, though.


Oct 25, 2017
Literally, I'm ready to throw down lol

That was probably one of the most powerful episodes. It helps sell the Vision/Wanda relationship (which always felt a little bit rushed) and built more sympathy for Wanda as a character.

So you'd rather see "Ooh cool comic reference" rather than actual character development?

Everything that happens here we were either already told about, or we inferred. The solid character work done in a couple of the scenes did not require riding the misery trolley through Wanda's memory in the most inelegant way possible.

Honestly, this episode seems like they wanted to go from point A to B, and could not figure out an elegant way to do it, so they souped up the sads to cover.

I see we've gotten to the point of the mystery show where people are lowkey mad their preferred solution isn't the real one and are conveying their disappointment through wack tradecraft criticism.

Nah this was a legit bad episode.

This all being Wanda is is WONDERFUL. It is better than some of the contrived bullshit people were speculating because some comics did a thing once.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
No one going to talk about Vision being bad at Zilliow? He must have gotten that lot for pocket change


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017

Hours Left

Oct 26, 2017
I liked the episode. Exposition heavy, but it was worth it for the Wanda & Visions scenes. I swear, if they make Wanda kill Vision again, that would be extra cruel.

Though I bet what happens is Hex Vision's "soul" gets put into White Vision's body at the end. (And I was right that Hex Vision was the part of Vision that was within Wanda the whole time.)

Also, the whole "we've put him back together hundreds of times" reference proves that Hayward did manipulate Wanda into breaking down. He knew showing her Vision all chopped up like that would push her over the edge. No whether this is something he devised on his own, or had help, is another story.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I thought their explanation about Quicksilver was deeply unsatisfying. Hoping they rectify that in the last episode (but they probably won't). I don't need "MULTIVERSE", but just something more than "oh yeah, he was a fake".


Oct 25, 2017
I thought their explanation about Quicksilver was deeply unsatisfying. Hoping they rectify that in the last episode (but they probably won't). I don't need "MULTIVERSE", but just something more than "oh yeah, he was a fake".
Honestly find it really dumb if they teased the multiverse twice just for both times to be a fake out. More so when you bring an X-Men from another franchise. It being fake is so much less interesting.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
It's really not. This repetitive exposition has been the hallmark of the Sword side with Darcy and the cop. It's nothing new to this episode at all.
Darcy's entire character - both here and in the Thor films - was to be the comedic relief that dropped exposition. It's still a tad clunky, but at least it felt organic when she was doing it. Literally stopping after every flashback to go "okay, so, your parents died, your brother died, and then Vision died" is just unnecessary. You just showed us a five minute flashback, we don't need Agatha to walk over and summarize what just happened in it.

Shit, folks in this thread were praising last week's reveal because they handled the exposition dump in a funny way with a silly song rather than a laborious monologue, now we're all in support of the laborious monologue?

Criticism of a thing you like isn't blind hatred, y'all. We've spent the last seven weeks hyping up this show, and now one episode doesn't hit the spot for everyone and we're dropping ad-hominem shade? Let's not get "Star Wars thread" up in here.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
That was an awesome episode. I legit don't understand people.

We got a deep dive into Wanda's trauma, and each scene was really emotional and heartfelt. Elizabeth Olson has been killing it with Wanda, and I'm never going to view her scenes in AoU, CW, IW and Endgame the same again.

These are the types of things that we'd love to have gotten since her debut into the MCU, but, naturally, there's only so much you can fit into an ensemble film.

Wanda's story is sad and tragic, and the show still isn't framing her as a bad guy, just someone suffering from severe trauma and grief she has never really processed and worked through. This show is awesome, and while I never disliked Wanda or Vision in the earlier films, this show has most certainly made me love them even more.

That post credits was awesome, and I can't wait for next week.

Also, we were bound to get an exposition episode, and the penultimate one is a good place to put it, so the final 40 minutes can focus on resolution of this particular conflict (while setting up future conflict, of course). The way in which the exposition was handled was fine as well, and done in a way that not only kept the tone, but had really touching emotional beats.

Anyone who has suffered through loss, especially a tragic and unexpected loss, can understand how Wanda could go to such a dark place.

Also, Hayward is such a dick.

One more episode! I am so stoked!


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I thought their explanation about Quicksilver was deeply unsatisfying. Hoping they rectify that in the last episode (but they probably won't). I don't need "MULTIVERSE", but just something more than "oh yeah, he was a fake".
I think the point is she didn't care that much to be accurate and plus she said herself illusions are hard


Oct 30, 2017
Any chance by the end of it Agatha will become Wanda's tutor like in the comics or has that ship sailed?

Honestly, to me the first scene where she tells "teach me!" to the other witches, and they ignore her, sounds like could be good seeding for Wanda asking Agatha the same thing, and Agatha actually accepting. They'll fight, no doubt, but I hope that's the outcome.


Oct 27, 2017
So it's all a bit on the nose but I still realllly liked the episode. Felt really juicy. Love that we're going into magic territory instead of science mutant dna.

Like yes everyone predicted this and had eight weeks and SOURCE MATERIAL to base their predictions on but I dunno... I can still appreciate Wanda's story. That's what this was always all about.

This angry disappointment happens with EVERY episodic mystery suspense cliffhanger show... except Lost I guess which I haven't seen because I know how batshit crazy they go.

Also this was one of Marvel's first TV shows. Leading the audience off the trail of the plot is an art. They'll get a hang of eventually. But I dunno, I said it in this thread before, some of y'all were getting way to crazy with your theories haha. But that's all part of the fun I guess.

Anyway this was the first episode I felt compelled to watch again immediately.


Oct 27, 2017
Niigata, Japan
I'm confused... So Westview, NJ really does exist? Or is that a SWORD fabrication? And why would SWORD know that Wanda was capable of altering reality or "bringing Vision back online" in the first place?


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
So... Wanda never had his body? And it looks like she unknowingly created the TV show but went along with it?


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
Agatha seemed unsatisfied with the explanation of "the mind stone boosted her latent powers", but then after the final flashback she seemed like she had that question answered? I hope we'll get a little more on this, because that wasn't cleanly resolved at all.

The last episode needs to be feature length to tie all this shit up. I fear it's either going to be very rushed, or we're going to have to wait for Doctor Strange 2.


Oct 26, 2019
I see we've gotten to the point of the mystery show where people are lowkey mad their preferred solution isn't the real one and are conveying their disappointment through wack tradecraft criticism.
Yep. Hate to say it but the "critiques" all really boil down to the show not ticking some sort of "comic book" quota. It's not some deal with the devil or even Agatha scheming it's a woman's grief after she constantly keeps losing the people closest to her.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
My guess Wanda was born with a little magical talent, the stone blew it up.

Which is just like the comics, if Wanda had been born anywhere else she would have been a generic energy throwing mutate, but because she was born next to the home of an elder demon god she got juiced.


Oct 25, 2017
Darcy's entire character - both here and in the Thor films - was to be the comedic relief that dropped exposition. It's still a tad clunky, but at least it felt organic when she was doing it. Literally stopping after every flashback to go "okay, so, your parents died, your brother died, and then Vision died" is just unnecessary. You just showed us a five minute flashback, we don't need Agatha to walk over and summarize what just happened.

Shit, folks in this thread were praising last week's reveal because they handled the exposition dump in a funny way with a silly song rather than a laborious monologue, now we're all in support of the laborious monologue?

We didn't *needed it*, but it was powerful character moments, imo.
It wasn't an utilitarian exposition to show you what happened (like I joked before the episode it would be Agatha explaining things on a monologue), I can't explain in terms other than I am still shaking, ever since that bomb dropped and her loving family doing their best in a horrible civil war got wiped out instantly, that's powerful, I'm sorry you didn't feel it, the bomb scene and she getting to a deserted lot where she was supposed to spend the rest of her life with her loved one? That's a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked the episode a lot. This is by far the best job they've done developing the actual relationship between Wanda and Vision. The scene on the bed in the Avengers facility is the most they've ever felt like two people who care about each other.

Yup, that was great. That was the kind of scene we needed in Civil War. Overall I love how they're fleshing Wanda out.

Also, the credits theme playing when she got her powers was fucking wonderful. Great piece of music and I hope they bring it back for her appearances in the upcoming movies. In my mind that's THE Scarlet Witch theme.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused... So Westview, NJ really does exist? Or is that a SWORD fabrication? And why would SWORD know that Wanda was capable of altering reality or "bringing Vision back online" in the first place?

Westview always existed, it was just that the cops were brainwashed to think it didn't despite there being a sign right next to them


Oct 26, 2017
This kind of deep dive and spae for reflection is exactly what superhero productions mostly miss out on. I guess the people complaining here have been conditioned by CBM to expect all scenes to move the plot forward, but that's a bad thing, it's bad filmmaking, and stopping up to breathe is a good thing.

Making time to give characters space to talk to each other.

Yes, we know the PLOT referred to in these flashbacks for the most part. But we haven't seen the toll it takes, or the connections formed, or the characters speak about it.

Seeing Wanda with her family is VALUABLE. Seeing her and Vision confront the loss of her brother is VALUABLE. There's value in getting to know characters and how they cope and how they connect.

This is the kind of episode that firmly establishes the show as weighty, meaty and a great work of television.


Oct 28, 2017
Powerful episode with some really great scenes. I think the show really needed an ep just to follow Wanda around, to show what she's been through and to really dwell on her grief. It's great that she basically has 40 minutes of just solid character-work and now we finally have a full background of the show to segue into the last episode finale.