Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Cool. Because threatening to kill people, even in jest, is really an articulate response to the problems the nation faces.

It's an entirely plausible scenario if things get bad enough.

This growing inequality is unsustainable and will only get worse, especially with automation looming over the horizon. Don't make me get my man Foffy in here to explain the perils of automation in a "live to work" society. I mean the only time it was worse in our country's history was in the 1920s... and we saw how that turned out.

The last thing we need to deal with is an economic crisis spurred by automation and the inevitable climate crisis at the same time, which is looking more likely by the second.

You think things can't ever get that bad, but they absolutely can. And when they do, things can very well deteriorate into violence.


Dec 26, 2018
It's an entirely plausible scenario if things get bad enough.

This growing inequality is unsustainable and will only get worse, especially with automation looming over the horizon. Don't make me get my man Foffy in here to explain the perils of automation in a "live to work" society. I mean the only time it was worse in our country's history was in the 1920s... and we saw how that turned out.

The last thing we need to deal with is an economic crisis spurred by automation and the inevitable climate crisis at the same time, which is looking more likely by the second.

You think things can't ever get that bad, but they absolutely can. And when they do, things can very well deteriorate into violence.

They have access to private armies, the military and police forces. That's why nobody is doing that right now, they know it's pointless and suicidal.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
oh no she's going to make me pay taxes that are proportional to what the other 99% of America pays. we need to stop her.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
These cretins do understand that public opinion of the wealthy is at an all-time low, right?
So what? People had a negative view of the wealthy in 2016 and still elected Trump. The rich have been masters of duping poor Americans into voting against their best interests over and over again. What makes you think 2020 will be different?
Oct 27, 2017
There's just too many options on this menu and they all have the same bland taste of a soulless husk on a bed of crisp cash How do I pick what to eat?

Can I get some salsa to dip them in at least?


Oct 25, 2017
These cretins do understand that public opinion of the wealthy is at an all-time low, right?
I don't think they care about the good graces of the people, this statement was made to promote fear. It's more of a "Give us what we want or we will ensure Trump wins" rather than a "Please follow our lead!" kind of move.

Imagine being such a shitheel you'd call yourself a Democrat but threaten to help Trump win over someone who wants to take back a tiny portion of your ill-gotten gains.

Gyro Zeppeli

Oct 27, 2017
So what? People had a negative view of the wealthy in 2016 and still elected Trump. The rich have been masters of duping poor Americans into voting against their best interests over and over again. What makes you think 2020 will be different?

The trajectory is a slow one, but it's one that is moving in a downward slope towards distrust. Trump fooled them into thinking he was on their side, but after Trump is no longer president, I think the Republicans will have a much harder time selling a presidential candidate, seeing as the whole lot of them are bought & sold.


Oct 27, 2017
She's going to hurt me so bad! How will I afford the second-shift kitchen staff for my 100 ft yacht? Oh, wait, I'll just have Jeeves grab some "migrant workers" like we usually do.


Oct 27, 2017
Given that Warren is my number 2 : Thankyou

Shocking... oh wait no it's exactly the same as 2016:

Wall Street donors seek to block Warren VP pick
If Clinton chooses the Massachusetts senator as her running mate, donations will dry up, fundraisers warn.

By Ben White


The funny part is that the extent to which she actually took on the big Banks was minuscule, which just goes to show what a world they live in.

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
The trajectory is a slow one, but it's one that is moving in a downward slope towards distrust. Trump fooled them into thinking he was on their side, but after Trump is no longer president, I think the Republicans will have a much harder time selling a presidential candidate, seeing as the whole lot of them are bought & sold.
Hey I hope you're right. I really do. I don't have any faith in the American public to vote intelligently though and their goldfish memory will ensure they will quickly forget all of this and vote Republican again soon anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused, do they not know that saying that just makes Warren that much more appealing??
They definitely know and hate that fact, but it doesn't stop them from wanting to talk about it. The only thing stopping them from a early comfortable retirement is their need to feel important, and ranting to reporters makes them feel important.

This seems especially true of wealthy Democrats, who are far less ideologically motivated than wealthy Republicans. What they get from politics isn't the satisfaction of helping the poor, but satisfaction of democrat politicians pretending to be their friends and begging them for money.


Oct 25, 2017
At that point, you may as well call it a civil war. There are more of the public than any hired bodies they can find as security.
At this point the weapons they have access too totally trump having lots of people on your side.

The best way at this point to overthrow the rich/govt is to get the armies they have access to on your side. Not sure you can if we're talking mercenaries though which is what the rich would have access to.


Oct 27, 2017
Make the rich irrelevant. Grow food with your neighbors, help each other eat and thrive without money as much as possible. Develop community housing projects, childcare cooperatives, medical clinics, collectively run cafeterias with sliding scale menus, etc. Undermine capitalism while supporting our wellbeing and collective liberation. Build community relationships, power, and resilience. Communities that can survive climate change, fascism, and capitalism.
Oct 27, 2017
Who the rich hate, you should love because they've spent the last 40 years stealing the working and middle classes' wealth, power, and equity in this country. The rich, regardless of perceived political leanings, have always been the true enemies of the people. That will never change. We must be vigilant against them.

Divide and conquer has always been their go to tactic. They are using it on everyone super effectively at the moment.
Oct 27, 2017
They have access to private armies, the military and police forces. That's why nobody is doing that right now, they know it's pointless and suicidal.
What they really hold over the masses is the idea that they are untouchable. That facade, like many other of the illusions they disseminate, can and may very well in the near future vanish in an instant.


Dec 26, 2018
What they really hold over the masses is the idea that they are untouchable. That facade, like many other of the illusions they disseminate, can and may very well in the near future vanish in an instant.

Something like that the poor and middle class would bear the brunt, and a new elite would emerge that would be worse than what we currently have. Instead of wealthy people we'd have warlords, it cuts out the middle man. Not everyone is going to get out of that by rising in their station, quite the opposite. If you're talking about global warming. But then, if the masses are reliant on that to change things the wealthy won this fight already.


Oct 25, 2017
I just keep fantasizing about the ramifications of warren and more generally Democrats winning in an absolute blue tsunami without any real support from wall st fucks and I think I've given myself the vapors


Nov 7, 2017
well if they want to support Dems, it makes sense that they wouldn't want to support Warren (a republican)
You can be reasonably critical of Warren, for being briefly affiliated with the Republican Party from 1991-96 and for her questionable support of laissez-faire capitalism, but there's no need to be so silly.