
Oct 28, 2017
Retweets means agreement, James. Echoing them with no comment means that you want to share it for other people to see.

The question is, why did you share these posts for other people to see? You have made a political statement by being on an alt-right website to begin with, now it's time to explain why you are not willing to watch the NFL anymore by echoing a post that says the same thing with the background consisting of players kneeling against racial injustice and police brutality.

Sharing a post like this in an alt-right website has obvious racist vibes that cannot be handwaved away. It's not about being political or not, it's about speaking up about what you really think on this matter.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
James, if you're reading this, many of us here grew up on the work you did, whether be on Saturday morning cartoons, video games (your performance as Tidus was a big highlight of mine's for Final Fantasy X), animated weekday afternoon action shows, etc. It didn't matter about one's ethnicity, religion, affiliation, etc., your prolific work and performances transcended those boundaries. You left a strong legacy. But sadly, the act of being on such social media platforms associated with hate and hurt has ruined that legacy for several, maybe for good.

Is this really the legacy you really want to leave? Is this what you want to be remembered as, many of whom grew up on your work? If what Mark says is true that you are indeed a better person rather than what your posts on Parler and Rumble paint you as, I challenge you to show it from here on out in-person, on the web, and in private (deleting (not privatizing) those accounts on Parler and Rumble first is a big step forward). Consider this an act of God to test if you are truly a good-hearted person what Mark says you are and not the hurt-hearted person your accounts says otherwise. Being religious and supporting views of hurt, disinformation, and hate are entirely separate from one another.
I couldn't have said it any better myself.


Oct 25, 2017
Not a great look either way. The alternative to looking like a right winger with bad opinions is looking dumb as rocks about what the internet is.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
He keeps reiterating that he didn't write the posts, but not that he disagrees with them. It's pretty transparent. I'm so fucking disappointed.

Ryo Hazuki

Oct 25, 2017
Dude literally goes through the effort of registering for notorious hate speech websites whilst simultaneously sharing hateful content that he still hasn't denounced. It's 100% transparent that he knew exactly what he was doing and is now playing dumb because he's scared of his career going down the drain.


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
So, instead of saying the Parler account isn't his... he's agreeing that it is, in fact, his own account. Instead he's saying that he didn't echo the things that it says he echoed?
Oct 29, 2017
Dude literally goes through the effort of registering for notorious hate speech websites whilst simultaneously sharing hateful content that he still hasn't denounced. It's 100% transparent that he knew exactly what he was doing and is now playing dumb because he's scared of his career going down the drain.

It's pathetic, honestly.

Bad enough that he's pushing this bullshit, but we only know about it because he's too stupid to cover his tracks. Who the hell does he think he's fooling?


Oct 28, 2017
So let me get this strait because finding this thread is confusing and I'm too lazy to go through it all:

This guy has a Parler account and has been "re-tweeting" conspiracy stuff over the span of time, but he says he wasn't "re-tweeting" these things? Or am I missing something else?
Sep 14, 2019
Why are some people on Twitter saying this is a misunderstanding?

The fact that he has a Parler account pretty much says it all, but how can him sharing those posts be a misunderstand?


Feb 4, 2020
So let me get this strait because finding this thread is confusing and I'm too lazy to go through it all:

This guy has a Parler account and has been "re-tweeting" conspiracy stuff over the span of time, but he says he wasn't "re-tweeting" these things? Or am I missing something else?

More like he seems to be implying that because the "Echoed" tweets weren't actually written by him (because of course they weren't), he's exonerated. Which makes no sense whatsoever.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't he just post on Twitter then that he doesn't believe any of these things? Like say the opposite explicitly.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Why are some people on Twitter saying this is a misunderstanding?

The fact that he has a Parler account pretty much says it all, but how can him sharing those posts be a misunderstand?
I mean, a lot of them are probably proudly "anti-SJW." One of them is massively defending Quinton Flynn.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, at least Ewan McGregor isn't too terrible. I'm sorry, but if you were on Parler in the first place you were someone cozy with white supremacists. It's a platform that only caters to the far-right.


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
Yall he is not trying to clear his name, this is an attempt to muddy the facts and throw enough doubt unto what went down to try to make Insomniac double guess what would other wise be an easy call to fire him


Oct 27, 2017
Dude can't back pedal any harder or make any worse excuses. I'm guessing Insomniac won't act, sadly. They pretty much swept their last little issue under the rug completely.


Oct 28, 2017
This is such an odd way to handle this even if he really, really, pink promise doesn't hold these views.
Oct 27, 2017
How hard it is to say "I don't have an account there" if you never had a reason to be there?



If you want to write an open letter, write it to his business partners. That kind of pressure and boycott actually works, if that's what you want to see happen. But they're already working with others anyway, they may be on parler themselves. As may your boss, or head of your favorite pop-culture IP.

Has anyone created an "Are they on parler" twitter bot to process name lookups?


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
if this was just a a bad series of fuckups, then the fix should be easy, no?

Just plainly denounce the posts being linked to you, and call it a day... 🤷‍♂️

But that really aint the case here, it seems


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
The benefit of doubt required to not be left with a bad impression of this guy, following the evidence of what he's done and his flimsy denial of it, is immense.